Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

Thanks, i think the only issue is not knowing the true muzzle velocity(s). We don’t need to know the direction, just draw circles of the appropriate distance from the mic and see where they cross over from the different recordings. I would estimate three good recordings should give us a good estimate for locations. Three circles for each shot. That should match some hiding spot or window. Unfortunately, I’m just a 52 year old dude with no time. I hope Chris checks it out. It would give us a new avenue to go down.


Took a quick look at his mic with reverse image search and I think it could be a Shure SM57.
It seems to fit the images and I came across the review where the guy says:
“And another fun fact: every president in the United States since the 1960’s has used this microphone in a lot of their speeches.”

“It’s a very mid-heavy sound; there’s not a lot of tops and there’s not a lot of bottoms. So it is very balanced. One of the most important features of this microphone is that is dynamic. This means that it rejects a lot of noise, especially in the background…”


In the body cam video, someone asked if the guy in the van survived. Were the local snipers shooting at someone in a van? Could the van have been on the other side of the stage? Or did Crooks have an accomplice?

On, a witness says the FBI found Crooks van 10 miles away.

Who did they detain?

Seems like we keep getting more questions than answers.


Oh, yes. I get it. The circles show the outer limits from where the bullets could’ve come from and the intersections of the circles show where the shot was shot from.

If that is done for each shot, you can an approximation of where each shot came from.

Even if we don’t know the exact location of each shot, we can, indeed, confirm the number of shooters.


In response to the third request, but not involving analysis of audio, BBC witness Greg Smith at 1:28-1:35 of the 3:36-minute video clearly refers to only five shots, not eight, and claims to be 100% sure that they came from “that guy on the roof.” His credibility is unknown, and it’s possible that those five shots came from the nearby 2nd floor window, but it’s notable that he seems not to have referred at all to the first three shots.

Kudos on deducing that #10 came from the SS sniper near Trump by comparing the audio signature of the differently positioned mics (where the response is missing from Trump’s mic due to clipping and the shot being so close to it); that #6 was Comperatore.

If #9 did not come from the SS sniper across the field but from ESU in the 2nd floor, then it’s STRANGE that a shot from that angle would have hit Crooks’ face. (See my other comment.) However, there were supposedly multiple counter sniper teams, so it’s possible that #9 did not come from the 2nd floor of the adjacent AGR building, but from in front of Crooks.

Finally, Col. Christopher Paris, commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, testified in Congress that the Butler County ESU assigned to that 2nd floor left the position (all two of them) shortly before Crooks fired to look for him. If true, then this is evidence unsupportive of #9 coming from that 2nd floor. But this still does not explain how ESU would not have noticed Crooks on the roof below, prone and with a rifle, if indeed they were in that 2nd floor until just before Crooks fired.


I ran across this video. It has a clip taken of the AGR buildings prior to the shooting and appears to show the 2nd story windows prior to the shooting. The clip is just after the 50 second mark in this video:


I don’t see this on the solari report anywhere, maybe they took it down? I’m skeptical trump would be in on it because 1 spectator was killed.


There was someone on here claiming that in an original photo of Crooks there was a bullet wound that (iirc - I may be a bit out on this and don’t have the time to find it in the messages) went through the rhs neck and through the left upper jaw, smashing teeth etc. Again, iirc, the person thought the bullet had come from the left side and exited on the right, but what if it was a shot from the rear right that exited through the left? Would fit with a shot from that window. The person who posted that didn’t mention the forehead shot, which Chris has mentioned a few times. Could it be he was shot twice. Once by the ESU from behind (which might have been enough to stop him firing) and then a forehead shot from the USSS eight seconds later?

I haven’t seen a photo of his face and haven’t gone searching for one, but perhaps the original poster of that information can provide the image?

Edited to add link to post in which this was mentioned: Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters - #130 by the-right-to-know

Have you seen the still pic of the dead shooter - before the blood was photo-shopped from his face? Looks like multiple points of bullet entry/exit. Looks like an exit wound in his lower neck below (and behind) his right ear. Either an exit or entry wound in his upper left jaw (his teeth are blown out). And there’s blood coming from the left side of his face [snip]

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Shure SM57 or SM58 would be default choices. Extremely common. Legendary mics. The sound of 70s rock guitar. They are basically the same except the SM58 is designed a little more for vocals. The sound cuts out a lot of highs and lows but has a pronounced, aggressive upper midrange, especially around 3000-4000hz. Hence the love of them in rock music. They filter out a lot directionally, mainly behind the speaker.


How likely is it that the signal out of the mic was modified at some point downstream?


A hypothesis, evidenced by George Webb at his substack, explains the softness of shots 1-3 and lack of echo, from the standpoint of the videos taken to the right of Crooks on the AGR roof.

The top video in his substack notes that one single shot grazes two people in the top rung of the bleacher to the left of Trump. By drawing a line through these two “Dutchmen,” he deduces that it extends toward AGR compound to the other side of Crooks to an open area with many thick tree canopies. The trees (if shot taken from that far) and the distance from the trees to the mics on these cell phones on the other side of Crooks would explain the softer sounding shots 1-3 and the lack of echo.


More than likely not. Marksmen using bolt guns are usually set up with large tripods or bipods for a high degree of accuracy, but even if one happened to be just standing looking out the window, reloading from a magazine fed bolt action takes only a second or two to simply cycle the bolt. There would be no ducking inside required.


Another thing and sorry for being late to all this and not having watched and read everything about it
Does anyone know how many cases were found on the roof?

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Unless the audio engineer is a complete moron, there will be a hard limiter, mainly to prevent audio faults blowing the amps, but also to squash unpredictably loud sounds. There will probably be a gate to prevent annoying hiss. There will probably be a graphic eq, creating a more flattering sound for the voice and taking out any annoying standing waves. There may be a compressor after the limiter, just to even out the volume a bit. None of this would interfere with Chris’s analysis, unless the limiter squashed some of the shots, but that would be obvious looking at the sound waves in Audacity. If there was a compressor, then this would only make Chris’s analysis of different sounding guns more likely.


Cullen Was interesting. Some glaring issues like he didn’t seem to look at the photos of which way trumps head was facing just referencing that he said he was looking at the jumbotron - the pictures say it could clearly be from the crooks direction. The other is him assuming a simultaneous shot based on when the second last guy in the row’s arm moved but that was clearly just reaction time delay. Lastly it was just the shadow of the water tower access top.


With respect to the trump mic deadening, it was configured for live broadcast and not recording so my guess is that this was some sort of active anti feedback filter.

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It’s still up on Solari. I just checked. Look at ‘Money and Markets’ on July 18th with Catherine Austin Fitts and John Titus. Best…


A few videos ago, @TheRightToKnow shared that there had been a circulating image of Crooks’ dead face with blood, teeth blown out, etc. before it was Photoshopped. If you have that photo, wouldn’t it be easier to conclude where the shot came from?

And what happened to the water tower sniper with 3 eye witnesses? Could that be the 10th shot? I would think, if it had to travel further, it would take longer for the captured audio to pick it up.

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ok, I see the free part of the John Titus interview with Austin Fitts, but they don’t talk about the assassination there (as you say, you need to buy the $30 subscription)

but, still, in my opinion, a person was killed and I doubt Trump would take that risk in terms of it being found that he was in on it,
I’m looking for people that have done frequency analysis, I’ve found some, that helps to find the echo


My understanding is that there were no photos taken and all was cleaned up before any photos could’ve been taken. The ‘closest’ anyone got was the helicopter circling the building that Chris showed in one of his videos, but it was too far away to see anything detailed.

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