Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters

The first three shots most likely came from inside the AGR building , the roof of that is 16.5 feet high see attached diagram from Washington post, a lot higher than the platform the president was standing on. There is a freeze frame on the internet
, with the trajectory of the bullet parallel or rising as referenced to the ground next to his head. If it was from the roof the trajectory would be at an angle downwards

I pulled out my ballistics calculator, put in 5.56 63 gr, 10 mph wind, 1,000’ elevation, 92 degF, Sight in range = 100 yard, target range 150 yds, cross wind of 10 mph steady, sight height j1.5 inch and got 1.5" drop now this is the big drift and I was surprised it was that much. I’m sure it would be different for other calibers. Wonder what gun type the 2 story building sleeve tattoo guy had. They need to interview those guys now! God would have been in charge of the wind and also they didn’t adjust for the wind or whoever shot from the AGR buildings. Keep it simple and forget about the multi shooters, PA law enforcement was coordinated by USSS. This was well coordinated to be uncoordinated so that aimed fire would be videod on CNN in real time live boradcast. Keep this simple, focus on the Trump Kill shot that missed. Who was the shooter is the key question of the round that hit the President? Good stuff here. Edited to add: if a red dot no magnification sight was used that’s not accurate enough. Somebody else took the shot through a scope. I’m voting for Tatoo Sleeve guy. We need his name(s) and social media posts, police records, how many people he’s shot, etc etc in his career. This smells big time. Dorito Cheeto knows everything, she’s no dummy.

100 yds 0.12 seconds 1.8" drift
125 yds 0.125 seconds 2.9" drift
150 yds 0.19 seconds 4.3" drift

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There appear to be two faint shots between the two main sequences. They are just audible in the 2nd video of the post (with all the screaming) They could be artifacts but it is consistent with suppressed fire from watertank/tree line IMO.

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Recoil (momentum) is the product of mass and velocity, and cannot be greater at the target than it is at the shooter (indeed it will be less due to loss of velocity). Thus, Crooks cannot have ‘recoiled back’ more than the shooter did, thus I dont think even a 300WM would significantly push Crooks back. (I shoot 7mm REM Mag myself).

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Have you seen the still pic of the dead shooter - before the blood was photo-shopped from his face? Looks like multiple points of bullet entry/exit. Looks like an exit wound in his lower neck below (and behind) his right ear. Either an exit or entry wound in his upper left jaw (his teeth are blown out). And there’s blood coming from the left side of his face. I’m sticking with my theory that this guy was killed by multiple small caliber shots from someone on the water tower.

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I hadn’t seen an up close pic, but gruesome description. That could definitely explain the eye witnesses talking about the water tower shooters too. Thanks for filling me in.

Hello Chris, great job on investigating this business. I wonder if you have considered the possibility the the second set of five shots were from and automatic weapon?

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I watched both the high speed films by Garand thumb and Herrera. There’s a very small chance Crooks head was even remotely intact after that shot…

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Chris was featured on Valuetainment on youtube and given high praise.

Sorry if this is a repost.


If so, there would be many holes in the metal roof???

The snipers on the roof behind Trump are falsely said to be the shooters hitting Crooks in the initial media reports, since it shows them flinching, appearing they fired a shot as they heard the first shot ring out. It seems in reality the kill shot of Crooks came from much further away from someone else.

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Yes - you are right. Several Congressmen just visited the site. It may be a stretch, but from the video taken of them from afar (they were on the roof at the shooter’s location) I think I saw a new strip of white on the roof (like a new roofing sheet). See if you can find better video - and the still pic of the dead shooter’s head.

If the 5 shots were aimed at the roof we would only have the reports at the podium microphone, but we have reports and cracks there, so those 5 shots went near (enough) to the podium.

Dr. Martenson @cmartenson,

I am writing this to you since you seem to be the point person gathering information about the shooting in Butler, PA.

I’ve seen your analysis on a couple different YouTube broadcasts, but the one I think shows most clearly what I wish to bring your attention to was your interview with Stephen Gardner.

You showed a graphic of the sound waves of the 1st 3 shots on a slide entitled “The First 3 Shots Perfectly Understandable.” Stick with me here as I try to illustrate how I believe shot #1 is a different shooter than shots #2 & 3…

  1. The first thing to notice is that the wave patterns are totally different between the first shot and the next 2 shots. There is very little difference between shots 2 & 3, but the first shot shows a much greater echo amplitude (I believe that’s what you referred to it as) than the next 2, which have almost none.

  2. This point requires you to be wearing headphones of some sort and a quiet room. If you play the audio file of the first 3 shots from Trump’s mic (or at least one where the screaming is at a minimum), you can actually hear that there is a marked difference to what the shots sound like. All 3 shots sound like they are from the same weapon type, but they are not from the same location. Shot #1 sounds closer to the mic than the 2nd and 3rd shots. Shots #2 & 3 are ever so slightly more muffled, not in that it’s a different suppressor, but in that it sounds farther away. It is a very subtle difference in sounds, but there is a difference.

Thank you for what you are doing to bring to light what actually happened on July 13th. I hope this may have helped in some small way.

This witness says our guys were shooting back.

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Roof top video.



You should probably post this on a more recent thread so it isn’t missed.

Break him for information, they wanted him dead so he couldn’t talk. Same reason they sprayed down the whole roof, get rid of evidence and the 8 shell casings. Since I’d bet there were zero casings. They used him