At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

Chris, this comment suggests a possible AGR crowd “tell” to consider.

Does any member of the AGR crowd cringe when shots 1-3 or 4-8 ring out? If NOT, the shots–or some shots–originated elsewhere. AGR crowd means the many people, civilians + law enforcement, near the AGR complex.

FYI, I do not recall anyone in the multiple videos of the AGR crowd reacting the way NEARBY gunfire would cause one to react. LEO did not cringe or act startled. Nor did civilians.

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Try this version in high resolution. The vents are still there. I think you are seeing a compression artifact


Tough times. Aus just needed to vent.


That’s my only hope and why we have to keep doing what’s right even if it “seems” hopeless from our human perspective.

But you have to be honest and realistic about the powers arrayed against us and the actual nitty gritty of how they’d be overthrown (if not by a lightning bolt). Remember how right before 9/11 FBI field agents in Minneapolis asked their supervisors for permission to submit a search warrant to a judge for Moussouia’s computer (20th hijacker)? They thought they were hot on a trail of terrorism about to be committed. Remember how their supervisors forbade them to submit their warrant to a judge? Remember after 9/11 when the warrant was approved and the computer contained enough information to have stopped the attack?

So do you realize if a couple of hard charging FIB field agents wanted to go after somebody in the USSS or local LEOs they’d have to get their investigation approved up the chain of command (all the way to Merrick Garland)? The same would hold true of a search or arrest warrant. So I wonder what the chances are Garland would sign off on that kind of thing? I would say “vanishingly small.” And if those hard charging FIB agents tried to investigate on their own (after their 60-70 hour work week) or to leak information to the useless MSM they’d be risking their lives and careers. And for what? They know better than us nothing’s going to happen, except to them.


Sure, the forces of evil don’t want to be defeated. They’re not going to make it easy. But we never step into the same river twice. Every situation is a combination of never-before-seen circumstances. They want this thing to be another JFK, but we all carry supercomputers in our pockets now. Let’s have courage and believe we can do it.


you seems to be watching a lowres video

Damn. That took a second.

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Don’t we have video of the secret service ushering people out of the line of fire just before the shots ring out? The secret service obviously knew there was a problem, yet didnt get Trump off the stage.


How the next election is going to make a difference how things go long term. It is standard practice for the FBI to take a few months looking into things. They do have a lot more leads and resources to looking into things than the public does in many ways. There is still a lot in the public domain about this to work with.

When the FBI finally do come out with something, having a strong body of public facts to compare it will help with the trust factor. If Trump does get in and wants to do some swamp draining, having a strong case ready to go will help.

There is a lot to go through and getting to the point of beyond reasonable doubt does take a lot of work. The public has got an opportunity to not let this go the way of JFK and 9/11, especially with Trump surviving this one. For now we just have to do our home work and find those answers that do make sense.


From WAPO: There were 2 CP’s. One with SS and Pa State PD. The other was Butler/Beaver CNTY police 300 yds away. Comms were to BB CP then by radio locals, cell phone texts, then relayed to SS by text. There was reportedly lousy cell/internet connectivity that day which in itself is suspicious. Can’s believe the State PD could not or was not monitoring locals of suspicious person. SS snipers were filmed looking in direction of Crooks, early on there were reports of permission to fire was denied by SS. Need SS radio logs.


15K people in a small area does put a lot of stress on the local cellular network. Things have been improving, for a small country town its more than the usual load. If the crowd gets too much, it is like hitting things with a DDOS attack and puts it all into grid lock.

Mobile phone problems with these big rallies would not be a new problem.



@cmartenson Thanks, highly recommended, analysis based on Time Difference of Arrival. Two notable things:

  • shots 2-8 are estimated to be farther west and south than shot 1, and especially 8 as being just south of AGR 6
  • counter sniper shots not from any barn, but just north of Trump stage

    CS shot origin estimated here:
    But he says that he is making a correction of an initial estimate and of the effect of moving cameras, and will create a new video soon, where CS is estimated closer to barn 16 and the dispersion of 1-8 is narrower, within 8 feet.
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@commenter I am pretty certain this is the ESU who took shot 9, captured in one of Stewart’s videos. He was standing in the same spot for a while looking towards AGR buildings. The “closer to the barn” correction fits.


This is where a Time Difference of Arrival analysis placed the shot. See 8:53 of this video presentation by, coincidentally, “Greg Nichols.” He mentions the light post that appears in your picture next to the green camo!


Yes, I’ve been tracking his project. He just posted this if you didn’t see it. It’s why that ESU member caught my eye immediately when I watched that before shooting video of Stewart’s.

This is terrible. The SS team in barn 14 started to turn at 6:09:59-6:10:00, and shot 1 went off at 6:11:32-33, so about 1:32 later.

It’s not just that SS had self-handicapped its ability to get radio info from local LEO, but that SS once barn 14 snipers had the info, did not seem to have told Trump’s security detail on stage, or if it was told, the info was ignored. Either way, the SS had info about a shooter on the roof of AGR 6 and left Trump speaking on stage for at lest 92 seconds.

The video in NYT article is by Chelsie Lynn on Instagram. Can somebody download it and link to it, to preserve it, please?


To his credit, he radioed info 9 seconds after he saw Crooks on the roof, at 6:11:03 per Ron Johnson.


For some reason – massive amounts of new bodycam footage from the July 13 Trump Shooting is being dumped TODAY into the public domain – that has been held-back sat-on for weeks.
Question: Why now? Why is there a DS tactical shift from NO reporting, covering-up and slow-walking an investigation – to the sudden current raw selected video disclosures?
MSM is driving the narrative hard that it was just chaos and LEOs on July 13th were just trying to manage the overwhelming chaos and clear people away (around AGR BLD6 & 3) and were occupied mainly by crowd control – really?
Today’s video dump – and corresponding scripted MSM narratives – is a talisman perhaps that the DS is trying to front-run something that is going to (or has already) come-out about the Plot To Assassinate Trump (PTAT) – and/or are laying the ground work for a narrative-inversion-pivot strategy:
– to combat (or even attack) the Citizens Investigation or
– to scape-goat someone/ throw local law enforcement under the bus
– use the Plot To Assassinate Trump as distraction regarding something else that is going down.
It is very clear from what I characterize as comparative video/audio analysis that:
(1) Shots 1-3 are very different from Shots 4-8 – and these two groups of shots were from different locations.
(2) Shots 1, 2 and 3 are each very different from each other – and also appear to be each from different locations. The relative (comparative audio) signal shifts for each of these shots (Shots 1-3) – clearly suggest that each shot was from a different location and thereby from a different shooter.
I am surprised – that if I can analyze using meager tools and see this I am perplexed as to why others with more professional audio forensic equipment and expertise have not done the indicated more rigorous (comparative/ 2D) analysis – yet?!
I am frustrated – that the PP site does not have a one-stop-shop-archive location that posts clear higher resolution - raw audio plots/tracks with appropriate time-ledger-ruler – for the members to use and review.
I have been working with the suboptimal (crude) video snips from Chris’s pod casts (better than nothing – and just to be clear CM’s podcasts are great) - but even so I can make a compelling case for 4-shooters - primary, secondary, tertiary (Shots 1-3 from 3 different windows in BLD#2) and Crooks/patsy shooter for Shots 4-8.
Greg N.(?) and others in the ESU apparently abandoned their post (and their sniper rifle equipment/ammo/set-ups?) from the south facing rooms second floor of AGR BLD2 DURING THE CRITICAL SECONDS of the shooting . . . and THEN Greg magically appears (exits BLD3?) while the LEO are in the minutes after the shooting trying to get on the roof – identify and neutralize the “threats” – but Greg just strolls down the path from BLD3 – very non-plus – cool as a cucumber – while everyone else is running around with their guns drawn and yelling – WHAT IS UP WITH THAT BODY LANGUAGE?.
Question: So Greg was in BLD3/BLD2? Second floor? During the shooting? And then a few minutes after the shooting - just strolls out like he’s going to lunch? Really?
Best of luck all.
PS – can someone PLEASE post a good quality audio plot/track for Source 2 (He’s got a gun) that has the appropriate time-ledger-ruler (the one I have from Chris’s podcast does not have the time-bar at the top) – I apologize in advance if I am dense and do not know how to navigate the site. Thanks.


Yes - I think the WAPO reported position of the Shot 9 shooter was “misleading” and vague (its WAPO what do you expect) - the Source 2 (He’s got a gun) audio helps put (I think) the Shot 9 location I think closer to or in the channel between the red barns and the white tents . . . I have serious question about the audio track from Source 5 (Stewart). . . just a thought . . . thanks for the comment. pbd