As The World Burns

Antifa is a domestic terrorist group. It must be crushed by law enforcement. Anyone who has participated in this criminal violence against the innocent and defenseless citizens in these communities must do serious jail time. Any politicians who have encouraged this criminal violence or have been silent in the face of it, or have failed to protect their citizens and communities, must be defeated and forever removed from any position of public trust. Any media figure or figure in the popular culture — actor, athlete, comedian, etc. — who has encouraged or excused this criminal violence should be forever condemned by the American people. There must be no excuses or exceptions for this violent mayhem and anarchy, endangering the lives and destroying the livelihoods of innocent citizens.

The Federal govt - deep state, corruptions, and local and federal law enforcement are actually terror groups by their own guidelines.

If you had to have just one gun… Make it a long rifle. Something with a high power cartridge - m16/ar15 etc uses a very small high power cartridge. I opt for something closer than 30 caliber. Something that has much better range and penetration power… 7mm or 30’06 can be loaded to near 3k-4k feet per second. Most hand guns give you less 900. And do not have the real stopping power… However in close combat , its hard to get a long gun fired accurately. But without stopping power , its not doing you much good. Unfortunately this is why police need to empty their rounds in suspects… being fatal… because one round is useless if not strategically placed. You will get far more value out of long rifle than you will from a hand gun - unless you plan owning several and empty two at the same times in each hand.
A shotgun slug has some stopping power too. Not much good at range and little penetration power… something like an '06 with armor piercing round - will go right through the engine block of any police cruiser… or any other vehicle coming at you. A handgun will not get you through a bullet proof vest either. On the other hand , an arrow has plenty of energy , mass and penetration power as and will get you easily through a bullet proof vest and are easily as lethal as a bullet if not more so.
If you want something for riot control - you could set up a barrage of spud guns - loaded with tatters and shrapnel - could take care of a large crowd.
I guess what I am really saying, at the end of the day, I am not going to get the security I need from a hand gun … that is for sure.

If you had to have just one gun.. Make it a long rifle.
I would disagree nordicjack. A person needs to review their situation and the environment they need to protect. A long gun when you live in a dense urban situation isn't the best choice. A shotgun when you live in a open rural situation isn't the best situation. Do you need to protect yourself at close range or long range? Concealablity or open carry? I once got into an argument with a guy who advocated a suppressed blot action rifle in a high caliber as the best personal weapon for all situations. One of the reasons gun discussions often turn heated is everyone has a different situation, yet everyone has a favorite.

IN an urban situation a handgun is likely the best - but chances are you will quickly be out numbered anyway. Urban living will be the hardest when all melts down. You are going to have to be very sharp… and plan accordingly , you will need to be more resourceful than thinking your gun will solve all your problems.

big .45 (colt 1911) to ensure stopping power.
trench WW1 shotgun to clean the room with 1 shot. The Germans were so afraid for this gun they wanted it on the forbidden war list as it was too inhumane.

I am one of those guys. why because I am accuracy freak lol. But heck, all that other stuff can jam. A jam will not be good, when your life depends on the dang thing… Bolts are the most dependable action… not going to get much argument on that. But really, its like flying an airplane. How much more dependable do you really need?

44mag 45auto is the way to go - if you need stopping power. You wont want to be firing that puppy in rapid succession though … unless you have a rockstar arm. If its not easy to fire for your use - its not going to be helpful

You need to think about ammo - as things get bad ammo may be hard to come by. 9mm will be a likely choice here… - you could always jack some ammo as needed from the dead cop on the ground or his burning cruiser.

In case you missed it, I’m reposting Yagasjai’s very insightful comment of 5/31/20 from the dense and lively “Comforting Lies” thread:
IMO, Yagasjai’s very thoughtful comment is relevant not only to the specific issue discussed on that thread regarding PP balanced perspectives, but also relevant to the broader issues discussed in this week’s threads regarding the social unrest catalyzed by George Floyd’s death.
Here is an excerpt from Yagasjai’s original post, which is worth reading in its entirety:

"Having space for people to share what they see through their lens is essential for building a complete and comprehensive picture of the reality before us, because not one of us holds all the pieces. Every single one of us is missing many lenses, simply by virtue of where we landed. It's not our fault (no blame) and at the same time it is our responsibility to expand our awareness so that we can both contribute to and benefit from the collective intelligence of a wide range of lens holders. There are viewpoints and lenses that have been absolutely decimated for centuries (i.e. indigenous wisdom, feminine wisdom, working people wisdom) which are now more than ever before essential for human survival. And sometimes part of our role (if we are in any kind of privileged position) is simply to create an opening for those needed perspectives to more fully show themselves." "I cannot imagine what this has been like for Chris or Adam or their families. So I don't find it useful to criticize or attack them for what they might be missing when they are clearly cranking out high-quality, thoughtful, content, month after month (no blame). And at the same time I continue to hold out other lenses to look through and possible perspectives to hold because they now have a much wider and more diverse readership, which means an opportunity to reach farther than they might have imagined. It is up to them (responsibility) to continue to widen their lens so that those readers can also find a home here. For me, a world worth inheriting has many lenses." "And so I would have to disagree with those who are of the opinion that granny was avoiding doing the work. She was offering another lens. That takes effort. In my mind that is akin to picking up a broom. And if her efforts aren't exactly the way we would do it, that may actually be the very point she is asking us to consider. Sometimes it can be a stretch to recognize, from the limits of our own lenses, that the dissonance may actually be a gift if it can be received instead of dismissed."
Yagasjai ends the post with this quote:
'"The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." -Eden Phillpotts, (1862 - 1960) was an English author, poet, and playwright."
Thank-you Yagasjai.

In this 20-minute video Nate from CanadianPrepper vlog 1) breaks down the different types, motives and methods of actors in the recent waves of US civil unrest; 2) discusses the potential risks of imposing martial law (whether or not formally declared); 3) discusses implications of the recent events on US Constitutional first and second amendment rights; 4) places current events into the broader context of economic collapse and income inequality fueled largely by the Federal Reserve; and 5) identifies some indicators that may signal a full-blown SHTF escalation is imminent.
Bi-racial and a long-term prepper with a substantial (80%+) US subscriber base, Nate provides an interesting, unique, well-informed and generally nonpartisan perspective.
Trump Threatens Martial Law Amidst Apocalyptic Looting (6/2/20)

I like his videos alot too.

The police are 'rounding-up the protestors and standing/driving-by the looters.
This boots-on-the-ground video link was pinned in the comments sections to CanadianPrepper’s video above:
The Indiscriminate Looting of Santa Monica (6/1/20)
Note: This video contains some strong language and profanity. Discretion is advised.

Good find Sparky. That video is a good look at what its like to be in the middle of low level looting and riot.
It seemed like there was very little sense into the stores that were being looted. Also lots of indiscriminate violence. The person doing the video was at one point punched just for using a camera. Also it appeared that looters were operating in organized teams as well as flash groups of looters coming together when a store was breached.

Emailed a friend there, then got on local TV news feed to see the truth.
Saturday, peaceful march downtown, police chief marched with protesters. No problems. After dark, the rowdies got busy, broke windows, set fires in the street. No looting, no structures burned.
Sunday morning, the whole town, people of all colors, showed up for clean up, the governor even came over to help. By the time my friend left church to go help, the clean up was all done. A couple of businesses are serving customers as they wait for their window glass replacement to come.
Do not despair, folks, this is the real America. Our enemies may try to kick us when we are down, but we will get through this and be better. Good luck to all.
It’s going to be a long ten years. Hope, pray, prep.

Canadian prepper is a sensible guy. Good video.

The Lancet study on HCQ with zinc is coming under attack.
Interestingly, the article posted below points out that the logical flaws in the study were so obvious that even people untrained in science were able to point them out.
That raises a question.
Non-scientists could pick up obvious flaws in this study. So just how did this study get past “peer review” in one of the top medical journals in the world?
Here is the background. There is an ongoing Covid-19 world pandemic. There were reports of HCQ being an effective treatment of Covid-19. HCQ had a very long and extensive track record of safety. But this study claimed - against long standing evidence of safety - that HCQ was unsafe. Thus, this study - prior to being published - obviously needed careful, focused, high level peer review.
What is going on here?

I wouldnt really quantify the guardian as MSM.

PP friends:
Sand Puppy and I wrote this post on Medium regarding early treatment of Covid-19 with HCQ, zinc and azithromycin. I did most of the writing but he saved me from several stupid mistakes. :slight_smile: Any errors in the post are mine alone.
My thanks to Mohammed Mast for suggesting Medium. Medium has over 120 million followers–hopefully one or two people will read this post and a few lives might be saved as a result.
Feel free to spread this post as widely as you like.