At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

first of all, you are an angle if you are able to go back to that site! :wink:

I took this shot from your footage timestamp 1m10:

these rectangles indicate two areas of interest that are very important:

the top rectangle is where the JCB hydraulic lift was. if you could take a couple of shots looking straight down, that would be great.
if your drone is gps coordinates enabled, and you could share the gps coordinates and bearing while taking these shots, that would be great too!

the second rectangle is where Trumpā€™s podium was located.
also a shot looking vertically down, possibly with gps coordinates and bearing.

if gps coordinates and bearing are not possible/available, that would not be a big issue, but it would make the alignment of the pictures as a ground overlay easier.

the second thing would be the following:

the rectangle starts something like 2-3 yards over the barns where the snipers were located behind Trump and stretches to halfway the barn in the right bottom of these pictures.

if you could zig-zag slowly from one diagonal corner to the other (e.g., if you would start at the orange dot you would fly to the white barn along a straight line looking as vertically down as possible. at the barn you move a little towards the AGR site and you fly as parallel as possible to the previous strip to the barn where the snipers were located, etc.

it is best that there is a little overlap between each strip such that these can be glued/mapped to one another.

best fly at a fixed altitude (there are electricity lines and poles, all over that place, whatever height you feel comfortable with is fine)

the number of strips does not really matter and depends on the angle of your camera and the height from which you look at the ground. the smaller the distortion due to wide angle view, the betterā€¦ the number of strips I drew in this picture does not need to be the number of strips you fly your drone, heā€¦ as long as the location of the JCB hydraulic lift is included fully in a single strip, I am happy :wink:

this was the line of fire:

if you could drive or fly nearby that building in the oval and look for a couple of bullet holes or freshly painted or repaired areas, that would be greatā€¦

bullets do not necessarily stop where they hit something and may follow through, and that building lies in the direct line of fireā€¦

about the high building at the parking lot, I expect bipod or tripod marks at these stars:

if you could take a closeup of the area in the rectangle to see whether there are some marks of a person lying in wait, that would be great too.

and should you be able to look at the rally area from right above these stars, thus close to the roof looking towards the rally area, that would be great too!

BigTim pointed out that in the video that was taken by James Copenhaver, they could see a head popping up between two ventilation pipes on top of the roofs. that may have been these pipes that you captured in your video at 0m34s and 0m45s:

(these are 3 pipes in total. it is likely that the head may have popped up between the pipes in the first image, or a combination of the pipes of both imagesā€¦)

when your drone looks at the rally area, could you also take a shot where these two pipes are in view too?

many thanks!


Has anyone figured out who that is?

Itā€™s not Stewert, shirtless guy, neon shirt guy, or bike guy.

Who is that??

Youā€™re doing AWESOME work and analysis! Keep it up. Ignore the detractors who may be plants here running smokescreens. That 2 story building roof must be investigated heavily and ruled in or out. I have no emotional attachment (and think shots might have come from the AGR#6 from a snipers nest in the ceiling). But this roof must be analyzed.

If someone is running a drone, go over the entire backside of the roof and all edges where someone could have climbed up, looking for any footprints, hand prints, evidence of any equipment laid there like a bag, rifle, shell casings and anything else.


I will do my Boy Scout best. Iā€™m an old man and occasionally I struggle with technology. If I donā€™t crash into something weā€™ll be in business.

If anyone else wants particular shots let me know asap.


could you show me where that nest would be located such that I can add it to the set of shooter locations in my kml file and include it in the next snapshot?

I was planning to add the different windows of the buildings facing Trump too.
imho, the vents are very unlikely shooting positions as this would imply that the rifle(s) must have been inside the building and the explosions would have made a hell of a thunder inside that room/buildingā€¦

these kml files are generated automagically, so it is easy to add whatever number of alternative sniper/shooter positions and have the corresponding distances and bullet trajectories plotted addedā€¦

yes, that is highly likely!

yes, I did not mention that explicitly, but these are indeed important clarifications!

about the shell casings, I have seen semi automatic sniper rifles with a bag on the side that collects the ejected shell casings. these would not have landed on the roof and it would support the regularity of the first 3 shots fired in 2 the first two secondsā€¦

I am glad there are people, even though not many, who appreciate it!

it is really worrisome that there is so much resistance against my train of thought.
if I did not know any better, I would start believing in conspiracies :wink:

you really make my day!

many thanks!

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How far do you calculate that Trumpā€™s podium is from the gravel drive in front of the stage? I can plant a flag there for reference so I can see it when Iā€™m flying.

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If someone is running a drone, go over the entire backside of the roof and all edges where someone could have climbed up, looking for any footprints, hand prints, evidence of any equipment laid there like a bag, rifle, shell casings and anything else.

Thanks greatly!


great idea!

in my model, Trumpā€™s position would have been:

  • longitude -79.97099884455767
  • latitude 40.85698684915142
  • 45 yards from the barn to Trump
  • 10 yards from the path across the green to Trump
  • 30 yards from the road along the green to Trump

how remarkable that these are round numbersā€¦
I never before paid attention to this observation :slight_smile:

if you have a 2nd flag, it would make sense to put it 2 yards next to the same road in the extension of the line towards Trumpā€™s flag (notice that all these lines are at 90 degrees to the barn, path and road for your convenienceā€¦):

  • 2 yards from the road along the 90 degrees line towards Trumpā€™s flag
  • longitude -79.97112266623199
  • latitude 40.85668312671275

it would also be great if you could take an overview picture (by drone or simple phone) that includes along the two flags towards the AGR buildingsā€¦

note that should you encounter/observe discrepancies between the coordinates I mention here and what you find on site, you can ignore the coordinates I mention here, as a real site survey overrules and is more authoritative than google earth :wink:

also be careful if you use a range finder when you mark the spot, as they may find it suspicious behaviour :slight_smile:

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I donā€™t want to just add work to a pile for somebody else to do, but if I could ask for anything, Iā€™d actually like to see the southeastern part of the roof, because somebody might be able to do a DC sniper type thing if they were in the ā€œatticā€.

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Suggest that wonderful idea and suggestion to the guy doing the drone footage. Thatā€™s a actually really interesting theory.

on this picture, the casing around the roof at the side of the tallest building at the parking can be seen very clearly:

a few days ago, I saw the body cam footage of a police man who was close to that building. I will look that up.

as there is a direct line of sight from that roof towards the rally area, the reverse direction is also true for the echo: that body cam footage can have registered two things:

  • outgoing fire that originates from that roof
  • the echo of firing the different rounds reflecting off the wall of that building back to that body cam recorderā€¦

The exact locations of the shooters can be accurately determined on a geographical map through more detailed analysis of the 5 audio recordings from 5 microphones using simultaneous equations to include known properties of sound waves, known positions of the 5 microphones, and geometry. Please contact me to explain how this should be done: mikamolyneaux at g mail dot com.

youā€™re on a forumā€¦just post it

Chris, youā€™re doing an awesome job piecing together the details. A much needed public service. At a fundamental level, this has stunk from the jump. Itā€™s the first shooting in at least 25 years that wasnā€™t immediately followed by Dem calls for more gun controls, and it was their favorite target, an AR. Theyā€™ve wanted this story to move on quickly for a reason, and FBI certainly is doing their best to keep this out of the news cycle. Coup against Biden was their distraction story to move on from assassination attempt. Thank you for your continued pursuit of the truth.


Ok, I did my best. I got up before dawn and was on the road. It didnā€™t go as planned. The Farm Show grounds are now gated and locked down. The front yard of AGR (and all local businesses are now under construction as it looks like theyā€™re adding a lane to the highway on the west side, and guards are posted to the north of AGR. I couldnā€™t find a place to drone from (I only have a 1-mile distance).

I went to the far south end of the Farm Show grounds and thought Iā€™d try from there. As I was setting up an employee of the Farm Show arrived in a white truck and threw me off the property.

I did a couple of laps around the side roads and found an entrance to the east where I could park, slip through the gate on foot, and get right to the area where the Trump rally was. First, I walked over to eyeball the barn located beyond the stage and can confirm there were no bullet holes or fresh repairs. I videoed it but did not upload it to this post. Next, I stepped off the approximate distance to where Trumpā€™s podium was and put a rod in the ground.

I began droning as asked for by @howdoiknowthisinfo. The camera is pointing straight down but itā€™s hard to fly this way as there are many obstacles. Occasionally, I had to adjust the camera to see where I was at.
This video was shot from 80 feet.

Second video of the same area shot from 300 feet.

I then flew from the podium location towards the building. I realize the stage was higher.

Unfortunately, as I began to cover the building as discussed, the Farm Show employee in the white truck caught up with me again, and this time he threatened to call law enforcement if I didnā€™t vacate immediately. You can see him arrive in the truck and approach me at the end of the video. Iā€™m the black shirt sitting on the bleachers. This is the only footage I obtained from the tall building. Sorry.


If it was solely ineptitude, heads might roll. But if intentional, then its CYA. It looks like a set up. (but made to look like cluster --)

All video released has been scrubbed, or modified (sound off) or critical moments cut.

You have presented very good analysis of what you have.
Most of the conservative media try to believe support narrative.
very little investigation. ( but what can you do when the F-I snatch up all phones. scrubbā€¦can you say Las Vegas??? )

my opinion



Yes bodycams usually are released like that. the public hardly ever gets the 100% raw data for cases like this. Again not everything is a conspiracy, just think a little lol

hello Rough Country Gypsy,

I really have no idea how I can thank you enough!

there is no need to feel sorry at all!

this information is incredibly invaluable!

many many thanks!


Iā€™m not going back to AGR. Iā€™ve been there three times and get more disgusted with each visit. The videos and images on the internet donā€™t relay how blatantly obvious it is that Crooks had a green light to get on that roof. Any other conclusion is BULL :poop: Thereā€™s absolutely no way to lose track of him on the AGR property. IMPOSSIBLE!

Another thing that always jumps out at me when Iā€™m standing there sizing everything up is that no one with half a brain would think theyā€™d be able to pull off an assassination from any of those building tops without getting spotted, caught, or shot.

When Iā€™m there, my gut tells me if there is more than one shooter, theyā€™re not on a rooftop, theyā€™re concealed within the building, or using a drone or something. The property is too open. Thatā€™s just my gut feeling when walking/driving around AGRā€¦no proof.