At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

Your questions present good thought provoking considerations. Off the top of my head:

  1. Crooks knows there’s cops and people that see him, and he has a small window and some urgency to get into position. I’m sure he could hear or even see the patrol car entering the parking lot to his left. Maybe hear the cops below talking and getting boosted up.
  2. The first 3 shots are more accurate, calm, and collected. I believe, from a bunch of evidence, this was a professional shooter. But we do see Crooks in position when shot 1 fires, it’s just not clear if he recoils or not.
  3. I do at this point believe the totality of the evidence shows Crooks only fired shots 4-8.

this is absolutely true, but it is very hard to get through to Chris (@cmartenson) to direct his people to consider alternative shooter positions like the highest building behind crooks…

I have been trying to convince Chris’ people for a week now, and they are so biased towards “it must have been crooks or someone from within this building” that any other possibility is dismissed and gas lit immediately…

when I then point out that the 3D CAD model they use may be less accurate than everybody believes, they get very defensive and dig their heels into concrete…

I find it very strange that bias and prejudice, and even cognitive dissonance, play such a big role in globally distributed quest to figure out what really happened at that rally…

I’ll help you out. I have some questions. Is each pin drop the end of a bullet? there are 6

Yours is just one Hypothesis among many. Just because we don’t drop everything and bow down to your brilliance doesn’t mean its not in the mix. You’re just one of many working on this problem.

You present an attitude that makes it hard to be one of the team.


yes, each of these pins in the front part (there are also 3 pins in the background) represents a bullet contact, but there are fewer bullets involved than the number of pins :slight_smile:

actually, there are 7 pins in the foreground: the behind the D of Dutch you will also see a pin…

  • the first bullet grazed Trump’s ear (2nd pin if you count from left to right)
  • then the first bullet grazed/touched/penetrated the railing of the right bleacher (6th pin)
  • and the first bullet ended up in the beam of the JCB hydraulic lift (pin 7)

there is no clarity about which persons got hit by which bullets after the
first bullet:

  • David Dutch (5th pin, as the 4th pin is covered by the D of Dutch) may have been hit by the first bullet, or he was hit by bullet 2 or 3. from the videos it is not clear he was hit by the 1st or a subsequent one. it is, however, clear that it was with bullets 2 or 3…
  • James Copenhaver (pin 4) was hit by bullet 3 or 2 (if bullet 2 hit David Dutch, bullet 3 hit James Copenhaver and vice versa)
  • there was a nephew of a US senator that was grazed in the neck by one of the bullets 4-8 (pin 3)
  • and the first pin is that of Corey Comperatore who was shot dead by one of the bullets 4-8

in the background, there are 3 pins:

  • the pin that corresponds with the man on the roof who was shot dead and to whom everybody was looking and pointing
  • in the background you see two other pins. these are the ones for the two rifles that must have been used. let’s assume that both rifles were used by the same person :wink:
  • one rifle was, according to my view, a sniper rifle that fired the first 3 rounds
  • the second rifle was a fully automatic rifle with 5 cartridges in the magazine

I just read this in the first principles thread, just two minutes before you start again to attack H. from the sidelines. Please stop.


Just my opinion from having been around the AGR building multiple times. Your hypothesis is good in theory but two things trip me up with it.

  1. is the snick boom/echo analysis which I’m taking at face value because I only know what others a lot smarter than me have claimed.

  2. is if someone shot from the building you suspect, I think someone would’ve known those reports came from the top of that building. That building sits closest to any road. That’s a very busy location on any day let alone the day in question. There are businesses right across the street from that building, and then you add in the security, foot traffic, and traffic control, and even an untrained ear that was on that side of the building would be able to tell X number of shots came from right there, and the others were farther south. We just haven’t heard this from anybody.

If shots came from the south side of the building under Crooks, they had to come from the vent pictured. There are no holes cut in the wall and the windows are too low. To shoot from the windows you’d have to shoot through two chain link fences and any people milling around. This vent is the only place that remotely lines up with Trump. If it’s not this vent, the shots came from above Trump. It’s blatantly clear when you’re on the property.


SLO MO with images of police with “other in custody”.

you make such a good point!
people take the different analyses at face value and assume the person who made the analysis knows what they are doing…

as you may have noticed, I have been asking for days now which speed of sound was used for the sound analyses.

so far, I got a couple of relevant replies, and I thank the people who replied greatly).

meanwhile, I have also checked out how the sound analyses have been performed and what parameters they used…

so, what did I learn?

I got very sad… it turns out they used an average of several bullet speeds to determine/guestimate the distances from which the bullets must have come from, and they use the wikipedia value for the speed of sound.

I am in the process of adding circles to my kml file that represent the calculated distance based on the speed of sound value calculated on the temperature at the time the shots were fired and the altitude above sea level of the rally area, and then we will see what we get for the different calibers and rifle types…

before the sergeant exploded, he gave good input for the different velocities and calibers he finds reasonable as the ones that may have been used.

I will use these values and see what comes out…

what happened so far is that many hypotheses and ideas have been thrown out and dismissed and gas lit based on guestimated that were based on parameters/inputs that may not have made sense when compared to reality…

yes, but as you have noticed in your drone footage, there is a kind of casing around that roof towards the street and parking side of the building.

if you shoot a gun from just above the roof top the sound will not propagate to the street and that part of the parking, but towards the trees and the rally area

in my opinion, it is very likely that the first 3 shots were fired with a suppressed sniper rifle, and firing these shots would not have been heard easily…

if a sniper uses a suppressed rifle with hypersonic ammunition, you would hear the bullet fly by and you would hear the impact and there would not be any echo…

for the bullets 4-8, there are two possibilities: either they have been shot by the man who died on the lower roof, or they were fired by the man on the high roof.

the first case is easy, and a couple of things would not have to be explained in detail.
in the second case, the sound of the full auto rifle would

  • still propagate much less to the street and parking due to the casing around the roof at these sides, and
  • people standing near the trees would not easily be able to distinguish between the two locations
  • people around the parking and near where RealDjStew said to the girl that she should make herself small would not hear a big difference either as they would associate it with an echo reflecting on and coming from the high building
  • people further to the rally area would not be able to make the distinction either

and for the people who think they saw some muzzle flash, that is perfectly possible: as soon as you are, e.g., 70-100 yards from the lowest building you cannot distinguish between a muzzle flash coming from the lower or the higher building…

and do not forget that the people were primed to believe/assume where the shots came from…
that is a factor that should not be underestimated either!

I do not believe in the vent theory… that is a hoax that has been seeded by the fast buriers of information.

as I explained in another post, there are 5 videos in which drones are supposed to have been seen…

now it turns out that the phone of RealDjStew has been confiscated by the fast buriers of information and he got it back only 3 days later…
I would not be surprised that the 4 other phones on which drones have been sighted had been confiscated by the same agency…

lucky me that I am not into speculation :slight_smile:

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Well, and IIRC about 200 m further north, across a nursery and the street you’ll find a gun shop with a big indoor shooting range.

You’ve not got me there yet but your hypothesis is very good, but you ballistic/sound experts are going to have to come together on the echos and distance. Until then everything is an assumption. Why don’t you all individually plug in the same data and see what you come up with?

If the 2nd shooter is on the tallest building how do you surmise he came down undetected? Off the west side onto the roof Crooks came up on?

From my drone footage where was Trump’s podium? I know he’s in front of the barns but can we get an exact position from my drone shot?

If I went back to AGR is there anything I can drone that would help anybody?


Cop told this guy he was put in handcuffs because he “looks exactly like the guy on the roof”

realDJStew724 drone sightings - UPDATED


first of all, you are an angle if you are able to go back to that site! :wink:

I took this shot from your footage timestamp 1m10:

these rectangles indicate two areas of interest that are very important:

the top rectangle is where the JCB hydraulic lift was. if you could take a couple of shots looking straight down, that would be great.
if your drone is gps coordinates enabled, and you could share the gps coordinates and bearing while taking these shots, that would be great too!

the second rectangle is where Trump’s podium was located.
also a shot looking vertically down, possibly with gps coordinates and bearing.

if gps coordinates and bearing are not possible/available, that would not be a big issue, but it would make the alignment of the pictures as a ground overlay easier.

the second thing would be the following:

the rectangle starts something like 2-3 yards over the barns where the snipers were located behind Trump and stretches to halfway the barn in the right bottom of these pictures.

if you could zig-zag slowly from one diagonal corner to the other (e.g., if you would start at the orange dot you would fly to the white barn along a straight line looking as vertically down as possible. at the barn you move a little towards the AGR site and you fly as parallel as possible to the previous strip to the barn where the snipers were located, etc.

it is best that there is a little overlap between each strip such that these can be glued/mapped to one another.

best fly at a fixed altitude (there are electricity lines and poles, all over that place, whatever height you feel comfortable with is fine)

the number of strips does not really matter and depends on the angle of your camera and the height from which you look at the ground. the smaller the distortion due to wide angle view, the better… the number of strips I drew in this picture does not need to be the number of strips you fly your drone, he… as long as the location of the JCB hydraulic lift is included fully in a single strip, I am happy :wink:

this was the line of fire:

if you could drive or fly nearby that building in the oval and look for a couple of bullet holes or freshly painted or repaired areas, that would be great…

bullets do not necessarily stop where they hit something and may follow through, and that building lies in the direct line of fire…

about the high building at the parking lot, I expect bipod or tripod marks at these stars:

if you could take a closeup of the area in the rectangle to see whether there are some marks of a person lying in wait, that would be great too.

and should you be able to look at the rally area from right above these stars, thus close to the roof looking towards the rally area, that would be great too!

BigTim pointed out that in the video that was taken by James Copenhaver, they could see a head popping up between two ventilation pipes on top of the roofs. that may have been these pipes that you captured in your video at 0m34s and 0m45s:

(these are 3 pipes in total. it is likely that the head may have popped up between the pipes in the first image, or a combination of the pipes of both images…)

when your drone looks at the rally area, could you also take a shot where these two pipes are in view too?

many thanks!


Has anyone figured out who that is?

It’s not Stewert, shirtless guy, neon shirt guy, or bike guy.

Who is that??

You’re doing AWESOME work and analysis! Keep it up. Ignore the detractors who may be plants here running smokescreens. That 2 story building roof must be investigated heavily and ruled in or out. I have no emotional attachment (and think shots might have come from the AGR#6 from a snipers nest in the ceiling). But this roof must be analyzed.

If someone is running a drone, go over the entire backside of the roof and all edges where someone could have climbed up, looking for any footprints, hand prints, evidence of any equipment laid there like a bag, rifle, shell casings and anything else.


I will do my Boy Scout best. I’m an old man and occasionally I struggle with technology. If I don’t crash into something we’ll be in business.

If anyone else wants particular shots let me know asap.


could you show me where that nest would be located such that I can add it to the set of shooter locations in my kml file and include it in the next snapshot?

I was planning to add the different windows of the buildings facing Trump too.
imho, the vents are very unlikely shooting positions as this would imply that the rifle(s) must have been inside the building and the explosions would have made a hell of a thunder inside that room/building…

these kml files are generated automagically, so it is easy to add whatever number of alternative sniper/shooter positions and have the corresponding distances and bullet trajectories plotted added…

yes, that is highly likely!

yes, I did not mention that explicitly, but these are indeed important clarifications!

about the shell casings, I have seen semi automatic sniper rifles with a bag on the side that collects the ejected shell casings. these would not have landed on the roof and it would support the regularity of the first 3 shots fired in 2 the first two seconds…

I am glad there are people, even though not many, who appreciate it!

it is really worrisome that there is so much resistance against my train of thought.
if I did not know any better, I would start believing in conspiracies :wink:

you really make my day!

many thanks!

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How far do you calculate that Trump’s podium is from the gravel drive in front of the stage? I can plant a flag there for reference so I can see it when I’m flying.

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