Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

They do not incorporate the JumboTron displays with the model. Those screens change ALL the proposed sight lines from that roof Crooks was on. I don’t think he would have seen the podium from the side of the roof his body was photographed on if the Displays are there. I keep going back to his being on the roof edge to the right of where the body was photographed.

There are items, maybe a cloth or material it appears on the side of the roof to the body’s right on the photograph. That would be one of the only possible lines of sight for Crooks to have had the line of sight required.

Are we fairly certain the body wasn’t moved, for some hair brained reason by law enforcement after the shooting? I keep hoping to figure out the side of the roof from the spectator videos of him but the angle of the camera is such that I can’t figure the depth or placement on the roof specifically.


That face shape, given the video resolution is too close to many women to say for certain, but it certainly looks like a possible match.


Did you see that Elon Musk declared he’s leaving CA over Gavin Newsom, Elon has reached his limit and has chosen a side?

“Musk recently endorsed former President Donald Trump and reportedly plans to contribute $45 million per month to a pro-Trump super PAC called the America PAC.”


Yep, that is some crazy good news!


:flushed: now that is an odd one. I agreed with the assessment she was just someone with low situational awareness, but this is odd.

A .223/5.56 bullet would easily perforate the cartilage of an external ear and keep going as if almost nothing happened to it. It could then 1) graze one or two people in the bleachers, and then hit the railing and disintegrate, OR 2) hit the railing and send fragments flying into the two people next to the railing. However I seriously doubt any fragment that resulted from hitting the railing would have enough energy left to puncture the hydraulic line. It sure would be helpful to know who was hit where in the body, what the wound characteristics were (graze, penetration,etc) and what bullets, fragments or debris were recovered from their bodies or anywhere in the area. If you watch crime drama tv shows and movies you’d get the impression crime scene investigators recover bullets and fragments in nearly every case. In real life recovering fired bullets whole or in fragments is rare. Fired shell casings are commonly recovered, though a significant minority are lost. Shell casings readily get stuck in tire treads and carried away, stuck in police boot treads and walk off, get kicked surprisingly far away, roll away on SLOPED surfaces and most bizarrely get stolen by house cats. For some reason cats love fired shell casings and will come onto a crime scene and steal one if you’re not alert. :man_shrugging:t2:


JUST IN: Secret Service was aware of the potential threat 10 minutes before Donald Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania but let him go out anyway.

The revelation was made during a Senate briefing today.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn says she was “appalled to learn the Secret Service knew about a threat prior to President Trump walking on stage.”

“I have no confidence in the leadership of Director Cheatle and believe it is in the best interest of our nation if she steps down from her position.”


I don’t recall seeing any spent bullet casings next to Crooks’ body. Anyone else?


Whoknew79 is a frequent visitor here and I see his (I assume it’s a guy) posts all the time. Weird thing to be paranoid about


All the images I’ve seen have been too low resolution to assume I could see the casings. Also, given the metal roof is both sloped and has ridges, I assumed that lack of casings was one normal possibility.

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I’ve always thought Bongino wasn’t very bright. Probably average IQ

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I was wondering if we were seeing mist from passing through flesh. Or if the bullet hit the railing first and he was injured from the resulting shrapnel. Hopefully there are more details about this injury out there, or we will get that later.


Possible. There’s got to be higher res images out there somewhere


You think three months is not enough to cover all tracks ?


The wounded guy walking himself out of the stands wrapped in the American flag shirt absolutely did not have a penetrating wound from a whole .223/5.56 bullet. My guess is either a graze wound (like a cut from a knife) or he was hit and penetrated by a tiny fragment. Have you seen the damage caused by a penetrating wound from that round? Here’s Gaige Grosskreutz’s bicep after Kyle Rittenhouse’s .223/5.56 penetrated it (and kept going somewhere).


That’s true, but gun powder residue would have remained.

Now it makes even more sense that they were power washing the roof - if they didn’t, it could be discovered that the patsy never fired.


Just end this part of this discussion and get back to talking about important things.

I have been a member since 2011 when the site was called In the last year or so my life changed and has allowed me the time to post. Apparently, I have controversial views. I am not trying to be an outcast. In the June edition of Peak Insider Live I asked the first video question. I wasn’t trying to ask a question live. I was really just trying to communicate the problem with sound levels.

From my question you can tell that @richcabot has ruined my life. And if you want to waste time looking back at all of my posts, you will see how very recently my views have evolved because of @richcabot’s suggestion. I am seeing the world very differently now and I want to tell everyone about it. This reminds me of the period of time when I was studying the JFK assassination and the time when I was studying 9/11, and the time… you know. It is always a period of time when I get very little sleep because I am creating a new map of the world, a new narrative. I like data, but I’m not a data junky. I am a big picture thinker.


That vendor also suggested that there was a rally conducted there before, but it was one of the few that she did not attend. If that is the case, and there is video of it, it would be interesting to compare how the place was secured then and now.


Does everybody know that none of the analysis of the sound recordings will ever be convincing in court before a judge or jury? It could be helpful in pointing investigators in the direction of productive avenues for their work (like: “maybe there was more than one shooter so we should expand our investigation in that direction“).


LOL! I’m reminded of one of my all-time favorite characters from Undercover Brother, Conspiracy Brother! I think the trains of thought and the necessary mode of thinking that requires questioning everything repeatedly has a cost.