At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

It’s hard to see in the uploaded pics. Try if you can freeze the still pic from the body cam at exactly 18:10:55 sec from BWC2-122110.

If you enlarge the top left hand corner, it looks like Crooks feet and head.

He seemed to be looking at the west end of AGR building. Maybe this was the time he looked at the west end crowd.

I think video evidence shows he turned his head just before shot 10.

18:15:31 on police body cam, one catches a glimpse of a dude in white shorts and longish hair walk nonchantly from behind tall trees into car lot…


Local ESU cop who left early sends a text “he knows you guys are up there”. How did Crooks know it was safe to access the roof at 6:08? Was he just lucky or did he see the cops leave the building?


They are there on the high definition version


I think it’s his “book” bag, where he would have packed his AR. This is more or less the spot where it was seen in the Grassley video releases (video 1).

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He is one of the three plain clothes first seen in the D Stewart video. he had just walked toward the corridor and here is on his way back … actually to the eastern corner of the building.

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No, it was some guy Stewart has at the start of his extended cut, rude, in jeans, grey shirt, pepper hair. He did look suspicious, apparently claimed he owned AGR building.

Greg Nicol’s behavior is suspicious in multiple ways and moments, not least of which is his calm demeanor and exposure to the roof while on the grounds, when others 20 feet away are all tense pointing rifles up. At that point, it’s pretty clear he knows Crooks is dead and there is no other shooter (neither of which the nearby LEOs seemed to know).

I think the massive video dump is honest elements within BC LEO (it was they who released the material) who felt the heat being brought by the “lapses” of the two BC ESU snipers. They’re at least showing the story of the boosted policeman is true, just ~37 seconds before shots.


@cmartenson has anyone looked at AGR building 9 as a potential shooter location for shots 4-8? Elevation is hard to determine, but it appears there may be a coincident line of sight to Crook’s location. Might also help explain the troublesome audio analysis.

That’s it!

That’s the one. One they missed?

Yes, agree - local LEOs could be responding to being thrown under the bus . . .

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Why was Greg Nichols, one of the two Butler County Sniper Team members, supposedly stationed on the second floor of the building overlooking the roof where the shooter (Crooks?) was shooting from, casually strolling out of the front door of Building 6 (Door 9) at 18:13:29, two minutes after the first shots were fired.
Why did he not remain or return to his post, overlooking the roof, when all LEO’s were still trying to get onto the roof.

The shooter was killed around 18:12:00.
If he would be at his post, he could have seen that and either inform the rest of the LEO’s, or better yet, climb out the window and get on the roof of the adjacent building to confirm and provide intelligence or cover.

Here is the link to the video Dropbox

Just go to 18:13:29 of the time stamp.

The video is somewhat boring, because it is from a dashcam inside the cop car, however it contains tons of audio communications and you can clearly hear the shots.
Maybe some further audio analysis can be done from this, because the car is stationary and the exact location is known.


You would think that the SS would know that would happen at a big event and would not rely on mobile phones.

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Agreed on Greg Nichols.

But as far as the boosted LEO, it exposes more lies and even with my eyes only/ears seems to tampered with.

No blood gushing flesh wound. No twisted ankle. No fall from 9 feet.

And how did Crooks get the jump on him? The LEO should have had the element of surprise.

And why did the LEO approach from that spot? Did he see him run across? Why didn’t he call for backup?

Plus maybe he actually had bad timing, because Crooks most likely reassembled his AR there and then, just in time to aim at the LEO?

The LEO at least goes to intercept Crooks, loses surprise and tactical advantage that can be assessed as possible bad luck, but then runs off like a chicken with its head cutoff to the best location for Crooks to shoot him with minimal risk to Crooks. Plus Crooks is assumed to be lower on the roof, otherwise, how does he get a jump on the LEO, yet the LEO runs to a location he couldn’t possibly see Crooks…

And then audio is removed of the shots taken…

Ugh…this is so Bad, it hurts…


My money on the bloody hands will be whichever guy was using the plastic chair that broke when he was trying to use it to get up before the ladders arrived.

Love this…

IF we didn’t know for sure by now, Greg Nichols knows a WHOLE LOT MORE THAN HE IS TELLING.

Wonder if Greg will end up disappearing?