Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

Your video has popped up so many times on my X feed “For you”. Congrats, Chris. Prayers for you.


Or possibly two different loads, with different bullet weights. It would be just the sort of amateurish move a guy like Crooks would make.


I’ve seen factory ammo have a very wide range of performance


That was terrifying

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This was my exact thought! the rapid follow up shows being suppressive fire! And, of course, the final sniper shot to take out the patsy. Questions is, who fired the middle burst. I personally think if that many rounds were being sprayed down range at the crowds, we’d see more injuries. I also agree that the first 3 were semi-auto. Just about the right amount of time to re-site after the recoil. I still think the final shot was from out near the road, with a much better angle on the shooter. And it’s the right distance for the time (1,089ft). Thanks for the effort @cmartenson

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Has the Hawley letter to Mayorkas been shared yet? Turns out that many of the SS for Trump on the 13th were not SS trained at all.

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At this point we have no shell casings, no certainty of the weapon, and in my opinion, I have not seen sufficient corroborating evidence that Crook is the or a shooter. I would like to see a high bullet passing through that portion of the ear in a recreation.


thc0655–In other words, stay tuned, garden might need to be bigger, buckle up.


Mongothepawn, does using a suppressor add or detract from any interpretation of any narrative?

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@cmartenson You are getting some coverage on this site, with an interesting set of ideas, showing an open second story window at the right distance:


There needs to be a “people’s investigation” with full subpoena power. Take the conflicts of interest out of the picture. I know it won’t happen, but it should.

Yes. Keep in mind that the sonic crack will still be present when using a suppressor/silencer. The muzzle report is suppressed and may not be detected by the microphone. The lack of the muzzle report with only the sonic crack will give us little data to use. The time difference between the sonic crack and the muzzle report is how we are able to determine the approximate distance from the shooter to the microphone.

In theory, we could make a plot of different calibers/loadings of distance traveled vs time delay between the crack and muzzle report. I would make things easy by using the mean or median ballistics coefficient for each caliber of bullet when generating the velocity vs time for the cartridge.

I primarily shoot sub-sonic ammo with my suppressors because of the lack of a sonic crack. In some cases, the sound level is low enough to be hearing safe without using other ear protection.


Great video Chris I appreciate all the work you’ve done so far! Curious if anyone is working on photogrammetry of the photos/videos? I did some work in college and putting these photos or videos into time and space can really help to get a picture of what happened.

Thanks again for the great coverage!


This video is excellent, a very good follow up and included Chris’s analysis in support of the scenario being analyzed.
Thanks for this!

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Chris, I enjoyed listening to your analysis, but thought you missed a detail. The second video with the audio where the two sets of shots sounded different has the phone turn from the first set of shots to the second set of shots. Cellphone microphone have multiple microphones (2 or 3) to provide for directionality and noise and echo cancellation. The microphones also have some directionality which is different for different frequencies. Thus, if you take a cellphone and listen to a sound facing the sound and away from the sound the audio will be different. I think what you picked up was the difference in the direction the phone was facing.

I have a PhD in acoustics and have analyzed sound patterns for microphones.


Chris, thanks for covering this so passionatly. I am a retired Federal Law Enforcement officer for US Department of Homeland Security. I did protection details with the USSS during the Bush and Obama administrations, obviously can provide recipients. Happy to chat if you have questions, new to the community and settling in.


As far as Crooks being moved after his death, if he was, he would have left a considerable blood trail. You can see where the blood is draining down below him where he is laid out dead. Theoretically he could have fired then immediately moved before he was shot but I think once he was shot he remained where he was, else we’d see the blood trail.


I was in Butler this morning. My guess is that access to the sight is still restricted, so I didn’t do a drive-by. Anyone snooping around would be a subject for law enforcement scrutiny and I already was in the local papers for standing outside the Butler County Courthouse with a huge sign (six inch stenciled letters) accusing a local judge of “McCune Is Nazi Vermin” and mailing everybody on his cul de sac a letter telling his neighbors what I thought of him, plus another page that showed how he had 4 loans against his house. (public information about his deed) Once the heat cools off, I’ll drive to the parking lot of where the shooter and ladder were, but political operatives are vindictive as you can imagine, so it might be a little while before I access the sight.


Fantastic! Thank you for posting.

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@cmartenson @aaronmckeon

Just making sure your post gets noticed.