Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

Hi Chris, here’s more video interpretation showing possibly more than 2 people were hit, as well as a woman’s purse (ALL standing on the top row, again shedding light on trajectory) before the bullet finally disintegrated into the bleacher. The poster also comments that the round must have been larger than a .223


Another amazing analysis! Thank you Bradford! Make sure you check out Bradford’s video link. I’m concerned that now this forum is getting old, people are not checking back in. There have been some amazing additions in the last few hours to this forum.

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You raise some very valid questions for which I also have heard no explanations.


llynne is correct. Comperatore was sitting to the crowd’s LEFT as they faced trump from the grass seating area in front of the stage. Comperatore was closer to the shooter than trump was, in other words.

There’s a fairly long raw video (about 5 minutes???) from a bystander in the crowd showing Comperatore’s head shot right before they pick him up and carry him off stage. He bled out profusely, his blood covered the grand stand where he was laying by his family. He was carried off the stage with something covering his head to hide the gore. You clearly see the profuse blood all over his head/face for about 1 second just before they covered his head and lift him up and take him away at the end of the video. A witness sitting next to him who was also a Dr said he was dead instantly (further confirming it was Comperatore) and that his family was there beside him.
Here is the video from the witness:

I’ll post the raw video of the bystander filming the headshot aftermath who was sitting in the crowd in a few minutes from now. I found it here at this link below, under the video itself in “the show notes” (show notes contain clickable links to all videos in presented by the content creator below). There are probably 100 links from the show, so it will take me a few minutes to find the raw shooting video again: Evidence Mounts Showing Official Story On Trump Shooting Is False & Cancel Culture From The Right

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Maybe one climbs the ladder and checks to be certain Crooks was in place, then reports back to those inside at the window to get ready.


Here’s the video of the deceased (Fire Cheif Comperatore) being carried away, as I described above as being on the LEFT side of the stage when viewed from the crowd standing on the grass in front of trump. Seconds before they lift Comperatore up, you can see his bloody face from the gun shot to the head. Youtube must have missed this detail or they would have axed it, I believe:


I too am missing a brother John< bless you Dr. Martenson.


That is hard to watch :frowning:

But yes, it was the far left side of the left group of bleachers.

Thank you MattsUsername!!

This video and series of posts from “Dr. Shiva” is very interesting.

The ObGyn in the film is convinced that the shots came from behind the bleachers, and that Comperatore was hit from behind.

Also, Dr Shiva has an image showing that one of the teleprompters actually was chipped, as though it was struck by gunfire. Could this put renewed life into the theory that Trump was hit by flying glass from the teleprompter? (I continue to be suspicious that ketsup was involved, until proven otherwise.)

I agree, this is what I see. Comperatore was at the extreme left as viewed from the crowd (that is, to Trump’s right). He was about half way up the bleachers.

So we can definitively say that the other fellow in the white shirt in the bleachers to Trump’s left, who went down in Cullen’s video, was not actually injured, or at least not seriously.

Wow, that is disturbing :persevere:

I go away for an afternoon and the site goes crazy.

I watched the John Cullen 2 hour video and this what i saw. I don’t know if someone has posted a summary but i wanted to get it down.

He says 3 shooters by lining up the shots. Keep in mind that my poor spatial skills may be hampering your understanding. It’s not you its me.

Bullet 1. Shot from trees to hit the counter sniper team on the roof. Just misses the counter sniper team but takes out 3 people on the top row of stands where the bullet aerosolizes on the railing from Chris’s video yesterday). During the video he shows a tree nest contaption that could set someone up pretty comfortably bought at Cabelos for 499ish. Are there any trees in the right place? Probably a 308.

Bullet 2 From the water tower to Trump’s ear. His point is that the only time you can hit the ear is if the target is squared up to your location. At the point when he was hit he was facing the water tower. About 110 degrees from front looking at the jumbo tron.

Bullet 3 from the roof where Crooks was, flying past Trump to kill the firefighter.

So one shooter to keep the counter snipers busy in the trees, two shooters aiming at Trump (water tower and roof) .

He also blew up the picture of the roof where Crooks body was blurred out and he was able to see his gun and there is a scope. The top of the rifle is not flat.

I also watched Robert Barnes on George Gammon. He sees the political realm

Apparently Mike Pompeo told some people he was going to be the vp last week (im fuzzy on the date) but he wasn’t on Trump’s radar for VP. The thought is that Nicky Haley/Mike Pompeo was the neo con dream team when Trump died. They had to get the assassination done before Trump was nominated and picked a vp. Trump moved up his picking of vp for safety sake.

Barnes thought Trump got rfk jr to release the video of the two of them talking. I hadn’t heard this but in that phone call, Trump said that Biden asked him why he turned his head.

Barnes thought there were just too many screw ups for it to be real. Couple of shoutouts to @cmartenson. There was one more thing i found interesting, Trump’s protected detail was given the day off by their bosses. Then the second stringers were co-opted by Jill.


I thought it was reported that two different counter sniper teams fired at Crooks.

Could the second group of shots be from one set of counter snipers and the final 3rd from the other?

I couldn’t remember if the direction of fire could be determined by the audio/video or if we only know the rough distance.

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At 8:40, Redacted News suggested that it was hydraulics. I am not sure how they confirmed that. Unless the shot was further back than we are thinking, then I am not sure why there would be hydraulics there, so I doubt this. Maybe someone conflated one hit with another.

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It is also interesting, that in the video at about 2 26 it looks like family is asked where the shots came from and they both clearly point to the LEFT side of the bleachers (when looking straight on) and not to their back, not where the large screen is.

It is heartreaking to watch because I think that guy with the hat is a family member, because he is seem comforting the two women wearing hats, and they are escorted out of there when everyone else in instructed to get down.


RFK III released that video of his dad and Trump talking. The video clip I saw didn’t have anything in it referencing Biden at all. RFK might have said a handful of words, but was really just listening. He didn’t realize his son was recording and someone in the campaign chat mentioned it looked like this was taken under a sheet or something.

I heard through the campaign grapevine that after this happened, RFK III would be taking a break from working with the campaign for a while. RFK was horrified that his son released this. However, other than Trump not being aware he was being taped or that someone would leak this. . . it’s really not that bad other than you hear Trump talking about vaccines and referencing his conversation with RFK about them from 2016 (which he then never followed up on again after that).


I would like to show the photo of the dead person on the roof to people where Crook worked and see if there is concurrence. The same for Crook’s parents, relatives, places he frequented.

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I see a difference in the neck and age.

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I just watched your audio analysis…awesome work. However in that crowd you will find atleast a dozen people saying they heard shots from the Water Tower…and one video the lady protests that they shot and killed the Water Tower sniper.

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When I hear that, I wonder if they mean “from the direction of the water tower,” which could be the water tower, in the trees, or both.

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Not sure who posted this, but it is the pre rally video

You can see the victim standing along the edge on far left side, the really tall guy in dark Trump down the side shirt. He really might have been blocking the shot and actually saved Trumps life.

You can see him at 2 34

I find this so very sad, hope the family get the truth and justice