Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

What the hell? Stop attacking members, I’ve been reading Whoknew79 for a long time.


Where is the link to this video? TMZ

This is worth watching! I am halfway through. Click on JimboJim’s link above. Wow!

Maybe Corey Comperatore got in the way of the line of fire.

Would be interesting to know where each shot went.


Oh my goodness! That is a good point! We need to find video that shows Corey’s last moments.

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Yesterday, Jim H posted a Twitter link to a <2 minute video from this same John Cullen, here:

The video features a much broader view of the shot that hit the railing. Cullen argues that this shot also hit a person in a white shirt at the other end of the bleachers to Trump’s left. Jim H thought this person was Corey Comperatore, who was killed. A Twitter ‘community note’ claims that the person in the white shirt was unhurt, and was seen wandering around later. Other drawings place Comperatore in the corner of the bleachers to Trump’s right.

This article

clearly states that Comperatore was “off to Trump’s left side”.

As further proof of the trajectory of this bullet (or bullets?) Cullen points out that elsewhere on the back row of the bleachers to Trump’s left, there was a woman whose purse was apparently blown out of her hands.

Cullen thinks that the shot that downed the person in the white shirt, must have come from the trees overlooking the buildings where the police snipers were stationed. He thinks those police snipers were the target.

But this part makes no sense to me!! We’re supposed to believe that a professional sniper was aiming at taking out those police, but somehow missed??? And hit some spectators instead? I say this shot was intended to do exactly what it did, which was to kill or injure spectators.


I can see Chris’s point, but in the broader context I mostly agree with road2bellend here. All those bullets must have passed somewhere in the vicinity of the mike near Trump’s podium. But we have no calibration for how close “somewhere” means, nor do we know enough about the direction of these bullets, or what their targets were. I feel we especially have no clue about what was going on with the second volley of ~six bullets.

John Cullen thinks that at least one of those first three bullets, was responsible for downing two victims in the bleachers to Trump’s left. He thinks that bullet was aimed at the police snipers on the building overlooking Trump’s podium. If that’s the case, then that bullet came nowhere near Trump.

And if the first and second bullets came from entirely different directions (as Cullen thinks), you have to explain why they had such similar sonic signatures.

At the new John Cullen video on Rumble, I read the comments first. This lead to another video by Shepard Ambellas. He agrees that there was a shot or volley of shots that took out two spectators on the bleachers; and that this same volley was aimed at the police snipers on the roof, but failed to hit the target. He traces it from the opposite direction, which seems obviously wrong considering the spray of debris from the railing?? But we also have to remember that any or all videos could be doctored by AI, and consider the provenance of all sources at this point.

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Those shots could have been used to distract the snipers. They jerked in a fashion that I couldn’t explain.

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Well, as they say in law enforcement sometimes, Christmas came early…

You said, “I believe there’s a problematic trajectory for a roof shooter, but we’ll need to have a better reconstruction of the precise elevations to be sure.”

Well, I just read how Ed Dowd seems to think there isn’t enough room for suspicion here, though he doesn’t mention the curiosity of the additional puts on Rumble. Anyway, I’d like to watch him and another with expertise discuss or argue the evidence. Here is what he said:

I have been asked to comment on Austin Private Wealth Management $DJT controversy.

The company has put out statement denying put position citing third party filing error.

They are a registered investment advisor with over 1,200 clients with assets under management of $1 billion. They are fee based only so my guess is the revenues for the whole firm are $10 million assuming standard 1% fee. Each portfolio for their clients is different. This is not a hedge fund.

Bottom line: the company denies it and they are not structured to pool bets like a hedge fund might.

This looks like a typical independent RIA to me. I don’t think there is anything here.

Additionally the filing on July 12 was for positions as of 6/28 so not a put position established on July 12 as many have suggested.

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"clearly states that Comperatore was “off to Trump’s left side”.

I think that is incorreect, from all I have seen Comperatore was sitting/standing near the very back of the bleachers to Trumps right side. So looking at the stage it would be the left side of the stage.

I found it very upsetting to hear someone was killed, so spent quite of bit of time looking into it that first day. And it was difficult to find.

I also remember Cullen getting the orinatation of the Crooker wrong in one of his videos, putting him close to the grass side of the building and not the parking lot.

I am only going by photos that were released right after it happened and maybe they have been revised.


A good overview by Robert Barnes:


This is worth listening to


Thanks Ilynne. Would it be too much trouble to post a link or links to what you found? I tried for a few moments with basic web search tools, and the article from New Jersey Media Group was the best I could do.

I thinks it’s pretty obvious that there’s a fair measure of divine intervention going on here for Trump.

With iron sights at 140 yards, you don’t have to move the sights much to be off by a fair bit. The width of a human hair can translate to several inches at that range. In fact, the centre peg of the sights can be a real hindrance to you sighting the target accurately. So, trying to fire several shots fairly quickly can lead to some variation in trajectories.

And that’s assuming there’s only one shooter, which I don’t. I think you’ve presented a compelling case for there being at least one shooter, and one scape goat.

Which I think brings us back to the divine intervention thing. God doesn’t have to intervene much to make a big difference to the outcome.

While I certainly think it’s a genuine tragedy that spectators/supporters were killed and injured, I prefer to think of them has heroes who took a bullet for the President.


It looks to me like the vapour next to the blue-shirt guy is the coating on the railing. An FMJ bullet could glance off that and remain whole enough to punch through a hydraulic line fairly easily.

As you say, more info about the trajectories, injuries, and impacts on the bleachers would be very helpful.

And I can vouch for casings getting stuck in tyres and carried away. I’ve seen it happen.

As for the cat thing, I think I’m gunna try that. :smiley:

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At 21 minutes or so into your video, the distance on the acoustic signature graph between the shots and echo for 1,2 & 3 are nearly identical to the distance between peaks 4 & 5. Is it possible that the echo from shot 4 is coincident with the sound of shot 5?


I can further attest that if you chase the thieving feline,yelling at it to drop the casing, some will drop it. It’s worth a try if it’s your crime scene. Of course then you have to sheepishly tell the crime scene investigators why that one casing is so far from the others. :man_shrugging:t2: The looks you get will be reward enough for your effort but YMMV.