At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

You’re a true Patriot! Thanks. But please don’t risk arrest for tresspassing on our account.


I keep going over certain moments like this, because the interaction just feels “off” to me. He needed to point out that they couldn’t find him, but didn’t really disclose why - like for example, “we couldn’t find him, he blended into the crowd” or something along those lines. “He’s the only one, you know” to say that just 10 minutes later when no buildings have been successfully cleared yet is pretty interesting choice of words to me. Then the other guy blows up about his people missing.

I don’t have anything to really go off of here, but again interactions like that are just odd to me every time I come across them in these videos. It feels like certain people really wanted to say something, because look at how many of them keep to themselves. Someone knew something…

no need to worry.

I am adding every vent and every window and door facing Trump to my model such that lines of sight, sound and the real ballistic trajectory from each of these points can be evaluated…

as I said in my previous posts, the AGR site is uniquely configured to get away with this sort of attack: there are two roofs with extremely similar angles for the lines of sight such that the one on the lowest roof can take the blame for what the other one (I still believe that the other one (aka the real shooter) was located at the higher roof which you documented extensively too)).

I am now stitching together stills I captured from your 300ft flight.
as soon as the stitching is done, you will be the first to see the outcome!

this is getting really interesting :wink:

and indeed: from my perspective, we now have everything we need to evaluate the different possibilities!
no need to go back!

and what I find very striking, even in this forum, is that there is so much resistance against looking at some other alternative positions than the one that has been put forward right from the start…
if you ask me, that is very dodgy too…

thanks again for your efforts and cooperation, extremely much appreciated!


Okay, Thanks for reply.

Benny Johnson went there and described it as a “kill box”.

A second shooter (actually primary) would be concealed and near the trajectory of the patsy. The perpetrators were overconfident and the range was so close, they may have been only 2 shooters (including patsy). Everything went to plan-They got the shot(s) off. That shot near the ear would have hit, but by the Grace of God.

You took a big risk, and no one would blame you for not going back. They can’t bull doze the area like they did the Davidian compound.

Be careful



thanks to Rough Country Gypsy we now have a very accurate layout of the Butler Fairground.

I will be using this in my next kml file as reference to put the different objects in place!

thanks again!

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I just watched a video of that guy (can’t remember his channel name) who Chris did the joint podcast with and he said he was going to Butler today to drone.

yes, that is Gary from Paramount Tactical.
he got chased away and bullied by the guards.
it is very likely that you have been able to shoot the last footage that we could have gotten!

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from my perspective these two yellow dots are the ones that play a key role in what happened, and the top one is barely visible as it blends in with the sky…

any sound that propagated from these locations over the rooftops to the crowd in the rally area would be completely indistinguishable to these people, both sonically and visually!

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The blood found in the bathroom was given as one reason why the LEOs at one time thought there was a second shooter. This suggests that none of the police had injuries commensurate with the extent of blood found, and that the blood was not present when police were earlier using the facilities.
Suggest that some person sustained an injury inside Building 6 or an internally connected building at about the time of the shooting.
I note that some kind of jemmy or door ram appears in a police video recording the east-side doorway of building 6 some time later. Perhaps it was used in some activity inside the building and and some unidentified person sustained a minor injury thereby.

I think this was already solved. There was confusion about when that happened, and it seemed to be later after the event and not necessarily the event that made everyone scramble to try and find a second shooter. It was from an Officer Graham who cut his hand climbing over the fence. key word: I think.

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Thanks for trying to get my attention…it’s been a flood for sure, and I know I’ve dropped a few angles for sure.

Now, as to your hypothesis, I haven’t got any evidence or data for it. We have tons of audio, but none of the signatures would match for a shot being taken from 2x as far as the Bldg6 roof.

Besides noting that the angle might be supportive, what evidence or data have you got, and how would you counter all the audio analysis, which is extensive, that has converged on the 1-3 and 4-8 shot patterns all being within a very tight arena of possibilities around Crooks’ position?

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hello Chris,

thanks for your reaction.
the location is extremely likely and several of the forum members agree with this, but “the only thing” that does not work out is the sound analysis.
so, I checked your sound analyses and these seem to not take into account the correct speeds of sound and do not consider different bullet or rifle types, as they always assume that it was an AR-15 type of rifle, where from my point of view, the person on that higher roof was using a sniper rifle…

next week, I will do the sound analyses myself using each window, each vent and each location that would be relevant for a sniper to have shot from…

about the 3D CAD model, Roger does not take into account that the ground level is very uneven at the rally area and he works with rounded foot levels, which means there is a 30cm degree of freedom…

when you use inches or cm instead of ft that granularity would result in totally different outcomes, as what has just been confirmed by:

there is also a direct line of sight/ear with the recordings of RealDjStew and the witnesses near the trees…
about 478 ft to the witnesses near the trees and 450 ft to RealDjStew

bottom line: I would not rule it out what I am saying…
the sound analyses I have seen passing by do not take into account various types of rifles and ammunition and do not take into account the right temperature/elevation to determine the speed of sound…

e.g., I have been asking for these parameters several times and for several days now (almost a week), and only 1 person gave a relevant reply, so the sound analyses have to be corroborated independently, and that is what I will be doing next week…


“A sniper rifle?”

I don’t think that way. Which caliber and what fps would you be working with as an assumption start?

Given the ~781 feet distance you’ve mapped out, to get a ‘snick-boom’ pair of 0.220 seconds to 0.213 seconds at Trump’s mic would require a bullet traveling in the vicinity of 1800-1830 fps, give or take.

As a starting point, I’d be looking for cartridges and platforms that operate about that speed.


The speed of sound I am using that day comes to us from Bob Klimm who plugged these daily readings/variables into a SoS calculator that incorporates the all-important kPa into the calculation.

Butler PA weather at 6 PM, 7/13 was 90 deg, 93% humid, 30.17” Hg, wind SSW at 5 mph - Past Weather in Butler, Pennsylvania, USA — Yesterday or Further Back

Sound velocity – 90 deg Dry = 1149 - Speed of Sound Calculator

                            90 deg, 30.17” Hg = 14.82 kPa, 93% rel humid = 1203 -

Just for the record, this SS sniper has a shoulder patch that says “BRAVO” and on his gun bag a tag “D. King,” probably his name.


When the guy you’re talking to first joined the forum and gave his theory, I asked him to show his work, and he wouldn’t. Eventually I did it for him, and computed a snickboom of around 0.4s when we actually see 0.22s. I computed what the muzzle velocity would need to be to have a snick-boom of 0.22s at that distance, and saw the shooter would practically have to be using a historical weapon. I asked him if he’d computed that, and he gave an evasive answer.

AFAIK he’s never acknowledged this really basic criticism, vampired other users the way he did me, and continues to promote his useless site, which may just be a way to collect IP addresses. :-1:

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Is Bodycam 122104 Matthew Pearson?

Yes, his is the only one with his name on it.

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You could film the outside wall of the rear two-story building up close to see if there might be any openings through which shots could have been fired.

Such a scenario assumes that a gun was fired from a pre-set machine and therefore the opening does not need to be so large that a human with a scope could see through it.

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