Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

Why are they using an 8th grade picture in the media? What about a more current driver license pic?? ID from work?

Gotta be a reason.


What about the open windows and doors above the ground?


If that is the case, then I suspect that the counter-snipers’ lives are in danger. If they stay silent, and only let the FBI “investigate” this, then we may never know what they saw.


I think there was reasonable speculation that the first three shots came from a deep state sniper stationed directly under patsy on the roof using more like .300 Win Mag, so that the first shot could have nicked Trump’s ear, passed through the side of the fellow standing on the top right of the bleachers, and then vaporize on impact against the railing as is seen in the video.

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Was this posted already in the thread here? Think he made it quite plausible, Chris is part of it as well.


What would be nice at this point is to find a location to shot with enough space to recreate the sound by having someone shoot with a couple of recording devices located about where these existing recordings were taken from. This could be used to prove or disprove the single shooter hypothesis and help identify which techniques are reliable or unreliable for calculating locations based on these recordings.

Edit: I just noticed that this thread exists: Site Reconstruction of the Assassination Attempt

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An accurate 3D model will show the origin of the shot that nicked Trumps ear and hit the guy standing at the top of the bleachers. I’m guess that it goes back to one of the windows right below the patsy on the roof.


I re-did this analysis myself in Audacity and I got a different result than Chris for the third shot: he got approximately 220 ms, but I got 214 ms.

(Like Chris, I get roughly 221 ms for the first and second shots and roughly 214 ms for the fourth and fifth shots.)

Here are two screenshots of the third shot in Audacity (using the same Fox audio as Chris):

I also analyzed the video from RSBN and got the same result. I’d be happy to share my Audacity projects or provide detailed instructions on how to reproduce.

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Oliver Alexander posted this image on X, supporting the purported 3rd sniper position.

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I think that they said he had some tissue damage as well as a bit of missing tissue.

Although there is a lot of vascular tissue in that part of an ear, it is still a small body part and unless he is on anticoagulants, is it surprising that he did not have a great amount of blood flow after the initial injury?

Having an ear pierced, there’s very little blood flow to the lobe, but even with increased flow to the top of an ear, is this too much of a diversion to say he “should have been bleeding on everyone” and especially if the wound was compressed for a moment by this SS or DHS agent.

Just a question.


If they try to bring in a Hail Mary celebrity, I would think George Clooney over The Rock. He’s been wading in lately, close ties to Obama, etc.

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This is why I want more raw unedited video/sound recordings of the incident. I believe that Chris’s theory about there being at least two shooters is likely correct based on the sound analysis that he performed. I believe that we are at the limits of what that single data set can provide.

The following is pure speculation and should be thought about solely as a thought experiment.

If I were tasked with taking out a target and creating as much confusion as possible, I would for sure use a standard 5.56x45 with an over gassed gun. I would stuff the magazine with factory loads as well as handloaded ammo that had a large spread in muzzle velocity.

I would also employ a DPMS pattern rifle chambered in a Winchester 308. It would also be over gassed to ensure that it cycled on a wide variety of chamber pressures. Some of the cartridges would be standard Winchester 308 or 7.62x51 cartridges. Mixed in the magazine would also have 0.224" bullets in 0.308" sabots. These were once commercially available and have muzzle velocities in the 5,000 fps range. Put “Remmington Express Accelerator” in any internet search engine to learn more. You can buy these sabots from many sources online today. I would bet that a 3D printer could also be used to make them.

The point of all this is to demonstrate how easy it is to generate confusing data that would seem contradicting. Pulling an accurate picture of what actually happened from the limited data that we have will be at best extremely difficult and at worst, impossible.


Just curious questions in search of the truth. There’s a rash of those
kind of questions over the last 8-years or so.

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Basically, if we get enough data points from many sources of audio, we can remove enough assumptions (like needing to know the velocities) where any intentional or incidental sources of confusion can be eliminated.


If a 3D model shows the trajectory of the first shot hitting Trumps ear and the guy up on the top right of the stands, leads back to the window below the patsy on the roof, then that answers a lot of questions, regardless of the caliber they used.

I am even keeping an open mind about Thomas. We have no idea what happened to him prior to the shooting. There have been some horrific stories about people being fed mind altering drugs like LSD and coerced into committing awful acts.


It’s pretty obvious to me that he was manipulated to the scene by his handler to be the fall guy. They let him walk all around the secured area for hours unmolested, looking out the windows at him, photographing him, but never going out and confronting him. It’s sad but the deep state got him there using their techniques, to be their diversion, scapegoat and then finally to die.


Consider that this could have also been done by the FBI searching for people who take certain medications or have a certain medical diagnoses:

This is a fairly recent example. An older one (probably about a decade ago at this point) that I was thinking about, the FBI used prescription medication or other medical records to find a child that could be manipulated into doing something illegal. The mother managed to figure out what was going on before something bad happened.


But in this case Crooks wasn’t recruited to be a shooter, as he failed even getting on his high school rifle team, “not being able to hit the board side of a barn!” No, he was recruited by his deep state handler to be the fall guy, and to be a diversion up on the roof, while the professional snipers took out Trump from below.


My reply was to the post about LSD. Unless they were low on options, they would prefer something with more plausible deniability. If he was selected in the way that I suggested, then I agree that it would make sense that they would rely on a professional.

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