Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

I’m watching the Benny video of your analysis now. It’s my second pass through your video.

You disregard the last shot #9 which only has a crack (supersonic portion) and the audio is cut off before the sound portion. So it is impossible to get the range for that particular shot. Was that the USSS Sniper shot or was it another shot at the crowd?

We do hear a loud scream just after that shot, so I am assuming that someone was hit by that shot or the person next to the screamer was shot.


How many spent bullet casings were found with Crooks? If the investigating team says 7, you will know that they are in on the coverup. If they only say 3-5, you know that they are trying to find the other shooter and the corruption is limited.


For what it is worth, maybe nothing. This is the first article I have seen mentioning other gunfire. It mentions that a local office fired at Crooks after he started shooting. No details on how close or how many shots.

" Aside from Mr. Butler’s statement, a Butler County District Attorney, Richard Goldinger, said a local police officer fired at the gunman after he opened fire, although it’s not clear whether the officer struck the assailant. The Secret Service confirmed that one of its counter-snipers shot and killed Mr. Crooks."


TL;DR I need another sound recording from the vicinity of Crooks’ building before you can convince me of a second shooter.

The sound difference between 1-3 and 4-7 on recording 2 (near the building) is stark, so I see why people jump to two shooters. I think another sound recording from near that building (if it exists) is needed to decide one way or the other (without super duper techo sound analysis.)

I don’t think the gun(s) used can be particularly different because in my (very limited) experience, a 308 sounds very different to a 223 at 100 metres and the first 7 shots all sound very similar in recording 1 near the podium.

There’s also the issue of the dog that didn’t bark and the 9th delayed shot. AR15s usually come with at least a 10 round magazine.

Scenario A: Crooks shot 1-3, someone else shot 4-7 wildly.
Scenario B: Someone else shot 1-3, Crooks shot 4-7 wildly.
Scenario C: Crooks shot 1-7.
Scenarios D-Z: Something more complex and messy

The shooting stops abruptly after the sound of the 8th bullet (on the building recording), then there is a pause of 8(?) seconds before we hear the 9th bullet (on the podium recording).

I don’t like Scenario A as how or why did the other “wild” shooter know when to stop almost immediately before bullet 8, if it was 8 that killed Crooks. Not enough time or knowledge to react. If it was bullet 9 that killed Crooks, why did the wild shooter stop at 4 bullets when he had at least 6 more? This scenario also requires Crooks to have been the measured individual, and his actions beforehand just don’t fit with that.

Scenario B & C - if Crooks was rapidly shooting why did he suddenly stop at 4/7 bullets rather than fire again in the gap between bullet 8 and 9? It was bullet 8 that killed him, not the delayed one.

The fact that the “wild” shooter stopped before a full magazine was used indicates to me there was only one “wild” shooter and he was stopped before he could empty his magazine.

I don’t like scenario B because if this was a well planned “deep-state” assassination attempt with a “deep-state” marksman the measured shooter would probably not have missed. Without the turn of Trump’s head the bullet would have hit the back of his skull, so was well off centre. Trump’s head turn was not enough to save him from an experienced top class shot with all the gear at that distance, but just enough to save him from a kid who didn’t calculate the wind correctly with iron sights. Recall that the counter sniper who shot Crooks was spot on over that distance.

Comparing the two videos, here is my version of Scenario C which is what I think happened: Crooks got three measured shots off about half a second apart. At that stage Trump had reacted and ducked. There’s a two and a half second delay where he makes a decision to shift his shooting to other targets. These are rapid and less well aimed as he is firing into a crowd. He gets 4 bullets off before the counter-sniper bullet stops him. God knows what the 9th bullet is all about.

Also, as I stated above, there is tension in your two analyses and between the two recordings wrt to bullet 6. The recoding near the building makes it sound like shots 1-3 were from 1 rifle and 4-7 from another, but bullet 6 doesn’t seem to have a report which would mean it came from a third gun(?!) that just so happened to sound exactly like the gun shooting bullets 4,5 and 7 in the sound recording at the building…starts getting a bit messy.

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This has bothered me, too. This young man seems to have no past behavior that indicates a will to cause harm. The assertions that he was a loner who ate alone was explained by his HS counselor who said their was one year in HS when he had a different lunch time than his friends. Normally, he hung out with 4-5 close friends. He did not appear angry and I have not heard of any suicidal tendencies. So, why would he choose to wake up one Saturday, kill innocent people and choose death by sniper fire? One hypothesis is that he didn’t. His parents called police that Saturday. No police department is going to seriously file a report saying that a 30 year old she n went missing for a few hours. I think the key is to find out what he did on Friday not get and who he was with.


What about the shooter in the water tower theory, or even passed the water tower, in the trees somewhere?

See this post on X

And this video

The idea is that a second shooter fired at the 2 counter snipers on Trump’s write side as he was looking at the crowd. That SS sniper who was looking at Crooks took his eyes off the scope for a second. This looks like a surprize, as if he took fire, heard a bullet but didn’t see Crooks that he was watching actually shooting at him. So the second shooter wanted to take that SS sniper out and missed, he hit the two guys behind. That shot has to come from high up, going down. Water tower?
The extra distance of the second gun discovered through the sound analysis here can be explained if that second video that was analyzed here was taken from a position between Crooks’ building and the water tower. It was not clear for me, from the YouTube video that presents this analysis where the second analyzed sound/video was recorded. In a previous post the question was asked to find a possible location for the second shooter and someone interpreted it as a little further from Crooks location. No, a little further from the position of the recording camera, with respect to the distance between the recording camera and Crooks. That second possible location a little further away could well be the water tower.

Many attendees mentioned hearing shots coming from the water tower.

BTW, the videos claiming that there was someone on top of the water tower are too grainy and inconclusive. But the trajectory of a possible bullet that hit those two guys at the same time and also passes through the two SS counter snipers mentioned above does go in that direction…

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0 seconds ago


Take a look at this… from a post on facebook:
Shooter 1: The Patsy (Crooks) on the sloped roof.
Shooter 2: Man on the water tower (not pictured).
Shooter 3: Unknown Shooter inside the building (this explains the lack of echo in his fire), with a clear view from the second floor window. To elucidate, Shooter 3 was INSIDE the building immediately adjacent to Crooks’s building. The 2nd floor window is located about 50 feet from Crook’s real location where he lay dead on the roof and this window provided direct line of sight to the target. Yeah, adjacent building, just behind Crooks and a few feet elevated above Crook’s roof. That is Shooter 3 (no echo as it would be absorbed by the room). Conclusion: Absolutely an Inside Job. Watch this for more details on that 2nd floor window!


New data summary from Health Ranger. I don’t think that the deep state would have gone to all this trouble without a back-up sniper.


For accurate measurements, you can use EagleView to obtain precise sketch reports of buildings, including walls and roofs. EagleView utilizes aerial views from sources beyond Google or Bing, incorporating flyover photos as well.

I’m watching your video titled:

You’ve come up with a brilliant conclusion. The ideal command or sniper position would be on the roof of the building adjacent to Crook’s building. You drew a BLUE CIRCLE on the very spot. Guess what, a metre down from that roof was an open window and that is where in my opinion SHOOTER 3 was located and took the shot that grazed the target’s ear. You got it! Just he was not on the roof, he was inside the room, open window and that is precisely why there was no echo!
IMHO, SHOOTER 2 was perched over the water tower.
This was too important to miss, so they had to have at least a minimum of 3x shooters! Shooter 1 was obviously the patsy, Mr Crooks (is this their Joker card, I mean, using a gullible boy with such a surname?)…

Thanks for making those vids and putting them out there on YouTube as well.



Thank you, that video is the first one that I have seen that shows the photojournalists rush the left side of the stage to get the photo while the shots where still happening as well.

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That makes sense. It would also line up with the Cullen theory of Crooks not the shooter who hit Trump. Crooks was mainly shooting at the stands and the general area.

Shot that hit Trump was the first one from the water tower and it hit the stands on the right side.

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At the !2 to 13 minute mark, the video shows the guy in the American flag shirt was hit in the chest with a .30 caliber or even a .223. As an avid deer hunter ( I shoot a Remington 700, 30-06), I can tell you, if that person was hit in the chest (lung area) he would not be walking, he would be dead. The exit wound from a high power rifle is massive, the size of your fist. The internal injuries that is created is lethal. In a video of the shooting the guy that was hit in the head. He is being carried away and his head is not limp. Another video a woman behind Trump is recording on her phone and not concerned of the bullets flying all around. For me nothing that happened on this day makes any sense, nothing.


I appreciate your comment. I think 13 July 2024 will be remembered by the whole world and hopefully the truth will come out and will grace the history books, not the propaganda.

I believe the perpetrators planned this in advance, and planned it carefully but there are many things that went wrong and we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Small details that were probably not considered were the high quality microphones used and the video equipment that provided us with invaluable evidence that can be fully analyzed in detail.

Even the best sniper in the world can make mistakes. We are indeed humans and Mr Trump should not have survived this, but he did, and became royalty through a baptism of fire. Trump, by surviving all the bullets, and through his unconventional reaction bcame part of American folklore, a legend, a hero, a true American hero. The chance for Americans to experience the “what if Kennedy had dodged those bullets” character. In essence, Trump assumed the presidency the moment he survived what JFK did not. Mr Trump will win by a landslide in November. He has turned Democrats into Trump Supporters and he has scooped all those that were on the fence and undecided.



Meh, it’s not a great way of doing it, because it depends on the bullet velocity, the angle, and other effects. Much better to make a timeline and triangulate, assuming you have multiple audio recordings.

Speaking of audio recordings, how many are we up to? Would you like me to get involved in fixing locations in the crowdsourcing effort? If we’re at 3+ and you need someone to put things together, I can volunteer.

This is my question as well. The 2nd video turns to the right after 3 shots, so does that change how the mic picks up the sound?

Awesome to see this analysis getting into the mainstream, setting the bar higher!


How do you intend to “triangulate” the shooter’s position without having an approximate distance between the shooter and the microphone?

The only way to obtain an approximate position of the shooter is to have several recordings of the sound reports from many different positions. You then need to approximate the distance between the shooter and the position of the recording device.

With two recordings, you can make two virtual spherical surfaces with the recording device in the center. Where the two spheres touch will form a virtual circle. The shooter will be somewhere on this circle. If you can add a third virtual sphere, the location where all three spheres touch will be a single point. This is the shooter’s location. Adding a 4th virtual sphere can then be used for a bit of error correction.

Without being able to approximate the distance of the shooter from the recording device, not much can be gained from the data.

This is a good start! Now we need to find other recordings from a different position. If we can get two additional recordings from distinct spatial positions, we could estimate the position of the shooter(s).

Hopefully the shooters did not use any tricks to muddy the water.

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I think the video was removed?