At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

I’m not so sure that’s necessary. I updated my roof access slide to include the various sightings of Crooks on the roof from body cam videos. We pretty much know his route now.

Actually I have a problem with the police cars just arrive at the building.

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Kipling: “If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you."

When I was in Honor Guard Co, The Old Guard, we had to show a blank face to all those around us. No matter how important the Military Ceremony was, you showed no emotion.


I have checked the 3 police cars.
240811 f
First was the “to be hoisted” police officer.
Then another car passed the little building from north.
Finally the third police car arrived straight from north.

Now here is the question if he could see the shooter on the roof at 18:08:46.
240811 g


I am finding the story of the local sharp shooter that left early very suspicious.

1 Why would you leave before the event?

2 He notifies the others that he is leaving and lays out a story as to why - his future whereabouts should be traced - was this just a cover story?

3 He also says that he puts his gun in his car and the “suspicious guy” may have seen him do it. Wouldn’t this mean that he should have stayed until the “suspicious guy” was apprehended?

4 Could this guy be the second shooter?

Food for thought.

Thanks so much for your excellent analytical coverage of this event.


Rob Longley




For some reason I’m not inclined to worry about that guy right now. AFAICT, what happened is that locals learned that they needed guys for the event, and immediately sent out requests for who would be available, and one officer said he could work that day but would have to leave at 4. He ended up leaving a bit later than that, closer to 4:30.

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I’ve looked at that dashcam and the object you circled with a question mark doesn’t move on the roof. In the bodycam you see him moving at a good pace. The bodycam is further back, possibly on elevated ground even, and would have a better view. I think the vehicle is too close to see the shooter.

I don’t remember which video/report it was in. IIRC When asking for members of the ESU, one of the 3 said he could work up to 4pm. After that he had a pre-planned event he was going to. IOW, it was 11-4 or not at all. The Trump Rally was volunteer duty, not required duty. Remember the ESU is extra on top of their regular Police duties.


Timestamps would be great.

The text messages Sen. Grassley released is where that discussion about leaving at 4 pm is documented.

Edit: Here are the texts in question.

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They are included in my slide.


The video in this link shows what is going on at the northern end of the Trump podium as it starts. There is one security member hunched over and moving people away before the shooting starts. He is quick to duck as the shooting starts.

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Tim, I wish I had your ability for conciseness - I wish I could have written my thesis statement as you just summed it.

About a corrupt SS leadership I am not surprised at all. But about local police it’s been shocking to watch the bodycam videos - a real education and eye-opener about local police. In their defense, I’m sure much of the time they are scanning for threats and risks that we do not imagine in areas that the camera is not pointing to. Still, the lethargy, cowardice, freezing, lack of creativity and caring appear too long in too many of them.

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For comic relief, here is the Secret Service’s “damage control for plebs” exactly two weeks after its failure to protect Trump.

ZeroHedge: “Secret Service Apologizes For Picking Lock, Breaking Into Local Salon After Covering-Up Security Cam”

One can understand that an arrogant SS would count on the high-analysis at PP to pass over most people’s tolerance for attention, time, and analysis, especially with the collaboration of the MSM. But a blatant story like the above is sure to excite even those with no tolerance at all, and be an easy score for MSM clicks.

So, does the fact SS behaves so blatantly anyway mean that the SS is more arrogant than we think, or more incompetent than we think … or maybe both?

Here’s one thing not in doubt. The SS gaslights blatantly - spox Melissa McKenzie:

“The Secret Service has since communicated with the affected business owner. We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner’s permission.”

Not. After the tape was placed on the camera, the salon owner’s interior cameras detected four other people over a 90 minute span. Owner:

“And then when they were done using the bathroom for two hours, they left and left my building completely unlocked and did not take the tape off the camera. … they didn’t even have the audacity to ask for permission. They just helped themselves.”

If a major reason of PP is to inform people about governmental abuses, protect them, and compel accountability and transparency by exposure, MSM exposure would make the salon owner a good candidate for the PP Hall of Fame.


just rounding back to this video. So with 100 law enforcement at the rally, they called a guy driving thru butler and he runs into the parking lot after following stop signs and traffic signals. then without knowing who the hell is on the premises runs into the situation and tries to hop on the roof. yet none of the cops on site ran towards the shooter with the same zeal. makes no sense whatsoever. he was in a neighborhood and then just hopped on the roof with a gunman up there? I still dont believe the hoist on the roof story. no one would do it. no one. especially not someone patrolling a neighborhood.


yes this video shows the SS new shots were coming. why didnt they get Trump off the stage?

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he left just as soon as they spotted crooks. as if he was there to usher crooks in.


Mrgunsngear Channel - New Police Bodycam From Trump Assassination Attempt Raises Questions! 4SZOM0Y3WPI - 1264x711 - 3m23s(1)

Because with the info we have, they spotted him about an hour after that sniper left.

I Hi Everyone!!! When I 1st viewed the Crooks rooftop footage, there was less blurred out. Bomb Squad guy asked ESU Headcam Guy to reach into his Belt Pack to pull out gloves. As gloves were being retrieved, BS Guy… Oh, my bad, Bomb Squad Guy went into his front pocket to pull out a Ziplock bag? Then commenting 2 times, about how he just happened to put it in his pocket that morning? He never thought he’d be using it for THIS??? Bomb Squad was moving Crooks side to side, with his hand going under Crooks?? He stopped to view a golden piece of metal. Too small to be a casing. Golden in color. He immediately Ziplocked it, then placed it in a pocket. He continued to move around body. Headcam ESU guy, seeing what B.S . was doing, yelled to medic Michelle she could go, a couple of times. Seemed he was trying to protect her from what he was seeing?? She still stayed. With nobody else touching area, the shell casing count now became 8?? Seemed his initial mission, Operation Ziplock, was the priority over Bomb Detonator?