Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

This might help. The USGS topo map. It only has 20ft intervals but gives the general slope of the land. The high point of the whole area is the audience area in front of Trump which is circled by a 1340 elevation. All buildings are between the 1340 and 1320 topo lines. The grade at the podium would be close to the 1340 topo line and thus higher than the grade at the building. However, grades around buildings are severely modified and the USGS can’t give us a good answer.


Yes, this is the confusing part.

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We just need a good topo map. But you would have to pay for it. The free USGS only has 20ft intervals.


Tucker Carlson predicted a Trump assassination attempt.


I’m going a little higher. Assuming the lady cop is (a) on the ground and (b) only 5 feet, that back bleacher is at least or around 7 feet in the air.


There was a theory floating around that the SS snipers on the roof behind Trump were targetted. By who? By their own SS guys.

If the theory/guess is right that SS snipers in the building below Crooks made the 1st 3 shots that rang out. Then….

1st shot aimed at Trump.
2nd & 3rd shot aimed at trying to take down their own guys on the roof who saw them firing at Trump.

Then this would explain why that one SS sniper on the roof behind Trump acted confused. He looked away from his rifle for a split second before Trump was shot.

So… it’s key that the snipers on the roof behind Trump should be interviewed and kept safe. Both snipers Team 1 & Team 2 included. They saw something.

My guess is SS is undergoing a ShitShow right now.

That’s why the Head of SS, Cheatle insist on staying on. It’s too big a mess to let outsiders in. They effed up bigly.


Thanks. My best guess is that the slower cadence of the first three would be most consistent with a very well-trained sniper using a bolt action.

Sub one second reload and re-aimed shots are quite doable with a heavy gun and a light bullet. Fire…load…fire…load…fire.

Then, hearing that, Crooks, went off and slapped off those quarter-second shots which I’m guessing went very high and wide. You know nerves and all, it being his first (and last) time trying such a stunt. Hard to keep quarter-second shots on target without a LOT of training, especially at 140 yards.

But somewhere nearby there was another gun close enough to get caught up with Crooks’ spastic activity.

This would fit sort of well with the lack of more casualties down there in what was otherwise a very tightly arranged shooting gallery.

But I’m speculating blindly now…


Great analysis, Chris.

After yesterday’s analysis I was not convinced that there was more than one shooter.

I talked to an old friend today. He is a former Navy Seal. He told me that there was more than one shooter. I was still not convinced.

But after this video, I am convinced.

They tried to take out Trump and they failed.


Well, heck, just use a .220 Swift…same caliber…and running 4,500 ft/sec without risking anything.

This is always possible.

I’m thinking they weren’t thinking this far ahead. The first shot wasn’t supposed to miss. We’re supposed to be in a conflagration/reaction right now.

None of this went according to plan.


Really nice work, Chris.

And I’m so sorry about your brother; your salutation really touched me.


According to google earth, every place that matters is at 1344 ±1. To get a really accurate measurement, someone would have to wAlk the site with a quality gps, perhaps with a built in altimeter b


Asking cause I don’t know. Is it possible to have a gun setup that was generically aimed, then remotely triggered? Would that be a possibility for the failure? That way this shooter would avoid detection, removing the gun in the chaos.


So what now? How is the SS going to come out of this “alive”? It’s treason.


Too bad we don’t have a recording of the “blanket security channel.”

Maybe: “All units, patsy is in place. We are go.”


This part I can’t account for. Trump went down quickly but not before all three first rounds were done and gone.

So this doesn’t fit with the concept of a “sophisticated sniper trying to kill him.”


Seeing that photo, I agree. That supports your window shot theory.


Regarding a shooter in the building, everyone in that part of the building including SS and local police would hear the gunfire and know that one of theirs fired in Trump’s direction. Could a suppressor work well enough to make it unclear?


Secret Servicing (h/t Time2Help)


We’d have to walk the site to get accurate heights: shall we lay odds that in the next couple days a “long-planned construction project” will dig up all the relevant positions? And maybe the building catches fire?


I like the plot! Fits nicely.

Here’s a possible addition ripping a page out of the old playbook, which I know they love to stick to:

8a) The SS snipers are puzzling over the coded instructions they just received which translate to “Live venue training exercise is now running”

8b) The SS snipers are now confused, but last week their new training supervisor told them to “expect a few curve balls this season.”

8c) The SS snipers are not in on the plot and can’t figure out if he is the one firing or not. So they act all confused until they see a live shot go off and hear the sonic crack.

8d) This startles one visibly, and against all of his training and experience he jolts backward in surprise.

9.) It takes them a few seconds longer to pull the trigger.

The old Training Exercise confuseroo!