At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

Here I just want to highlight three self-imposed communication failures of Secret Service that turned it deaf, blind, and dumb, while Acting Director Rowe fudges to preserve “worthy of trust and confidence”:

This says almost nothing of its other failures in defining sniper views, defining sniper locations, coordinating with local LEO, executing.

----Deaf to real-time radio----

In Rowe’s testimony to Congress, he stated that SS snipers did not know that there was a man on the roof of AGR until after shots were fired. Quote:

“Based on what I know right now, neither the Secret Service counter sniper teams, nor members of the former President’s security detail, had any knowledge that there was a man on the roof of the AGR building with a firearm. It is my understanding those personnel were not aware the assailant had a firearm until they heard gunshots.”

So while SS snipers Hercules 1, when they turned northward, probably had learned there was a man on the roof of AGR 6, they still did not know he had a rifle. They may not even have known that there was a man on the roof, specifically, because as late as 6:11 (no sooner than 32 seconds before shot #1), SS snipers were begging for more specific info from PFO. Quote from Ron Johnson’s timeline:

“6:11pm—According to Acting Director Rowe, “a member of former President Trump’s protective detail contact[s] their Pittsburgh Field Office to inquire about the radio update that there was an issue local law enforcement was looking into near the perimeter.”11”

Since SS regularly relies on local LEOs to provide surveillance and info, and SS does this hundreds of times a year, it should have an extreme amount of experience in instructing local LEO how to communicate efficiently to it any information. So the fact that this was not the case on this day is shocking.

Worse, on this day in particular, SS sniper team leader was delaying and diluting information as he/she relayed it to SS snipers, as Ron Johnson’s timeline 5:45-5:53 evidences.

And the worst is this criminal and treasonous negligence of verbal communication (at a minimum) by SS, per this interview by Ron Johnson 2:06-12, that on that day local LEO did provide SS with radios but SS never used those radios!!!

So not only did SS fail to implement an efficient communication channel based on its extensive experience, and not only was it gifted one by local LEO, it also failed totally by not using these radios. It would have known at 6:11:03 from the boosted policeman that Crooks was on the roof with a rifle pointed to the Trump stage.

Rowe misled reporters when he made it seem that the SS’s alleged lack of access to this radio communication was outside its control and not its fault. Quote from this article:

"This was a Secret Service failure, and so they should not be blamed. There was somebody who did in fact radio out that they had seen the individual with a weapon.

“What I can tell you is that that piece of information, that vital piece of information, and by no fault of anyone — it was a very stressful situation. It did not make it over.”

Among the many faults of the SS, certainly one was its fault not to have used the radios provided by local LEO that the latter had been using to relay real-time information.

He again later misled about the radio communication. He claimed that SS did not have “access to certain information, not by anybody’s fault … it just so happened … there might have been radio traffic.” See 18:30-45 of this video.

----Blind to real-time drone surveillance----

The SS was also criminally negligent, if not outright sabotaging, visual communication from local LEO. Senator Josh Hawley reported a claim by a whistleblower about an offered drone. Quote:

" “According to one whistleblower, the night before the rally, U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied offers from a local law enforcement partner to utilize drone technology to secure the rally. This means that the technology was both available to USSS and able to be deployed to secure the site. Secret Service said no,” Senator Hawley wrote.

His letter also states that, according to the whistleblower, USSS then “changed course” and “asked the local partner to deploy the drone technology to surveil the site,” but only in the aftermath of the attack."

SS planned blindness from the key portion of AGR 6 roof and all roofs behind it, by assigning Hercules 2 to look northward on a barn with view blocked by trees, and assigning Hercules 1 to look southward away from AGR.

----Dumb SS security detail----

One more self-imposed handicap, already noted, was that Secret Service command allowed Trump to continue speaking even after Hercules 1 snipers knew of the need to turn toward AGR. Apparently, Trump’s immediate security detail did not know of the threat, received by SS at 5:45 pm per Senator Johnson, of a suspect with a rangefinder.

----In sum----

  • SS failed to instruct local LEO on an efficient way to communicate verbally field information to it
  • Local LEO provided SS radios by which it would later transmit real-time verbal information, including at 6:08:20 that there was someone on the roof of AGR, and at 6:11:03 that someone was there armed and laying down
  • Yet SS never used those radios
  • Then Rowe claimed its lack of access to this information “just so happened” by “nobody’s fault”
  • SS repeatedly refused on the eve offers by LEO for LEO to fly a drone, blinding itself to visual communication from local LEO
  • SS apparently never updated Trump’s security detail of suspect with rangefinder, muting itself
  • SS command and SS sniper team leader were being informed by local LEO of suspect, with detailed pictures and descriptions, but passing on to SS snipers only garbage information and thus handicapping them - delayed warning about Crooks by 8 minutes, sent by email rather than radio, and merely about “suspect in perimeter” rather than the full description.

I can’t imagine counter-snipers suddenly making a change of plans, stopping guarding toward the south, doing a 180 and starting to guard toward the north, when they don’t think there’s some kind of threat that they might have to deal with (something like an enemy sniper, a vehicle with a bomb approaching at high speed, etc)


So to film the helicopter footage they had to move the police off the roof, leaving the crime scene open, completely inappropriate. Why would they do that? it makes no sense. Unless of course you are planting evidence, Ie swapping in Crook’s weapon and trying to make it look like the new gun was in position at the crime scene. You can see the real gun is different, and that the in the original photos they tried to photoshop the position of the real gun. Which likely would be covered in blood. That probably explains the blood in the bathroom sink, the officer that swapped the original weapon got shooters blood on his hands and tried to wash them in the sink.


Here’s the absolute complete bodycam video showing MINUTES of good quality footage of Crooks from different angles, even when they turn and handcuff him. Now we see it was not blood on the bottoms of his shoes, the heel part is black, rest is white/grayish


I am glad RAC21 rwh to see a comment about the trousers. There is an obvious reason for the time delay. But who is doing the hiding and what? It all starts with the hair. No, it actually started a long time before and is witnessed somewhat on stage. Not one thing can be legitimated because of crime scene interference. But. How can citizens be so… and any law enforcement not using circles of defence, no assumption of long distance snipping preparedness, and 1000 more ques/cues? I am not a good speller, but if I were a pro I think I would keep a lot of thoughts to myself. The action was not car park side but tree side where crime busters were missing and the action is hardly any that an actor would want to take on in a movie. TROUSERS, yes, HAIR/WIG, photo shots/shutes/shoots, etc; Where was the safest place to be if on site and no bomb? By the building? These comments can go on all day. Eg: some other evidence of a bullet hole, and why no warning shots or plugs up the foot, backside of the patsy. This is why other evidence is admissible to investigation. So, we have a lot of police who… no I’m out!!! Wait, I’m agitated. There is endless more including high level and foot ‘cops’ not able to think or act. No, I’ll talk to myself. What a strange bldg 6! No, stop and let the pros analyse this. Chris is doing a good job, but not the pro-snippers - like, these guys see real stuff and have to watch hours of it in evidence, stuff much worse, yet the guy with the wig, the trousers, the different shorts and … well Chris knows that the brain splat matter stuff. There is a whole side, actually a few sides which tell me that it is not wise to continue the investigation. What is needed is a safe, moral, human loving world in which people are treated with love, respect, dignity. I am so dumb that I am not allowed to say that Joe has at least 6 faces and every thinking person who looked at news, Time Mag, etc, knows it. Drain the swamp! Ps 96 echoes in my head everyday. Love Pres T, play golf, plant a tree and wait for Jesus to return (not a rapture). Now I’m Bible thumpin’! Over and out!

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I found the second shooter!
Look at that box looking thing that is above the door on building 6. At 6:10 exactly on DJ Stewart video. There is a pipe looking thing sticking out from it. Then it disappears later in the video. At times the pipe is very short and at other times it is gone.
Could this be a barrel of a gun?

Watch Greg Nichols YT latest vid where he does audio analysis of sounds to identify where 9 and 10 came from (not sure if anyone can confirm validity of his analysis?). Greg comes to conclusion 9 and 10 came from a red vehicle in vicinity.

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And we never see Crooks in the bodycam footage at at all.
Maybe the officer might be polishing his badge just a little bit?
Either that, or the camera cannot show what is to the officer’s right.
The Crooks roof is elevated about a foot to the right, so the bodycam footage is of no use verifying the officer’s story.


I have a question. In the video that shows someone clearly running across the roof, disappearing and then reappearing in what appears to be a shooting position.
Is there any evidence that suggests that he was actually at the apex of building 6 at that point.
Could he have been on the building behind there?
Is there any evidence that proves that it is Crooks in that video?
Is it possible that this is a second shooter looking for a position behind crooks?
Could someone make the shot over Crooks head from the building behind, without being out in the open?

Yes, that doesn’t make sense.

This contains a video of the body cam of the office who was lifted up to see Crooks.

Sorry, I now see you have it already

Can you link to which video, few around.

You can see it in this one at 3:50. This wasn’t the one I first saw it on and it is not as clear.

Time stamped at 18:10 in this one. I was watching it on my huge hd tv and it was really obvious.

I also have a still but don’t know how to upload it.

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Have you been keeping up with current events? They ARE above the law and they know it. And if current events don’t convince then the outcome of this event will, in time. :disappointed:


If you’re convinced that the forces of evil have already won, then why are you here? Not a gotcha question. Asking sincerely.


Could it be that Crooks made it obvious that he was observed? Greg Nicole and the other overwatch snipers as well as the two SS snipers on the roofs behind Trump should be the first ones interviewed.

The overlook sniper that went off duty reported to his two colleagues in the overlook building about 4:27 p.m. that Crooks “knows you are up there”. So questions:
A. Why did Crooks intentionally plant himself right below the snipers (probably Greg Nicol) so his picture could be taken???

B. Why did Crooks then (if he did) take out a range finder right in the site of the sniper(s) (probably Nicol)?

C. Why did Nicol not simply open a window at some point and say to Crooks, “stop and remain where you are”?

D. Why did Nicol wait 1/2 hour to send the photos he had taken up the chain of command?

E. Why can’t the local law enforcement get their story straight about whether two snipers left their posts or only one etc?

F. Greg Smith (red hair and visor) who I believe is 100% credible has said in two separate interviews that a sniper in the overlook building (with a tattoo) was in that building “while the shooting was going on.”). Greg doesn’t want to be further involved as I understand it (and neither would I want to be given that he is telling a story very very inconsistent with the one that local law enforcement (including Paris) is telling.

G. Conveniently, a sniper (maybe Nicol) says at 6:02 that he sees Crooks headed towards Sheetz. Is it possible that Nicol knew that while Crooks was headed to the back of the building, he knew Crooks could not get to Sheetz but rather was going to be in a dead end (convenienty then most law enforcement go to the back of the building to look for him??).

H. What was Crooks looking at on his phone?? It makes no sense that he was tracking when Trump would be brought out as he could hear the rally announcements. It makes no sense (as I’ve heard reported???) that he was looking a porn??? What was Crooks doing for 4 minutes between 6:02 and 6:06 when a camera spots him crawling on the roof? It can’t possibly have taken 4 minutes to crawl to and on the roof (but maybe so)?

I. At 6:08:20 local law enforcement reports Crooks on the roof. When you compare the video of Crooks running “accross the roofs” with the SpaGuy drone footage, it’s clear (to me) that from about 6:08:20 until about 6:08:40 ish that the SS North facting sniper team should have seen him running up right quickly on the roofs! Remember that the footage of him running is shot much lower than SS sniper team north was positioned. How did SS north not see him??? My guess: they did (see next)

J. I beleive we have footage of SS Sniper team South turning to face north about 6:09 pm. That would make sense because SS North team probably radioed the “team” that he had just observed the guy running on the roofs (should have been obvious he was NOT a friendly–he had a book bag and he wasn’t dressed like law enforcement).

K. Based on yesterday’s body cam, it appears that Crooks was spotted by the law enforcement guy who climbed on the “roof” about 30 seconds before shooing starts. He observed him “next to the book bag” (which was at the bottom of the roof. Does anyone really believe this nerd then had the calmness and coolness to climb to the top of the roof and aim and fire three well directed shots in those 25-30 seconds??? Maybe a trained sniper of military guy, not Crooks. Also, remember the videos of him crawling on the roof; he seems to be having a lot of trouble staying low and climbing--------I can’t believe he did all of the above in 25 seconds.

Other observations:

Why was there no sound on the first part of yesterday’s body cam? Is it possible (contrary to what Paris says, that no communications came from local law enforcement to SS in those critical 30 seconds or so) that in fact, that officer did in fact call into “command” as soon as if “fell” and those involved don’t want to explain why SS did not act at that point to get Trump off the stage?

So much does not make sense. Instead of the Fake Bureau of Investigtion interviewing 140 people, they should be investigating the 5 snipers referenced above and sharing all of the information with the public. Obviously that “sharing” will never happen.

Why can’t Congress figure out how to ask these questions and get those 5 guys in front of a hearing? I know Ron Rowe your boat says he will produce them immediately but yet two weeks have gone by.

Why has SS not talked to local law enforcement in doing the SS investigation–answer, becuase they know that SS is to blame and maybe they don’t want to know the answers to what the three overlook snipers were or were not doing


Their time of their judgment will come, but this is not that time.

Do you believe the citizens’ investigation will cause the Deep State and evil ones to be overthrown and dislodged? How would that happen? Who would prosecute them or take them out kinetically?

Perhaps a Power greater than ourselves will stretch out his hand and destroy their system and give us a chance to start over.
Maybe it will happen seemingly “suddenly” like the collapse of the Soviet Union, or maybe slowly like WWII.

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Maybe a power greater than ourselves is using us to destroy the evildoers right now, through what we’re doing.

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