Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

Even more odd that he could respond that quickly, with his inexperience.


Crooks’ first shot is the 4th one heard, so not super fast response


Wouldn’t that be the ultimate self awareness moment for a patsy?

When you realize you’re the one everyone sees, yet you aren’t even shooting.


It would be so easy for the FBI and SS to dispel all the rumours, innuendo and conspiracies and release their forensics at the scene and from the labs as quickly as possible.

Perhaps a photo with shell casings on the roof. Perhaps some trajectories. The actual rounds that could be located. The missing Ear of God?

We’ve seen crime scenes of normal people getting shot in public (outside of some cities like Chicago, Portland, St. Louis and a few others where these are common daily happenings) and there are crime scene photos with yellow tape and markings of all details possible. In this case, nothing…

The longer that they wait to release information, the less the public will believe them and the conspiracies will only expand. If it was clear that Crooks was the lone shooter, that information should be published.

People need to be fired for incompetence and negligence and should accept that stupid policies, including DEI hiring policies are detrimental to society and quite clearly dangerous and ineffective.

The only thing I can conclude so far, is that the Ear was hit. One person had died, a few have critical injuries and that neither Ukraine nor Russia had any involvement in this incident.

Has trust in Government agencies ever been lower than it is today?


Bongino is floating a theory (that usss is looking at) that Crooks was going to the rally to do a mass shooter event but in his attempt to evade leos he found a way to the roof. And realized he had been given a golden opportunity and ran with it.

He also said that what he said yesterday about a leo not showing up to go on the roof was wrong.

He said his contact in ss said that ss was not informed at 5:01 about Crooks being a danger. At that point they knew he was a person of interest. They were not warned about him being armed until later. He said the locals were stupid for not having a way up to that roof was amateur.

Also no drone was on location.

Fwiw, i remember why i stopped listening to Dan, he is a plodding horse. He only says exactly what he can prove. During Russiagate he built the evidence so slowly but his work was unimpeachable. It drives me crazy that he makes no logical inferences. I am way too impatient.


That would explain the car full of explosives, set it off as people flee around it


Is this the highest priority crime scene investigation or the highest priority crime scene coverup?


I have been around since 2008 and Jerryr has posted often enough for me to recognize his username.


It’s quite possibly the most quintessential ‘oh shit’ moment one can have. But… I suspect Crooks was so deeply manipulated he had no idea what was happening. Most likely had no idea he was ever in mortal danger.

Which imo it is terrifying that this can be done to an individual. But make no mistake it can and is done. Mind control/manipulation is very very real. That is the primary purpose of the MSM. But this control is at a mass population level. Crooks was individually targeted. Wonder when his manipulation was started?


Guess they just noticed it?

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Thank you Chris, for all of your hard work. I was very young but I remember the JFK assassination. My parents would often discuss it when they had friends over. I noticed that the wives were nonplussed by the official narrative but the husbands, not so much. Many of the men had fought in the war; all were deer hunters. None believed in magic bullets. Guess it ismy turn, now. There is accidental incompetence and then there is purposeful incompetence. I can’t believe that all of these incompetent behaviors happened on the exact day that a young man with no prior history of violence knew that these incompetent behaviors would be in place. Not buying it. I do not believe that this young man intended to kill anyone. May he RIP and my prayers are with his parents.


What if Crooks didn’t shoot at all from his position and it was someone else?


Just started watching your recent video. This link has a video similar to the first one you showed, but a much wider view. It looks like 2 people were hit by the first bullet, before it hit the railing, which doesn’t make sense to me knowing what I know about. 223 ammo. I also speculated a larger caliber, or something else going on?


Agree. First three were disciplined. Then Crooks wild firing. My theory, the unaccounted for rounds were to ensure scapegoat lone gunman could not tell any tales. Could not leave it to SS snipers to kill Crooks. Wounding him would have been very bad.


Well, the trust is low among certain groups (like us, for example), but the other groups cling to the MSM narrative(s) like their lives depend upon it because their entire worldview, everything they value and have done, was built upon it. For them, to give up that worldview (trusting the government narratives; there are different flavors meant for capturing basically everyone) is essentially dying to themselves and having to start completely over; for most it’s easier to just keep on keeping on so long as the paychecks are still coming in, hot water is still flowing, and the the screens are still flashing before their eyes.

Bureaucracies inevitably become self-serving and all-consuming. History, especially that of the far-east, should make that plenty clear.

So, any bets on what their next distraction is for drawing away our attention? I’m worried they’re going to bring out the big guns…


“There’s zero doubt. Two separate weapons were fired toward Trump and the Crowd. One fired 3 rounds, the other(s?) 6 or 7 depending on how many sniper rounds were fired at Crooks. This indicates a conspiracy to assassinate Trump.”

No, it indicates 2 separate weapons, and several shots. One can not deduce the intent of a bullet by its sound. The logical fallacy here is utterly bonkers. A bullet existing does not indicate anything other than a bullet existing.

Maybe the bullets were intended to kill a couple of bystanders, to give cover to a bigger conspiracy. Who knows?

But I’m just a government troll, spreading FUD. Not some random fuck, who thinks for himself, can smell bullshit a mile off & only signed up cos I like the Kicker report. But hanging with you guys rn is totes worth the money.

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Okay, in my opinion, today’s analysis raises more questions than it answers. So, let me play devil’s advocate for the government’s story:

On the 16th Chris identified the sequence of 3 shots, together with a further 4 shots, three of which most likely came from the same distance as the first 3 and the 6th shot in the sequence that appeared to come from 3x the distance. This was followed by a final shot from the countersniper at the end of the 16 second sequence for a total of 8.

Today’s video analysis seems to suggest that there were 8 shots in the initial two sequences followed by the counter-sniper shot to make a total of 9. My first question: is the difference between today’s analysis and that of the 16th is that what was thought to be the report of the 6th shot in the first analysis was actually the crack or report of an eighth shot? (In which case where was the report of the 6th shot?)

The other issue seems to be the difference in the sound at the source between the first three shots and all bar the last shot of the second sequence in the second sound recording. I noticed the phone recording the sounds radically changed orientation between the first three shots and the next rapid sequence. Could that explain the difference in sound between shots 1-3 and 4-7 and the lack of echo recordings in the first 3 shots? (They sound the same in the first sound recording. If they were different calibre/types of rifle from different distances you should hear differences in recording 1, but with the exception of the 7th/8th bullet and a missing report, the first and second sequences cracks and reports sound remarkably similar.)

If that is the case, then it seems to me that an explanation for what we hear which fits with the lone gunman hypothesis is as follows: (putting to one side what might be a 9th shot at the 16 second mark - see the comment from someone else above about a SWAT sniper being suspended) the first 7 shots were from Crooks with the differences in local sound recording of report and reflection being due to the change in orientation of the recording device. The 8th shot we hear is the crack from the bullet from the counter-sniper in the second audio clip and the report of the same shot in the first audio clip, which explains why Crooks doesn’t shoot after that point in time. If you relisten to the first sound recording (the one taken near Trump) the final sound at the end of the second sequence does sound different compared to the other shots in that recording and any of the other shots in the second recordings.

I’m beginning to take my tin foil hat off for once and think that the first 7 shots were from Crooks (1-7 all sound the same in recording 1 and 1-3 and 4-7 sound different in recoding 2 due to the change in orientation of the recording device). The 8th was from a USSS counter-sniper and the 9th was from a slow to react local law enforcement SWAT team sniper.

Whether one accepts this analysis, or Chris’s analysis from today, there is still a puzzle. Shots 4-7 all sound the same in recording 2, but in recording 1 there is a missing report for shot 6, yet in the second recording this shot sounds just like 4-5 and 7. That bugs me.

And one still has to explain how that roof wasn’t covered and he wasn’t spotted and detained/neutralized well before any of this went down.


Good analysis Chris.

It looks to me like the guy in the USA flag shirt got hit by the second bullet. If you watch the guy next to him in the blue shirt, he jumps at the sound of the bullet hitting the rail next to him; then at about the time the second shot goes past flag-shirt-guy doubles up, having been hit.

A 223 would vaporise like that if it hit a glancing blow on the rail next to blue-shirt guy.

In the second video you can clearly hear the second volley of shots coming from a different direction, and being of a larger calibre. Volley 1 is heard from next to the rifle, volley 2 is heard from down range of the rifle.

I don’t think the family will ever find the body of the guy who botched this operation. He’ll be “promoted and reassigned” to a far-away location, and never heard from again.


I’m having lots of trouble downloading Chris’ last 3 videos. The videos keep getting to the exact same point (different point in each video), before the download gets cancelled because it “couldn’t be completed”.
And my download speeds can be as little as 500k/sec, which is remarkably bad for someone on fibre.
I don’t normally have trouble downloading Chris’s videos…


Chris you’re in luck, go to TMZ to get the raw (unedited) video you wanted to see of the guy being shot in the bleacher where the round disintegrates against the railing. I have it too if you can’t find it at TMZ.