At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

“They don’t care about the truth.” YES! Virtuals not only don’t care about the truth, but the concept is somehow foreign to them. For a Virtual, if they can convince someone of it, then it’s true. The measure of success is always convincing other people. Think of the Senator in Atlas Shrugged that ordered the train into the Taggart Tunnel.


The great reset according to John Kerry:

“You’ll eat nothing and be happy”


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Is she a head shorter than Vance?

Video out from Fox 5 Atlanta saying Crooks’s autopsy was released. And interview with Copenhaver’s lawyer. He was shot twice, so that accounts for another bullet.

I did have a question about the sniper bullet that took out Crooks. Presumably, it would have gone through his head, right? So does that mean it continued on and hit the side of the building? And if so, there should be a hole in the siding, right? Or if he was shot from behind, there should be a hole in the roof of the building.

Or would they have remained in the body?

Depends. If shot from the front, with Crooks laying down, it could end up in his body.

Hand on backpack, hand off backpack? Yellow fence post obstructing view just like cops arm in the newsest bodycam footage?

AFAIK, no autopsy has been released. There was a one-page report from a coroner or someone like that saying that the cause of Crooks’ death was a gunshot wound to the head (homicide).

This is almost certainly lying by omission (they don’t want to say what kind of round Crooks was hit with, or where in his head he was hit).


At 2:40 in this video the officer can be heard, “I told the secret service on Tuesday to post guys over here.” Then he tells someone else they were INSIDE.

Later, oddly, one of them says, “So much for a picture of Trump,” in a defeatist attitude. That can be interpreted 2 ways…

Edit: I was mistaken, on close review it’s a shadow, not blood on his right hand.


The video you referred to by CNN is a compilation of body cam of several different law enforcement officers.

I am not so sure the body cam of the one you are referring to at the 2:00 min mark is the body cam of the guy who got hoisted. He spoke and sounds different from the hoisted guy.

The hoisted guy do not speak with an accent or local twang.

I see a nick. Lol


Edit: I was mistaken, on close review it’s a shadow, not blood on his right hand. I edited my prior post. Good catch.

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my only theory behind the blood in the bathroom sink story is that maybe one of the officers that was originally up there, that maybe had to move the rifle, or put Crooks in cuffs/zip ties (idk what they were using) might’ve got Crooks’ blood on him, so he had to wash it off in the bathroom. Or maybe some other cop somehow cut his hands climbing up on that roof? But either way, we don’t have any footage of that guy anywhere. No cops on any videos have blood on their hands, and no one seems to be bleeding other than Crooks from the headshot.


During the video, Chris mentions “I need the 30 seconds prior to this,” referring to the movement of the south-facing counter-sniper team to face in the opposite direction.

Brian 60221 provided a link in yesterday’s comments that shows the moment that this team pivoted to face north.

It’s far worse than I estimated yesterday as far as the timeline prior to Trump being shot.

The south-facing team actually shifted positions to the north a whopping minute and 37 seconds before the first shot was fired at Trump.

So the Secret Service had an eternity to remove Trump from the stage.

And now there’s a new elephant in the room, because the south-facing team was in position to take a shot at Crooks much earlier than they actually did.

Rowe is caught in a lie again, given his earlier testimony that the south-facing team had to scramble to get into position, locate Crooks, and fire off a one-in-a-million shot.

Now it’s apparent that they should have seen him BEFORE the Beaver County ESU member on the ground fired at Crooks.

The south-facing counter-snipers had the advantage of a much higher elevation than the local ESU member, along with high powered optics.

Why is their shot taken so long after the ESU member?


No worry. We are all here to get to the bottom of this mess. We are not experts but we definitely can smell BS.

We deserve the truth. Not 75 or 100 years later. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Exactly! I also looked pretty carefully at his body cam footage as he was fumbling with his AR15 and I didn’t see any blood which should have been obvious. For instance when you have an injury you look at it and I saw NONE of that behavior on his body cam, not once did I see him look at or try to tend to any wound, sprained ankle, or cuts on his hands. Even to just assess it if he was going to treat it later.


yup with a sprained ankle we would at least see a noticeable limp, or since he’s human, he probably would’ve winced or said “ouch” under his breath at least once. He would’ve probably said something to one of his partners there. But I don’t recall anything at all. Also if you watch all those videos by that guy “realDJStew724” you’ll be able to see the bodycam cop running around on that guys video, so if there was a sprained ankle I feel like we would be able to see some kind of evidence of it.

One more thing that really bugs me about the bodycam cop is his behavior under extreme stress.

I’ve watched a lot of bodycam footage over the years. I’ve seen cops make a lot of really stupid mistakes. But the bodycam cop, once boosted up by the roof, was able to see Crooks and all of his belongings for all of what, maybe 5 seconds? He sees a rifle pointed at him and his stress levels go up through the roof, he jumps down immediately, and runs. But he runs past the patrol car that has his rifle, and he heads into an open field. Once shots ring out, this dude turns into another mode and now starts making the right decisions - sprints to his car, gets all his gear set up, and he’s taking cover. Then just a few minutes later, he’s able to recall to everyone else what Crooks looked like, that he had a backpack with extra mags, his rifle, etc.

Okay so all that just doesn’t add up to me. Usually if someone is under high stress and they start making wrong decisions, they don’t generally get put under more stress and somehow start acting rationally again. But on top of all of that, they usually don’t retain that kind of memory. People always get some detail wrong, you know? But this guy was spot on. So it’s like…okay he makes a right decision and decides to get a partner to help him check out the roof, he makes a bad decision and immediately runs from the threat into an open field without his rifle, then once he hears gunshots directly above him on the roof, he kicks into gear and makes all the right moves, while retaining memory of Crooks and his belongings.

Fuck maybe this dude had one of the worst days on the job. Maybe shit really unfolded this way and that’s just life. But just personally looking at it, the entire thing bugs the hell out of me. All of his wrong decisions perfectly aligned to give Crooks just enough time to do what he needed to do…that’s just crazy.

Crooks had to be one of the luckiest assassins ever. He slips by all of Secret Service and local law enforcement, he somehow figures out the biggest hole in their security detail, is able to set up in a shooting position despite people on the ground being alarmed, and he’s able to get off 8 shots in rapid succession. Gavrilo Princip had one hell of a lucky day, so maybe Crooks just fell a bit short on his luck, idk.


Not necessarily when the adrenaline is pumping. He might of noticed some minor injury at the time, but more important things to focus on. Would not be until later when everything settles down that the pain sets in.

As for the blood in the bathroom, sounds more like a deep cut that would of left a trail of blood if there was too much blood there for the inured person to clean it all up when washing it out.


Gray Hughes Investigates - Breaking! New Body Cam Synced with other Video!

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Lots of dis-mis-mal information being thrown around the Trump assassination attempt investigation.

Lots of CYA and throwing others under the bus by all the security agencies involved.

Biggest suspect is the SS. So many deflections and what seemed like so many dropped balls on their end. So many LIHOP (let it happen on purpose).

Am not surprised if some pictures are photoshopped and videos are “tinkered” with before released to the public.

It’s really an information warfare.

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Personally I think this observation about the southern counter-snipers turning north cracks the case. The crucial question we should ask those guys is “why did you turn north?”

If they thought there was something to the north that they should get ready to possibly have to deal with, then Trump should have been taken off the stage then.

The only reason this case does not explode is that we’re being prevented from asking extremely basic, fundamental questions of the people involved. So they’re guilty. They’re turtling up because they don’t want to answer. Fine – but it’s time to start issuing warrants. Yes, we can issue warrants for the arrests of feds. They are not above the law.