Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

only the inexplicable head tilt the moment the trigger was pulled


How could anyone think this glasses wearing boy did this? Ridiculous. He’s the perfect scapegoat. Don’t know what they promised him when they lured him to crawl up this roof.


Chris, powerful video. And two beautiful things: your courage and your love for your brother.



Respect. Something he didn’t get much of in this life.



I guess we know now why Biden is still around: so that this could happen and any blowback land on Biden and not tarnish the new Dem nominee.


They’re well trained and know how to do this. Psychological warfare was administered during the last four years on every citizen during plandemic. Most fall for it.


Regarding a window shot, does the window open? Is there a screen? Was the window open? Was the screen, if any, removed? What is the line of sight? Were there people in the line of sight? If they were within the first 100-200 feet of the window, where the bullet hadn’t risen much yet, they could have been hit or nearly hit. Did anybody see the window and note it’s open/closed or screen/lack of screen state? Could they have seen a muzzle flash in a darkened room? I presume the window wasn’t broken either manually or by the first shot. This would have attracted too much attention.


What are we looking at? What are the three arrows?

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video is flipped horizontally, so it’s been manipulated/created

Altering the very top of the window/glass where the sniper would want the bullet to exit to best simulate the fall guy position above would obviously have been done well in advance, and as we have seen with the FBI hosing down the roof, easily restored to “normal” after the fact.


My video is often flipped horizontally when i upload to youtube. No manipulation.

So let’s assume it is a plan.

1.) They pick out the horrible Butler rally site.
2.) They recruit Crooks. He is perfect- no online activity, loner, bullied, etc.
3.) Those in the know make their financial bets and higher ups in the media make sure to cover it.
3.) They figure out he has access to his dad’s gun. He practices with help, but they don’t care if he is a good shot or not.
4.) They secure inside the building that Crooks will climb above
5.) He is told to get there early and use his range finder (The goal is to get the attention of participants and local security)
6.) He is told to get ready and wait for the snipers first shots before he starts firing.
7.) Reports from local police explain that this dude is on the roof. Those in the know are in charge of the scene and ignore those reports.
7.) He hears those three shots and then starts firing.
8.) The SS snipers are not in on the plot and can’t figure out if he is the one firing or not.
9.) It takes them a few seconds longer to pull the trigger.
10.) Crooks is killed and whatever hero like story that he was told or future bombing plans that he was told vanish on his last breath.


but if it’s flipped, then the wrong ear is hit

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Really? Sorry. Will delete. I’m spatially a spaz.

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I would love to know when this location was publicly announced as a rally location, and who on his campaign staff suggested it.


NSA holds all the answers to many of our questions. They keep all records. lol


I don’t understand. If the goal was to kill Trump and a sniper took the first three shots and the first shot missed because of a last second head movement that saved Trump, then why didn’t the sniper kill him on the second and third shot? He wasn’t moving very much at that moment and was still wide open.