Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

Originally published at:

The narrative of Crooks being a “lone gunman” is 100% provably false. Which means any deflection to investigating ‘security lapses’ is evidence of a cover-up

The evidence I present today comes from analyzing and then comparing the audio files from two separate video recordings, one taken right in front of Trump and the other from just to the side of the American Glass building that Crooks was spotted on.

As a reminder, audio forensic experts have already concluded that the audio signatures from three weapons could be resolved from whichever audio recording(s) they analyzed.

Today I build on that by bringing you the audio evidence, as well as analysis that conclusively proves that two (and possibly three) weapons were fired at Trump and the assembled crowd.

This should not be information you get from me. This should already be part of the national dialog and we should be getting routine updates from the FBI about how they are going about locating the second (and possibly third) shooters.

Of course, if those were insiders and the FBI is part of the cover-up, as we all suspect is going to be the case, then we’ll hear nothing more about this from the current administration, the FBI or the Secret Service.

I pray I’m wrong about that. We’ll see.

Until then, may I humbly and urgently request that you share this video far and wide because we have to shove this information back onto center stage.

Here are some questions for any reporters or congressional staffers reading this:

  1. What is the FBI doing to locate the other shooter(s)?
    1. Have you found the second location and recovered the brass?
    2. How did a second shooter escape detection given all the security staff on hand?
  2. What does the FBI’s audio analysis reveal about the locations of the second shooter(s)?
  3. How many spent casings around Crooks can be counted on the Axon body cameras of the first arriving officers on the scene?
    1. Please also provide any and all body camera audio recordings.
  4. Please immediately provide the ballistics and the medical injury reports including angles of penetration for each of the three victims.
  5. Also, we’ll need an accurate accounting of the path and final destination of every bullet fired.
  6. Finally, who exactly was in the building just beneath Crooks at the exact time the first three shots were fired?




At 15:20 it sounds like those 3 snipers which “Secured the building from inside” which Crooks was on top of were right where the shots were fired from. What were they doing with their guns?

Would be a major embarrassment if one of them was shooting at Trump.


This video has a wider view of the stand where 2 spectators got shot.


And at 28:00 Chris makes the same argument. I guess the 3 snipers inside the building were securing it for the assassination. And not against outside evil doers then?

If you are securing a building from the inside, you are doing that against an intrusion. Maybe you are making sure the assassin doesn’t get seen.

The Secret Service has still not held a press conference on an assassination attempt against a Former President who is also the lead candidate, 5 days after the attempt!


It seems clear that the Secret Service was negligent to the point that it’s hard to believe they weren’t fully complicit.

But what about the Trump organization? We know that this isn’t the first time someone has tried to kill him. We are told that Trump is still a Billionaire.

So, does Trump have any security staff of his own? If not, why not? According to his public image, he’s not the sort of guy who would rely on government DEI hires to take care of him.

But if he does have his own security agents, why aren’t we asking them all the same questions we ask of the Secret Service? Did Trump’s security staff notice that key locations were unsecured? Why didn’t they put an agent in the water tower?

Allegedly, the police and others noticed “Crooks” wandering about the site and acting suspicious early in the afternoon. Innocent bystanders saw him up on the roof with a gun, and told police. In fact, Clayton Morris mentioned that he thinks Crooks was deliberately trying to be as obvious as possible. “Look at me, I’m the patsy”.

Why didn’t the Trump organization notice the patsy??

And also I must say I’m surprised that the crowd didn’t respond in some way. We’re told that there were several people yelling “Look, Active Shooter on the Roof” and yet the news didn’t spread? Our vigilant citizens complained to the police, but not to anybody else? Nobody yelled “LOOK OUT Mr President, GET DOWN!!” ???

I guess I find this part more believable than the rest of the story. All of us citizens are waiting for the police, secret service, Trump, or the government in general, to save us. But, it makes me sad.


I do not like to say this, but i have to say what is on my mind. I hope I am wrong, but I think this is not over. There could be another attempt. They do not want him to succeed. Possibly an accident or something similar.


This is a picture from Google Street view in the parking lot next to the building where Crooks lay on the roof. I think I see a little elevation gain right past the third tree.


Not only does this need to be shared, I think it would be a good idea to upload any raw video data from the many cell phones present at the rally to multiple locations.

I am hoping more data can be gathered such as exact GPS coordinates of where the recordings took place. You know damn well that there is a lot of meta data out there.


95 feet behind Crooks is where the roof above the attached ladder is, via Google Earth’s measurement tool


Can you draw me an arc of 100 feet from his position? I want to see all the possible roof lines…


Regarding that first bullet you tracked, Chris:

I agree that Trump’s ear was 10’ above ground level (4’ stage, 6’ of his height.

I believe the wounded man’s chest was about 9.5’ above ground level (5’ rear height of bleachers, chest 4.5’ above the ground).

So the trajectory was nearly level at that point.

The grass in front of the building is just about the same elevation as the area around the stage (1344’ above sea level from Google Earth. Use caution because trees and buildings cause Google Earth to see higher elevations and these tend to be smeared a bit).

So the window is about 1348’ above sea level, the roof crest plus a foot or so is about 1359’ above sea level, Trump’s ear is a 1354’ and the man’s chest at 1353.5’. Assuming that the distance from Trump to the wounded man is about 20-25% the distance from Trump to the shooters, and accounting for gravity reducing the rise rate with time, but not including air resistance, we would expect Crooks Bullet to fall 1.5-2’ from Trump to the wounded man. This fall is at a slightly greater rate than from Crook’s gun to Trump due to gravity. The bullet from in the building to rise about 1’. This is a slightly slower rise rate, again due to gravity. So Crook’s Bullet would be 1-1.5’ feet low and the other shooter’s bullet would be 1.5’ high. Both are well within the margin of error for my elevation estimates.

It would be great to have accurate elevations for the grass around the building, the roof crest, and ground around the stage as well as accurate stage and bleacher heights. Maybe then we could nail it.


I copied this link in your last article. Speaks to a second shooter. I took with a HUGE block of salt. Lots of questions but here goes (if you don’t have time for what might be trash, just kick my ass. I’ve been at the end of a long green table before where everyone but me had ashtrays):


One thing to consider. If this was an inside job and the miss was not intended, they could try to use it to control Trump by saying “next time we won’t miss.” If the miss was intentional, they could say the same thing. Of course, Trump would have no way of knowing if they intended to miss. This would be a very risky proposition as it could blow their cover in a big and irreversible way.


It’s also 95 to the corner here (I’m using the web version, not full program)

There is nothing else within 100 feet


Did you make any attempt to analyze the distance to the weapons in audio #2? It appears that the mic was off to the side and they were quite close. In any case, the bullet crack would propagate away from the bullet at the speed of sound as would the gun report from the gun, so they should be simultaneous.

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Excellent analysis Chris. No doubt there are at least 2 different rifles firing, thus 2 shooters. Crooks was just the patsy. It would make sense to have at least 2 snipers firing at Trump, this would give credence to the 3rd rifle.

It just dawned at me that the ear nick saved his life. Because he was hit on the 1st shot he went down quicker than if it had missed. That 1-2 second longer standing erect could easily been enough for the kill shot.

I don’t like Trump, I think he is part of the bigger plan. The Uniparty globalist plan. I think there is dangerous ‘worshiping’ of Trump and that if elected he will lead a great deal of the ‘Right’, right off the cliff.

But with that being said someone/thing is looking after him. I’ve had my own, ‘I should be dead moments’, one less than a year ago. So make of it what you will.


I am going play “devil’s advocate” again and give more food for thought. I only bring this up because I would use this in my bag of tricks if I were part of a plan to confuse people analyzing sound data.

I have fired 0.224" bullets from a Winchester 308 Ruger Gun Scout Rifle (GSR). I did this using slap rounds (saboted armor piercing penetrator) with an accelerator insert.


The slap rounds that I shot were handloaded using these accelerator inserts using standard 55 grain 0.224" bullets. These bullets have an insane muzzle velocity of about 5,000 fps.

These slap rounds can only be fired from a barrel with no muzzle device. I do not know if they will cycle well in an auto loader or not.


Good work!


It is hard to imagine how the other shooter would have missed. Crooks was a poor shot using iron sites, but we would assume that the unknown shooter was a trained sharpshooter using professional optics. Any theories?