At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

Are there any engineers here that can take the length, width, and height of this bldg and (I am working to find this light) do techy modeling of the view from the ground where bystanders recorded and took pics showing what they could see and where LEO took pics/video and compare those views to what we are being “given”. They are not releasing anything and at this point I do not believe anyone will believe ANYTHING they conclude and release. They burned the evidence and no one but the gotta pee parents knew! That is insane. Please help.

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Had this been posted as a source of blood in the bathroom? There was also footage in a cop car where the cops said, " He changed his clothes" apparently reffering to this guy, but I could not copy the video.

I don’t know what these links were supposed to be, but they didn’t work. Please try another way.


I made a typo in Gary’s name. Sorry about this…
His correct name is Gary Melton from Paramount Tactical.
He is a highly skilled and very knowledgeable expert in the field of arms and their applications!

How to make an unwanted rifle disappear from Building 6.

First you bring it outside and then put it against the railing.

Then you radio another cop.

When the other cop shows up, he just nonchalantly leans against the railing.

And then you casually pickup the rifle and walk away.

All images taken from the dashcam camera of video.

Situation first identified by @ReelJustice

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The suspicious object turned out to be a halligan bar. Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse? - #137 by prayingpatriot


Right, I posted this before. If GN knew what he would be shooting and where he would be positioned in the overlook building, why would he bring a sniper rifle into that building? Somebody commented in response a while back that why is it unusual for a sniper to have a sniper rifle. My response was well if he knew he didn’t need it. Why would he bring it? It might be a simple explanation that he really didn’t know where he would be and he would be shooting, but that sounds far-fetched to me.

So not a rifle?

It seems not. I don’t understand why the police managed to look so suspicious while doing something innocuous, but if you look closely, you can see the forks of the fancy prybar.

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Okay my bad

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Just another misdirection to send people down a different rabbit hole. While at the same time, hide other things in plain sight.

Those guys looked like the people who get caught shoplifting at gas stations :joy:



According to new Secret Service whistleblower testimony, federal agents at Donald Trump’s rally in Butler, PA were told NOT to request additional manpower.

This is an inside job just like January 6th was!!


I didn’t hear about this until a day or two ago - but they left Crook’s body out on the roof until 6 AM the next morning. I mean, what the hell? They had to have done that with the express purpose of letting any drugs metabolize out of his system.

They also left poor Cory Competore’s body in a tent on the grounds until just after midnight. Nothing about that makes sense at all.


Glad to hear Josh Hawley is on the hunt. I’m from a neighboring state (Kansas) and may end up retiring in Missouri.

Interesting he’s doing all this despite having to run for re-election this year, and in the senate, when it’s the house that’s doing the investigating committee. So far most of the activity has been done by senators: Hawley, Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley. Those are all midwestern senators, too (Missouri, Wisconsin and Iowa).


Couple of days ago, Dan Bongino on a podcast told that a whistleblower had informed him that counter sniper surveillance was not on the Butler grounds which he said was impossible to believe.


If the other person with TMC were his father, his name should not be redacted.