As The World Burns

If you watch and listen to the video she in no way condones the killing of Mr. Floyd. He was a career criminal imprisoned multiple times. Toxicology showed he had methamphetamine and Fentanyl in his system. He resisted arrest. Did he deserve to die, no. He was being arrested for passing counterfeit money. He put himself in the position to be arrested. Bad things happen when people (including the police) do bad things. ALL lives matter.

Perhaps PP readers were turned off by your source..." What does that say about those who were "turned off?" ADL has a long history of support for civil rights in this country. I'll admit to believing that support for civil rights is a good thing. Their positions relative to Israel are a different story. But regardless, read the article before you criticize it.

I find Doug's above appeal to the authority of the ADL as some sort of neutral moral arbiter with a storied history of civil rights support to provide an objective description of ANTiFA to be risable if not a completely predictable view of someone that gets their propaganda news feed from the Washinton Post and New York times.

This benign view of the ADL is belied by their actual history as a politically active group that aggressively and often criminally advances Jewish special interests including the reactionary Likudnik Zionist Israeli government agendas.

Furthermore they do so more often than not at the expense of the disenfranchised who's civil rights they supposedly champion. For example Martin Luther King whom they spied on and shared information with the FBI as part of systematic illegal surveillance of Americans as elucidated here:

There is also a far more serious aspect to the situation. The choice of the ADL as the primary ideological overseer of America’s Internet may seem natural and appropriate to politically-ignorant Americans, a category that unfortunately includes the technology executives leading the companies involved. But this reflects the remarkable cowardice and dishonesty of the American media from which all these individuals derive their knowledge of our world. The true recent history of the ADL is a remarkably sordid and disreputable tale.

In January 1993, the San Francisco Police Department reported that it had recently raided the Northern California headquarters of the ADL based upon information provided by the FBI. The SFPD discovered that the organization had been keepingintelligence files on more than 600 civic organizations and 10,000 individuals, overwhelmingly of a liberal orientation, with the SFPD inspector estimating that 75% of the material had been illegally obtained, much of it by secret payments to police officials. This was merely the tip of the iceberg in what clearly amounted to the largest domestic spying operation by any private organization in American history, and according to some sources, ADL agents across the country had targeted over 1,000 political, religious, labor, and civil rights organizations, with the New York headquarters of the ADL maintaining active dossiers on more than a million Americans.

Not long afterward, an ACLU official who had previously held a high-ranking position with the ADL revealed in an interview that his organization had been the actual source of the highly controversial 1960s surveillance on Martin Luther King, Jr., which it had then provided to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. For many years Hoover had been furiously denounced in the national media headlines for his use of tapes and other secret information on King’s activities, but when a local San Francisco newspaper revealed that an ADL spying operation had actually been the source of all that sordid material, the bombshell revelation was totally ignored in the national media and only reported by fringe organizations, so that today almost no Americans are aware of that fact.

I am not aware of any other private organization in American history that has been involved in even a sliver of such illegal domestic espionage activity, which appears to have been directed against almost all groups and prominent individuals—Left, Right, and Center—suspected of being insufficiently aligned with Jewish and Israeli interests. Some of the illegal material found in ADL possession even raised dark suspicions that it had played a role in domestic terrorist attacks and political assassinations directed against foreign leaders. I am no legal expert, but given the massive scale of such illegal ADL activities, I wonder whether a plausible case might have been made to prosecute the entire organization under RICO statutes and sentence all of its leaders to long prison terms.

Instead, the resulting government charges were quickly settled with merely a trivial fine and a legal slap on the wrist, demonstrating the near-total impunity provided by massive Jewish political power in modern American society.

In effect, the ADL seems to have long operated as our country’s privatized secret political police, monitoring and enforcing its ideological doctrines on behalf of Jewish groups much as the Stasi did for the Communist rulers of East Germany. Given such a long history of criminal activity, allowing the ADL to extend its oversight to our largest Social Media platforms amounts to appointing the Mafia to supervise the FBI and the NSA, or taking a very large step towards implementing George Orwell’s ” Ministry of Truth” on behalf of Jewish interests.

I would submit that their friendly review and downplaying of ANTIFA makes much more sense if you are able to step outside the propaganda bubble of their media reinforced reputation as the "good guys" and view it in the aforementioned context.

The ADL is more than just a lawfare. spying and propaganda arm of special interests. As it turns out they are an integral player in the militarization of American police forces by promoting, facilitating and in some Sates and jurisdictions actively managing the notorious Israeli police training exchange programs where we have our police train in the brutal occupation force policing techniques such as the currently 'en vogue; Kneeling on Neck restraint!

The militarization of American law enforcement has been in a sense institutionalized through programs set up by the federal government and the states to train with Israeli police, a mentoring relationship established by Michael Chertoff when he was Secretary of Homeland Security. Joint training programs run in Israel are being used to indoctrinate American police forces and are difficult to comprehend as related to normal policing as the Israelis are clueless when it comes to conducting investigations or protecting all of their country’s citizens. Israel’s cops are at the forefront of state violence against Palestinians as well as serving as protectors of rampaging heavily armed settlers who destroy Arab livelihoods so they can steal their land. The Israeli police are also quite good at using the “Palestinian chair” for torture when they are notshooting Arab teenagers in the back. They also invented skunk water, a disgusting smelling chemical spray initially used against Arab demonstrators, and were the first major police force to regularly employ so-called rubber bullets, which can kill or maim.

In fact, there have been suggestions that certain American policemen might well be picking up some unanticipated pointers from the Israelis. Georgia has been experiencing a surge in officer involved shootings, nearly half of the victims beingunarmed or shot from behind. As this has unfolded, the state continues to pursue a “police exchange” program with Israel run through Georgia State University.

The police “exchange programs” began twenty-seven years ago in 1992 and are paid for through grants from the U.S. Department of Justice as well as from the state and local governments. Reportedly “law enforcement from [a number of] U.S. states have participated in the program, including those from Tennessee, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.” In some states and local jurisdictions, the Israel exchange program is managed by the Anti-Defamation League, which also sponsors propagandistic seminars on Israeli “counter-terrorism” practices throughout the U.S.

...A favorite technique used by the Israeli police to subdue an Arab is the very knee on neck used by Derek Chauvin that killed George Floyd. Minnesota has been actively involved in training its police with the Israelis, to include participation by over 100 officers in a 2012 conference in Minneapolis hosted by Israel’s Chicago consulate. There, they learned the “restraint procedures” employed by Israelis. The conference was jointly hosted by the FBI, the facilities were provided by the city, and the meeting itself was funded by the federal government and the state.

While it is not known if Chauvin actually underwent the specific training, the Israeli techniques have made their way into the city’s police manual, which has been, not surprisingly, removed from online. An archived copy of the relevant section on how to control someone who is resisting arrest does still exist however and can be viewed atthis site. It includes “Minneapolis Police Department Use of Force Policy: 5-311, Use of Neck Restraints: Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person’s neck with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck).” There are admittedly some caveats on the use of the technique, but it is generally approved for use in subduing someone who is resisting arrest, which may plausibly have been the case with Floyd.

Something to think about the next time you're tempted to tout the civil rights record and reputation of the ADL


I can’t find any fallacies in her argument. She urges the black community to put their best people forward as examples for their youth To follow…like Koby Bryant. There are so many amazing Blacks…why not honor them? Like the 77 year old black cop David Dorn who was murdered trying to defend someone and their property. He served all his life to benefit others. He is a martyr. Floyd was a career criminal who robbed and put a gun to the belly of a pregnant black woman…FACT. He served multiple sentences in prison…FACT. Was he murdered? YES…Should his life be an example for black youth to follow? I agree with Candice.

are irreconcilable. On this site and in my private life the gulf between red and blue, black and white, urban and rural has grown to a volume that precludes reconciliation. Whatever fills the gap will have to be supernaturally powerful, or it won’t be filled.
This site is about solutions. My solution was to move to low density pop. farm country decades ago.

Continuing from the Unz Review article posted by MemeMonkey above:

The worrisome incompetence of ADL researchers becomes particularly alarming when we consider that over the last couple of years that organization has been elevated into a content gatekeeping role at America’s largest Internet companies, helping to determine what may or may not be said on the most important Social Media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
Was this group behind the elimination from YouTube of Dr Roger Seheult's MedCram lectures that mention hydroxychloroquine while leaving all his other daily lectures in on COVID-19 place?   [caption id="attachment_568517" align="alignnone" width="300"] Brittan Heller, director of technology and society for the Anti-Defamation League, poses for a photograph in downtown Palo Alto, Calif., on Monday, August 27, 2018. (Nhat V. Meyer/Bay Area News Group)[/caption]
My local paper [writes Ron Unz] is the San Jose Mercury News and a couple of weeks ago it published a major profile interview with Brittan Heller, the ADL Director tasked with policing “hate speech” across the America-dominated portions of the Internet. She seemed like a perfectly pleasant young woman in her mid-thirties, a Stanford English major and a graduate of Yale Law, now living in Silicon Valley with her husband and her two cats, Luna and Stella. She emphasizes her own experience as a victim of cyber-harassment from a fellow college student whose romantic overtures she rejected and the later expertise she had gained as a Nazi-hunter for the U.S. government. But does that resume really provide her with the god-like knowledge suitable for overriding our traditional First Amendment rights and determining which views and which individuals should be allowed access to some two billion readers worldwide?
I have the impression that our society is being destroyed and the narrative is being shaped in what appears to be a conscious plan. Is the narrative shaping coordination centered in the ADL? Out of the chaos of the protests, now comes a moment of coherence and the slogan "Defund the police." This seems to be both a remarkably short sighted act, and, to reflect organizational clarity and clear direction, from what we are to believe is a disorganized, spontaneously arising mob.

The animals are roused up to overthrow the farmer’s oppression on the basis of

fairness, justice and compassion.
Then control is moved from the collective, back into the hands of a few smart pigs, by skillful public opinion manipulation.

It was pure bs.
He was murdered for passing a counterfeit $20.
Blacks get stopped by cops for being black.
He was murdered plain and simple. Being high is not a justification for murder.
By her and your logic high, career criminals should be executed. Okay welcome to Amerika.

@Mohammed Mast, the point to realize is that the MSM turns a cop crime into a race war, while ignoring the actual statistics that show black-on-any including black-on-black crime is higher than white-on-black crime, etc etc, ignoring the actual issue of cops-on-civilian crime and pretending there is extreme systemic racism like we’re still in the 50s or 60s.
@mememonkey, and others, thank you for setting the record straight; the ADL is a criminal organization acting like the imaginary Nazis they so despise, and they actually have been from the beginning in 1913 when they defended a child rapist and murderer just because he was a Jew.

I respectfully disagree with you. Those unable or unwilling to see the truth are blinded by their prejudices, hatred, and political agenda’s. Your “logic” is based on false premises. Had Mr. Floyd not broken the law he would not have been arrested. There would have been no “murder”. Racial divide in our country is being pushed by the political anarchists and media to further their political agenda’s, with the “media” the mouthpiece for the divide.
I continue to read where Mr. Floyd was “murdered”. By definition murder is “the pre-meditated killing of one human by another” In this instance there was NO premeditation. Mr. Floyd put himself in the position to be arrested. The false narrative being sold to the American people is to further racial divide for a political agenda. Whether one is a believer or not, in perilous times it would behoove all to read the New Testament. There are answers to many of the complex problems we all face today. The cure for the many of the problems we are faced with today may be found in one word: LOVE

Sparky, I have slept on it and I will try to be less aggressive in my approach… I often fail at this but I will try once again. I don’t mean to belabor this, but there is a very specific point that I want to get across, and it relates to what I said about Tulsi Gabbard, and your response to it;

Tulsi Gabbard (oops, politics! Is this against the PP rules and guidelines?)
I invoked the case of Tulsi Gabbard in an attempt to show the currupt deep state in action. To explain once again, my premise is that most of the left, and some of the right in this country, along with the mass media, are captured by a power structure that hides from us but supports not us, but a Globalist, Deep State agenda, the goal of which is the destruction of the constitutional US as we know it. I would think that a naive viewer of the situation would at least be left wondering why Tulsi was accused, absurdly, of being an agent of Russia? Why would Clinton smear Tulsi Gabbard, just as she was starting to gain traction in the polls? Why would you take a woman Dem candidate with military experience and call her a Russian asset? Did this strike anyone else as absurd? It is not absurd if you understand how the deep state works. What is obvious is that Tulsi Gabbard is not captured.. she is her own person.. and was her own candidate, appealing directly to the people and not to the underlying power structure. She had not been compromised and was not about to be. She had to go. Tulsi Gabbard could have been just as dangerous to the deep state as Donald Trump... maybe even more so.. so she had to go. I am not advocating for one politics over another here.. I am advocating to free American politics from the corrupt and deceitful influence of the deep state... the same CIA/five eyes deep state that tried to kneecap Donald Trump. I can't talk about the deep state without invoking the names of politicians. I am not here to convince anyone to believe in the historical tenets of the democrats or the republicans. I absolutely am here to try to convince folks that we are lied to constantly by the mass media, HCQ being only the latest clear example, and that they need to question everything. I don't expect that arguing this case will provoke moderation here at

Could you clarify and be a little more specific?
I don’t see your point

Jim, I feel your assessment of Tulsi Gabbard is spot on. Man. Bright, articulate, seemingly capable of reason. Many take the “Russian Asset” smear lightly. I think nothing could be further from the truth. She scared them right out of the gate and they nipped it early.

Your definition of murder is woefully inaccurate.
The following may help you understand the concept. It may also help you understand the concept of malice. Chauvin knelt on Floyd’s neck for 8;45 several minutes of which he was motionless. In your universe that qualifies as what? I suggest you study a little history and a lot of sociology. Racism is real and alive and well in Amerika.
The elements of common law murder are:

  1. unlawful
  2. killing
  3. through criminal act or omission
  4. of a human
  5. by another human
  6. with malice aforethought.[11]
  • Unlawful – This distinguishes murder from killings that are done within the boundaries of law, such as capital punishment, justified self-defense, or the killing of enemy combatants by lawful combatants as well as causing collateral damage to non-combatants during a war.[12]
  • Killing – At common law life ended with cardiopulmonary arrest[11] – the total and irreversible cessation of blood circulation and respiration.[11] With advances in medical technology courts have adopted irreversible cessation of all brain function as marking the end of life.[11]
  • Сriminal act or omission – Killing can be committed by an act or an omission.[13]
  • Of a human – This element presents the issue of when life begins. At common law, a fetus was not a human being.[14] Life began when the fetus passed through the vagina and took its first breath.[11]
  • By another human – In early common law, suicide was considered murder.[11] The requirement that the person killed be someone other than the perpetrator excluded suicide from the definition of murder.
  • With malice aforethought – Originally malice aforethought carried its everyday meaning – a deliberate and premeditated (prior intent) killing of another motivated by ill will. Murder necessarily required that an appreciable time pass between the formation and execution of the intent to kill. The courts broadened the scope of murder by eliminating the requirement of actual premeditation and deliberation as well as true malice. All that was required for malice aforethought to exist is that the perpetrator act with one of the four states of mind that constitutes "malice".
The four states of mind recognized as constituting "malice" are:[15]
  1. Intent to kill,
  2. Intent to inflict grievous bodily harm short of death,
  3. Reckless indifference to an unjustifiably high risk to human life (sometimes described as an "abandoned and malignant heart"), or
  4. Intent to commit a dangerous felony (the "felony murder" doctrine).

Even though I can’t stomach the interviewers, I watched both. I find Cornell authentic and inspiring. At one point in the first linked interview he spoke about our culture being so, “money driven, everybody for sale, everything for sale”. Indeed this is true and these points resonate almost perfectly with Eisenstein’s theme of separation, and how money and our system of monetizing literally everything only drives us further into a fundamentally unnatural separation, as opposed to a more natural co-dependency and realization of our shared consciousness.
Our money system is at the root of so much of our dysfunction.

@Mohammed Mast
The point is that they (the MSM/Deep State/DNC/Soros/globalist agenda) want you to believe racism is THE problem in America, when the problem/challenge we face is them and their mind-control programs broadcasted/printed via the corporate legacy media that promotes harmful false narratives, in this case the false narrative that there is systemic racism that hasn’t been resolved (yet had been considered resolved for decades) and that that’s why the psychopathic cop killed Floyd – because he’s a racist and not because he’s a criminal cop high on “power” over other people, enabled by a lack of oversight promoted by the same statist kakistocrats that promote and protect those hierarchies that incentivize the attraction of amoral (or blackmailed) people to such positions of perceived “power”.
Whether this was a staged event or not isn’t the crux of the issue, because the MSM is lying regardless in order to promote their radical neomarxist agenda of division – whatever it takes to prevent Trump/decency from winning again.
The ‘enemy’ isn’t white people, or men, or the heterosexual or cisgendered “patriarchy” (i.e. the majority group once you divide society into “minorities” as part of pathetic “identity politics” agendas). In truth, the ‘enemy’ isn’t even the Deep State globalist technocrat controllers, for as soon as you accept a dualistic definition of “us vs. them” of any kind, you’re already falling into their dualistic trap. They don’t actually really have any power beyond that which each one of us is constantly giving them by assigning definitions/beliefs in regards to their apparent abilities. For most souls incarnated on this planet at this time it’s ultimately about realizing that it’s really all about YOU, and what vibration YOU choose to be in and irradiate, the resonance of which is what determines what parallel reality you will shift to within yourself which will contain those elements and people whose vibrational resonance is commensurate to yours. We’re each living in subjective reality tunnels with overlapping objective reality elements generated by our higher selves in the 5th density. Don’t get too “trapped” in (i.e. emotionally attached to) 3rd density dramas.
In regards to human potential and our awakening abilities, I highly recommend you watch this: [Jay Campbell & Laura Eisenhower LIVE: Psychological Operations & False Flags]

Actions have consequences. If Mr. Floyd had not broken the law there would have been no arrest, and no death. The actions of those in law enforcement involved in this situation will affect their lives and the lives of their families potentially for generations. All loss of life is tragic, including Mr. Floyd’s. Acts of hate and malice further hatred and division. Those protesting, rioting, burning, looting, killing, are acting out of hate. Imagine what good could be done if those same thousands of people focused there intentions and actions on doing something positive and unifying. They have allowed themselves to be pawns of a political agenda. Truly sad.

A song by Phil Ochs. I don’t think many can dispute the truth of this song, but if there are they will be found here I am sure. lol

I am sure very few here know who Harry Edwards is. He initiated the " Olympic Project for Human Rights" He was a professor at San Jose St. He was a great athlete who gave that up to pursue academics.
The Tommy Smith and John Carlos Black Power Salute was inspired by his work.
He researched the subject of Black Athletes and young Black men aspiring to be Kobe Bryant, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and other highly visible Black athletes. The data (we just love data) showed that young Black men had a statistically better chance of being an astronaut than an NBA star. "Edwards told Time magazine that he “wants to serve as a role model—the promising athlete who gave up the possibility of a career in professional sports to become a scholar instead.”[4] “We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open,” he said. “The chances of your becoming a Jerry Rice or a Magic Johnson are so slim as to be negligible. Black kids must learn to distribute their energies in a way that’s going to make them productive, contributing citizens in an increasingly high-technology society.”
So using Kobe Bryant in that video was gratuitous and completely erroneous. That video ignores the battle just to survive in this country for Blacks.
I would love to she her bio. It looked completely staged.
I am out of this discussion , carry on

MM… You say “Racism is real and alive and well in Amerika.“ I don’t doubt that. But after showing that by all standards this was murder, you insert racism as intent …without any proof.
I would like to know if Chauvin was a psychopathic, power obsessed cop who treated all suspected criminals (white, black, Hispanic) in the same manner. He had almost one complaint per year. The complaint records were not available on my search. Were his victims all Black? Predominantly Black? Where they all Male? Or Mostly Female?
Before jumping to the conclusion that this was race motivated…It would be good to have some background. Some proof. We probably all agree that he is deranged. Does anyone have proof of racist motivations? They burned cities on the assumption that he is racist… what if he is mentally ill?
If this turns out to be a sick individual without clear racist intent, It changes the narrative used to brand all police departments as inherently racist. Increased screening of all officers is necessary no matter what…but the race card should be removed.