At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

Beyond sketchy!


@cmartenson I have been studying these images and want you to give me a good explaination please. Hopefully, you see what I see. I think we are being played

Please go ahead and say what your theory is.

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Careful those who take someone else’s personal opinion to heart he shares his thoughts on Conspiracy Theorists around the 9-10 min mark, perhaps you can find it in your heart to understand that he, like us, is just another imperfect person looking at the same complicated thing but coming from a different background and Bios, just look at the information that is new and wash out the individual is my suggestion

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The light.
Either the body and officers are right on top of it (which would illustrate being closer to the light because it’s as big as a human with a big blue top) or it is a correct size and looks different. In the first pic you see a close-up face shot and the close-up black pants, arm, and gun of police but between his legs
 the light is small in background.
Next two pics they are all normal size but the light is glaringly huge and totally misproportioned.
Next photo the light is small. In the final pic with a similar distance/size of Crooks to previous pic (with small light in background) look at the size of that light. Huge.

I’m sure you could better organize it. That is the best I can do.

perfect. thanks for this input. I will use these as reference.
I will plot a couple of tables using different types of rounds (grains, G1 values) and muzzle velocities from the a bit lower than the values you mention to the higher values stepping up with 50 or 100 fps and highlight the ones with snick-boom pairs between 0.213-0.220 seconds at Trump’s microphone.

in my model, I am also going to take into account ballistic trajectories with windage and a more realistic bullet drop than a straight line

so, next week, I will come back to you with this information

thanks for considering, your feedback and input!

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That’s what I estimated as well as the requisite velocity to be consistent with a .22 delay, at that distance. His theory did explain multiple observations, but not this delay of .22.

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@cmartenson Now look at this

Towards the edge of the bldg where the light is they have blurred in the bodycam video. Why? Look at this:

Zoomed in. Doesn’t it look like there was something here?

[Sign of snick-boom delay is corrected now.] What type of rifle and ammo you use in your models will not change the fact that the snick-boom delay is about .22 seconds, and speed of sound was about 1200 ft/s.

The beauty of basic arithmetic is that with these two data points, and an estimated distance of 780 ft, you can deduce the average velocity of the bullet. If that average velocity is too low for a sniper’s rifle, you can have confidence in ruling out the far distance.

Average velocity is defined as V = distance / time, so D = V T.
For sound (whatever rifle and bullet), 780 = 1200 T, so T = .65 sec
For bullet, 780 = V (T -delay) = V (.65-.22) = V(.43) implies V= 1,814 ft/s

In sum, the average velocity of the bullet would have to be about 1,814 ft/s to be consistent with that distance and that snick-boom delay.

I doubt that you will find any round of any caliber that is desirable for a sniper (relatively flat and powerful at 780 feet) that is so slow.

For example - just an example, not an assumption - for a .223 (desirable as it would match Crooks’ round) the velocity at 300 yards (which is 900 feet, way farther) is over 2,000 ft/s for all rounds in this ballistic list. All those rounds would have a terminal velocity higher at 780 feet, and therefore even higher averaged out over the whole distance 
 yet the average would need to be just about 1,814 ft/s.

I look forward to see if you find a sniper-desirable round of any caliber that averages only ~1,814 ft/s over 260 yards.

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you have been primed to assume that a similar gun as the one that was recovered has been used must have been used, and then you come to a certain set of bullets with different shapes and powder loads that could match with these.

for a professional shooter/sniper, like the one I assume in my model, which weapon and which cartridges should be used are just things that are selected and that are best suitable for the job.

so, the weapon and the cartridge are a tool that varies and is selected as needed and appropriate

we really have no idea or reliable information on which bullets, cartridges or casings were recovered from the lower roof and as far as I know, no information has been released on the bullets recovered from the victims or the JCB hydraulic lift

so, deducing from these unknown facts that the shooter must have been using a rifle similar to the one that was recovered from the roof is really a very big stretch

I do not rule any of these combinations out and will let you know.

did you watch Gary Menton’s video he put online yesterday or the day before in which he shows a box of ammunition which many claim does not exist but is easily obtained when you know what your are looking for?

in that video, he also shows the muzzle flash and decibel registration of shooting a rifle with subsonic ammunition at a distance similar to the distances we have seen on the rally area

you will be surprised about the sound levels and muzzle flash intensities you will see and hear

it looks a long video, but the sound readings and muzzle flash discussion is in the first tenish minutes

I will say this, it is weird that we can’t see that massive blood trail in the aerial photo. Maybe they blurred it for tv?

But if your proposal is that the dead body was located closer to the light and then moved, it doesn’t align with the body cam footage.

I don’t think the large grayish blob is the roof light in one of the photos. I think it’s a camo backpack maybe?

The body cam footage from across the field behind the bleachers clearly shows Crooks in his position where he dies and when the officers get on the roof, they approach that same position. Sure, they’re all just blobs at that distance, but it all aligns.

I went back to AGR and droned yesterday. After about 15 minutes I was kicked off the property. I guess I’m lucky to have been able to access the property three times. I’m seeing a lot of YouTubers saying they haven’t been able to get any access.

I was planning on videoing all sides of the tall building but was only able to get the roof completed. (1st video) I shot the second video the week before. It somewhat shows the side you’re talking about. I don’t see anything suspect.


this is the image I use in my kml file

the black trail going down is his blood trail.

you must know that as soon as the heart stops, no more blood is pumped out of the body.

what happened in my opinion is that bullet 9 injured him and bullet 10 finished him off

so, in this photo you see halfway the photo his head, 4 ribs to the left the rifle, in the center of the image some miscellaneous stuff (the remote control and something else which I do not know) and the big black spot below the roof is the infamous backpack

this is a scheme from Mike Bell:

I was referring to this picture. It seems like they removed the blood.

yes, that image has been blurred or otherwise changed

I was talking about this spot on the roof arund the parapit:


hello Chris,

what a coincidence that I just listened to Mike Bell’s sound analysis

he says word by word that there are some anomalies in the time that realDjStew and the witnesses under the trees at the other side of the building register their sounds TOO early compared to the people further away towards the rally area

that would be very likely if the real shooter was on the higher roof as these witnesses had a direct line of ear to that location

(note that I just grabbed a screenshot while Mike Bell was presenting this chart. there is no relation between what I am saying and the position of his mouse pointer

as I said yesterday, I am now doing a validation of the sound analyses and will come back to you on this topic next week

They’ve destroyed “Thomas Crooks’” corpse in secret - the evidence is gone - they claim they cremated it about 10 days after the Assassination - whatever further evidence we can get beyond the fact that he was not killed from a frontal shot has been lost
autopsy report cannot be directly audited now that the body is gone.

Report on this matter is made by Representative Clay Higgins:


“My effort to examine Crooks’ body on Monday, August 5, caused quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact
 the FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after J13. On J23, Crooks was gone. Nobody knew this until Monday, August 5, including the County Coroner, law enforcement,
Sheriff, etc.”

I am currently trying to look back into the County Chief Coroner/Mortician who is a Jewish Israeli-dual-citizen - I now regret not following my instincts and taking that red-flag seriously - I remember reading he was the same person who falsified autopsies and reports about “40 decaptitated Jewish babies” and such, however I’m being told his information is actively being scrubbed from the internet as we speak. I would appreciate any assistance in tracking this guy down ASAP.

I already suspected the Local and/or State Police were among the conspirators in this Assassination - It only makes sense considering the FBI and USSS could not confidently attempt to kill Trump AND destroy the evidence without local support infrastructure.

This latest “success” at destruction of evidence leaves no doubt
as if anyone here had any doubts left. I no longer subscribe to the false-theory of “looking the other way” and trying to find ways to disprove my own instincts as proposed by many Youtubers - doing so has allowed the conspirators an irredeemable head-start and now evidence has been purged, information is lost forever, and my country was already behind the 8-ball.

Nothing has made me angrier than listening to Chris Mastenson’s guests from Paramount Tactical to Peter Boghossian gas-lighting his audience against their own better judgment.