At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

It’s a window and was open prior to shots fired along with 3 windows on South Wall.

Picture from BC when SS agent first up on roof next to Crooks dead body.

If Greg was in Bld. 6 by East door when first shots fired he could have run back to his post from cross over b/t bld. 6 and Bld 3 to get eyes on Crooks in 30 seconds from any of these windows.

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Can someone explain something to me? In the video of the shooter running on the roof, he runs from left to right, disappears for a few seconds, and then comes up in position. But in the Spa Guy drone video, the path of travel is projected to be straight up the east side of the roofs. I used a previous image and drew the Spa Guy path as I understood it in yellow, and the path from the Copenhaver video in green.

I realize the perspective is off in the Copenhaver video, so can someone explain how the apparent movement from left to right lines up with the Spa Guy video?

If you try to imagine this from the bleachers ground level, as I’ve tried to illustrate, if Crooks took the paths in blue it would appear he was moving left to right. I went a little extreme with the angle but you get the point hopefully.

I drew the blue lines to reflect my best understanding of where he gained access, there was an AC unit, then a short shed. He was last seen in this area. You might also be right on his roof access location. Regardless, the path would appear “left to right” from the bleachers vantage. The “dip down” would likely be his crossing that lower bridge between the buildings.

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I think Spa Guy initially was thinking the a/c to shed route, but then found an a/c unit with the top missing, finger marks in the siding, and footprints on the roof in the opening on the other side of that building. i wondered if maybe he cut to his right to the wall of the 2nd story building to catch his and move to the edge of the roof closer to the stage, and then went to the breezeway drop down.

I’m sure it’s probably not that big of a deal, I was just trying to make it make sense. Thanks for responding.

Pretty sure Spa Guy put out his theorized path before the Copenhaver video showed up.
Crooks certainly wasn’t concerned with staying concealed; even knowing of the counter-snipers. His hurry definitely makes one think he had an appointment to keep. And how was he ever going to hit anything in that state of adrenaline scope-less?

I noticed the same Timothy Burke look-alike. In this post I unblurred his face and compared it to a known picture of Timothy Burke with FBI Director Wray in Sep 2020.


@tina-h and @bigtim I initially considered the shortest distance between two points for Crook’s travel across the roof (red line.) Given the Copenhaver video, I considered a different path (blue line) starting on the building marked number 4. Either that or while on top of building 3 he considered using the corridor roof closer to building 2 but backtracked to the one he did use (purple line.) Either one works.


Not sure where to post this. Might help with the timeline.


Thanks for reminding me. I was at my grandson’s birthday party today and was going to go back and look at this bodycam footage to identify the building to revisit Crooks’ roof travel, but forgot.

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Someone should go back onto that roof and walk along the path. Of coures with the same body height. How many cameras would be needed? 1 at bleachers, +1 by water tower (police car), +1 Hercules snipers position?


One of the newly released videos has a pic of the south sniper team. This pic was taken at 6:28:56. The Video is tagged 122104. These guys don’t seem stressed out at all. They seem like they are just going home for the day after a day’s work at the factory, not after f’ing up so bad that the only reason the former president is still alive is by the grace of God. They don’t mind that a guy died, two men are seriously injured and several hundred will have PTSD.

Of course, they may not be the team that actually took out Crooks.

Let’s not judge too harshly. Some people just don’t get excited or flustered no matter what’s going on. Supposedly there is an affidavit from a USSS whistleblower saying they were ordered not to take action. Right now the only thing I want to ask the southern team is why they turned north.

He first pops up.
240811 a
Pocice car arrives with “to be hoisted” officer.
240811 b
2nd police car arrives.

Appears once again.
240811 d

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The New York Times, of all rags, pored through the new videos and found something: in one of the videos a police officer is walking toward the AGR building and sees Crooks on the roof about three minutes before the shooting. It notes that it’s not clear whether the officer notices Crooks, as he was still quite a ways away. But it’s another sighting.

Crooks is the bump that’s just a little bit left of the telephone poles (but to the right of the trees) here. You can’t really see any detail.

Ah, you just beat me to it!

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Sorry, I was wrong. That’s another police car. But which?


I’m not so sure that’s necessary. I updated my roof access slide to include the various sightings of Crooks on the roof from body cam videos. We pretty much know his route now.

Actually I have a problem with the police cars just arrive at the building.

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Kipling: “If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you."

When I was in Honor Guard Co, The Old Guard, we had to show a blank face to all those around us. No matter how important the Military Ceremony was, you showed no emotion.


I have checked the 3 police cars.
240811 f
First was the “to be hoisted” police officer.
Then another car passed the little building from north.
Finally the third police car arrived straight from north.

Now here is the question if he could see the shooter on the roof at 18:08:46.
240811 g