Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I agreeing with you on this particular, but from a rather different analysis of the audio. I am making a case for a fairly narrow scope of where such a place could be.

I am looking at the first arrival times as if I were trying to analyze the seismic data from an earthquake. I agree with your dissatisfaction of assigning those two very distinct spectral signatures, and possible echos, to a single source. But those spectra and echos are not my focus in my post, and I am not arguing for or against your interpretation of them.

In your video, you hinted at the technique I am promoting: Take multiple recordings from diverse locations, identify shots 1-8 in them, and arbitrarily align them in time such that shot #1’s arrival is aligned in time across them. Now look at the arrival times of shots #2-8. Any difference in distance between the source and receiver (to use seismic terms) will show up as a misalignment of the arrival times in the graph. There are other possible causes, e.g. frequency dispersion, or an inaccurate pick of the first arrival wave, but those errors have to be relatively small such that, if we find something above, say, 50msec difference of an arrival time at two different receiver locations, it gets far harder for me to say they all have to be traversing the same distance. For example: I think shot #9 appears in multiple of the recordings I plotted and its arrival time is so different among the recordings that I am very uncertain I have even identified it correctly, so I didn’t even mark it on my screen capture.

I have failed to find substantial differences among shots 1-8 so far, but I admit there might be another recording from another location that I have not seen. I might also have done a poor job picking the first arrivals on the data I already have.

I am not a seismologist, but I worked with reflection seismologists–not earthquake seismologists–for ~15 years and had to learn the basic techniques. Aligning waveforms and manually picking first arrival times is primitive compared to the computations that are possible–including a triangulation to the source locations–but I am disinclined even begin the necessary calculus and computation for that unless/until I can find a recording showing more prominent difference in arrival times. (The data I have now are clearly degenerate in the mathematical sense.) The geometry I have found receivers for (around the main crowd plus the stewart location), again assuming correct identification of shots arrival times, constrains where a second source could be. That geometry constrains the possible offset from source 1-3 to that of source 4-8 to be rather narrow (less than 50ft, probably much less) along the perpendicular to the line from source 1-3 to my receivers. If the Crooks position is one of the two source positions, the 2nd source would have to shoot pretty close to (far less than 50ft left or right) over Crook’s head, or from right below him in the building. Otherwise, it could not hide from this seismic calculation. But my calculations do not limit the distance that a 2nd shooter could be “beyond” Crooks from the point of view of the receiver locations I have.

I have yet to find a recording from the opposite side of the AGW building from the stewart recording location. I would happily look closely at one, but I have spent some time fishing through the postings on already without success.


This post is in regards to the bullet striking the bleacher rail. I have seen that strike many since it came out. I didn’t think of this until Chris said it looked like a puff of smoke. To me that looks like a “frangible bullet”. A frangible bullet is made from powdered metal molded in a hydraulic press. The round has several uses, it will turn back into powder and dump its energy when it hits a hard surface, training rounds where a lead jacketed bullet may cause shrapnel. I know that at one point US Air Marshals used these frangible rounds when on a plane, they prevented over penetration in a crowded place and were less likely to exit out of the plane if the target was missed. These ballistic gel tests look like that “puff” of smoke. On a darker note, if frangible rounds were fired the odds of one staying together enough to match the projectile to the rifle would be slim I would think… but that would be the point wouldn’t it?


If there is a second shooter in that area or away from that roof, then it’s clear absolutely 100% clear law-enforcement and Secret Service planted those casings, given the rapid rate of fire.

How did they know there were eight empty shell cases? Did they have an audio feed to ‘on the spot and real time’ count the bullet shots? I don’t know this is very damming for the law-enforcement.

Wish there was a way to put pressure on the two guys Nicol and the other guy in the building. It’s hundred percent certain they know what really happened. And this smells big time. Additionally: did you notice the parents were cornered by Fox News at the grocery store and they’re lawyered up. …that’s another red flag?

The two South Stands victims Dutch & ??? were reported to have been each shot twice, that’s 4 Bullets. 1, 2, 3 shots were aimed fire. And if Both were hit and Competore too then those victims were hit from the fast rate of fire barrage after the aimed fire. Meaning the burst fire was directed at Trump not a LEO behind.

Maybe the sound difference is the first 3 shots were at the ridge and the rest from Crooks were fired 4 or 5 feet below to the north of the roof ridge line changing the sound to deflect upward towards the sky?? He was found with the wifi hole puncher well below the ridge line.


@sgt-raven I haven’t forgotten about Corey Comperatore, his death is a tragedy. My assumption is that he and the other two gentlemen were hit by stray bullets meant for Trump. It doesn’t appear the shooter(s) were intentionally targeting bystanders, IMHO, or the death toll would have been worse.

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Another angle of a puff of debris captured in a video snippet appeared to show the impact point of that shot - right beside a rally attendee, David Dutch

I don’t understand how the chart Chris showed from shinesprite4 supports a two shooter theory. Why does it say that 12.75 feet is unaccounted for? It is only unaccounted for if you assume that the videographer’s movement speed of 7.1 feet per second between shots 2 and 3 is a maximum. Why couldn’t he be moving at 11.7 feet per second between shots 3 and 4?

My theory that may explain it. Professional assassin is located on top of the 2 story building maybe 50 meters or 150 feet behind Crooks. Ideal sniper location to oversee Crooks, have some cover, and fire on the same trajectory. 150 feet out of a rifle firing about 3000 f/s is milliseconds different arrival time.

Using the same exact ammo, a shot from 450 feet takes .15 seconds but a shot from a bit further 600 feet takes .20 seconds. Furthermore, a professional may be using more expensive, boutique, faster ammo negating any difference.

In this famous image we see Crooks. There’s a taller building probably 150 feet behind Crooks as seen in this image. All sorts of good shadows from the tree (which is farther back but still allows some concealment of profile), and vertical vent pipes for concealment.

That’s a heck of a good spot for a assassin, so he can observe Crooks and fire in line with his trajectories. Can monitor the rally, police and civilians responses, etc. There’s a facade facing the street and parking lot to hide behind until Trump takes the stage. Depending on the height of the trees, might be totally concealed from both Hercules teams on the barn rooftops. Can take 3 surprise shots, duck down, begin the escape, while Crooks is killed and LEO swarms AGR #6. This assassin could strip off any white camoflage (like a Tyvex suit), stuff rifle and camo in a bag, and slip right off the back of the roof unseen.

If we focus on that taller building we can draw a straight line to where the bullets 1-3 impacted. I theorize that a professional assassin was on (or in a high section, possibly with a small section cut out for a rifle shot) of that building, essentially overlooking Crooks to see when he was in position and then firing once Crooks was in position before he could be neutralized.

That might account for the faster echo to Source 4, because it would have been about 90 degrees forward/right of that shooter. Crooks “echo” would be coming rear-ward some 90 degrees angle back to bounce off the building, and thus be slower to register on Source 4.

One other note: If you study the area 4’ in front of Crooks dead body, there are apparent rifle powder burns where we would expect his muzzle would have been. It’s very hard to count those dark marks or identify if those are patterns on the white roof, or powder burns. There are several in the channel Crooks is in, and one a few channels to his right. That is something worth looking into. I know the building has already been pressure washed. But if we could locate clear pictures that might answer a lot of questions, whether they are patterns, or powder burns and if so how many. They do not seem to appear to be roof patterns. So possibly wear/age/weathering, or powder burns.

If these are “powder burns” I count about 4 darker ones, and maybe 6 lighter ones for 10 total. Numerous ones could be left for each shot, depending on the type and orientation of his flash-hider. Theoretically, with the correct angle and type of flash hider, it could leave 2 per shot, and with what appears to be 10 scoring marks, that equals to 5 shots…

At minimum I think there are 6 bullets accounted for towards Trump. So I don’t think that Crooks could have shot in any direction other than that. The first 3 are slow deliberate. But that’s not enough to account for all of the bullets that impact someone/something in the rally, even accounting for some thru-and-thrus.


There are some small holes in the wall. Is it possible that a snipers nest was set up behind one of these holes in the wall? it avoids any problems with broken glass or open windows.

The more muffled audio of shots 1-3 has put an inside location on the suspect list.


The hypothesis is Crooks shot from the crown and retreated back after shot #9 whizzed by his head. Then shot #10 took him out.

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The fist shot (group of 3) is tightly constrained by Trump’s ear and the railing behind, but is the second group so constrained? They are not required to include Trump’s ear, which had moved by that time, anyway.

Continuing to look at that spectrogram, I can see all the screaming nicely dissected out like a bird call or something.

One major difference between shots 1-3 and 4-8 is the little ‘shelf’ on each shot of the 5-shot cluster. That is undoubtedly why they sound different from the first three shots, to your ear.
I have highlighted one of them in this image. What frequency does that represent? Is that the sound signature of the building’s ribs? Also, note that the building’s vertical walls have a different spacing than the ribs on the roof.
The end of the shelf would be where the report runs out of roof or wall to riff off of – so the time extent of the shelf tells you how much roof or wall was there to make it.

… just spitballin’ again. Over and out.

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Mr. Martenson, You’ve just added a piece that i’ve been working on for several days, looking for clues after a review of images of the roof and shot alignment…
There are a few very interesting details about the parapet(facade)… There is a smudge on the roof which looks like someone has been laying there at some time recently and dust may have collected to whatever was left behind…
When i saw that, i drew a line and it seemed to nearly intersect 3 of the 4 victims (reference points on either side of Trump)…
I kept looking for clues, and saw that there was a facade on building #1’s north side and its east edge also nearly intersects the line to bldng 6’s smudge…
Getting back to the image that Gateway Pundit took on their visit and and their article and found a clearer image of the parapet and an opening on the blind-side…
See it here, left side of this image… (two space added to suppress link since i can only have one
https:/ /www.thegatewaypundit .com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/1721089412117337.jpg

https:/ /

You’re definitely on the right track but off a little. The ladder is key. I’ve written about it elsewhere.

The tactical extending ladder can be seen being carried in across the fields by the keystone cops struggling to get thru the fences. They throw it over the fence, clearly visible. It appears that is the ladder used in later videos. Why not the 10’ ladder is bewildering.

However, the 10’ ladder does appear to be a KEY piece of the puzzle. It clearly is there instantly after the shooting, which begs the question who put it there and when. I theorize it was surreptitiously placed there by an insider for Crooks. But Crooks could not locate it so he improvised and climbed up over near the far opposite side of the building as has been shown by some rooftop videos of Crooks running some distance across the roofs, and drone surveillance post incident civilian investigation.

Shooter 1, shots 1-3 were a professional from another location (I theorize on the top of the building 150 ft. behind Crooks, same trajectory. Crooks doesn’t move in a video during shot #1, big giveaway he didn’t fire shot 1. Crooks, feeling he needs to get in on the action (for his own personal motives, blackmail, MKUltra, etc.) feels the need to “get engaged” and rips of 5 rounds at Trump to “keep up his end of the deal.” Crooks gets a haircut. Meanwhile, the pro slips off into the unknown.

If we postulate Crooks took shots 1-3 with a non-magnified optic, he would have seen and interpreted he scored a likely fatal hit on Trump when Trump reacted and went down. There would literally be no further need for Crooks to then rip off 5 random shots at a dog pile of people. He’d reasonably assumed he killed Trump after his 3rd shot given Trump’s reaching for his head and going down.

The theories of the vent holes in the 1st floor AGR as possible sniper locations is plausible and could easily be ruled in or out based on their height proximity to the chain link fence, bleachers, and Trump standing on the dias. And a interior inspection of those areas. They might just be 6" air vents connected to long pipes otherwise impossible for a person to access to fire a rifle.


I accidentally deleted the post about this image, so here is the short version of what i’ve been looking at as clues…
There looks to be an opening visible in this image at the north side of the facade(parapet).
https:/ /www.thegatewaypundit. com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/1721089412117337.jpg
In another image, from the article, you can see a large discolored patch on the roof that looks like someone had been laying there, a sweat-spot that has collected dust or debris…
https:/ /www.thegatewaypundit. com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/screenshot-2024-07-17-at-2.07.06am.png
The alignment you mentioned today is whats been driving me in a search for clues about this spot for several days… Today finding what looks like an opening…
What is it, drainage or an opening created with intent??

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None of the links you have posted work.


The hole in the wall between window 3 and the air vents is a good fit with the bullet trajectory of the first 3 shots and is high enough to get over the fence.

If there was a sniper nest setup inside the building, I expect it would be dismantled now along with the rest of the stage that day.


They are broken intentionally by spaces to minimize page activity & hit-mining from active links…

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I’ve taken the spaces out and still nothing.

The links work if you remove 2 spaces that seem to have been intentionally added. I do not know why there was a space between the 2 forward slashes “/ /” and between “. com/”
https:/ /www.thegatewaypundit. com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/screenshot-2024-07-17-at-2.07.06am.png

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I missed this space. The other added spaces were easy to see.

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I appreciate the new models form DMonks but personally I’m still not convinced there was a second shooter. This whole crime scene stinks to high heaven. I don’t trust the FBI, CIA, SS or anyone or anything in the official investigation - if there even is one taking place. This is why these independent citizens investigations are so important. To keep the memory of this alive and to look for real answers.

The longer the Government takes to issue a public report, the worse this looks for them. It seems to me to be a coverup.

Voting is anonymous and you can only see the results, if you vote.

How Many Shooters
  • One - Crooks
  • One - someone else
  • Two, including Crooks
0 voters
How many shots did Crooks take?
  • ZERO
  • FIVE
0 voters
Is the Government Involved?
  • Yes
  • No, this was done by 1 or 2 shooters without inside information
0 voters
Who could have known about this incident and were part of the planning? can choose more than 1
  • “Joe”, The President
  • “Dr. Jill”, The Presidents Doctor
  • “Zients”, Chief of Staff - the Presidents Brain, acting President
  • Mayorkas, DHS Secretary
  • Cheatle, Resigned Head of the SS
  • Rowe, replacement interim head of the SS
  • Burke, SAIC at the scene from the SS
  • SS Counter Snipers teams
  • ESU Unit of Butler and Beaver Counties
  • Someone other entity, outside of the Government and Security systems
0 voters
Do you think anyone will get caught and jailed for arranging this conspiracy?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

It’s shocking and terribly disappointing that the investigation is not made public, there are few if any public spokesmen about this incident and everything was cleaned and covered up so quickly. Almost like they want the whole thing to go away.