Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

You don’t know the distance to a GPS satellite based on the signal, so how could you figure out where you are?

It’s because you can figure out the differences between the distances to various satellites. If you know one number, the distance X from one point, you get a circle (or sphere in 3D). If you know one number, the difference between the distance to two points, such that D = Y - X, then the solution to that is a hyperbola (rotated in 3D). I mistakenly said ellipse, but that’s the result from knowing D = X + Y, not so useful in this case. The point is that you do not need to know either X or Y to start triangulation. Knowing D reduces the possible locations by one dimension.

Yes, you need to reduce it by 3 dimensions to get a fix. But the cracks, along with trajectory and velocity, are entirely unnecessary if there are enough timestamped and located recordings. 4 is sufficient.

Here’s a fictional account by Matt Bracken that could explain how an assassin could be “developed” by a handler.

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Trum’s ear could have been grazed but that is not what happened. The bullet pierced the ear. The outer ear is cartilage, super soft tissue, the bullet pushed, pierced and simply passed through. IMHO no grazing occurs as we traditionally understand grazing. In other words, it’s more like a nail was hammered through at the speed of sound. Many, many, many variables produced this outcome. Trump is probably the luckiest sum bitch alive. The icing on the cake is he gets up defiant and does what an innate leader does… lead. Pumps his fist up in the air and the crowd jumps up w the leader.
Watch this video right here to see in a real life experiment the recreation of the grazing (did not happen) and the piercing of the human ear.


So here it is. They co opt Chris’s work and claim 2 good guy shooters and still only one bad guy shooter. A malleable story with a rigid lone shooter underpinning.


Lol lol

I analyzed the audio from a new POV video that was shared earlier this morning on X by @YWNReporter. There isn’t a clear crack for the first shot, but there is a thump. The crack-thump delta is 70 ms for the second shot and 67 ms for the third.

First three shots showing lack of “crack” for the first:

2nd shot (70 ms)

3rd shot (67 ms)

The audio is in stereo (which some iPhones can do), and there are differences between the two channels. I used the left channel.

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At Chris. Is Sen. Ron Johnson talking about your video Chris? Go to 5:35:


Someone local should go out to the site and inspect all the trees between the building and the rally area. Look for fresh pruning wounds which would indicate recent branch removal. Was Crooks going to use his drone to possibly drop his explosives? Or he could of wanted to land/fly the drone onto/into something and in which he would use the detonator? Has the drone been located?


Seems many don’t realize there was a second ss sniper team to Trumps left shoulder. If you go to youtube and msnbc they have a video titled “Trump rushed off stage” and it shows them at the 1:20 mark. I believe this is who took the final shot, it appears they are putting a casing in their pocket.


I have seen at least one video of the water tower having what appears to be comone on top. That water tower in distance but still line of sight to the stage meets the shooter 3 distance criteria.
Toer elements (imprecise but close)
849 ft top of water tower to stage (283 yds)
water tower 120 ft (40 yds)

a2 +b2 = c*2
720,801 + 14,400 = 735,201

Square root of C = 857.438628 (285.8 yards)

37 deg down angle (alpha)
53 deg up angle (Beta)

1-2 MOA on an average rifle (that’s a 1 - to - 2 inch variance at 100 yards


Sen Ron Johnson… “some expert posted an incredibility convincing video that all over the web that there was more than one shooting” … some ATF agent gathered all the pictures of the dead shooter and then went dark…" unfortunately we can’t trust the FBI or SS" and we need to do our own investigation and we need citizens to come forward withe any videos and eye witnesses no matter how small…

hmmm now who went and did that?.. they seem to have kicked up quite the hornets nest…


Hello Chris, there is another recording, from the field next to the ‘roof-building’.

I trimmed all the shots together in in a file:

First series of 3
Shots 1 & 2 & 3 look similar in character
There is a clear small ‘space’ within the shot.(

Series of 5 (4 is #1 in this series)
4 & 5 similar in character little different from above
6 & 7 & 8 similar in character little different from above
There is a smaller space.

‘Shot six’
9 or (9 and 10), there is a guy on internet who shows this to be 2 shots, it looks to be so. Anyhow very different look from all the shots so far.
Unclear 1 or 2 shots fired

Last shot
Very different from all other shots
There is a huge space

Slowed down audio
Series of 3 sound significantly! different from series of 5,

Series of 5, the first 2 sound little louder than last 3, but similar sound otherwise (not familiar with guns)

Shot 6
Totally different to above

Last shot
Somewhat different from shot six


From this photo with the body on the “slopy” roof, no blood is gravitating downwards. Even with a 165gr .308 projectile to the head at a 150yrds distance, major deformation and damage to blood flow would have occured. And based on animal headwounds/shots, the heart still beats for a couple of seconds even though the brain function has stalled, resulting in quite a bit of bloodflow from the wound. This leads me to belief the killshot was from a distance of >200yrds with a .308, resulting in less kinetic energy to the target, and most probably to the back of the scull.

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The lack of crack/weak crack in itself can provide weak triangulation, depending on bullet speed.

Although I don’t know how the crack disperses unless the shooter is downrange of the impact. That would spread the crack and reduce the gap between the crack and boom.

It was reported that the two injured down range from Trump, were both hit with two bullets, one of which could have been the ricochet off of Trump’s ear not including the fifth bullet that killed the other victim, so the second and third shots couldn’t be at the snipers

If an inside job was to kill Trump 48 hours before Republican convention, it would have put the whole process in disarray

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Question #4 is the key question that will definitively prove at least two shooters, why? It has been reported that the two injured victims down range from Trump, both got hit by two bullets each, which would be a total of 4 bullets, separate from the person who was killed between the shooter and Trump. Hence, the combination of the four bullets in the two injured victims have to show that the calibers were different since the first 3 shots were similar before the barrage (different caliber) that followed;5-6 bullets, which means by analyzing the medical reports after permission from victims, the two reports, when compared, have to show different calibers of bullets were shot at Trump/into the crowd.

Hi! I heard someone on Youtube saying that because the shots in the audio from the big pro camera near the stage all sound the same that that means the audio from the person’s phone recorded close to the building in sight of the shooter was partially iffy. As in, that the first three shots in the the personal iPhone audio were muffled/had no echo as, this person says, the person likely just was accidentally covering the phone mic. I seriously, honest to goodness want to know if this makes sense or if it doesn’t make enough difference to prove it’s only 1 shooter. Please take me seriously, I am not trolling.

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Bret discusses your take in his recent vid with John Cullen. It’s time stamped in Bret’s description