Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

This was brought up a few times in this thread and acknowledged, but I do want to add a little more detail & speculation. High frequency is more directional than low frequency, and just pointing the mic in a different direction will cause changes to the sound. I suppose if you generate a tone in a speaker and record from a smartphone from a distance, you can can observe changes as you rotate the smartphone, depending on the frequency and surroundings (things that dampen or reflect sound). Because the microphone is recessed in the device, the pickup of high frequency is more cone shaped, and pointing it to a different acoustically reflective surface could change the timing (although I expect that you still might get the original and reflection, just a different levels). Also, changing the direction [of what the mic is pointed to] from something partially reflective to not reflective at all, and even acoustically damping (like grass) will change how it sounds. Fortunately there are fewer buildings near by, so there are fewer reflections that need to be accounted for. Going back to blocking the microphone with his hands, just blocking part of the pickup pattern / cone shape could change how this sounds.


At this point, I am mostly concerned about learning what or who we are dealing with. Expert testimony is a thing (however believable it may or may not be to a particular jury), but there are so many variables, it would be easy for an opposing expert to create doubt.



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If I wanted to destroy the Secret Service files and data on the assassination attempt I would crash servers worldwide and make it disappear under a larger crisis.


oooh that’s smart!


or migrate organization’s cell phone plan to a new provider.

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I might have an unpopular opinion here, but that second salvo of 5 rounds sure does sound like it came from one of the high speed guys that can shoot fast with excellent trigger control.


Dunno about the drama and I haven’t seen you say anything crazy. I don’t think anyone here agrees on everything. Just don’t like people accusing others of being spies or some such nonsense when they (you in this case) are clearly not. Poisons the atmosphere of lively discussion here


It appeared more like she was covering here face with the sign, and then immediately brought here iphone camera up tp record when the bullets started flying…which seemed like a calculated action.


Putting together comments number 127 and 130, we should be able to solve lots of problems. We know the time to hear the gun report it’s just the distance from the gun to microphone divided by the speed of sound. The time to hear the sonic crack of the bullet is the time it takes the bullet to reach the location where its velocity times cosine theta is the speed of sound plus the distance from that port location to the microphone divided by the speed of sound.

For any microphone near Trump, if a bullet strikes a person or other object before it gets to the location to there where the crack will be heard and that object either stops it or reduce its speed to below that at the speed of sound, I don’t believe the microphone will pick up a crack. That will certainly be the case for the bullet that struck Cory Compatore. I believe the shockwave that hasn’t reached the mic will no longer be continuously generated by the bullet and will dissipate before it can reach the mic. For a bullet that is traveling between about Mach 2.25 and 2.75, theta is between 63.6 and 68.6° Which means it would haves be less than half the distance from Trump as the microphone is from Trump.


So here is video and audio analysis by John Cullen, who comes to some of the same conclusions as Chris, in terms of there being more than one shooter, but his interpretation of synchronized shooting of the initial shots and there being a 30 caliber round being used. He comes off as being arrogant and unlike Chris, does not like his opinion being questioned, but this video/interview goes into lots of details about his thought process on how he came up with his conclusions. He makes more emphasis on looking at multiple videos and how the bystanders were reacting to being shot and/or grazed by bullets flying by them, and placing that into context with the geometry associated with the Butler site layout.

You may remember him as being the one who did a deep, deep dive into the anomalies associated with the Official Narrative surrounding the Las Vegas shooting, and he came to the conclusion that there were multiple shooters involved in that crime scene (as well as helicopter support).

It’s 2 hours long, but ties many things together, so I thought it was worth my time, anyway.


The video is remarkably conclusive about the exact spot the round struck the railing (top dead center, you can see a bright spot of … heat…?) and that it struck heading left to right and therefore struck the railing after the spectators so post-strike it could not have hit anyone in the stands.

This much is settled.


Yes, but if a FMJ 30 caliber bullet mag was used, the same bullet could’ve passed through more than one person, before hitting the railing. That is what John Cullen points out at about 50 mins into his presentation. AND he points out that the railing impact occurred just a msec before the guy in the white shirt and black pants takes a hit, which means that 2 shooters would be required since it’s impossible that one person could get off 2 shots in that timeframe.

Or maybe, after hitting the railing, it was shrapnel from the bullet fragmenting that could’ve accounted for the injuries seen on that side of the bleachers, including the guy in the shite short/black pants.

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Further thought: the crack is heard when the cone defined by the angle theta passes the microphone. If we can get a recording that was over towards Competore which was passed by the cone before the bullet struck, we would hear the crack of that bullet, but would not hear it in any microphone beyond that cone as it was defined at the time the bullet struck. The same would be true for any bullet that struck and was stopped by anything or any person in the bleachers beyond Trump. If we could get a recording from the microphone that was beyond that place and for which the cone of the bullet never reached, the crack of that bullet would be missing from the recording as well.


If you assume that this was a well thought out plan by nefarious deep state actors, (which the location, no drone used, poorly staged snipers, multiple shooters and more indicates), then logically you’re not going to rely on the kid with iron sights to make the kill-shot. He’s there simply to take the blame. The “slight of hand” employed was to put the true assassin/shooter out of sight and directly under their patsy who was out in the open and being seen by all. That way, had Trump not turned his head at the last second, the professional shooter who was hidden inside the building, their first bullet would have left a path/trajectory right through Trumps skull that would have pointed back to the the “obvious culprit.”


Chris, you mentioned seeing the post mortem photos of Matthew
Crooks, but I cannot find it. Does anyone have a link to share?

Another analysis claiming 3 shooters


While the current coverage of Trumps assassination attempt is important, the above link to information regarding current legislation, SAPHE2.0, in Massachusetts is critical if you reside in Mass. I imagine there is similar legislation in other states. I have not been following it, but I did receive an email from Health Rights MA. I feel the shooting is a distraction, as legislation is being passed that will further remove our rights and freedoms on a local and national level. I wish I was better informed to share more, but the link above is a great place to start. If you are in Mass., please follow the steps to write your legislators and state your opposition to SAPHE2.0.


What logic stands out to me is the enormous puts on Trumps stock as well as on Rumble. Their explanation that they were both ‘clerical errors’ is too irrational and already refuted as such. Therefore, it was known beforehand and planned. And if planned then it’s not logical that this plan would depend on the terrible shooting skills of a 20 years old kid.