Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters

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Who was in the adjacent, overlooking two-story building offering a chip-shot view of Crooks at the time of the shooting? The answer to this would be the people I would most center on if I were in charge of this investigation. I’d do this waaaaay before hosing down the roof.

Folks, the story about the shooting obviously didn’t add up from the beginning. The “oversights” and “lapses” were so elementary and ridiculous that it’s quite distasteful to even have to pretend to wrestle with the idea of incompetence on that level.

The “perimeter” was a chip-shot away by rifle standards, and there were only two rooflines that needed protection, the red barns that both sniper teams were inexplicably crowded together on, and the AGR building which had a variety of roofs but one that clearly stood out as the most obvious to use as it oversaw all the others.

Naturally, that’s the one that they left completely empty but later told us that “local law enforcement” had been given the task of (again inexplicably) sitting inside that 2-story building to look out the windows for threat. Little skinny windows.

But it gets worse. There was a local municipal cop who allegedly got himself hiked up to the roof’s edge where he =was confronted by Crooks pointing a rifle at him, so he fell, or something, and then maybe radioed someone, or not.

We don’t know.

Next, we now have three audio files from three locates recording the shots and all three sound exactly like this:

Shots 1-3: Weapon A

Shots 4,5,6,7,8: Weapon B (but possibly another we’ll call B’)

Shot 9: Weapon C (Crooks being shot by the CSU from the second floor window that’s open?)

Shot 10: Weapon D (almost certainly the final sniper shot)

Also there are 3 mysteries recorded on Trumpp’s mic that don’t align wiht any of hte other mics/recordings we have. These may represent additional shooters.

That’s a VERY different story from what we’re being told. But, let’s all be the judge of that.

Let me know what you think, and provide your input and analysis and we’ll figure this out together.


The last shot at the end of string #2 sounds very similar to a suppressed firearm. I have no data to back this up other than my prior experience shooting suppressed firearms. I have been to the range many times where others are using suppressors, and it sounds very similar.

Edit… the video just “aborted”

I was able to download it directly and it is playing from my own hard drive. I have never had a video on Peakprosperity do this. I am wondering if the thought police are fucking with the ability to play the video.


Restricted republic has some be info i hadn’t seen showing Crooks walking toward the A/C, with no gun in hand, but suggested that’s where he was able to get on the roof rather than from the ladder. He also points to the open windows with direct views of Crooks. Lots of good video clip angles I hadn’t seen before. I didn’t follow all of the angles, but he claims there were 3 shooters, and that 2 of them were snipers. (One missed?) I got a little lost there. I’m tired. Hoping this may be helpful yet.

One more thing in there is that he points out reports of 2 different cars found with explosives nearby. Crook’s van and a car.

I have also seen some videos (I believe one was on NBC) of Crooks scooting up on the roof. (After he was already on it). I have been traveling and haven’t been able to see things as clearly on my phone. If the is new info here let me know and I can try to find it again.

Edited to add: i doesn’t see the odysee video on first load, so I haven’t watched Chris’s latest video yet. Starting now…


Wow, stacking up to look like maybe Crooks didn’t take any shots.


I’ve been researching and analysing from day 1 but nobody even looks at my posts on Gab. The legacy media keeps changing their story as new info from anonymous sources within Law Enforcement or inside the investigation dole out new info.
The “local tactical team” was located inside the two story building and snapped at least two photos of Crooks from inside that bldg. I made a diagram and posted it on Gab.


There isn’t necessarily that much shoulder movement when firing an AR-15 if you’re lying down and stock is bumping against the top of your shoulder or if you’re fat like this guy:


BTW the video above shows an AR probably very close to what Crooks was using. Supposedly he also had a 1x Red Dot sight.


Ok still watching the video.

16-20 minutes Chris sound live he is using a pointer to describe things but it doesn’t show in the video.

Something else I haven’t heard anybody say yet- If Crooks turned his gun toward the cop moments before shooting, would he have had time to aim so closely as to get a perfect head shot (and nick Trump’s ear only because Trump turned his head)? Restricted republic noted that nobody has reported any corroberation of that story as far as seeing Crooks turn while on the roof. And “moments before” is not very specific for us to have any idea if he could have turned and aimed quickly enough.


I spoke too soon as some of what I said was in the video about crooks turning his head. One thing the restricted Republic video shows is a different time with assumed Crooks walking in the opposite direction toward the AC side of the building. I am not sure that there is a timestamp.


OK, I got 3 questions:
In the “GET OVER HERE ROSS” vid, you could see TC pretty fully on the roof, even though he was supposedly ~50’ from the near edge of the roof. So, the elevation of the camera operator must be some feet higher (3’-6’- more?) from the ground elevation of Bldg. 6. Or, TC actually was closer to the south (?) side of Bldg. 6, closer below the open window of 2-storey bldg?
On the vid where Chris commented about the open window on the 2-storey Bldg, it looks to me like another window to the south (?) is open as well.
Regarding comments by witness Greg and the hoisted/laddered cop on the roof- he’s with his buds, sees TC on the roof, proceeds to make a commotion about his sighting. Can it be possible he didn’t take his eyes off the roof for long enough time for the TC/cop interaction to take place. Notice Greg also has a beverage can in a coolie while being interviewed. Shock/alcohol/eye witness unreliability- do these thing come into play at all?


Also, it’s been mentioned before about TC with and without long pants. Perhaps he had those pants with zippered leggings, and as the day wore on he got warm and removed them?


Don’t believe the story about the shooter pointing his gun at the hoisted cop. Why not? Major LEO rule of testimony: If a witness has motivation to lie, consider his testimony sus. I believe the part about one cop hoisting(the hoister) another cop(the hoistee) on his shoulders so that the hoistee could see if the rallygoers were correct. Major LEO rule of testimony: If a witness is a cop, related to a cop or is protected by a cop, the witness is to be believed unconditionally. If the witness is otherwise, consider the testimony sus.
So these two officers probably heard the witnesses say there is an armed sniper on the roof. Since the witnesses were NOT cops, NOT related to cops and NOT protected by cops, the officers may not have believed them. To satisfy their own curiosity, one cop probably hoisted the other on his shoulders - not an uncommon technique. The hoisted cop was probably shocked to see that the witnesses were right when he peeked over the edge of the roof. The shooter may not have even noticed the cop. However, the cop, seeing the shooter had a rifle, might have panicked, throwing himself and the hoister off balance and causing both to tumble, unceremoniously, to the ground. One might have sprained his ankle in the process.
Now, the injured cop has to explain the injury to his boss. He only saw the shooter but a little embellishment to increase the officer’s heroics would be a plus.
Chris, please don’t take the word of LEO as fact. They lie, and lie often, but always with the best intentions.


Just another observation. This is behavioral and not hard science but may be a data point. We have no evidence that Crooks believed he would die. I ignore the testimony that Crooks said he would be back at work the following day. If he knew he would die commiting a crime, he might have said the same thing. I also ignore the fact that no manifesto or suicide note has been released. I also ignore the photo of crooks on the retaining wall. It seems unlikely that the photographer would have taken a still photo and more likely that he took a video. Context is crucial. The still photo means little without the surrounding video. My analysis is centered on the “accidental” video of crooks walking around the area outside of the security fence. His gait seems relaxed, almost unconcerned. In my opinion, this is not the gait of a tense individual experiencing the last hours of his life. IMO, Crooks may not have realized that he was about to be killed. Yes, he may have scoped out the site, prepared to climb onto the roof and appear to be a sniper. But is there evidence suggesting he really planned to kill innocent people? I suggest, no.


Interesting video today.

(1) The first 8 shot sounds from from the TMZ video, which is the most stable microphone, sound more similar than they do in the other videos (although the first three shots are a bit muffled you can hear some echos similar to the next 5 shots). I’d seen that before watching todays video and it added more weight to the basic null hypothesis as far as I was concerned.

(2) Then I watch today’s video and hear the sound recorded between the buildings and the podium…sigh. Now I start to think there were two guns, BUT, the third shot of the first sequence has the same pop echo that we here in the first sound recording form near the buildings that was analysed. I’m wondering about how sensitive these phone mics are to direction.

You mention some experiments with phone microphones, I think they’re a good idea.

(3) The other thing that struck me from the first few frames of the TMZ video (where the phone is quite zoomed out) was how low down on the roof Crooks appeared. Could he even see Trump over the roof cap? It could just be an optical illusion due to the angle of the roof cap relative to the position of the person recording though.

(4) The lack of recoil(!) Nice observation.

(5) The rate of fire. It was pretty fast. I suppose tomorrow you are going to show that those 5 bullets were tightly grouped based on the magnitude of the cracks from the recording near the microphone or some such other data…

(6) Nice detective work on the photo. Someone was in that two-story building. Is it possible the falling off the ladder story was an ill thought out lie by people who should have been paying attention from that building but failed to do so? Very, very weird.

(7) The video of the two counter-snipers. Neither of them appeared to shoot (iirc). They would have been briefed of any friendlies in that two story building. Was the one who popped up before settling back down seeing something from the second storey building he didn’t expect to see?


So I just heard that the agent that took out the alleged shooter on the roof, disobeyed orders to take the shot.

So why did they want the alleged shooter alive?

Seems odd

What benefits are there if he is alive?


Any ideas on this diagram attached? The first shot hits two people on the top row of the right bleacher, it seems Crooks did not fire the first shot per the TMZ video. I’ve noticed that for days now. So, if it came from the window or from that same area somewhere, then my pink line in the diagram may have solved the case of the first shot hitting Trump’s ear, then hitting the 2 people in the top row of the right side bleacher before disintegrating into the railing. See below video to watch the 2 people hit by the first shot.

This could be what happened if the shot came from the vicinity of Crooks/the open window area???


If I had to guess based on home theater audio, no timing would change, but it would change the levels of the higher frequencies. Low frequencies levels would be less affected. If there were many acoustically reflective surfaces, I would be concerned that pointing it from one surface to another would change the timing if you used only the highest levels, however, the earliest part would still be present, just at a lower level. In the clip that we are concerned about, the phone’s direction was pointed towards grass, so I am not worried about that giving a new reflection. It will, however, make it sound a little different.

I played back the clip in VLC and turned on the equalizer. I turned down all of the frequencies except for the lower ones. This should level the playing field between the 2 sets of shots. I am not an expert at discerning gun shots, so I will let someone else describe what they hear, assuming that someone thinks that this is a productive experiment. Of course, turning down most of the higher frequencies removes a fair bit of distinctive information.

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Not neutralizing the alleged shooter would leave people in danger. That seems weird.



Did the police sniper with the red bracelet actually fire, sure seemed like by the video I ve seen?

Which group of shots (or shot-counts) do you consider were fired by the north sniper team (red braclet, police sniper, tatood officer) on the barn?

If I assume he fired a couple of shots, those shots crack-pop time differences would be very small (towards the podium microphone). Must be smaller than shots coming anywhere else outer in the perimeter, since that was one of the closest weapons to podium, other being the other sniper group (Secret Service, top of south barn).

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But what about the MOTIVE?

From this question, I always get the same vibes as the previous buzzwords “safe and effective” for vaccines and “unprovoked invasion” for the Ukraine conflict. In all cases, it’s a coordinated effort to mislead and forge a narrative.

It just so happens that the deep state had a very clear MOTIVE to kill Donald Trump, to prevent him from getting security briefings after he becomes the official nominee. Any time before the RNC would do, but doing it one day before the start of the RNC guarantees chaos in the Trump’s party. Two birds with one stone! They hate Trump as well, but that’s not really a motive, this is. This was the most opportune moment for the assassination. Now they have to either give Trump valuable information about the goings in the upper echelons of information agencies, which they don’t want to do, or have to fabricate lies, especially for him. In both cases a headache. There we go, we got the motive.