As The World Burns

Yeah we definitely need a new law enforcement model. We now have private prisons, with the economic incentive to keep them full. Hat tip to Charley Munger. We incarcerate non violent drug offenders. We have turned prisons into corporate sweatshops where inmates earn maybe .20 an hour while corporations make huge profits. Sounds a lot like Chinese prison labor to me,
Add to this the US already incarcerates more people than any other country including China and Russia. I certainly would feel safer if a lot more people were locked up and had longer sentences. Mandatory minimums and asset forfeiture are just great ideas but need to go further.
The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world, at 754 per 100,000 (as of 2009). … That means roughly 1 in every 32 adult Americans are under some sort of criminal justice system control.

And please realize this is just my interpretation… because I would never want to put words in Sparky’s mouth. But from where I sit, Sparky doesn’t like some aspect of what you said TBP, and he can’t help himself from jumping into his role as junior moderator in training to throw the guidelines against you to try to inhibit such speech in the future.
edit: Just to be clear… I often don’t like what people say around here… but when that happens, rather than trying to inhibit speech by invoking rules, I argue an opposing view. I would much rather see Sparky, or anyone for that matter, make their rational arguments.

^That doesn’t clarify much (but thanks)… Exposing the globalist control system and its enslavement agenda may be shocking to people, but that’s what we’re here for really. It’s time to wake up - now or never. I’m a voluntaryist BTW, not a right- or left-winger in case that’s what’s being perceived…

@Ision I really cannot see how America will avoid internal armed conflict, as the Cultural Marxists continue to exploit their chance to enslave all of us. After all, these scum have been getting ready for this for the last 40 years, and have now firmly established their propaganda and misinformation and corrupt values and vile philosophy in the “minds” of so many.
I think it might well not be as bad as many are thinking... Always keep in mind that most of what is happening does not (can't) reach your perception. The information itself skews our perspective, when actually the possible scenarios are endless... Even the "good" side can get rattled and lose big-picture perspective, as Styx explains: Things Aren't As Bad As You Think: Stop Guzzling Left Wing Propaganda - "You get fed fear-propaganda near nonstop by tabloid legacy media firms and even by independent creators. Calm your jets."