Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

You’re calling this a half open window? I see a smooth reflection of the grass below and of the dark trees and light sky above.


Still on this kick huh?! No, you didn’t “catch the first shot on video” because it was off by the audio sound report by at least 4 seconds, the shot didn’t come from Window 3, which was never opened/removed/broken, it probably couldn’t clear the fences (AGR6 was sitting in a depression, the flash of light is mid-way up the window about 6’, the fences are 6’ but on higher ground), and definitely couldn’t clear the 9’ + tall bleachers, nor the standing dense crowd, from YOUR OWN CAD drawing.

Educated guess, a reflection just like Window 2. In fact I’ve asked you now 4 or 5 times to explain/differentiate between the nearly identical reflections in windows 2 and 3 but you have not done so to my knowledge. These windows offer almost the identical reflections at various angles/times. This essentially proves that the “rope” or other reflections in Window 3 prove it was closed and nothing was unusual about these reflections since they are observed in at least 1 or more other windows (window 1 and 4 also had reflections).

![Steward 6min 34secs faint rope reflection|690x387]

Your heavily clever moving gifs have obvious problems. This one is from a stationary Stewart filming the officer walking by. The other videos stills into gifs are from a frantic Stewart racing around rapidly swinging his camera in different directions, angles, crouching down, standing up, etc. making the window 3 image deceptively appear to have changes and movements. This is truly elementary level analysis that should be obvious to anyone with a HS diploma.

Let me illustrate from the 2 images you provided.
This is a view of Window 3, from the hard SE angle.
Window 3 radical SE views

This is a view of Window 3, from the hard SW angle. Pointed directly at and reflecting the red barn as well.
Window 3 radical SW view

If you throw these and a few other radical angles into a moving gif, of course it will appear (dishonestly) that there is movement and activity in the window when in reality it’s just altering the angles of the video. A child can see this, why can’t you?

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Exactly right. No window 3 was NOT opened. The reflection in window 3 in his image looks almost identical to window 2 to the east. I have no idea why he’s on and on about window 3, it clearly was never opened, never removed, alleged white LED flashes were not shots, the sounds did not line up with any audio, the mid-height of the window is 6’ and maybe couldn’t clear the near fence, probably couldn’t clear the far fence (since AGR6 sits in a depression) but definitely couldn’t clear the bleachers well over 6’ tall, closer to 9+ with all the standing densely crowded people.

Window 3 is the obvious red herring.


Done. Those 37 cartridges were not unique. They were SKUs, so for instance the same round appears twice, because one SKU was for a 20round box and another was for a 150 rounds box of the same ammo. I just added all 37 on ammo-data-v5. Do note that on there were no specific rifles mentioned for the tests, just the barrel length, and all these new cartridges were done with 20" or 24" barrels, which adds to bullet V. To simulate for 16" a round originally tested with a 20" barrel, I’ve been subtracting 5% of the avg V. (btw, found this interesting Hornady page with BC formulas).

I marked 2 of these new cartridges as my top candidates. Both 75grains and their V’s differ by a couple of fps, practically the same V. One has T2 in its name, as does that Hornady LE round.

The file for ammo-data-v5 can be found here.

This is awesome. What about the barrel length issue? This video might shed some light on the issue. It’s where I got that value of 5% less V going from a 20" to a 16".

Very enticing news that both cartridges survived the adjusment.

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Hi MacD,

Please read carefully what I wrote.

The upper window is pulled back for 4 seconds only, just enough time for the 2nd shooter to takes his 3 shots. Then the upper window is put back in place giving you the picture you see with two glasses superposed on top of each other. You can go look at other screen shots after the shooting in this video, you will always see a slight line from the superposed windows between upper and lower. Take for example T+ 1Min 35 seconds:

For those who still don’t quite understand about these two upper and lower windows superposed, here is a very simple explaination:

What is your opinion on the animated gif. This time it is a nice and clear animation. I don’t think we can say that it is due to “compression artifacts” this time. On the forum page the animation seems to be a bit small, but I recommend everybody who has an objective mind and is willing to seek for the truth, to right click on the animated gif (small movie where the cop is walking, and you can see window 3 opening in the last frames) and download it to your computer locally. There you can really zoom in and get a good look of the action comming from window 3.

And just one more remark:
Making custom glass windows was probably not that difficult of a task, ARJ being a glass research company…

If there is no there there and somebody claims window 3 to be a normaly shut window through out the entire video, then sorry I don’t think you are objective about this topic.

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Hi BigTim,

Sorry, you are not up to date. Please read my posts carefully. At the end I indicated that Version 6 of our joint project has been released. There everything is 100% documented how the newest numbers that have been entered lead to window 3 when back tracing the first shot.

Please have a look here:

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Sorry, I just don’t see what you do.

Your arrow points to the mid-line in Window 3. I see that clearly - especially when enlarged - as a reflection of the border between the light green grass below and the dark green tree foliage. And I see the same thing in Window 2 (although here the reflection of tree foliage is limited by the partially drawn blind). If the mid-line in Window 3 represents to you the overlapping of two “superposed windows,” then shouldn’t the mid-line visible in Window 2 represent the same thing? So do you believe that more than one window was prepared (and then repaired) in this special way?

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His theory of Window 3 as the shots is impossible. It’s predicated on “odd reflections” which are fully explainable, consistent with adjacent Window 2, and fully prove the window is reflecting so cannot have been removed. It’s a compilation of gifs, from different lateral and vertical angles. And a flash of white light at least 4 seconds off from the gunshot audio. Oh, and it’s at least 3 feet below the height needed to clear the bleachers and spectators.

Shots cannot have come from Window 3 because:

  1. No open, removed, or broken window at any relevant time. This window is on video near continuously, minus perhaps a few seconds, the entire time. Zero chance someone opened or removed the window without being observed and filmed. There were cops and witnesses standing in view, many recording. No window 3 was removed or opened.
  2. The sound is off by at least 4 seconds.
  3. Far too low. Probably cannot clear the fences, definitely cannot clear the 9+ feet tall bleachers.

For these and other reasons Window 3 is a waste of time. I’ve explained this to him no fewer than 10 times but he persists on this nonsense red herring dead end.

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Hey MacD,

Are we solving the case together? That would be cool, since we are both seeking to find out the truth.

You can even go T-1.23 (seconds before shooting) and you see the helper with is head lamp on getting ready to draw back the upper window.

But now that you pointed out to window 2, it would make sense to have plan B. So, if window 3 is not clear for some reason (maybe a person in the shooting line), they switch to window 2. Looking at this screen shot it seems to be the case.

Wow MacD, thanks for the lead. And you know what the most interesting part about this finding is? Window 2 would maybe line up with the controversial notches we found in the fence.

Wow, I have my homework cut out for today! Thanks for evaluating this situation together!

Together we are strong!

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It’s great that EVERYONE is working together on this and we are ALL on the same Team !

The fact that the “propsed bullet trajectories” do NOT originate from “the dead person on the roof” is a fantastic piece of investigative skill. Which DOES match audio/echo analysis for shots 1-2-3 and then 4-5-6-7-8

The Ballistics Report will >always< match the “single shooter” theory.

However, we DO need to be aware that some folks will arrive and deliberately plant bad data or mislead here. Because that is what they are paid to do.

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Hi Hazard,

I think it is the first time?

Yes, I agree.

The fact that we have two defined points in space (Trumps ear and the hight of the bleachers) is locked in space (not to get confused with the TV series “Lost in space” :space_invader: danger, danger! :smile: )

Nobody can sabotage math…

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I agree with your comments about these windows. These are two published shots taken from a different room, however,they clearly show windows in situ, that can be removed.

Infact that subject was also discussed at some length because it was a clear and obvious issue around the AGR Buildings. Chris actually raised this himself when these photographs were first released because of the “open window” issues.

Hi Chris,
have you been readingthe posts? I ask because you write as if everyone agreed with your affirmation, which is not true.

“The fact” ? Well, I only wish I had your Book Of Facts. Those working on ballistics have been able, so far, to achieve an agreement that precise elevations are essential. That’s it. Apart from that what exists is an ongoing attempt to track the ammo that was used.

Uhhh…no. We have video evidence of Crooks firing shot #1 from the roof and also a TDOA analysis that place the sounds of all 8 shots coming from a single location. Match actual evidences together and Crooks fired all 8.

Which ballistics report, exactly? So far, there is none, from anyone anywhere.

Honestly, I could very well say you are the one paying some other forum member.

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If you examine the 3 window photographs carefully, you will find that they are all taken from the west window,


I’m not sure if we already knew it from some other way, but in the improperly redacted documents, that window was marked as Woods’ spot, which comports with some other diagrams.

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that’s exactly right, and if PeakProsperity ever paid a cent to the producer of that CAD model, or for that model, I hope they get every cent they spent back, including interest and damages for reputational damage!

the pusher of this false story keeps pretending that his fantasy is the result of collective input from contributors to this forum, but that is a blatant lie:

  • he ignores all substantiated remarks that can be validated without any possible dispute, e.g. the height differences of various objects, the ground elevation of crucial points of interest, the dimensions of e.g. the stage, the location where the right bleachers interacted with the first bullet, the bullet damage of the hydraulic forklift, etc, etc…
  • he manipulates photos and video footage and creates animated images that cannot be trusted at all
  • he keeps claiming that simple reflections in windows are muzzle flashes
  • he keeps claiming that it is possible to open a window in four seconds, where 3 shots are fired in 2 seconds while that window is open, and is closed immediately thereafter, and all this without anyone having seen it! and this even while dozens of cameras were filming those windows!
  • he continues to claim that there are “two defined points in space” that are indisputably fixed and that support his fantasy, while there is no certainty whatsoever about the height of that podium, the elevation of the ground that podium stood on, Trump’s height, Trump’s position, the height of his ear, the location and height and elevation of the right bleachers, the position where the railing of those bleachers interacted with the first bullet
  • etc, etc…

and that’s not to mention his lack of any knowledge of firearms, yet he appears to have an authoritative role in this entire analysis, and he flatly rejects any commentary on his own fantasized view!


how do you calculate the meters east/north given decimal degrees, e.g., (-79.97112266623199, 40.85668312671275) for (longitude, latitude) ?

Earth is not a theoretical sphere. Best approximation is WGS84.


I would even go for a totally different view than this remarkable approximation, but it does not give the formulae for the conversion @greg_n uses, he…

I’m using Google Earth Pro for mapping and running it in Universal Transverse Mercator mode vs. Decimal Degrees. So, meters East, North and Up is the native measurement. If someone gives me a point in decimal degrees, I just put it in Earth’s “search” box and let it do the conversion.

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