Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People Illustration of Attempted Assassination of President Trump Part 2 [Azget Industries]

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she makes the assumption of a single shooter, but good graphics

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I also thought the first time that I saw the SS on the roof, that it looked like they were being shot at. The Left Sniper reacted like he had been shot at and that’s why he stopped looking through the scope for a second, and the Sniper to the right starts to scooch down backwards away from the peak.


Okay…they weren’t on the building. And they weren’t in the building…so…hanging out in their cars in the parking lot, then?


They weren’t in when swept…


“WTF? Eh? 7/15” was the podcast on Clif’s substack page, linked below. Clif is very smart, way outside the mainstream in his thinking and makes a lot of predictions; some of which land close. Some of my favorites:
*$600 / oz silver: soon! (not yet)
*so many people dying from the vaccine that society stops functioning (I’d call this a partial hit; DaveFairtex’ work on disability helps make Clif’s prediction more understandable in some ways)
*His “mid July” huge event: pretty close all things considered.


Wow. Askr, who appointed you as moderator, hall monitor and executioner?

This is how you welcome a new poster?

Not that I can be sure whether whoknew79 is really new or not. I’ve been a member here since about 2010. I’m a busy guy, I have my own blog site, I have a homestead to run, in short I have a life. So I don’t spend all my time here posting.

But I was looking at the archives, and my observation is: Chris keeps rebuilding the website and reconstituting the forums, and I think some of my threads have survived the years and some haven’t.

Do you agree with various other posters, that I have a bunch of sock puppets? Can’t believe anyone would disagree with your omniscient viewpoint? Why not ask a real admin to run a checkuser?


Clifhigh.substack lost me when he said something about “a UFO component”.

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I want to point out that the recording device in video #2 moves around. In home audio, it is known that low frequency sound is not very directional. That is why a subwoofer can be placed anywhere in the room. When the recording device moved, you should expect differences to the higher frequencies of the shot because the microphone is pointed in a different direction.

What would be nice is to take the audio from the podium and combine it with 2 other stationary audio recordings in 2 other locations and triangulate the source. Although I expect, if they shot from inside the building from the same distance, that might not help much because this only tells you the gun locations on a 2D plane. Additional stationary recordings from more locations would be needed to get a 3D fix on all gun locations.


I’m eagerly seeking any and all recordings. With three I feel we could really sew this up…4 or 5 would wrap it all in a bow.

And, welcome to posting here!


There is a slight downgrade from where Trump was to the building where the shooter was. I’ve drove past the place hundreds of times. Not much, the area is pretty flat, but the SS Snipers in the iconic pics were definitely at a significantly higher elevation than the alleged shooter. The shooter was on a roof with a maximum slope of a 1/12 pitch. (Almost flat) In order for the shooter to get a shot at Trump on such a flat roof, he would probably would have had to crawl all the way to the peak, being in complete view of SS Snipers the whole time. I might drive by there tomorrow and have a look.


We will see. Askr Yggdrasils (The Ash tree of wisdom and lifepost deleted by author), in Nordic mythology, will certainly be observing.

Cool that you have that option. If you do would you mind getting other data at the same time? I’m sure others could chime in with requests if you consent.


One thing that could help clarify this, is knowing exactly how many rounds (Count the brass) were fired by Crooks’ rifle, and how many rounds (signed for allocation, minus expended rounds) were fired by the two counter sniper teams that opened fire.


Chris, thank you. I just listened to Tucker at the RNC, I also have been listening to Trump. There is a shift, the curtain is being pulled back. Your information is so powerful in achieving this.


‘Of the four teams, two opened fire, one local and one from the Service. A federal sharpshooter fatally struck the gunman seconds after the gunfire erupted.‘


You should be able to draw the circles from each of the guns and each tape. Their overlap will give you the two possible locations. Of course with 3 audio sources you should be able to triangulate their location…

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and wouldn’t it have to be 74-96 feet behind Crooks in a straight line away from Trump’s microphone? (based on your alignment of audio files)

or would it be away from the 2nd mic?

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Can anyone explain how the other shooter(s) were able to accurately time their shots with Crook’s? How would they know when he was going to fire? No one could realistically respond that quickly. It would seem to me that the only way to do this would be to count down, “Three, two, one…fire,” on a headset. Crooks didn’t have one.

I could imagine a scenario with two professional snipers communicating with each other, with Trump in their sights. Once they fired off their rounds, one of them turned their gun on Crooks. His only role was to be the patsy on the roof and he was never required to pull the trigger. He probably wasn’t qualified anyway. If this was the case, his final thought was likely, “WTF?”.


Chris’ theory has Crooks shooting second