Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

Originally published at: Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions – Peak Prosperity

More extensive audio analysis reveals a clear difference between the weapon firing shots #1 through #3. This needs to be addressed by “official” investigators. I put that in quotes because so far this has been nothing short of infuriatingly conducted.

From washing down the roof, to “releasing” helmet cam ‘evidence’ that has been misleadingly edited, to failing to provide even the most basic accounting of the shots taken and the bullet paths, the investigation would be an embarrassment to the Keystone Cops of old.

But now many of the mysteries of the audio files have been resolved. Nick and I have debated and reworked and challenged ourselves as thoroughly as anyone could. And then, finally, the clouds have (mostly) parted.

By analyzing and cross-comparing multiple audio files, including Trump’s mic feed, can say definitively say that shot #9 must have come from a PA LEO asset of some sort, probably an ESU agent if the statement by the Butler County DA Richard Goldinger is correct.

Which raises many questions, some of them troubling.

First, that shot came a full 10.1 seconds before the Secret Service sniper’s shot. So what exactly was that ESU agent doing while awaiting that inbound round? Was their shot a “kill shot” as we suspect due to the fact that there wasn’t a second or third (or more) shot?

Second, where exactly did they take that shot from? Was it the second floor of the adjacent building?

If so, why didn’t they shoot earlier? Can we see the spent brass from that shot? What sort of weapon did they use? Where’s the bullet now?

Third, if this shot came roughly a second after the five-shot series (shots 4-8) happened, how did they manage to get into position so quickly?

Alternatively, we now know that the ESU was in that room on the second floor, overseeing Crook’s position both before the shooting began and then there again to take that kill shot 9.4 seconds after the very first shot was fired. So if the ESU was in there before and 9.4 seconds after the shooting began, were they in there observing Crookks but doing nothing during the shooting? If so, how can this be explained?

Who else exactly was in that building before and during the shooting? Can anybody account for the whereabouts of the grey-suited man before the shooting began?

Finally, the investigation rolls on. It’s taking a huge amount of effort, but it’s worth it because everything is on the line.


  • Shots 1-3 are inconsistent with shots 4–8
  • Shot 9 is 100% distinct and is, all probability, the ESU sniper
  • Shot 10 is clear and unequivocally the Secret Service Sniper on roof #2.
  • Therefore, we remain concerned that the “investigation” is not being conducted properly

The Requests:

  • We need any and all additional footage with audio from anywhere, but especially to the side of the AGR complex.
  • Help identifying Trump’s mic make/model and explaining the ‘gating’ we hear.
  • Any help with professional audio analysis that can help resolve echoes to determine if we can determine how many of shots 1-8 came from different locations.
  • And video or shots of the AGR buildings immediately before the shootings began so we can determine the open/closed status of the windows



There’s one grey suit man seen near the podium during the shooting.

See post #83 & 84 of the thread of “Who’s involved in the Trump assassination attempt?”

Edit: Now it is post #81 & 82 due to a couple of posts merged to other appropriate threads.


Chris, I wrote earlier today about the position of the Solari Report with Catherine Austin Fitts. I recommend you subscribe to Solari for 1 month at $30.00 to hear the analysis of Catherine Austin Fitts and John Titus. They have consulted with experienced military and they believe the entire incident was staged, and that Trump was in on it. This is a shocking analysis, but it bears hearing what they have to say. So you can find it on last week’s video with Catherine and John which came out on Thursday, July 18th. Go to

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Could the ONE shot by the LE (ESU) person be because he is using a bolt action sniper rifle? He sends his shot down range, after STICKING his head out the window. Tucks in, and reloads, but the shooter is down?


I have an idea. If we know the locations of several of the microphones,- we should be able to draw a circle (or several circles) around each of them on a map of the fair grounds. The diameter of the circle is the multiplication of the speed of sound and the time between the bullet and the report. Where the circles over lap will give locations of the shooters. You would then zoom in at any video footage of those areas. But approximate locations would be known.


About shot #9 that we think hit Crooks/Yearick in the face, it’s important to know the type of bullet and compare it to the bullets that the (A) LEO counter snipers across the filed had, as well as to the bullets that the (B) LEOs in the 2nd floor of the adjacent building had.

If the bullet/bullet hole in Crooks head is consistent with (A), then this supports the notion that it was the A-LEOs that fired it, but then shot #10 seems quite redundant and somewhat odd (possibly from another counter sniper team across the field). If the bullet/bullet hole in Crooks head is consistent with (B), then this supports a nefarious setup.

In the first case (A), the absence of further shots that sound like 4-8 would be naturally interpreted as Crooks being dead already and unable to shoot further.

In the second case (B), how could a shot from above and behind Crooks from the 2nd floor hit him in the face? It would have required Crooks turn his neck and body to the right to look toward that 2nd floor window. Why would he have done so? Perhaps someone in the 2nd floor called him? Or perhaps Crooks/Yearick was just a local volunteer providing security in the assigned Pacman void (thus allowed to move around the whole day and set up prone with a rifle) and never shot at all, and shots 4-8 actually went off from the 2nd floor window (despite lack of echo) and the LEO’s in that 2nd floor were also undercover assassins … Crooks would have turned toward that noise to check and been taken out by a separate sniper from the 2nd floor with a shot to the face. His presence on that roof would have served as a cover for the 2nd floor assassins and the similar shooting angles.

To distinguish between these possibilities, knowing which type of bullet hit Crooks/Yearick in the face and from what distance it came, and comparing to the bullets of different LEOs would be enlightening.


This assumes all muzzle velocities are very similar, and i suspect the same ammo and caliber is used to support the one shooter story.


I haven’t had a chance to watch all videos on this and I’m not sure if this has been discussed but I wanted to put it out there,
What if in the shooters magazine the rounds were different as an example first 3 rounds 1900 fps and subsequent rounds 2500 fps?
And even different weights of projectile?
Again sorry if this has been debunked already.


Dr M–

Have you seen John Cullen’s analysis on Weinstein’s DarkHorse podcast here?

He does some impressive analysis of the first shot based on video analysis which may explain the subtle difference between shot one versus shots two and three. He puts forth a good argument that the first shot was intended for the snipers. He references you. Super impressive. I’m sorry if this has already been brought up but it’s tough keeping one foot in each world.
" I can’t go on- I must go on."
Cheers all


That is analogous to the concept of a phased array radar.

Very clever.

You would need a lot of microphone recordings in order to pinpoint the direction of the shots


@cmartenson Not sure if you have seen this, but it appears i was close to the counter sniper spot on the other side of the event.

Got this on Legally Armed something… who barely knows your name. He referenced you again today… poorly.



Great parsing of the “missing crack” being the result of it impacting a human before it could get to the mic. Also, smart analysis of the “mic shock” (which can be an entirely mechanical effect) causing the significant attenuation in sensitivity.

It would be great to see the implied distances for all the shots as measured at Trump’s mic. We see 0.220 down to 0.213 crack-til-report latencies for the first three shots, and I think with a bit of math this implies around 440-420 ft away. Do we see similar latencies for the rest of the shots? If so, it severely restricts the possible locations of the shooter(s), and to me at least provides decent evidence that there was only one gun and one shooter.

The “it’s an omnidirectional mic” response is a red herring if the mic is moving, since reflections, occlusion, and the direction it’s pointing while held by a hand can still significantly impact what the mic picks up.

Additionally, comparing the speeded accuracy of an expert with a pistol (as you did in an earlier video) to the accuracy of a prone shooter with a well-supported rifle is an unfair comparison. He just needed to fire a weapon with minimal muzzle rise quickly. Given that that we could hear the sonic boom crack of an SS round which we know for certain was quite far from the mic, Crooks didn’t need to be that accurate at all for us to get crack+report sounds at Trump’s mic.

The “highly trained” thing doesn’t really work, since if they were highly trained they could have taken out Trump after he hit the deck, at the very least aiming for center-of-mass. Why keep shooting at all?

The fact that the crack of the first shot is attenuated might well be because Trump’s head got in the way of the sound.


I find it interesting that the first 3 shots stop as soon as the secret service piles on Trump .then the rapid 5 shots , why were no secret service hit ? You go from a 8 inch target ( trumps head ) that gets hit . to 1/2 a dozen men and women size target ( 4 or 5 ft size target) yet nobody gets hit .
Dare I say , almost like the shooter avoided shooting the secret service.
Or ,and I don’t know this , was there something in the way , from the shooter’s position, to of the secret service dog pile ,once Trump was on the ground?

But ,If the shooter had clear view of the dog pile of secret service why weren’t they hit? Lucky or you don’t shoot your own?


And while I am posting things… slightly OT, but… The ONLY video of Biden since before he resigned seems to have a HEAVY filter going on…

I think Cindy and I will be watching Dave (the amazing movie) tonight :blush:


And, thirdly… Watch this 100 times like I did… and listen to all of the various audio sources (including radio traffic). Anyway… What is this about someone potentially in custody in the second floor building? But, alas… we don’t keep “unknown three letter agency personnel” in custody now, do we!!!

Chuck Grassley releases rooftop helmet cam footage because IT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO!!!


The Sound of Bullets

by Lucien C. Haag, Forensic Science Services
AFTE Journal #34, Summer 2002, Page 255
Copyright©2002-2003 Lucien C. Haag. All rights reserved.


Please measure the delay between 3 and 4 from different angles. The delay between shots 3 and 4 would be the same from all angles if shot from the same location, but different from different locations


100%. If the first shot came from the woods, it would sound slightly more muffled than the ones from the top of the roof.

He also makes the hypothesis that the ear shot is more in line with the water tower than with the Crooks roof.

It could also explain why ESU and the SS Sniper team both shot: if one took out Crooks and the other the shooter on the water tower.

Definitely worth pondering.


Chris, you’re basically correct.

The suppression is caused by a limiter, possibly followed by a gate.

You can expand the bullet’s sound wave in your Audacity you will see the effects of a limiter, unless it ‘outpaces’ the limiter’s settings. Only the front edge of the sound will be a high spike, if the limiter caught it. If the limiter caught the bullet’s sound wave, then the limiter is extremely fast, sub millisecond. It will squash the sound. If they are using a limiter to protect equipment then it will have an infinity:1 ratio, meaning above a certain db, no extra volume will be allowed. It will have a slow release of maybe 100-1000 milliseconds. The release is ‘soft’ however, meaning that the volume fades up. Because Trump’s mic is directional, it is already filtering out background noise, so the limiting has the effect of almost silence, because even shouting in the background will not have enough decibels to cope with the extreme limiting.

1000 milliseconds would be problematic for analysis. You would see the effect in the audio however. Subsequent noise within the 1000 milliseconds would be quieter, especially shots.

If you hear actual silence for a few milliseconds, then the limiter has pushed the sound below the threshold whereby the gate kicks in. Just as a limiter looks for sounds above certain dbs, so a gate looks for sounds below certain dbs. The gate then filters out those sounds. If you put the limiter before the gate in the chain, then the process goes as follows: (1) the limiter is triggered and squashes the sound down; (2) the squashed sound becomes so quiet that the gate kicks in and eliminates the sound altogether.

At any rate, these are details, and do not change your basic analysis.


Still not convinced by the omni-directional mic argument. There is different intra-shot variance in sound in the first three shots across the recordings - they sound similar in some, first one is different in another, and the 3rd one is different in yet another recording etc.

Whatever the case is, today’s video is the most measured, in-depth analysis of these shootings I have seen so far. No wild claims, just facts and explanations of some of the puzzles in the data and good questions raised.

Don’t expect to see it reported on the 6 o’clock news though…

We should expect nothing less than this level of public analysis from governments in our educated, technologically sophisticated society, filled with experts for this, 9/11, Covid and everything else. It’s not as if the government doesn’t employ millions of people.

And yet we NEVER see it from them, only from outside individuals who recognise something is off and get a bee in their bonnet.