As The World Burns

After reading you post, I watched it again last night. Really good movie. I see the parallels.

The article posted below discusses an issue that has really been puzzling me.
Why is the media (as well as other organizations) marginalizing HCQ with zinc - when: 1) there is strong anecdotal evidence that it works very well when administered early and, 2) no double blind tests have been run which might confirm its effectiveness?
Chris and Adam have discussed this issue in podcasts. The whole thing is a mystery to me. The use of HCQ with zinc has been successful in China, India, Costa Rica and other places. It has been used safely for decades in treating other conditions. But now it is being declared dangerous and tests of the drug have been halted in the West.
What is going on here?
Is this marginalization of HCQ grounded in the profit motive of pushing a patentable new drug? Have Western institutions become that corrupt? Is it sheer incompetence? Has the state of society in the West really dropped to such a level of pure ineptitude?
I don’t know what to make of it.
Long ago, in the 1960’s I was strongly attached to the counterculture. I was very critical of what we then called “the Establishment.” But, even then, I did not believe that the “news” was rigged. I knew people who alleged that the media was rigged, but I did not believe it myself.
Now, at almost 70 years of age, I have come to the conclusion that the news is most definitely rigged. It is simply beyond dispute as far as I am concerned. But even now - after a long lifetime of seeing one institutional verity after another destroyed - I have a hard time coming to terms with what is going on right now.
Hundreds of thousands of people are dying. But, even so much as, the testing of HCQ with zinc is being deliberately (or through pure incompetence) marginalized.
If this is so, and it is, then it seems that Western culture is rotten to the core.
What other conclusion could I come to?

An oxymoron really. At so many levels. Sometimes humans and nature don’t mix so well. We think we’re something more but often prove we’re something less. I can’t hear that phrase without thinking about it’s curious cousin- “faith.” Is faith human nature or something greater? Is it an inevitable tool to deal with human nature or even manipulate it? Not all “faiths” but many carry so many oxymorons themselves - accept even ignore the limitations and profound unfairness of this “physical world” and focus on the afterlife vs let’s care for the collective good, the immediate physical reality and the truly unfortunate. In so many ways this site is an exploration of the many faces of faith. Like many of us, Chris and Adam have a profound “faith” in human beings. The success of their message and this site is a testament to that. Yet in so many ways they demonstrate how blind faith in so many things and so many institutions can lead to nothing but self destruction. Chris uses religious terminology all the time calling out the hypocrisies of one “high priest” or another. As Chris laments, these protests, this anger, even the senseless destruction are far more than just another police killing. As the structural collapse accelerates, human nature will dictate much of what we see won’t it? The protected and privileged will take desperate, naked, and even, ultimately, self destructive action. But so will the rest of human nature and the problem is, that’s the collective mass - a big ball that once it gets rolling will be hard to stop and maybe worse, hard to direct. So, as expected, the politician and the newscaster criticize and condemn the “pointless” and “self destructive” actions of the young. It’s desperate, it’s naked, and yes it’s self destructive. But do they realize or do they simply ignore the fact that the two worlds are “desperately” intertwined and any attempt at moral judgement on one side while ignoring the cause in the other only makes it worse - much much worse

That the scary thing is, that a significant portion of the ““science”” is rigged.

What was not mentioned is that it is worse than getting a cucumber shoved down our throats – it is being shoved up our backsides. In the case of most Americans this is quite easy since they have their heads in the sand and consequently their backsides easily accessible, that is, up in the air.

A flare gun. Lots of cruisers don’t want the hassle of declaring weapons everytime they enter a port. So they have lots of flare guns on board.

what specifically is the point of your post?
BTW, Welcome to

Chris of CityPrepping posted this video today in light of the recent protests and other events, “Why Martial Law is About to Happen”. (5/31/20)
Chris provides a non-partisan analysis of current events and how they may lead to Martial Law in the US, whether or not formally declared. At about the 11-minute mark in this brief video, he provides several tips on how to maintain you and your loved ones’ safety and security if things “spiral out of control.”

An 1863 Springfield, 3 Band, rifle…the weapon issued to most Union infantry…has the same accuracy as a 30.06 Springfield rifle, made in 1942…at a 100 yards. A trained rifleman could load and fire this weapon 3 times a minute. However, they could not AIM the rifle very well, they just pointed it in the general direction of the enemy formation, as after the first two or three rounds…you couldn’t SEE the enemy due to the smoke of from hundreds of rifles around them.
Most battles were fought in a smoke fog, which prevented men from seeing the enemy, but also, from seeing their fellow soldiers only a few feet away. After the first few volleys, one just loaded and fired as fast as one could, sticking the ram rod into the ground in front of them, or holding it in their left hand, as they shot, until they were ordered to stop firing. One could see two or three soldiers in the ranks around one, but the smoke prevented men from knowing how badly their Regiment had suffered, until the smoke cleared…or they marched out of it.
One could not even tell if the rifle they were shooting was actually firing or not in the passion of the battle. Hundreds of rifles were found which had been loaded and loaded, even though its nipple was clogged and the rifle would not fire when the percussion cap was fired. Eventually, the soldier found he could not fit another round into the weapon, realized what he had done…and tossed the useless rifle to the ground…so he could snatch up another one from a nearby fallen man.
If you have a black powder .44 Remington pistol, all you need are a large supply of tiny percussion caps. One can always make black powder, and melt lead, or zinc. Heck, I even used the right sized pebbles and fired the thing. Cleaned them with just soap and water and greased them with Crisco.

I don't view it that way at all. I see a clear 4th option, and one that I've been using for as long as I remember: 1) Accept reality: life, law, and human interpersonal experience will always be unfair, especially in our modern agnostic civilization (an in any democracy as people loot the treasury!). Full stop. This is a feature, not a bug, of any society that is both multicultural and not explicitly moralistic. That's us. Get used to it. It will outlast you. 2) Never bang on the table at said unfairness. That's like the stupid monkey in the video! Rather, treat any human-generated events just like any natural phenomena, say like the rain. Sure mother nature is not fair. But it is often predictable! So, never curse at the rain, it's a waste of time. Rather, watch the weather and curse at yourself if you forget to wear a raincoat. I've prospered during many unfair situations against me, and plan to continue doing so.
I see where you are coming from but the world never got better from people sitting back and accepting their lot in life. Society only advances for the better from people identifying inequity and injustice and seeing that there is a better way. And then putting their own safety and lives on the line to make it happen.

What you are missing is Bill Gates. Watch the James Corbett videos I posted. Things will become crystal clear

Anarchy does not mean out of control, it means out of THEIR control. So I have to take issue with your statement about “civil society” and anarchy.
The following might serve as a working definition and a starting point for investigation
Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. It radically calls for the abolition of the state which it holds to be undesirable, unnecessary and harmful. … Revolutionary tactics aim to bring down authority and state, and have taken a violent turn in the past.”
Using this definition King George would have considered Jefferson etal to be anarchists.
I happen to be an anarchist and reject the state’s authority to do things like ; make HCQ illegal, punish doctors for prescribing such, killing people in custody, a president murdering his own citizens, the government telling people they can’t go to church (, the government spying on its own citizens, the government forcing people to be vaccinated, etc. etc. etc. I would propose to you that this particular US government bears little resemblance to the government in 1789. The Federal code alone takes up over 22 ft. of shelf space. Add the assorted federal regulations and tax code and you will find a vastly different situation in regards to personal liberty. This scenario has not even gotten to state and local laws and regulations. There are people in jail today who would not have been in jail less than 100 years ago for victimless crimes. Every law and regulation only limits individual liberty.
I would suggest that people are civil because they are civil, and not because some law forces them to do so. I am assuming you don’t go out and steal and murder because it is against the law. I assume you do that because you have a well oiled moral or ethical compass. I am an anarchist and I am probably the most peaceful person in my neighborhood.
In light of Howard Zinn’s “People’s History” and the news I would suggest society at large is not nor has it been civil.

I have read that wasp sprays are effective in lieu of pepper sprays. Advantage of wasp sprays: long range - 20ft+

The murder of George Floyd has certainty unleashed the madness of crowds and ignited the smoldering frustrations and pent up rage of racial, economic and social tensions in this time of plague and cascading systems failures.
I can’t help but reflect on the tragic, yet perfectly ironic symbolism that his crime and punishment represents.
Accused of Counterfeiting a $20 bill the full weight of the “law” Is brought to bear on his neck with swift and summary judgment and Execution of sentence.
Meanwhile at the Eccles building, fresh off another trillion dollar counterfeiting print session, the Banksters are no doubt gauging the ‘confidence‘ of the “”markets”” prior to open and weighing the appropriate level of asset purchases with those freshly counterfeited dollars that will be adequate to mollify worried investors as the US literally burns.
A counterfeiting and theft operation orders of magnitude greater with countless victims. An Ongoing racket lasting decades with no arrests, trials or justice, or summary executions for that matter.
As the various underclasses riot and loot Inner city stores making off with sneakers and other cheap shit manufactured off shore, our corporate overlords (who off-shored those manufacturing jobs) the Wall Street Banksters, Special Interests and political insiders continue to loot the treasury stealing directly from the people in what is perhaps their soon to be last frantic feeding frenzy at the trough of freshly counterfeited money.
This doesn’t end well. In a just world it would end with a knee to the neck of the Fed, choking it to death on the sidewalk of America’s Mainstreet.
I don’t think we’ll be that fortunate. I think we’'ll get a digital Fed coin instead, Administered by the technofascists currently managing correct think in our “Social” media feeds and disinformation matrix. the digital dollar is currently bouncing around committee waiting for the right ‘crisis’ timing to be shepherded into law by the high integrity brain trust of Pelosi, Water’s et al. on behalf of their owners.
The riots to date are just a foreshadowing of what is coming.
Keep in mind these rioters are well fed and in the case of the tragically hip and woke SJW brigades playing revolutionary, well heeled.
Imagine the mood and action when the currency collapses, the food supply lines break, the stimulus stops and the welfare checks bounce. When people are newly homeless and truly hungry.
I think we we will get to experience first hand what it like to be under the boot of the military division of empire, an experience insouciant Americans are more comfortable exporting.
Welcome to Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Hondura’s etc
Don’t forgot to show your Vaccination papers before getting In the food line!
Prepare accordingly

...This is important for all of us to be aware of, not just the people attending these protests. Any time we are told a protester threw this or rioters set fire that, we must take this information with a very large grain of salt, because we usually won’t be able to know it wasn’t an undercover cop acting as an agent provocateur to shape a narrative and justify more use of force to disperse the crowd. The idiot with the umbrella did it in a very ham-fisted and obvious way, and we can expect other police infiltrators to be more clever about it as well. This is not to say none of the anger we’ve seen exhibited at these protests is real and grassroots; people have a lot to be angry about, and surely much of the destruction we’re seeing is the organic result of way too many people being pushed way too far by a cruel and abusive system. It’s just to say that we should all be as skeptical as we would be when dealing with any other narratives we know powerful factions have a vested interest in manipulating, and not treat any claim about protester behavior as a certain fact. The powerful few are afraid of the many. Always have been, always will be. And there’s nothing they and their goon squad won’t do to try and rein in any group which poses a threat to their power if they can get away with it.

Yaga man
Some are beginning to react with a new realization (after recently coming to this PP blogsite) that just maybe it is time to do something about their own situation. The conversation was (and is) a. should I fight?, b. flight? or c. freeze in position holed up until everything blows over. This is in response to a discovery that the system concentrates wealth by its nature.
In your reflections on Sandpuppy’s post, your last 2 sentences in response to this were:
Which actually distributes resources instead of consolidates them. If we wanted to do that, how would we start?”
The easy answer is always to appeal to higher authority to steal from others and makes for great arm chair keyboarding chit chat crapping on blog sites such as this.
But the real answer is do it yourself wealth creation at the local community level, wherein good character is rewarded, the needy who do their best get what is needed etc. automatically. Small resilient communities dont formally ask these questions and dont waste valuable time chit chat crapping because the gardens need tending, the electrical systems need tending, the bicycles and motorbikes need maintenance etc.
Re: your “how would we start?” query
Many of us here at PP already started years ago by pursuing self resilience at the community level. Wasting time on chit chat crapping about making or changing formal systems of redistribution may be fun or relaxing I suppose, but diverts time away from local and individual production of wealth, which is the answer to your question.
Small resilient community development. When Rome collapsed, the best place to be was in a monastery community in Ireland or other remote place (rural Massachusetts? Alaska? South Pacific?) where the best of the past could be preserved and wealth created and consumed locally.

Just some thoughts, as self-defense is not my area of expertise. Wasp spray may or may not be an effective defense tool. There could also be legal issues. But, as is said: Better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6. Web-search it. OC or bear spray- better. We’re talking about potential life-threatening scenarios here. Probably being faced with multiple experienced assailants. You’re gonna stand there, waiting for them to get in your zone (see Tueller, or 21’ rule), with a spray can that you hope works? It’s past time to get serious. Don’t delude yourself. You and your family deserve better than wasp spray. “Our own” Tom- thc0566- has expounded at length here on defense topics- check them out. Interesting times…Aloha, Steve
I posted this in the body of a post above but i think it needs to be highlighted.
First we can start with the Preamble
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”
Does anybody believe that is true?

What is the 1st Amendment in simple terms?
First Amendment. The First Amendment protects several basic freedoms in the United States including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government. It was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791.
So all of the rights in the constitution are inalienable EXCEPT when there is a pandemic. I know that is in the constitution somewhere. A minister and his congregation wish to gather and worship the god of their choice regardless of what is happening in society at large, a right guaranteed in the constitution but the Supreme Court says no. They are a higher authority than not only the people who wrote the constitution but now they are higher than god.
A government functioning under a legal system of convenience is not a government of the rule of law and certainly not of the people , by the people and for the people.
I think it is up to every person of faith to stand up and say enough is enough,

Thanks Dtrammel for posting that clever push back! Twitter is doing a bang up job taking down posts of the riots. I really dislike twitter. Anyway, the post was taken down, but I got the message. What a great way to deal with tear gas!!!