Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

“The source said a SWAT team based in Butler County cleared the inside of the building on which Crooks was perched when he fired his rifle. Contrary to a statement issued by Cheatle, there were no Secret Service or other law enforcement officers inside the building, according to the same source.”


Theoretically, it would take only 3 compromised actors in SS besides Cheatle: the three that “secured” the building from the inside and who refused to come out (likely one was shooter and the other were two stationed at the doors).


Would the sniper team above the stage to the right be focused on that side of the stage? If so, that would explain the delay as they would need to swing around because the team we have video of on the other side was blocked by the tree. I still haven’t seen video of that team making the takeout shot.


I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner. You’re right. We have already caught her in several lies in her statement, why not come to the conclusion that everything she said was a lie. Thank you!

That doesn’t mean that truly no one was in the building.


First time ever, I just shared your video with my whole family chat group. Hope they watch it. It was generous to make the video public, and also perhaps wise, you need to get this out far and wide. Well, along with Trump, I just added Chris to my ‘daily prayers for their safety list.’

The maddening thing is the official narrative is so easily disproven with the most rudimentary analysis, I really pray they can’t keep this covered up, both because we need to know what our intelligence agencies are capable of and also because it serves as a basic cognitive test for us as a nation; how gullible are we?

Another youtube (fitness) channel noted that Trump’s reaction time was really good; faster than most of the audience.

Clif High’s prediction about a mid July event also mentioned that it would be recorded by numerous camera’s but that people would argue for many months about how to interpret it. Feels like he was pretty accurate in that part of his prediction.


Badass show Chris👍🏻 Reminded me of when I found you in 2020 and you were blowing minds about furrin cleavage fingerprints on the bioweapon. I’m sure your brother would be proud of the great American voice you have been for people like myself and for our country. There are people that would be listened to if they spoke up and said something. All but a handful remain cowards. You’ve been a brave man among them. You made a difference to my family when you shared what others wouldn’t.


Can you share the Clif High prediction?


I like the fact that if Donald Trump wins in November has can make as his fact Executive Order to declassify any and all of the forensics and classified information related to this event.


To me, and since this happened, it sounds like the first 3 shots where sniper shots from a semi-auto, without much follow-up correction (the assassin). The next 4-5 shots very much sound like suppressive fire (I assumed this was coming from one of the fire teams) and somewhere in between, or the last one, is from a counter sniper. In other words the assassin only got off 3 shots before being suppressed and then shot.
At least three different shooters exchanged fire, two friendly.


"The sniper was one of three snipers, members of local tactical teams, who were stationed inside the building that the shooter used in the attack, the officer said. The operations plan had them stationed inside, looking out windows toward the rally, scanning the crowd. The details about the three snipers were first reported by the local news outlet

Officials then lost track of Crooks, who disappeared, but soon returned for a third time with a backpack. The local sniper team called for backup — alerting the command post that the gunman had a backpack and was walking toward the back of the building.

By the time other local officers responded to the backup request, the gunman had scaled the building, positioning himself above and behind the local snipers inside the building, according to the officer."


That’s for sure…

I don’t think they expected Crooke to be taken out so quickly by the SS sniper… in fact I think rounds were directed at those guys to try to buy more time for Crooke.

Once Crooke took the head shot, it forced the second shooter to stand down, otherwise he would have been outed immediately.

Trump ducking down so quickly after getting grazed was possibly life saving… made it near impossible to land hits after that.


I must respectively disagree. I shoot regularly. In fact I was shooting 2 weekends ago and will be shooting again Sat. Both bolt and semi-auto, iron sights and scope. The throwing of the bolt, even a smooth one, upsets the rifle, and in the scope this movement is exaggerated. Doing if really fast upsets the sight picture more. The first 3 shots were from a semi-auto. I would make a sizable bet on this. A gold coin perhaps. But I only have 1! :wink:

For the time being I am not convinced Crooks shot at all. There is no evidence to support him firing. No vid/pics of him firing, and no pics of spent shell cases.

Were the SS snipers in on it or not?.. undecided. SS personnel at the sight WERE in on it, no doubt. For me it does not matter which ones.


He won’t do that. In a sense the president’s job is to rubber stamp new laws that “they” write, parrot back “their” talking points, and finally entertain us. Declassifying anything that makes “them” look bad is not one of his jobs. Presidency is retail level. It’s a show for us.


I will be listening to Trump’s speech. Can you guess why?

Is it because…
a.) I think he is the savior.
b.) I think the speech matters.
c.) I want to see how many times he talks about spirituality just like predicted in this video:


You have an interesting profile.

You are a quite extremist in how you come across.

Joined 2011, have read close to 24 hours, but of those 10 hours are reading “recently”.

Your first post as far as I can see was 5 hours ago.

What Agency are you working for?


Extra information I discovered today but didn’t save. No one here has mentioned these tidbits.

  1. There were two SS sniper teams and two local SWAT sniper teams. Don’t know where the local guys were stationed.
  2. One local SWAT sniper has been suspended for the shot he took. No one said why.

My guesses: the very last shot taken was from the local SWAT guy long after all the other shooting had stopped (perhaps as an “anchor shot” to make sure the bad guy who had already been hit by the SS sniper was definitely dead). Anchor shots in military combat are ok but not in law enforcement. Perhaps that’s why he has been suspended.

But none of this moves me because I can see there was foreknowledge and help, not just monumental incompetence. My concerns are about future assassination attempts (presumably with seriously skilled people) and what else will THEY do to maintain power and control. Will they cheat even more in the election so that it’s obvious even to children? Or what social decay and civil disturbances will occur when this incident is ended like Las Vegas (unsatisfyingly, clearly a cover up)? Will the public sit passively by and take it again? And I’m more convinced by the day that Trump is not going to save us, even if he lives and gets elected. Jamie Dimon for Treasury?! Nikki Haley in the cabinet!?


8/12 pitch or rise per run is the maximum slope that a person (roofer) can safely work on. 10/12 and 12/12 roofs require roof brackets and boards. The roof the shooter was on can be determined with a protractor held against your computer screen, or with a ruler and some geometry and/or trigonometry skills. The SS Snipers were on a much steeper slope than the shooter. A quick check with a ruler on my screen gives me no more than a 1/12 slope for the shooter. The iconic pics of the SS snipers on the roof were at a significantly higher elevation than the shooter. I’ve lived in Butler (live 30 miles N now) The SS Snipers NE of Trump were glassing the shooter with binoculars, and then they attended to their rifles. They knew the best vantage point for an assassin to shoot Trump and that is exactly where they were looking. “Pending Investigation” for such a public crime is Cover-Up, and every public official in charge that says it should imeadeatly be arrested for obstruction of justice.


The 22 Swift or a 17 caliber are indeed fast. The advantage of using the accelerator is that you can run a magazine of Winchester 308 with a few of these 22 caliber SLAP rounds in there. You then can run fewer guns.

I am simply trying to think of ways that I would use to confuse people analyzing the data. There is a lot of sneaky things that can be used here.


This is key. Following the facts rather than a narrative. I have seen no evidence given that convinces me that Crooks took any shots at all. He may have; but I’d like evidence of this rather than jumping to that conclusion.


wow… maybe do a drive by the place and see if they are still guarding the water tower? Anything else odd?