There was someone on here claiming that in an original photo of Crooks there was a bullet wound that (iirc - I may be a bit out on this and don’t have the time to find it in the messages) went through the rhs neck and through the left upper jaw, smashing teeth etc. Again, iirc, the person thought the bullet had come from the left side and exited on the right, but what if it was a shot from the rear right that exited through the left? Would fit with a shot from that window. The person who posted that didn’t mention the forehead shot, which Chris has mentioned a few times. Could it be he was shot twice. Once by the ESU from behind (which might have been enough to stop him firing) and then a forehead shot from the USSS eight seconds later?
I haven’t seen a photo of his face and haven’t gone searching for one, but perhaps the original poster of that information can provide the image?
Edited to add link to post in which this was mentioned: Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters - #130 by the-right-to-know
Have you seen the still pic of the dead shooter - before the blood was photo-shopped from his face? Looks like multiple points of bullet entry/exit. Looks like an exit wound in his lower neck below (and behind) his right ear. Either an exit or entry wound in his upper left jaw (his teeth are blown out). And there’s blood coming from the left side of his face [snip]