Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

All we need is two points of contact to define a unique line, no? We know the man with the draped American flag was hit and carried out. We also can see in the video the puff on the railing behind said flag-man. Neither of these observations hinges on any graininess or audience reaction, they involve no human reaction. The line thus defined does point toward canopy of trees/water tower, whatever the height.

Further, the movement seen or imagined in other people along that top rung cannot have anything to do with a human reaction to the bullet, imo, as it is traveling at some 2800 ft/s, faster than the speed of sound - they would have had no advance sound warning of an incoming shot, and any human reaction would have been delayed and after the puff of smoke, imo.

Those are two separate shots, so you can’t draw a line between those points.

Where did I say that Trump would have put his life at risk?

Absolutely not what I’m saying.

Chris, if I might tap you on the shoulder and make a confession:
I think I might be mistaken on this whole “audio drift” thing and the way I’m adjusting the speed of the individual files that aren’t Trumps mic. I come from old school analog and even with digital clocks it was always an issue syncing multiple camera feeds.
But I’m seeing some patterns in the original speed audio that are now beginning to make sense in a way I hadn’t thought of before (the way the timing of the reports drift may be completely accurate) and will be uploading those for you shortly. The triangulation thing still stands, but some other interesting details may be incoming as well.


(EDIT: Gotta put the following on hold atm! Still lots more to unpack so plz stand by)

I am taking the time adjusted files down (that was a mistake on my part) and reuploading the aligned files at their original speed.
What I thought was “audio drift” is in fact the camera holder’s own movements in contrast to the shooter’s origin.
In source4, upon reviewing the video footage during recording, one can clearly see the videographer shuffling away from the source of the shots, adding distance and therefore time to the variance in delay compared to the stationary position of Trump’s mic. On shots 7 and 8, the videographer pauses for a moment, therefore resulting in an unchanged delay value.
There appears to be a vast difference in the delay of shots 1-3 versus 4-8, even when accounting for a few extra feet of distance gained by the videographer’s movements…

Difference between trumps mic and source4 using SOS 1203.6 feet per second:

shot1 _ Trumps mic timestamp = 0:00.000 _ difference from source4 = 0ms (0.0’)
shot2 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:00.853 _ difference from source4 = 3ms (3.6’)
shot3 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:01.527 _ difference from source4 = 7ms (8.4’)
shot4 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:04.309 _ difference from source4 = 27ms (32.5’)
shot5 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:04.565 _ difference from source4 = 28ms (33.7’)
shot6 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:04.749 _ difference from source4 = 29ms (34.9’)
shot7 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:04.923 _ difference from source4 = 31ms (37.3’)
shot8 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:05.084 _ difference from source4 = 31ms (37.3’)
shot9 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:05.579 _ difference from source4 = 444ms (534.4’)

videographer’s max movement speed between shots 2 and 3 = 4.8’ in 0.674 seconds = 7.1 feet per second

2.782 seconds between shot3 and shot4 at max movement speed = 19.75 feet

Unaccounted delay/distance between shots 1-3 and 4-8 = minimum 12.75 feet

This supports the two shooter theory with shots 1-3 being a minimum of 12.75 feet closer to source4 than shots 4-8.

original speed files:

Trump mic reports isolated.wav

Hes Got A Gun orig.wav

Source 4 orig.wav

Ross Get Over Here orig.wav


It also appears in the video of “Crooks” crawling on the roof that he is wearing long pants and in the pictures of the deceased “Crooks” he appears to be wearing shorts. We can see all of his socks and a wound in one of his knees.

There is video from the side of the building by one of the visitors who recorded when he was crawling and I could easly see he is wearing short pants. I think this subject is already closed and explained on YT on some video reporters

This is how we do science. Well done. Good catch.

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One of the shots took out the large fork lift holding up the Speakers opposite of Trump from Crooks. Not sure which shot hit the forklift, but Dan Bongino reported that when the bullet hit the fork lift, the hydaulic fluid sprayed the motorcade which caused delay in getting him off the podium and there was a small explosion or bang. The speakers the fork lift were holding up are heavy and the dropping of the fork lift boom holding up the speakers could have been the small explosion or boom heard in the audio

Right but this observation isn’t incompatible with the steelman case for a staged assassination.

I, too, am an experienced shooter and proud owner of a Bushmaster M-2, and I agree with you 100%. The gun doesn’t eject spent brass in the forward direction!


Can anyone confirm how they ID’d the shooter so quickly? Initial reports said they found his ID in his car, the Redacted New video posted above Clayton states his car was a van.

If they found his ID in a van 10 miles away, i assume he rode the bike in question. How did they ID him so quickly after the shooting if they had to locate the van? how did they know it was his van so quickly?

I am really not sure. Watch from min 2:30 to min 2:45 here - Bitchute. Did the SS counter sniper shoot 3 times or flinch 3 times? If he did shoot, then it would make no sense that he missed, and since Crooks has now taken a bullet to the head, that would leave only the 2nd and more shooters analysis of all following bullets.

I think this point has been made before, but it bears repeating:

With 12+ microphones (i.e., recording mobile phones) randomly positioned around the buildings and Trump, and with locations fairly well described, it’s possible to use Time Difference Of Arrival tools (“ShotSpotter”, at a smaller scale) to get a very accurate estimate of the source of each gunshot (to within a 1 meter radius).

Even without doing any fancy math, with multiple sound tracks it should at the very least be possible, by comparing the relative timing of each sound, to determine which shots came from the same (rough) locations, and which came from different ones.


Gates are a common element of the live sound toolkit. Usually they just stay in the rack for whatever gig. Even for vocal only events, they are super helpful to eliminate hiss and other background noise when the speaker has a long pause or waiting to come onstage.

Crack-boom 0,77 sec in round 7

According to Mike Adams’ analysis (I think of the sound clip from Trump’s mic), round 7 timeframe between crack-boom is 0,77 sec which is an estimated 1386 feet distance from gun, consistant with distance from Trump to water tower.

I havent heard Chris comment on this in his videos, I reccon some have watched Mike Adams’ video?

It would be great if anyone could comment this, cause many people refer to Mike Adams’ analysis, it seems pretty solid.

Clip Mike Adams starts from 32:45

I guess this would be a natural next step, to document with visual data as well as audio data which shots hit whom/what. So here I try to make a small contribution in this direction.

It appears to me that it is shot #1 that hits Trump’s ear, but I am not sure. In the viral video of Trump, he starts lifting his hand to ear before shot #2 rings; however, the ring of shot #2 in the video is probably the report that arrives .22 later, so by that time shot #2 could have already hit Trump’s ear and prompted his reaction … I’m not sure).

Let’s leave open the possibility that Trump’s ear was hit by shot #1 or #2. I now add video evidence of the first shot’s endpoint, which is the railing of the bleachers to Trump’s left. Specifically, from this video montage by Jeff Ostroff, at 15:05-10, one sees from a nice angle that shot #1 hit the railing near the back corner of the bleacher (puff at or near corner), and (I am pretty sure) it is only later shot #2 that hits the senior with the American flag draped.

Suppose it was shot #1 that hit Trump. If it came from Crooks, then the following line from Crooks’ position of death to the puff on the bleacher’s corner is drawn from the NYT aerial image to Crooks (higher res):

Note how the line is too forward of where Trump’s ear would have been; it is almost outside Trump’s stage, whereas it would have to be behind Trump’s podium to hit his ear. This suggests to me that either (A) it was not shot #1 that hit Trump, or (B) if it was, the shots 1-3 came from a spot on the AGR roof on the other side of the connecting corridor, several feet away from where Crooks died (if indeed the shot came from the roof). It’s conceivable that Crooks could have taken 1-3 closer to the edge of the roof, and moved several feet to his right and taken 4-8 where he died. But in your spreadsheet of timings, 2.603 seconds separate #3 from #4, and Crooks imo could not have managed to move to his right several feet and resighted to end up where he died in 2.603 seconds. So the conclusion under the starting supposition is that: if Crooks fired #1 he was not where he died (contradicts above line); if Crooks fired 4-8 then he did not fire #1 (2.603 s too little to move so much).

Now suppose it was shot #2 that hit Trump. If it came from Crooks, then the consider the following line from Crooks’ position of death to American Flagman on the bleacher (higher res):

That line seems much closer to where Trump’s ear would have been behind the podium.

To sum up the deductions and parsing of suppositions, on the basis of this limited evidence (there is much more to bring) the above two paragraphs indicate that either it was shot #2 that hit Trump’s ear (and the audio we experience is delayed relative to his reaction), or it was shot #1 that hit Trumps’ ear but then Crooks did not take all of shots 1-8 (too little time to shoot #3, move several feet right and resight and then take #4, given above lines). My 2 cents for now.

Btw, either of these lines, which combine two videos and your audio analysis, discredit John Cullen’s line from that puff to the water tower/tree canopies. I stand corrected. I realize the importance of combining evidence. So I will start incorporating images and videos to your audio analysis.

Here is an image of Trump’s podium, clearly not so close to the front edge, and making the first line as going through his ear unlikely:

Think with a logical mind… Trump was crushing Biden in the polls. So much so that the dems were begging him to drop out. Why would Trump have to even risk a stupid stunt like you’re suggesting? That’s the kind of things desperate people do. Desperate people also attempt assassinations.

And do you really think the deep state would let him get away with that for this long? And the SS Director would resign in shame for him? Good grief!

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I think the sniper flinches when he sees a shooter in the window. We know he can’t see Crooks… so what/who did he see in his scope that seemed to visibly shake him?