As The World Burns

[Sorry, I meant to send this as reply to thc0655’s comment above.]

"More importantly, I wonder why you don’t know about this case. Could it be the media and the race hustlers didn’t make a big deal about it (they didn’t for some reason) so it never registered with you? Why weren’t there any riots?"
Well, I don't know why I never heard of Justine Ruszczyk's killing. Truthfully, I was battling cancer at the time (I'm better now, "no evidence of cancer") so I was personally distracted. Why was the Justine Ruszczyk story not picked-up by the media as extensively as the George Floyd killing? One factor may be the extensive, graphic video evidence of Floyd's arrest and death which circulated quickly and widely through social media. Strangely, the body cams of both officers in the Ruszczyk killing were turned off. No video, no ability to exponentially, graphically inform and engage people worldwide of her tragic death and its questionable circumstances. I don't know all the facts of the Ruszczyk killing, but it seems the 12-year sentence took into consideration the reckless and extreme nature of officer Noor's response, i.e., shooting past his partner's head and killing an unarmed person that would not typically be seen as a threat by a well-trained, disciplined law enforcement officer exercising good judgement. Based on the CNN opinion piece, I don't necessarily agree that the officer's sentence was excessive or racially motivated. Maybe a better question to ask is why officers in other officer-involved-shootings did not receive stiffer sentences, regardless of the gender, race or other characteristics of those involved. I agree that the Floyd death and reactions are framed within a racial context. Also, this was the third such death of a black person by law enforcement within about a three-week period. I think many are coming to realize that the protests or "riots" (not the widespread, opportunistic or planned looting) are the result of larger societal and economic ills, which may/may not encompass racism or police brutality. The protests have allowed the public to see and hear multiple instances of over reaction and violence by law enforcement, fueling more outrage and garnering greater public support. To a lesser degree, media coverage of law enforcement "taking a knee", walking with protestors, putting down their shields, standing/driving by "protestors" looting and destroying property are framed as displays of law enforcement/authorities' weakness, dereliction of duty, and kowtowing to lawlessness. Depending on individual and media bias, there are those that are running or "hustling" that narrative as well. The Floyd death and reactions are coming during a pandemic at a when we in the US (and worldwide) are grappling with fear, isolation, health and medical crises, massive job and business losses, and a rapidly failing economy (which was baked in the economic cake prior to the pandemic thanks to the FR and CBs). Race and racism are difficult topics to deal with under "normal" conditions. Minorities, women and the poor have all been disproportionately impacted by this pandemic. More people are marginalized, scared, angry, financially and food insecure, and have more time on their hands than any other time in modern history. The Floyd killing was just the match that lit the tinder. We didn't have these factors back in July 2017 around the time of the Ruszczyk case to the extent we do today. Have "race hustlers" run with the story to incite the masses? Undoubtedly. Just as the gender hustlers exploited the "Me Too" movement regarding sexual assault; the Red/Blue, liberal/conservative, pro/anti firearms hustlers exploited the Bundy ranch standoff; and on and on it goes. There's never a shortage of people and special interests to polarize legitimate concerns to appeal to tribal differences for gain. I think that this tragic event has catalyzed some difficult but potentially beneficial reflection and discussions--and maybe some productive action. We'll find out. Hopefully, we won't irreparably rip the social and economic fabric of the US in the process.
"let’s treat all the cases of violence fairly and without bias of any kind to the extent our flawed humanity allows."
I think that's a great place to start and end. Thanks for a thoughtful discussion, thc0655. (I'm off to tend to my animals and garden now in this blazing, 107 degree heat. Whew!)

You mean like the white supremacists? What percentage of the US population do they represent?
An few ants can sure ruin a picnic.

I really wasn’t going to comment, I hate getting caught up in drama, but I finally have to give my non professional opinion. I believe Derek Chauvin, the direct murderer of George Floyd is a psychopath. I think he should be charged with first degree murder. He was just waiting for a chance to kill someone. To experience that ultimate power and control.
It is interesting that he had worked with Floyd. And Floyd allegedly passed a fake $20 bill, where did that come from? Not really a common item. And Chauvin just happened to be on the call. Maybe the murder hadn’t been detailed out, but when opportunity presented, Chauvin took advantage of the situation.
Yes, I think all “officers” present should be charged. Psychopaths can have a psychological domination over those around them. The “golden boy” effect.
I wish Chauvin could get what he deserves, or at least be put away for a long time. Too bad if he escapes responsibility by suicide, but it would take care of the problem. Tax payers win.
All my own opinion and rant. Thank you.

Rips the bandage off the festering wound. If you find gangrene, amputate. Destruction.
A hand full of maggots will clean up the rest. Creativity.

They way they act, I think of the name as being this: Anti F(irst) A(mendment) as what they believe and do is shut down what they do not agree with. They do this by violence, throwing benches thru the window, hitting protesters they do not agree with weapons, like bike locks in socks, pipes, frozen water bottles, etc…
What they think their names stands for is just ironic, anti-FAcist – as in reality ANTIFA is the most facist group out here.

Hmmm…G4S, DynCorp, Unity Resources, Academi…take your pick. Could these be mercenaries? Different ROE’s. Could be non-Americans operating under a corporate umbrella. Possibly part of agitation/counter-agitation efforts from Day 1.
“Unacceptable”: Democrats sound alarm over unidentified law enforcement patrolling D.C. protests (CBS News)
“Washington — The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week has drawn thousands of protesters to the streets of the nation’s capital, leading President Trump to direct his administration to boost the number of federal law enforcement officers on the ground.
But photos of unidentified, armed officers donning face shields and protective gear standing guard near the White House have raised concerns among Democrats, who are warning that the dearth of insignia and identifying information could deny victims the ability to hold officers accountable if they engage in misconduct.
“This is unacceptable that you have armed uniformed security, with no identification,” Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, told reporters on Capitol Hill. “It allows for really dangerous potential mischief. When things go wrong you need to be able to identify who it was that punched a reporter or took a club to a protester, and without identification, there’s really no way to do real accountability.”
Congressman Don Beyer, a Democrat from Virginia, also characterized the presence of the unidentified officers as “unacceptable,” and said he is drafting legislation to address the issue.
“Unacceptable for uniformed federal officers policing constitutionally-protected assemblies to refuse to identify themselves to people who pay their salaries,” Beyer tweeted Wednesday. “Denying accountability to the public they serve ensures abuses.””

Your reply doesn’t really sway me either way. Where does your information that there are ANTIFA groups in your vicinity come from? Journalistic investigations? The neighbor next door? FBI? Law enforcement? Is there data you can provide?

Chis Hedges On Contact on Antifa

“This is unacceptable that you have armed uniformed security, with no identification,” Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, told reporters on Capitol Hill. “It allows for really dangerous potential mischief. When things go wrong you need to be able to identify who it was that punched a reporter or took a club to a protester, and without identification, there’s really no way to do real accountability.”
I am laughing out loud at the line “when things go wrong you need to be able to identify who it was”…Why does that not apply to the thugs and looters? So many crimes are caught on camera…these people need to be identified and jailed. The bad cops are in jail. That is justice. The thugs and looters and the riot driven murderers need to be in jail also.

I live in this area, we know what ANTIFA stands for because they have told us, many times, We have seen who is violent and attacks, and it is ANTIFA, we see who shut down the talk at Berkley, there was not a fight between any groups, it was just them keeping it from happening. They used to be more forthright and open in tactics, it used to be realy easy to see what they were saying, I have read their flyers and announcements and strategies, I live in an early active area of theirs. We have had criminal court cases involving them attacking people at protests, convictions, etc… I have seen them and the broken windows and spray painted messages in my town. They do not believe in alternate viewpoints, that is why I call them anti-first amendment. They work hard to shut it down. This is a reason why they go and disrupt other groups gatherings, the national media does not report what happens correctly, ANTIFA hears of the other group, decides that they cant “let them” gather or have speeches and goes there to start a fight/riot so that the police will shut it down, it is one of their tactics. Now, of course, after the first few times, the other groups know this and go anyway to assert their free speech rights, but knowing they are walking into a fight.
One of the last ones like this not far from here, the group with the permit ( right leaning) has reserved the park for a gathering and speakers, the police, expecting trouble has a perimeter fenced off, and searches every one of that group for any weapons or anything that could be an improvised weapon ( flag pole, etc…) and they go start the speakers etc… there are people who form outside the park to protest the first group. Then ANTIFA comes too, but they have not been searched, and they do not just hold signs or protest, they are there to “shut it down” and overwhelm the police line, but they have improvised weapons, the group with the permit has been searched and does not. If you watch this, it is pretty obvious
As to how I know anything about ANTIFA, well, yes, we have charges pressed and court cases and in the trials things come out about the group, meetings, tactics. Yes, we have reporting, variable on accuracy but the most local stuff was ok. And lastly, yes, neighbors, word of mouth their own flyers as I have hung out in a co-operative area frequented by them, not everyone who is part of the repair co-ops etc… were ANTIFA, but certainly it is where they would feel welcome and more above board. SO, sure, just believe what you want because you dont know them, I have nothing to prove, just letting you know what is said is not fake, it is real

Les wrote: “There is no longer enough arable land to meet the ever increasing demand for meat without CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations).” He notes that’s why he shifted to a plant-based diet, and asserts it is healthier for body, animals, and planet.
I agree that CAFOs are unconscionable. With everything else, I completely disagree. It’s not possible to eat a truly healthy (ie long-term sustainable) plant-based diet without securing a source of B-12 and adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. To accomplish those 2 needs, most people in most parts of the world, esp. in most of the US, have to increase our consumption of fossil fuels for procurement, concentration, storage, transportation, and delivery of those necessary ingredients to human health. First world people who successfully live on plants (usually for a period of time before reverting) are living off the nutritional capital their bodies and our rich food supply system have stored up; when that’s exhausted either reversion or ill health follow.
It is animal protein and fat that provides the B-12 and omega-3 fatty acids we humans must have for peak health. CAFO farming actually fails in that regard because confined feeding operations feed animals on grains rather than grasses, and grains are too rich in little-needed omega-6 fatty acids, while grasses produce essential omega-3 fatty acids. Since animals, like humans, are what they eat, grain diets produce animal fat tilted too high toward omega-6 fatty acids compared to a dearth of omega-3s in grain-fed animals. When humans eat animals rich in omega-6 and short on omega-3, we develop more acidic systems - the precursor to chronic and acute ill-health. It is not meat, but omega-6 rich meat that contributes to heart diseases and other maladies.
Diets that replace meat with grains also add too much omega-6 to the human system, setting up an omega-3 deficiency, which in turn leads to a host of nerve system problems, including early declines in mental functioning, and are implicated in arthritis and other joint complaints, as well as declining brain-body communication. Leaky gut syndrome is also implicated, with all that means for ill-health.
When our omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is out of balance, we get that persistent “empty” feeling in our guts, even when we’re physically full. That’s one factor that leads people to constant snacking; the other is that we get incomplete nutrition from foods that are grown “conventionally” rather than in soil that is rich in organic matter, and from eating nutrient-poor hybrid vegetables, grains, and grasses rather than nutrient-dense heritage versions. That persistent low-level hunger, despite eating so much we gain weight, is the body signalling an incomplete or out of balance nutrient profile. Eating more of the same foods that set up the problem does not solve the need, but perpetuates it. And so, we are overfed but undernourished and chronically ill and depressed as a nation.
The amount of land that has to be converted to grain production to offset the protein found in greater concentration in grass-raised animals is truly astonishing - and environmentally unsustainable. It also requires the plant equivalent of CAFO farming: monocrop strip mining of the soil that is demonstrably destroying the remaining agricultural land at such a pace that experts are now saying the world has about 50 crop seasons left before the situation become disastrous. It’s already critical. This is one reason aquaponics is getting so much of a pass despite its heavy reliance on petrochemicals and petro-fuels to operate. The energy consumption for energy yield is increasingly off balance because of our declining understanding of how to nurture both people and planet.
This is all unnecessary. Regenerative agriculture is demonstrating how possible it is to feed the world on the remaining agricultural land. The data and techniques exist; it is a matter of conversion: Conversion of minds and of practices. Regenerative doesn’t only rebuild currently depleted soil by increasing SOM (soil organic matter) while producing annual yields that, when pursued in a mixed polyculture system - and especially when incorporating animals into the design - produces more nutrition per acre than “conventional” agriculture; it does so without the petro inputs or environmental destruction “conventional” ag demands.
Furthermore, regenerative ag has successfully reclaimed partially desertified former agricultural land, which means it is a method for expanding arable land. That way leads to more food production for a growing population. There have even been successful projects to naturally desalinate desert sands in Jordan, by Geoff Lawton of the Permaculture Institute (headquartered in Australia).
Not of least consideration is this: grass raised animals produce more nutrient-dense food. Heritage vegetables and fruits grown on truly organic, high-SOM soil also provide nutrient-dense food. And organically-grown food provides the human gut with a much richer microbial biology, which does two important things: first, it makes our guts work better, so we thoroughly digest a greater range of foods, and it naturally ends leaky gut syndrome (a significant cause of ill health). As a result, we get more nutritional benefit from consuming less food, and benefit more fully from more nutrient-dense food. Since our bodies are after complete nutrient profiles, we can actually eat less and be better fed when we eat nutrient-dense, microbe-rich foods.
Second, it turns out our bodies borrow DNA from the microbes in our guts in order to operate our organs: heart, brain, liver, nerve system, kidneys, etc. We simply don’t have all the DNA resident in our own bodies to effectively and healthily run our own system, but are truly symbiotic with the microbial life that exists in and on us (!). The more we deplete the number and diversity of microbial life in us the less resources we have to draw on to maximize our health and vitality. For a rich life we need a rich microbial biome. In turn, that means we need microbe-rich food. And that means we need food grown in microbe-rich soil.
Yet another fact: it’s impossible to build soil organic matter without sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. (Some experts point to high rates of recent rapid desertification of once-living soil as at least as much a cause of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration as increased fossil fuel consumption; perhaps larger.) Every critter in the soil needs carbon to live and thrive. Dead soil (that is, “dirt”) is, by definition, earth with very low ratios of carbon, hence it’s functionally dead of organic life. The process of regenerating agricultural land (or even your suburban yard) is the process of using plants to convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into root and plant structure, which is incorporated into the soil where it serves as the building blocks for a rich and diverse soil biology. That in turn makes it possible for healthy plant growth, healthy plants naturally reduce pest and weed pressure (hence greatly reduce or eliminate the need for pesticides and herbicides that kill indiscriminately the beneficial with the malevolent). Animals roaming and grazing on fields is a core element of such a program - imitating how nature worked it all out to begin with - and food animals grazing on plants filled with the nutrients of a rich soil produce the nutrient-dense meat and fat humans need in order to thrive.
When we have all of that going for us, we naturally eat (considerably) less in a day and experience much more energy and well-being for it. Our agricultural footprint shrinks. Imagine a world in which the richest humans - we of the First World - eat a third or a quarter of what we collectively consume now: that world is not a world short of food. Nor is it a world of such excessive consumption of medical supplies, equipment, and energy - which itself would dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of the North and West. Add in the carbon sequestration that building healthy soil requires, and we’re a long way toward a better future for all humankind, according to a regime that makes for a future much kinder to all earthly life.
Simply replacing meat with vegetables can reduce the cruelty of CAFO production, but it does not resolve the monocropping problem - rather, it exacerbates it, and therefore worsens the agriculture dilemma. Nor does it address the human nutrition needs that only meat and fat can fulfill efficiently. It is, at best, a partial response to a comprehensive problem, a response that cannot approach the benefit of revamping the entire way we think about the interconnected system that produces healthy soil, healthy plant life, healthy animals, healthy humans, and a healthy environment. We work on it all at once, or we emphasize some aspect(s) at the cost of worsening other(s).

VTGothic…Thanks for a thoughtful and info packed post. I hope it can start mature discussion on nutrition which cannot be looked at separate from agricultural practices. We tried Aquaponics for 2 years in a 300 gallon prototype system with the idea of going “big” …but there were just too many moving parts…and the likely outcome of a catastrophic failure should one component of the complex system fail. Now our new venture is chickens. I have let the first group, who are now 12 weeks old, free range. They like their house and come back periodically during the day but spend most time out and about. They are goofy and happy and get along with my black lab and me. The second group of 40 are still in a brooder tub which used to be my 300 gallon Aquaponics tub. The living…happy…activity of my “girls” is much more pleasing than the sound of pumps and the mechanical nature of the Aquaponics.

I’m simply asking for evidence, not suppositions, impressions, or comparisons. I’m open to evidence-oriented responses of any kind.

This never ends well.
Dr. Fauci Says Coronavirus Vaccine Doses Will Be Manufactured ‘Before We Even Know That the Vaccine Works’

Great post VT, thank you!! The next time a friend or relative wants to discuss the latest life changing anti-meat documentary they just watched on netflix I’ll point them to your post first before trying to have a difficult two way conversation with them as to what the film neglected to address. As an introvert who must talk business all day I just don’t have the energy at the end of the day to try to convey all of these points to those that are mislead and want to debate…and its very important that they get all of those points you listed, since they go together in a “natural” and sustainable system. I’ll just say “great, I’m glad you enjoyed the documentary. CAFO’s are really disastrous. Now, please read this while a take a little nap”


I'm simply asking for evidence, not suppositions, impressions, or comparisons. I'm open to evidence-oriented responses of any kind.
In a court, the testimony of what a witness observed first hand IS evidence. An account of what they saw, smelled, tasted, touched - that's evidence. The job of the jury is to weigh the credibility of the evidence provided by the witness. Long before there was video and audio, there was witness testimony.
Google "project Veritas Antifa" for more info

I have to disagree with the statement that you cannot get B12 from a vegetarian diet. While it is difficult, and far easier to supplement, it is available from sea veggies and soy.
As for Omega 3, yes fish is the best source but there are plenty of vegetarian options, including flax, chia, and walnuts. and one of my faves broccoli.
I do agree with you on the regenerative agriculture and Joel Salatin is a good example of how listening to nature pays off in many ways

I’m a big fan of Target Focus Training (TFT). It teaches how to do violence efficiently. It is not a form of fighting, it’s not meant for chest-thumpers or to establish “pecking order” among adolescent males who’ve had a beer or two too many, nor is it defensive combat like martial arts. It is single-mindedly focused on teaching you how to inflict major damage in just a few seconds when it’s a matter of life and death. And it can level the playing field between big men and small women, or old and young. At a minimum it gives you a fighting chance when you otherwise have none.
I have guns and know how to use them. But…

LOL, yeah that’s some source there Mark
James O’Keefe’s infiltrated ‘antifa headquarters’ is a bookstore from ‘Portlandia’
The bookstore in the undercover video has served as the backdrop for the TV show Portlandia, which features the bookstore under the name “Women and Women First.” And was closed in 2018.
I say it on FB all the time, please fact check your sources. It takes 2 minutes tops and then you won’t look misinformed when someone calls you out over it.