As The World Burns

tbp you really hit on something. Where did racism come from? In the North it may have been fear of the black race as something very different from your everyday experience. In the South it may have been from long lasting resentment of the loss of the civil war and the so called “Restoration” disaster. In the North hasn’t that gone away with the integration of blacks into everyday life and on the media? In the South racism has been fading with old memories. So with the George Floyd killing was this really overt racism or a result of a cop with an authority complex who has had previous physical incidents with suspects, white or black? We really won’t know until a trial. I’m as frustrated as everyone else that after Freddy Gray and the choking death in New York, after all these years, this is still happening. What will it take to stop it?
But in the cold light of logic we should be waiting until we get more information that results from a trial.

Treating the #GeorgeFloyd event as a high likelihood PsyOp / False Flag. Done with it.

The symptoms commonly described have been observed long before this pandemic occurred, so you may want to investigate further and make sure your symptoms are not due to some other possibly serious underlying cause. The collection of symptoms referred to as “limited scleroderma” in medical literature comes to mind. I am not a medical professional and do not make diagnoses or suggest treatments. If it were me, I would seek the opinion of an MD or other medical professional. All the best. PB

While I agree with much of this post and share many of the sentiments expressed in it, I question whether the capuchin monkey experiment is showing that the the one getting fed the (nutritionally inferior imho) cucumber slices is demonstrating a knowledge of fairness. It could just as easily be trying to tell the lab worker that it prefers grapes. Perhaps the monkey understands that the grapes contain fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients in much greater amounts than found in cucumbers. Animals are very smart and I am open to the possibility that some - especially primates - understand complex concepts such as justice. I just don’t see that this experiment rises to the level of proof. I’m not qualified to design a study, but how about running a similar experiment run with just one monkey; giving the monkey a grape at first then switching to cucumber slices?

Interesting and true. She does make some good points. But, it seems she obviously sees the wrong doing by authorities here. But, leaves some responsibility, culpability by floyd because he was not “perfect” so, he does not deserve the attention… I am not one who thinks doing drugs is ok, but it does not deserve this kind of treatment - so she makes its obvious this is not ok. But please dont praise the greatness of floyd. Odd… the point is even if criminal , this is not what one deserves… AND obviously she thinks that whites and other races wont protest if someone of their race had the same treatment. And they likely wont. The reason is not the victim, its the reference frame, the black people are more likely and able to see themselves as the victim ( an average white person will not. Even if a criminal got killed unjustly, they do not identify with that person ) The truth is nearly half the prisoners are black while only 13% of population. They are george floyd. she gets it sort of. But good for her she wants to be white. and feel white. But, the fact remains, that blacks are 2x as likely to be killed in police custody compared to non-blacks… So its an issue… But in the end floyd was a bad dude , and though justice should not have been handed this way, is probably rather just , seeing the ahole he was. I guess its hard to support this scum… basically, its almost like saying sorry floyd , i dont care that you got screwed because you are a bad dude… you deserve different treatment than me. ( so its weird… because i get it, but two wrongs dont make a right )

I wonder how all those brown people in Yemen are faring? Aloha, Steve

@Mohammed Mast & @nordicjack,
First watch this: [Black Lives Matter & Hypocrisy (by @harbirnain on Instagram)] (a 4-minute summary)
Then read this and watch the Candace Owens video if you haven’t already: Candace Owens: George Floyd was a violent criminal felon, and racially-motivated police brutality against blacks is a fabricated media myth
She is absolutely correct, he was no hero, and the elevation of Floyd to hero status is purely another mind-control tactic, where they use the worst elements in the Black community to create further Black priviledge (Leftist actual racism) – SEE FOR YOURSELF: Black privilege reigns supreme in the USA, but it’s the progressive Left that demeans blacks more than anyone else –

(Natural News) The way we know that black lives matter more than white lives in America is because when a cop kills a black man, the whole world riots. But when a cop kills a white man, it doesn’t even make the evening news. In this article, I reveal how the progressive Left pushes “black privilege” in a demeaning, condescending way that is an insult to black people everywhere. I also expose the rank hypocrisy of the progressive Left and how its own thought leaders are the ones who treat black people like low-IQ, sub-human animals who they consider to be incapable of functioning in civil society in a reasoned, intelligent way. [...]Black privilege is now so prominent across America that Black Lives Matter groups are free to carry out riots, arson, looting and even assault on innocent civilians without being stopped or arrested by police. When black groups march toward a police precinct, the police evacuate and surrender the entire building to be burned down by rioters. In the rare circumstances when black protesters are arrested, the political leaders of the city universally set them free the next day, without any charges, even if they carried out acts of extreme property damage and theft. By comparison, no white-inspired protest group would ever be allowed to burn down buildings, loot retailers to their heart’s delight and take over police precinct buildings. These privileges are only reserved for Black Lives Matter. White-looking conservative groups would be immediately labeled terrorists and condemned as “racist” by the media, which would emphasize their irresponsible looting and property damage behaviors, instead of celebrating them like we see with black-inspired groups. [...]Black privilege is also evident in academia and finance. As a mechanism that claims to help make up for centuries of oppression, when black people apply for loans or grant money, they get extra special consideration because of the color of their skin — black privilege. When they apply for college admissions, they get extra points for black privilege, even while Asian-Americans are punished by those same colleges and universities for being too academically gifted. (Yes, nearly all the universities in America routinely discriminate against Asians, assigning “Asian penalty points” to their college admission scores.) [...]Even the attitude that black people can only speak through violence is wildly insulting, as if the progressive Left believes modern blacks are some sort of sub-human animals who can only grunt and thrash their way across an urban landscape rather than engage in meaningful, rational conversations about the structure of society. The very idea that blacks must be allowed to “communicate” through arson and looting is demeaning and anti-humanitarian, yet it encapsulates the ideology of the progressive Left which treats blacks as sub-human animals who must be “allowed to riot” because that’s the only way they know to communicate. The very idea is insulting beyond belief. Yet it now dominates the cultural landscape. How many times have we now heard that we must “let them riot” because that’s their “speech?” The message being broadcast to the rest of society, according to the bigoted Left, is that they think black people have not even attained the degree of domestication necessary to participate in a modern society founded upon the rule of law. Black groups, say the progressives, are exempt from the rule of law because they are incapable of the level of rational thought necessary to even operate in the realm of civility. Can you think of a more racist, demeaning insult to human beings?
At the same time they've been running Monarch/MK-ULTRA trauma-based mind-control psyops on the Black community for DECADES, promoting rap music culture (which glamorizes gangsterism, drugs, prostitution, mistreatment of women, even poverty), incentivized fatherless homes with welfare benefits, introduced crack into Black neighborhoods on purpose, pushed "affirmative action" racism instead of meritocracy to make people wonder if their Black doctor is there by merit or because of the color of his skin ("reverse racism")....... They also continue pushing this narrative while other people are dying from the riots -- what about them huh? The only thing that matters to the narrative is that a black man was killed by a white cop and they have it on video to use as a weapon against you (I'm assuming you're an American). If you buy into the race-baiting and the underlying victimhood mentality, the re-separation of Americans into black and white camps, you've been played for a fool. What is the larger agenda, within which they weaponize their NPCs (not just Black NPCs)? Watch this: [Riots & Lockdown - 4th Generation Warfare]

There’s an Actual Playbook for Everything Happening Right Now and the US Wrote It. But Who Is Using It Against Us?

Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual 2010

Real injustice and fury must pre-exist in the population. The goal of this unconventional warfare strategy is to channel this outrage into organized guerrilla action aimed at destroying the "host nation" (HN). The outrage is systematically nurtured using "useful idiots" (celebrities, opinion leaders) that guide the population into military action and overt violence. Key outrages must be committed and widely televised.      

I really cannot see how America will avoid internal armed conflict, as the Cultural Marxists continue to exploit their chance to enslave all of us. After all, these scum have been getting ready for this for the last 40 years, and have now firmly established their propaganda and misinformation and corrupt values and vile philosophy in the “minds” of so many.
They have waited for our youth to be thoroughly infected with their bile, and for their political power to grow in their controlled cities, as their most potent enemies have aged, and have effectively been silenced, by shielding their own “meat puppets” from contrary thought.
Now is the time for them to strike!..and they know it. Especially, as doing so will effectively blunt any administration of Justice upon its political operatives. Any charges by this current Administration, against any of their agents, will only “prove” to its radical base…the virtue of a Marxist Revolution.
I suggest it is not a matter of being RED, rather than DEAD. But, a matter of the RED being DEAD.
Get out, or, get ready.

You said,

Any charges by this current Administration, against any of their agents, will only “prove” to its radical base…the virtue of a Marxist Revolution.
This is true to an extent.. but activation of the insurrection act remains in the quiver. The country is watching how the Seattle "Capital Hill Free Zone" thing plays out.. I think that a strong majority of the country is recoiling at the insanity playing out right now an would support the president if it comes that using the military. I am guessing though that there are anti-terrorist operations going on now that we are not hearing about. To your point though, I did reacquaint myself with my State's open carry laws last night.

I couldn’t agree with you more. It is sobering to think that an American would have to flee their country. I will be ready and willing to stay and work and I see plenty of work ahead.
There are a vast number of “useful idiots” and I am sure that there are plans to enlist more. I don’t underestimate their clout. Just look at the things happening now. I am not so sure that, if push comes to shove, Trump will have the political strength to make the Insurrection Act stick.

I have some questions about George Floyd
1 Did he plant a garden?
2 Did he have a portfolio/retirement acct?
3 Did he own gold?
4 Was he armed?
5 Where did he get the Fentanyl? (it is a prescription drug)
6 Did he work with the officer who murdered him?
7 What level of schooling did he get?
8 Did he have health insurance and was he being treated for his numerous ailments?
9 Did he own his own home?
10 Who shot the video of his murder and what happened to that person?

It appears Floyd and Chauvin had a history. Perhaps Chauvin saw a chance to get Floyd.

Replying to Mohammed Mast at #231 (again, #236 the first response):

WASHINGTON (AP) — Personal information of police officers in departments nationwide is being leaked online amid tense interactions at demonstrations across the U.S. over the police custody death of George Floyd and others, according to an unclassified intelligence document from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, obtained by The Associated Press.

The document warns that the effort, known as “doxxing,” could lead to attacks by “violent opportunists or domestic violent extremists” or could prevent law enforcement officials from carrying out their duties.

Multiple high-ranking police officials in a number of cities, including Washington, Atlanta, Boston and New York have had their personal information shared on social media, including their home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers, the report warns.

“At least one of the police commissioners was targeted for his alleged support of the use of tear gas to disperse protests,” it says.

Police officials nationwide have spoken out lately saying they feel caught in the middle of trying to stop violent protests, and feel abandoned by lawmakers in the demand for police reform. Some have said they fear for their lives.

From the CBS article: “What happened there has sparked demands for a new law enforcement model.” The “new law enforcement model” should be, that the third time you go to prison it is a mandatory and minimum 20 years + a day. George Floyd should not have been on the streets.

There is more to the story. The trial will provide a lot of info. on Chauvin. He knew Floyd.
Chauvin would love to get to serve 20+ a day. If he gets any jail time he will be toast. A cop in prison for killing a black guy? I would rather be the proverbial snowball in hell

Sorry tbp!

"LOL Thank you for your attempt to label this place on the left-right axis. It's always fun to see someone try. However, your technique needs refinement. 1/10 on the effectiveness scale. This place relies heavily on facts and persuasion. Best of luck elsewhere." ~Chris Martenson, 6/7/20 (Source)

People make mistakes, we all make mistakes. Tragic that Mr. Floyd paid for his mistake with his life. Mr. Chauvin also made a mistake, he, his friends, and his family will pay dearly for his mistake. Meanwhile the rioting, robbery, burning, and killing continue. Those unwilling to accept God’s Word do a disservice to themselves, to other’s, and to our nation. The fires of racism are being fanned to further a political agenda. The riots and protesting serve no one. Furthering hatred is morally reprehensible. It is true that we reap what we sow.

@Mohammed Mast, Yes, there are indeed some pretty big anomalies, to the point of maybe even being a “High Strangeness” event, but whether it was totally real or a false flag in this case doesn’t really change the outcome, i.e. how the MSM is using it as a weapon to attempt to regain full power.

@Sparky1 "Sorry tbp!"
Not sure what you mean...