Site Reconstruction of the Assassination Attempt

Please paste any information relevant to reconstructing the site of the Trump assassination attempt.

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Here is a starting point for reconstruction:

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Maybe I missed it, but I haven’t seen anything which lays out the elevation of the various important areas. For example, from the position of Crooks’ body to Trump’s right ear, was Crooks’ position below the level of Trump’s right ear or above it? The same from the water tower to Trump and from Crooks’ position to the attendees who were struck.

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From Kevin:

Hi Chris, I wanted to make sure you saw this so I chose “Customer Service” as the category so someone would be sure to see it and forward it to you.

This is related to the shed the assassin supposedly used to gain access to the roof of the AGR building. I did not find this myself, but read about it from another source that I can no longer locate. The person said this shed can be purchased at Home Depot and said that the roof cannot be used to store anything on top of it because it is too weak. He said it was only for rain and snow protection.

I researched this shed and found two possibilities. Here are the links:


On page 2 of the Assembly Instructions, it states “Do Not stand, sit, or store items on the storage shed roof.”


Further, the Warranty page states the the warranty will be voided by “failure to remove snow over 8 inches deep.”


If one of these is the shed, then it seems likely that an adult man’s weight plus the weight of the gun, backpack, and ladder would cause the roof to fail.

I hope this helps Chris.


p.s. These appear to be very close to the shed in the video. However, like everything else, I’m sure the styles change occasionally and who knows how long that shed has been there?

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It would have been easy for investigators to go up on the bleachers to the place where the bullet passed through the man on the top row and then vaporized against the railing, and the from that point line up to where Trumps head was located above the lectern to sight very accurately the origin of the first bullet! But, I’ll bet the FBI couldn’t dismantle those bleachers fast enough.


Apology if this was posted elsewhere. Have not catch up with all the new threads etc.



In it you can see the window opened with direct line of sight to Trump. Plus I think may be the reason the SS sniper acted confused on the roof behind Trump.

Credit to John who was interviewed at Legally Armed America. Great interview of an engineer with 30+ experiences.

Sky News link has a 36 sec aerial view of the building of the body of Crook and you can see the opened window.

Scroll down the page to find the 36 sec clip. It is posted at timeline of the assassination attempt. Around 9:27pm

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where do I post this:

I’m watching a brandon herrera video about recreating the Trump assassination shot, and I’m curious if he took his guns (he’s a gun enthusiast youtuber) and “tested” the “rifle echo profile” in that 2nd story window of shots 4-5-6, that “KIEH KIEH KIEH” sound, to get that possible “cubby hole sound” because of the cavity between the 1-story warehouse that crooks was on, and the 2-story warehouse that the apparent 2nd shooter may have shot from.

if you guys manage to recreate that unique “4-5-6 rifle echo” profile, then it may be rather conclusive, or corroborate that the shooter was in the 2nd floor warehouse as opposed to being on the water tower, or other location perhaps.

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oh, I forgot to add for explicity:

if you guys (perhaps you and Brandon Herrera [or whoever is willing]) could actually rent or test the shot profile at the actual trump assassination site, out of the genuine 2nd story window with that “cubby hole cavity”, to possibly produce the “4-5-6 rifle echo profile” that might be helpful (but might also need that you’ll have to get your own “secret service” maybe [but fortunately we generally have the right to guns, and I dont think shooting at Brandon herrera would be a good idea in general, having that many guns just gives him an incentive to use them, or his friends to use them]) if wanted, it would probabally get a lot of helpful views, and I suspect the FBI isnt going to do the research-investigating that it should do, since it would basically be investigating itself.

Chris, your (and Mike Adams’) audio analysis is the most damning evidence of a bonafide Deep State coup EVER achievable via direct investigation by the general public (a rare upside to the ubiquitous cell phone). That said, you rightly stated that these audio findings must be correlated with bullet trajectory analysis. If those findings support your theory - that a second gunman fired from inside the AGR building - this will unveil arguably the GREATEST crime of treason in our nation’s history and potentially the largest cabal of highest-level conspirators and accessories-after-the-fact will be brought to justice.

 substantiating such an earth-shaking revelation as this hinges, in my view, on executing a number of essential and decisive actions in order to unequivocally blow the lid off the Left’s plan to take-out “45/47” and drive a treacherous final nail in the coffin of the USA, as we know it.

As I write this, I am confident all the parties involved in this clusterf*#k have frantically “scrubbed” every detail they possibly can, i.e. locating and destroying (or switching out) errant bullets that missed their mark, erasing or “canceling” every bit of video evidence they can with the willful collusion of internet platforms, generating false reports for MSM dissemination, digging up questionable “witness testimonials” from biased (or compromised) locals, etc. etc.

Given the damning audio evidence you’ve assembled, corroborating your theory that Bullet #1 likely emanated from the window (below and left of the drain pipe) in Bldg 6, or possibly from the 2nd story window in the building just behind, it’s important to establish if the bullet’s path traveled in a gradual upward trajectory hitting Trump, then Dutch and finally the railing. This is a CRUCIAL piece of evidence necessary to confirm perhaps the greatest treachery in the history of American crime. These two concordant evidences (audio and trajectory) combined can lay bare - for all the world to see - what no average citizen could possibly have accomplished in any previous political assassination.

Given the above, I propose:

  1. That an immediate re-creation of the crime scene be undertaken to provide a real-world, irrefutable and incontestable laboratory to prove or disprove your (and other’s theories) including John Cullen’s suggesting a watertower shooter and possibly a third shooter in the woods with a shot from a sniper in the trees behind the water tower – likely from a Climbing Tree Stand (

  2. At the very least, this re-creation will provide an opportunity to gather investigative information that the quick “tear-down” of the crime scene has made impossible to discern.

  3. This re-creation needs to involve hiring the same company that provided the President’s platform and left and right grandstands and precisely duplicate (in the exact 3D space as the event), the positions, distances, elevations, etc. of these three critical reference points. If physical and emotional health permits, the assistance of Dutch himself would be beneficial and a physically matching “stand-in” for the President – someone well-studied on the President’s precise body motions at the moment leading up-to and during the bullet strike.

  4. If cooperation from AGR is not offered voluntarily (apparently Blackrock purchased the company in March of 2024), then a laser emitting device can be employed “in reverse” (i.e. from its railing hit, through Dutch, and past the President’s head position) to the window in question.

Chris, it’s impossible to overstate that this is an opportunity that has NEVER occurred in history – to expose and dismantle the cover-up and white-washing of an attempted government coup, via presidential assassination! All the elements are just waiting there in a field in Butler, PA for a group of staunch, determined Patriots to make the case.

The audio evidence is rock solid - demonstrating two (three?) clearly different firearms. Establishing the trajectories of the various bullets combined with audio analysis provides the lynchpin necessary to change the course of history and potentially save this country from a destiny that the so-called the Global Elite have been working for decades to achieve.


Is this the flight path of the first shot?


We should be reconstructing who attended this Rally, a list of anyone who attended before it gets scrubbed. Who was there that shouldn’t be? What was not there that should be as well.[Oversight Project uses Mobile Ad Data to track Crooks]


The roof on the two storey building far behind Crooks (same line to Trump)? The first three shots came from there? Based on the damage to the audience.



This shows the body location and more detailed view of the weapon

EDIT: This was shared on another thread later. It might be a higher resolution video:
The original video is at , but you need to be logged in to see it.


vid. on roof with body, snipers and ss agent

Fox News claims that this is new:

More audio of the shots. But they bleeped out some stuff.

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in the current video “Cheatle Evades 
” at timestamp 21:53 your placement of the location of #1 is completely off. If it is to correspond to the picture in the lower right corner, going by that picture #1 should be along the fence under the trees as you work to the right, out of the frame, under Chris’s right shoulder. This view is not directly to the side as it is marked. It is actually from behind, look at the flag, look at the light poles, look at the trunks of the trees along the fence. you have to move #1’s position to the right out of the frame to a position approximately under Chris’s right shoulder.

According to the congressional testimony today from Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Colonel Paris, Crooks picture was taken by Butler County ESU guys in the second floor room of the building with the open window. Crooks was sitting on a retaining wall just below them. They sent the picture up the chain of command and at some point left the room to go look for Crooks after they lost sight of him. Sometime after they left to search for Crooks he crawled up on the roof they were supposed to be protecting. One hell of a coincidence.

Presume you have seen this []


It purports to show LE on the roof less than an hour after the event, and seems to indicate:

  1. The local snipers (?ESU) did have helmet cam rolling (?what did they capture on first arrival??. The also say they ‘hauled ass over here’ implying they were 1st on the Crooks roof. Also the window in the 2 story building is OPEN by this point (45 m after the event).
  2. The local sniper who took the earlier pic of Crooks WAS in the 2 story building and his first name was Greg
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