As The World Burns

l have shared, and hope it goes viral!

My wife forgot to insure the shipment - will receive a total 100.00 Thank you looters for walking off with 1100.00 of my sh&*. Thank you Police. You can kill people for nothing but you cant stop a guy robbing people blind. Where are your guns and roughness now? [Admin: unacceptable language removed]

I’m sorry to hear about that, Nordickjack. That really sucks! :frowning:
But I’m wondering if under a state of local/regional/national emergency (e.g., pandemic, civil unrest/war) will insurers actually be required to pay up. I wonder how many of the businesses or lost shipments that were vandalized will recoup their losses from their insurers.

In this very brief video Mike reflects upon the causes of past and current US civil unrest, the accompanying looting and destruction of property, and future implications. This is part 1 of 2 videos on this topic by Mike, with the second video to be released later today.
“The Root Cause of the Riots” (6/3/20)

Post #121 violates PP standards. Furthermore, like so many others Nordickjack blames his failures and problems on the police. His wife fails to insure a shipment and it gets looted. That’s not his wife’s responsibility or the looter’s responsibility. It’s the fault of the police. And then he uses a sexual epithet to slander the police. Is everybody here good with that? Adam? Chris? Sparky1?


We expect people to maintain the same level of civility in posting that a polite wedding guest would have at the reception table —before drinks are served. We expect and require courteous interactions everywhere comments can be posted to the site. In an online community, social courtesies are observed, just as at a physical gathering. One doesn’t monopolize the conversation, pound the table about a single point until others’ eyes glaze over, insult their host or their fellow guests, or spew patently offensive slurs. Tactfulness is a reasonable expectation within a voluntary community. Please ask yourself these questions before making a post:
  1. Does my post constructively illuminate an issue or answer a specific question?
  2. If constructively critical, is it emotionally neutral and considerate? Does it offer specific, actionable solutions?
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Users should strive to post with integrity, accuracy and courtesy. We expect that users will not abuse their anonymity by posting things that a polite individual would refrain from saying in person.

However I can say from personal experience your generalization regarding law enforcement is not accurate or true. I have a family member in law enforcement that is honest, hard working, compassionate, caring, and gives much to the community. No doubt there are “bad apples” in law enforcement. The largest majority just want to serve and protect their communities and get home safely to their families. It’s hard enough doing the job without worrying whether some scumbag will kill you just for wearing the uniform. Most in law enforcement are due our respect. They have mine.

Hi thc0655,
Hmmm…good questions. I actually, possibly incorrectly, assumed that NJ’s wife was the person who packaged and sent the parcel, and would therefore be in the best position (responsible?) for insuring the package. I took that as a statement of fact, not a statement of blame on his wife (or the police). NJ may have to provide additional information on that if he’d like.
Otherwise, is it incorrect to assume that law enforcement is charged with protecting people and property? There have been numerous videos and personal accounts of police either standing by or driving by obvious looters/looting. Obviously, the police need to prioritize and scale their response based on many factors. Still, I can understand NJ’s disappointment. But I was admittedly more focused on the question of whether insurers would reimburse for losses sustained during civil unrest/declared emergency–rather than placing blame for the loss.
Lastly, I agree the “P” term is inappropriate and runs counter to PP posting rules and guidelines. I’ll let Adam or Chris provide their better informed perspective on that. I’m sure they’ll take any necessary action.
I appreciate you raising these valid questions.

Great article! Spells out the essential story with great clarity. Thanks also to Sand-Puppy for his editing.
I have been trying to get an assurance from my PCP here in Massachusetts that, should I become infected with the 'rona virus, he will treat me early with HCQ+zinc+azithromycin. All I get in response are platitudes. My problem is that I am 80 next birthday and in great shape for my age, but I have a Right Bundle Branch Block which he says puts me a great risk if I take HCQ. I am trying to tell him that, at my age, infection with Covid-19 puts me at greater risk.
I have obtained some HCQ and the other components through nefarious means. If I catch the 'rona I will give him one chance to do the right thing before I treat myself.
At least I will survive or die on my own terms.

…however, the blame is not on the constabulary but the exercise of expletives. I have appreciated his defense on my choice of firearms in my setting(far FAR different than anyone here, you all have no idea ), but can’t excuse a post that I can’t read to my two year old granddaughter.
thanks NJ, but when it all ends I am still a husband,father,farmer,optometrist,

Boomer41 wrote: I have been trying to get an assurance from my PCP here in Massachusetts that, should I become infected with the 'rona virus, he will treat me early with HCQ+zinc+azithromycin. All I get in response are platitudes. My problem is that I am 80 next birthday and in great shape for my age, but I have a Right Bundle Branch Block which he says puts me a great risk if I take HCQ. I am trying to tell him that, at my age, infection with Covid-19 puts me at greater risk.
Boomer41, I'm really not in a position to comment on the pros and cons of HCQ VS quercetin and/or artemisinin as a zinc ionophore. I don't know if either of these HCQ alternatives would have the same risk and reward. I don't have any comorbidities, so it isn't worth my time to investigate; however, if I were in your shoes, I certainly would! Grover PS Great work Drbrucedale and sand_puppy!

While I empathize with the loss, as I am sure most here do, there are more appropriate ways to express it. I for one thought that it was rather pathetic to blame his wife publicly - how about if he struck a more partner-like tone and said ‘we’ forgot to put on the insurance. Try to imagine Chris saying something like that about Evie… it’s not how you respect your partner in a public forum. I have to wonder what his wife would feel if she saw his comment?
In addition, the use of the ‘P’ word is particularly offensive to me, and I would venture many other readers. It is despicable. Use it in your private life if you want, totally your prerogative, but I do not want to see derogatory, classless terms like that here at PP.

I shared the article with friends.

Thanks for sharing. Canadian Prepper made me stop and think about a few things. There is a formula or ratio that will signal a tipping point in social unrest and that is how much of household income is allocated to food or other necessity like water.
In Bolivia there was blood in the streets when citizens protested the high water costs imposed by a multinational corporation. When the switch was made, new legislation made it illegal to collect water from roof tops or from local rivers and creeks, so the city/people HAD to buy it’s water from this company. When water costs totaled @40% of weekly income, there was pretty much a revolt. I will have to say, those Latin American neighbors of ours really know how to revolt. They will put their lives on the line, not just a night in jail. Here’s a link to an article on the Cochabamba Water War: I learned this history I think from watching The Corporation.
Also the Arab Spring which began in Tunisia with a self immolation by a street vendor was related to high food costs and other onerous taxation. Food prices in parts of the Middle East were very high - again about 40% of household income. Egypt suffered these high food costs preceding and during its revolution plus very high unemployment rates.
So we can use that sign as this Prepper warned, when Main Street starts looting grocery stores for real, revolution is not far off.
I feel the same way concerning the police brutality. Shooting projectiles at people while on their own porches (I watched that), barking out orders while patrolling the streets. Unprofessional. Minneapolis PD needs some sensitivity training.
I’m trying to figure out why LE is going after the protesters and not so much the arsonists, looters, and vandals. I have seen this myself multiple times. Is it just the numbers to report? Is it cowardice? Are they following orders? Lazy? What? Any news on LE efforts to find out where these pallets of bricks are coming from?
Hearing this Canadian’s perceptions about America’s loss of individual rights is a little chilling. He’s worried about our civil liberties!
Good video blog. I’ll have to check out CanadianPrepper from time to time.

Right now is a tough time to be a law enforcement officer. My son in law is a deputy Sheriff, I think a Lt, and is a hostage negotiator. The reason he’s a hostage negotiator is because he can empathize, he has a great sense of humor, and is patient. I asked him how he felt about the Floyd incident and he believed the officer should go to prison.
His department did not enforce the shut down orders either. Only when a crime was committed, did they slap on the additional charge of violating the shut down. He also spoke up and stopped another officer from using excessive force against a detainee, so he has integrity.
I’m not seeing much empathy, patience, or integrity in the Minneapolis PD, right now. I think maybe the Department is bad. I’ve seen that happen before in a little town. When a new police chief was elected, citizen complaints of excessive force rose substantially. Some years later a new chief was elected, and the complaints subsided.
I think NYPD has had similar problems.

Haven’t yet read your article, yet, but I will say this. I was born during a revolution in South America and lived through several since. Seen this movie. Burning the system down is easy. Governing is what’s hard. Be aware that there here is a whole infrastructure in place to orchestrate riots. Bail money, cadre of civil rights lawyer, encrypted communications, scouts on bicycles to redirect paid protestors to areas were the is less police presene, piles of bricks delivered, and so on. Invitations to join the protests on social media. The point is to (1) distract from nefarious activity in the part of the rulng class; and 2) instill fear so that people beg for protection, which is essentially turning over their personal agency to those who seek greater power. The very people who caused the problems set themselves up as your saviors. Read Animal Farm, you’ll see that the real goal of the revolutionary is to trade places with the oppressor. Sand puppy, what you are railing against - lies, lies, lies, manipulation, and so on, has its genesis in a lack of integrity. Character trumps everything. Want to change the world? Start by putting your own house in order. This is hard personal work. But it will give you equanimity and attract other righteous people to your orbit. You will be part of a small tribe you can count on to actually want what is best for each other and not to sell you out when the going gets tough. Such people are few and far between, so consider yourself lucky if you can count them on one or two hands. I think most of us are here because we sense Chris and Adam have integrity. The next virtue you need is courage. Because without it integrity is not possible. Yu need courage to navigate times like these. The last is prudential judgement. Being part of PP provides access to informaton we can evaluate to help with sound decisionmaking There is no guarantee we will not suffer. But the most positive approach, it seems to me, is to get back to basics, morally and materially. I’m past my prime, but haveing lived through upheavals and times of plenty, and being a scientist hwo ahs grown to love philosophy and history, I think I have a little knowledge, experience and maybe even wisdom to offer those who are seeing these things for the first time. In this Fourth Turning, the Prophets need to teach the millennials and Gen Z how to rebuild; they are the hero generation that will have to pick up the pieces. We are the remnant that can help them understand what went wrong, how we got here, what could have been done differently. They won’t get it from the corrupt mainstream. At least we have that to offer. For those of us of a certain age, that can be our legacy.

You’re welcome, Hladini. I’ve really appreciated how CanadianPrepper (CP/Nate) has evolved as a prepper, vlogger, entrepreneur/small business owner, and person over the past few years. I’m not sure, but I think he’s an addiction counselor by profession and may have also worked with confined (incarcerated?) populations, which adds another facet to his unique and informed perspective. (I’ve liked most of his videos, except for his older “American Prepper” spoofs, which just make me cringe regardless.)
Thank you for sharing the link to the Cochabamba Water War case study. It looks very interesting and relevant to current events. If you or anyone else here could find it, I would be interested in learning the source and formula you mentioned regarding the ratio of food and water to income that might suggest a tipping point for social unrest.
Whatever it is, I think we’re probably nearing that point for many here in the US, and probably past that point in some other countries. But recent generations within the US and other western countries are not accustomed to extreme food/water shortages, so the decline and hardship will be felt very acutely here.
I’m deeply concerned about the cost and availability/supply of food and water given multi-year crop failures, pestilence, livestock and poultry pandemics, human pandemic, droughts, extreme weather, natural and human-made disasters…and/or some cascading combination thereof. As you’ve noted, there does seem to be historical precedent for social unrest and societal/economic collapse that is preceded by widespread food and water scarcity (whether due to cost and/or supply). Add that to the collapsing “3 E’s” which underlie all resource wars and geopolitical conflicts. Inevitably, I think this will turn out very, very badly.
I agree that lootings (and riots?) for food and water will likely indicate a new, more dangerous level of civil and economic crisis. I think it will be manifested differently in cities vs. suburban vs. rural areas, but all will be affected. The role and actions of law enforcement and other “authorities” may run the gamut, but ultimately may not be enough to contain the unrest and restore access to life-sustaining resources for many areas and communities/populations.
I’d like to be more positive, but I think that recent events are really just a harbinger of more extreme, widespread distress and disruptions to come.
I’ll continue to fortify as current events unfold, staying alert for food or water raids that may signal an escalation to a true SHTF/“Mad Max”/dystopian future as CP suggests. Hopefully, it never happens.
Hladini and all, stay well, alert and safe during these “interesting” times.

I’ve been a scientific writer for 20 years. Well done.
PS. The WHO has restarted the HCQ arm of the trial now that the Lancet study has been cast into doubt.

I’m finding more and more evidence that Antifa is behind the violence, deliberately turning peaceful protests about which Americans largely agreed to violent riots sowing animosity.
here are a couple good resources. Bill Gertz, by the way, is a very good intel/military journalist.

Great synopsis of the argument for HCQ. No doubt Chris will be sharing this. Until further studies and trials are completed we won’t have a more complete and accurate picture of the efficacy of HCQ+. Sad and sick that peoples lives have been reduced to being political footballs. This article will be shared with my doctor and family members. I recently had a long conversation with him regarding HCQ. At his request I contacted my pharmacy and found that they would fill a script for HCQ if written by him. Should find out today if HCQ will be available to me. My sincerest thanks, your sharing of information (and that by others here) are what make this forum so special. edit to add link to article:

Tucker Carlson uses WaPo data from 2019 to see how widespread police killings of unarmed black people really is. Some politicians, celebrities and the media are claiming a genocide is occurring and Carlson tries to determine if that is factual based on the data. Go to the 8:00 minute mark to see the claims of genocide followed by the data.
Summary for 2019 from Washington Post research:
325 million people live in America
Police killed 1004 people total in 2019, out of which the race of the suspect and the officer was recorded was 802. Of those 802 killed by police, 371 were white and 236 were black. Of those 236 blacks killed the WaPo states just 10 were unarmed. Of those 10 who were unarmed: in 5 cases the suspect physically attacked the officer before the officer fired, in 1 case the officer claimed he fired accidentally while trying to get the suspect under control and handcuffed with his gun in hand, in 2 cases the officers were charged criminally, and in 2 cases there were no charges and no attack (1 of those was a male who had had a shootout in the past with police and was barricaded threatening to shoot police again). Carlson summarizes the facts around all ten cases.
Carlson, using WaPo research, also pointed out that killings of unarmed blacks by police has dropped since 2015 (first year of WaPo research). In 2015, 38 unarmed blacks were killed by police and in 2019 it was only the 10 detailed above.
Carlson points out that in 2019, 7,407 blacks were murdered but he doesn’t mention that the overwhelming majority of them were unarmed and were killed by other blacks.
Carlson concludes there is by no means a “genocide” going on but some people are inciting race hatred around this subject to gain political power.
Brandon Smith picks up that theme too.