So It's Back To First Principles

Unfortunately, no. Neither of them are Lieutenants. I will continue searching for other articles of the event.

I found something. Is it real or fake?

My overall view is, I never experienced this kind of peripatetic style debade. (Either the leader speakes and others not allowed to say even a word, or heated people always interrupt each other, maybe slap the table sometimes.)

This is much like a chess game, one step to another. (One sentence to another, like Platon and Aristotel on Agora.) At the end he kicks the chessboard.



have a look at the following:

based on google earth, the middle barn is 50 ft wide.
if we take the layout image of the end-of-day vertical overview, we clearly see that 3 side-by-side copies of the red square podium is just shy of 50 ft…

if the podium was 15x15 ft, it would have ended up at 45 ft, and 3 of them side by side are clearly wider than that…

let’s make a note that today, 2 months after the event, you are still using erroneous dimensions for a very crucial object in the whole story…

Hi howdoiknowthisinfo,

I appreciate your effort always to try to contradict my statements.

Did you use a pair of scissors and some glue for your analysis and then scanned your paper? Sorry for being so sarcastic, but I always get the feeling with you that you present very confusing and dubious claims (e.g. back tracing a bullet trajectory from a punched hydraulic hose?!?) Everybody has to then take time to debunk something that is so evident not to be possible from the get-go…

And here I am again wasting time debunking your collage.

Since you are using Google Earth, why not use the applications that are at your disposal? Just in case you don’t know how they work, let me explain. And please everybody that has a doubt the stage is 16 feet, please follow these easy steps:

Take two precise points in Google Earth that can be clearly defined in both pictures. In this example I took the two corners of the barns. These are very good to work with using the measuring cross to set the red point exactly. Please have a look at both red points giving us 74.18 feet.

Superpose the picture from the Trump rally and crop and turn down until the same two corners match perfectly (I had to put on my reading glasses for that one :grinning:)

Once perfectly in scale go and measure the stage length, it is EXACTLY 15 feet!

The stage length is 15 feet.

I finally was able to update our “Peak Prosperity joint citizen investigation bullet back tracing project” update 6

It has been a long time since version 5 was released. But thanks to everybody’s strong engagement a lot of new data has been improved and well documented.

Especially special thanks to @rough_country_gypsy :clap: :raised_hands: :clap: :handshake:who went on site and could clarify the most important and missing points for us to be able to finalize version 6.

I don’t want to get into any debate about 1 or 2 shooters, I am just presenting the CAD model which shows us, what we have all worked on. This project is based on mathematical analyses and has no bias. It is not that complicated, we only need to determine two points in space, namely the height of Trumps ear and the height of the bleachers.

Everything else can be rather easy to find out.

So you will see a considerable different impact point compared to version 5, namely the shot goes directly to window 3 from building 6.

What made it go down there? Well, thanks to KHunter drawing the attention that the stage is for sure at 3.75 feet brought the trajectory down from Vent 3 to Window 3.

Also, there was a considerable offset in my version 5 drawing, have taken the Vent 3 and windows from a picture (with wide angle objective) put these positions completely in the wrong position. @phasefive drew my attention to the fact. Then I used the @schroederized method by setting each element exactly in the correct position by counting the roof panels. This method has really come in handy, because I have learned the hard way (and maybe this is a message to everybody in this forum) if you use pictures that are not PERFECTLY taken frontal and without a wide angle, it is impossible to use that document as a reference. I have witnessed it too many times now. As soon as you get a picture from the perspective, don’t use it to trace back trajectories. It is a waste of time!

Another offset I had in version 5 was eliminated thanks to the drone top view video provided by @rough_country_gypsy.

Please have a look and I am willing to discuss any topic, but I will refuse to answer any baseless claims or dubious pictures in perspective taken with a wide-angle camera. If someday wants to challenge any data point in this drawing, please indicate the reference number and show evidence that it is not possible. As you know, as soon as somebody comes up with evidence, I am the first person to take it into consideration and include it in the next upgrade, the way we have doing it in the past 1.5 months.

Just a small anecdote, the first time I traced the bullet on my CAD system, the trajectory pointed under the ground of building 6. So, I had two hypotheses on that:

  1. It was a Zombie who shot
  2. We definitely need to get more accurate data. :grinning:

So, this is the report that is written in the drawing below:

“According to our research in this forum the first shot hits Trumps ear and then the right corner of the bleachers (ref. 723 and ref. 965) Therefore, we have two points locked in space. Using these two positions we can back trace the bullet and find out the origin of the shooter. According to this document the back traced bullet does not lead to the position of Crooks on the roof (offset in vertical position is 9.01 feet and horizontal offset is 5.52 feet), According to this calculation the back traced bullet originated from window 3 of building 6 (59.39 feet from the side wall of building 6 and 6.39 feet from the floor). Therefore, according to this document, there are two shooters, Crooks and somebody from window 3, building 6”

Here are some screen shots and below you can find the new document version 6:

View twards building 6, window 3:

Back traced bullet, drawing a line from the bleachers corner and Trumps ear:

There is no collision with left bleachers

There is no collision with the fence:

side view:

Crooks shot is not in line with the two points:

If Crooks hits Trump ear, the bleachers is missed considarably:

If Crooks hits the bleachers, then he can’t hit Trumps ear:

Here are the impact points in 3D:

If we backtrace the bullet from the bleachers corner and Trumps ear, the trajectory misses Crooks as follows:

You can find the last two measurements in Version 6:

It is getting more and more difficult to find a way up to Crooks and frankly speaking, I have never seen such a detailed drawing showing a path way to Crooks. If somebody has this type of detailed information leading up to Crooks, I would definitly be intrested in seeing that document.

Together we are stong!

This is just a hypothetical analysis subject to be debunked. This is for citizen investigation purposes only.


This seems to check all the boxes.

  • Chis’ audio exploration seeming to indicate two sets of shooters

  • fact that the first three shots all missed Trump - he was still standing during all three initial shots. I had always wondered how a shooter could miss 3 times, never mind the initial miss. And why wouldn’t shots 2 or 3 be into center mass? This would explain it. The angle for hitting Trump was actually extremely tough from that third window. The shots would clear the fence by a tiny 1.39 inches. Trump flinching down was enough to impede shots 2 and 3.

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I could buy it, but it would create other problems, like how did the extra casings get on the roof? The list of people who could have put them down is pretty small. Did they have a pocket full of casings? How did they know how many to put down?

you are mistaken.

if the distance you point out is 74.18 ft, the podium of Trump is 15.6x15.6 and NOT 15x15 ft!

you can try to get away with it as much as you like, but if things are wrong, things remain wrong, no matter how much you avoid facing it.

let’s take the image from reuters as a reference.

you claim that the distance between the walls facing the middle barn are 74.18 ft apart.
when I measure their distance, I get 74 ft, but let’s assume you are right, and they are 74.18 ft apart.

when I import that image in powerpoint, and I overlay a square over Trump’s podium, that square is 1.58x1.58cm in that powerpoint slide.

the distance between the outer walls around the middle barn comes down to 7.49cm in powerpoint.

so, the 7.49cm in ppt represents your 74.18ft, and 1cm in ppt represents 74.18/7.49=9.90387ft

conclusion: 1.58cm in ppt comes down to 15.6481ft

and 15.648ft is greater than your alleged 15ft for Trump’s podium width…

I think I’m getting that distance over the fence wrong from the third window. The cad seems to indicate 0.42 feet, or 5 inches. Not 1.39 inches. Anyway.

So he turned his head first and then ducked his head slightly, double lucky!!!

I could simulate that position as well… and find out… :grinning:

Maybe you could use your model to figure out which body parts of Trump were available from the roof (Crooks) and the third window (second shooter) given a small (1.5 inch?) clearance over the fence during each of the eight shots? Might make it clear that a body shot at least was not available to the window during shots 1-3, and that the head shot was quite a bit trickier during shots 2-3. Also, that the body shot was available to Crooks during shots 1-3. I just always found it odd that the shooter did not take a couple of body shots after the first miss.

Yeah, sure, now I have everything set up, it is easy to simulate any position.

But we really do not have to simulate window 3 when Trump is on the floor, it was already difficult when he was standing.

But maybe if somebody can give me the exact position of the unfortunate Corey Comperatore, I could simulate if he would be in the trajectory between Crooks and Trump on the floor…

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so, what would change in your model after you correct the size of podium to 15.6x15.6ft instead of your false 15x15 podium dimension?

I guess the height of the stage will change, and thus the height of Trump’s ear, as that is one of the triggers for this discussion…

Definitely fake.

It’s possible the orange balloon guy is Jonathan Schaffner.I realize that is a different group but sure is weird.

The balloon cops are Pennsylvania State Police and Jon Schaffner is Butler Twp.

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(June 11, 2018) State Police Announces Sergeant Promotions (

(Aug 16, 2024) State Police Announce Major, Captain, and Lieutenant Promotions | State Police | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (

So as to say that Lt. Herold was not made lieutenant until a month and some days AFTER the failed assassination attempt. During the event, he would have been still a sergeant.

When was it again that this information was discovered/released?

And maybe how bout this?

(Aug 16, 2024) Facebook - Beth Herold


Weird one off find I just came across:

Koppenhafer vs. Copenhaver

Isn’t this fun. The silver oak leaf on the lapel is for a Lieutenant Colonel, not a Lieutenant, unfortunately. See the rank chart below. Being former military myself, those things jump out at me. And BTW, none of the sergeants in the Polar Pop were Herold, as far as I could tell from the various articles and one video about the event.

That aside, you bring up a very interesting point about the Herold who was a Sergeant during the rally, in charge of Troop D investigation team, I might add, and a month later he’s promoted to Lieutenant. I wonder if he was involved with the PSP investigation of the event. It reminds me of the Las Vegas October 1 massacre. Then Sheriff Joe Lombardo was overseeing the local investigation. He is now Governor Joe Lombardo. Get what I’m thinking?


I have not been following all of the people going in and out and trying to identify who was where, I am sure other people are much better informed than me, because I have been so busy with my CAD simulation.

But I remember reading one strange coincidence coming from Fox News:

“Crooks became a member of the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club on August 10, 2023. “

“Crooks made his last visit the afternoon of Friday, July 12, 2024 – just one day before the assassination attempt on Trump during the former president’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. “

Maybe somebody from Homeland security took 3 casing from him the day before the shooting?