As The World Burns

I’m finding more and more evidence that Antifa is behind the violence, deliberately turning peaceful protests about which Americans largely agreed to violent riots sowing animosity.
I will be completely surprised if Antifa isn't shot through with FBI agents, other LEO infiltrators and even private mercenary types. Heck, they might outnumber the pawns. After talking with a close friend who was a major photographer at Standing Rock, I learned that nearly every episode of violence and fire-starting were by infiltrators. They dress the part and then 'get things going.' They have many motivations for doing this ranging from militarized LEOs wanting to be able to practice with all the groovy military hardware and practices to companies wishing to sell more goodies to LEO types. The Standing Rock protesters were acutely aware of these provocateurs and kept a close eye out for them. Anybody starting trouble was descended upon and several scooted back across the lines or were captured and tossed back over to the LEO side of the line whereupon they were witnessed being let go to give it all another go. I'm not saying these are the only bad actors, but there are enough of them to make it 'a thing.'  

Chris, without question there are infiltrators and even agent provocateurs in the midst of the Antifa protesters. But don’t “misunderestimate” Antifa. Here, as with Covid coverage, anecdotes don’t replace evidence-based documentation. Fact are called for, not supposition: Lord knows there are already more conspiracy theories and flights of fancy and ideologically-driven narratives at play than is needed.

"FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims"

We send money to Venezuelan relatives monthly. Western Civilization took eons to build takes only decades to destroy.

Nabbed from Eric Barker’s blog posting “Three things resilient people do every day”
“Thus far, 2020 seems to have been some sort of cosmic clerical error.”

Thanks Dr and Dr! I’ve already shared your Medium piece with family who don’t quite get our confidence in EHQ+.

My neighbor just took out her 401k the full $100k allowed under the new Covid regime. My first reaction, to myself, was that was dumb. She did, however, have an interesting take on it. She is using the money to buy something tangible, property outside of the burbs. She said it was worth the risk given that she is unsure the money will be worth anything if the system goes sideways. Does anyone have a good counter that I can use when discussing the topic with my other neighbors?

If this poor woman was murdered by Minneapolis police then I hope her story and that of others is brought to light and the perpetrators are held accountable. Police brutality, murder and other crimes against citizens may be endemic in Minneapolis and should be routed out.
George Floyd died under truly horrific and well-documented circumstances, while restrained and in the custody of four police officers, at least some of whom apparently have an extensive record of complaints of other instances of police brutality.
I don’t know the circumstances surrounding the death of the woman in the photo. Maybe Tucker Carlson can help locate video of the officer who smugly wedged his knee on her neck for 8+ minutes while three other officers held her down until dead.
Really, I’m kicking myself for taking the bait on this one. >:-(

Last night on NBC10 news the Rhode Island governor explained that though there were plenty of people who showed up to protest that were angry, but that the riots and looting were not an example of people that were so angry that they got “out of control.” The group was funded and organized by someone. It was intended to wreak havoc. It was a coordinated criminal attack on downtown Providence. It was not a protest. It was a riot, looting and vandalism.
In other comments, RI Governor Gina Raimando indicated that social media was used to urge local participants to gather downtown advising that there would be chances for looting specific stores.
Videos that I have seen show a coordinated “protestor” group rushing against police lines in a V formation with a trailing guy carrying a Molotov cocktail that penetrates the line and throws the burning cocktail into the building. (Saw a video from a twitter feed on ZH.) Looked like a football play. Coordinated.

If Antifa is such a big threat, how come we don’t hear about their training camps like we hear about Neo-Nazis and paramilitary in places like Idaho? How come they are not represented at training facilities like Front Sight? No training = no threat = nothingburger with cheese.
I agree 100% with you that the race of the victims or perpetrators (police or non-police) should not be a factor in determining guilt or innocence or the punishment for the guilty. Black Somali Officer Noor was riding in the passenger seat of a police car with his white partner when they answered a 911 call about a woman screaming, possible sexual assault. The officers turned down the Minneapolis alley where the screaming was allegedly coming from but didn’t hear anything. So they turned around to make another pass. Justine, the white woman who called 911, came out from the back of her house to meet the officers In her pajamas and a phone in her hand. She approached the driver’s window. Officer Noor testified he was startled and feared for his life so he drew his gun and fired one shot past his partner’s head (!!) hitting Justine in the abdomen and killing her. He was sentenced to 12-1/2 years for manslaughter/3rd degree murder. In the above CNN opinion piece the writer thought that showed racism because the sentence was so extreme because white officers never get that kind of treatment. I wonder what he’ll say if Officer Chauvin gets the same, which is highly likely unless the mob gets its way.

The sentencing of a former police officer in Minneapolis punctuates a case whose ripple effects raised profoundly uncomfortable -- and unanswered -- questions about race, policing and the use of force in the United States. The 12 1/2 year sentence he received Friday for the fatal shooting of Justine Ruszczyk is outrageous and disturbing.

Police are seldom -- if ever -- indicted, much less convicted, for shooting African American men. Yet, where the victim here is a white woman and the police officer is black, he gets the book thrown at him. This sentence is lengthy and unjust,and shows a capitulation by the judge against her oath to administer justice.

More importantly, I wonder why you don’t know about this case. Could it be the media and the race hustlers didn’t make a big deal about it (they didn’t for some reason) so it never registered with you? Why weren’t there any riots? I say it’s double standards at work, and powerful people choosing to incite hysteria about the Floyd killing and benefit from it but not taking an interest in the killing of Justine Ruszczyk (for some reason). I agree with you: let’s treat all the cases of violence fairly and without bias of any kind to the extent our flawed humanity allows. And while I have your attention, do you know of any evidence that the killing of George Floyd was in any way racially motivated? Because “everybody” has been saying it was from Square One. Could it have simply been a criminal act?

How union, supreme court shield Minneapolis cops
A special report I found on Reuters. I also found it very disheartening to read.

I’d like to see more evidence that Antifa exists in a size or form that is of more than minor significance. The majority of references that I see to Antifa (zero hedge, trump, etc) make me suspicious that agenda-driven individual/groups are bent on blowing up an ant into an enormous boogeyman to advance thier own objectives.

I am sure its not as bad as some racial groups are saying it is. But I assure you the facts presented are not close to the facts - not even by half. But even 2 x would not be a big problem. But, where I have difficulty is in observation. The police are very brutal whether people die or not by their facts. The do rough up people and use subduing tactics unnecessarily. I have seen where they twist arms and apply pressure so hard that the normal action/reflex is to pull from the pain - and then they think you are just more resistant… they harder ever just say you are under arrest hands behind you… they grab first … push shove … and everything between. its intimidation, its assualt , its illegal… its all wrong… I assure from what I witness , no one is treated as they should be - murderers or not… All treated the same. all treated like dirt… all kicked, punched shoved, rolled etc… white, black , red, yellow , doesnt matter.

Hmmm. Assuring me that you know the facts, without presenting evidence, is not particularly reassuring…Aloha, Steve.

Dick Gregory was one of the greatest social commentators/comedians that ever lived.
It was 50 years and 1 month ago that 4 students were murdered at Kent St. One year after Dick Gregory performed at Kent State. There is an entire album of the “performance”. This is one section of it called “Cowboys and Indians” As with all comedy there are elements of truth. Each one of us can judge for ourselves what is true.
I can’t say I know what it is like to be black as I am white. I can say that Dick Gregory points out that young white people with long hair can have some idea. As a young white man with long hair hitchhiking through the South in the 60’s and 70’s I caught a glimpse. As a back to the lander with long hair in the South I know what is like to walk into the local grocery store take my items to the checkout and be ignored. I know what it is like to be stopped and searched w/o a warrant because I had long hair. Trivial, I know compared to being black in Amerika.

Depends where you live, out here, I can assure you there is an ANTIFA ! And, an even more omminous local overlapping group, BAMNA, By Any Means Neccessary.
I do not know how many there are ( ANTIFA), but they train and get donations and do travel to places and instigate. Not saying all the chaos is on them at all, but they do cause chaos, this is well known. There are likely many groups at these current mob events, some wanting to peacefully protest, others to cause chaos for political ends, others just opportunistic thieves. ANTIFA is not responsible for all of it, but do not discount their rolee as when that many epopel are in one spot, all worked up, they can be easily led by agitators

IMO, if she’s using the money to purchase good land that allows her to provide her own food and is aiming toward being able to live apart from the grid, it’s a viable alternative to a retirement account. Especially if she will own the land outright, or close to it.
Not everyone thinks a swollen bank account equals resilience. Me, for one. I did something similar a decade ago. No regrets. The entire economy can skid into a ditch (which it will), the dollar could inflate into toilet paper, the cities can burn (they are), and utilities could crumble to the ground. My life will go on pretty much as it is.
It’s surprising how much money you don’t need when you have infrastructure and don’t mind dirty fingernails.