Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters

After watching Chris’ analysis, watching sniper analysis (Kennedy, Prince, a few others) and other peoples’ audio/video analysis, I could almost believe world and historic record incompetence if there was no huge Soros involved stock shorting the day before and if the SS team removed Trump from the dais during the three minutes the SS KNEW for sure there was a man with a rifle on a roof. Those two facts are circles no one can square and the chance of incompetence, chance, happy accident, evolution, randomness falls in line with the variation of the cosmologic constant. It’s a real low number. I know of no well known sniper interview where he watched an audio analysis like Chris’. I want to hear what a Tim Kennedy/Eric Prince type thinks of Chris’ and others audio analyses. I also disagree with the theory that no group of people can be that incompetent and lie their asses off to hide it. Have you been on earth the past decade?
Another curious fact is the photo of the short female hiding for ten seconds behind Trump and the podium when it was her job to be a blood sack/lead magnet for her principle. There is no better argument against DEI than that. You’re either tall enough to shield the principle or you’re not. You’re either strong enough to carry the principle or you’re not. You either use your body to shield the principle or you don’t. You either know how to holster your weapon when it must be holstered (and not aim it at your ass, or have your holster inaccessible because of your fat gut) or you don’t. All of those things are entry level “must pass” requirements to do that job. Not being able to do just one is a mandatory firing/removal for SS. She should have never been hired, period.


This is my problem with the “obvious” differences between the two main sets of shots. The more stable the video, the less difference there is between the sounds which makes me, naively, question the conclusion that the two sets of shots are from different sources, even if they sound “obviously different” to my ear, and which shots echo clearly differ between the sound files.

I’m of the belief that the deep-state was going to try to eliminate Trump one way or the other, and the lawfare has so far failed. Therefore this was not likely the actions of a lone, unaided shooter so I am, like a lot of other people on the internet, predisposed to believe there is another shooter involved, but then that’s a good reason to play devil’s advocate.

The TMZ video is infuriating. Just a couple more frames and it would be easy to draw conclusions about when (and if) Crooks was shooting…


He doesn’t seem to fussed about being seen in an area than no one else seems to be hanging around. Flying drones, being seen a few times in the hours beforehand. It is a bit strange. It’s like he doesn’t expect to be challenged


Cellphone microphones are multidirectional. Nearly everyones modern phone has at least 2 microphones, one on the bottom used as a mothpiecw when you hold the phone to your head and that same microphone and another on the top of the phone for in some cases stereo recording or omnidirectional microphone in a speaker call or video recording.

Some manufacturers will call them wide angle microphones.


After learning there were many windows in the adjacent building (with police in it) that observed the roof with crooks, the story about peeking over the roof makes little sense. Why not just call someone to simply look out the window, or else do it yourself?


It is day 9 from the assassination attempt and I have seen neither a FBI press conference about it nor a US Secret Service one.

Is it too much to expect that there would be regular ones due to the gravity of the event?


Given the location of that mic/phone which was to the side of the two-story bldg that muffling is consistent with those shots being taken from inside that building.

Should have roughly similar echoes to the other shots assuming those came from the roof that Crooks was on.

Next, we’d expect that a mic straight to the front of both positions should show less of that muffling, which is what we see. I realize I failed to point that out. I’ll have to revisit it.

But even with that, there’s still an appreciably different sound between shot #1 on ALL of the recordings and the rest. I’m not sure how to interpret that yet.



Apparently, we’ve moved on.

Now people are interested in the palace intrigue of someone resigning for Joe while he was asleep, forging his signature, and announcing this to the world via Twitter.

Wendy Patterson had the best listing of the enshittification of it all even before the palace coup:

I mean…what the even…?


Bingo John! That’s why I was asking if anyone had any footage of Crooks firing the rifle. I don’t think the guy took a single shot and so how does a guy like that get up on a roof with a rifle and not take a single shot but gets shot?


Invited by a man or men in uniform to be a “volunteer “ auxiliary?


They’re waiting before they make any statements because they want to let as much information come out on its own before constructing The Official Narrative. Their lies have to account for as much factual data points as possible so they don’t have to keep revising The Official Narrative. They’re also waiting as long as possible to see what evidence they have to create. Eventually they’ll have to tell us how many shots the kid fired and produce the proper number of shell casings. And they are no doubt struggling to find just the right Official Narrative line that explains the audio recordings of the gunshots. Once they finally settle on The Official Narrative then they can send out the secret memo telling everyone what and who to censor and silence. Speaking of “silencing,” maybe someone with knowledge of the assassination plot blurted out he was going to reveal the truth then went into hiding and now they have to find and disappear him before they start disseminating The Official Narrative.

“Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”


I think Crooks is a total distraction, a bit like Lee Harvey Oswald. My guess is that all the evidence points towards others the “real” snipers, who were stationed inside the building, we would need the audio to prove that. And there was never a shot fired from the roof. Important to clarify if there is any testimony from the crowd that they saw Crooks actually firing the rifle.


@cmartenson do you have any footage other than the blur of Crooks firing the rifle? Is it possible that all the shots came from within the building? So what was Crooks doing on the roof? Seriously is it really obvious that Crooks was spotted before hand, that he was photographed, that he had a rangefinder, that he had a car with explosives…isn’t it a little to convenient?


The statement by the FBI one day after the shooting that they “believe” that there was only one shooter is incredible.

It is a jaw dropper.

Usually you hear “we can’t comment on an ongoing investigation.”

This FBI statement is made one day after the shooting when, in the end, the facts will probably show that there are dozens upon dozens of videos from citizens to analyze which have not even turned up yet.

This is narrative shaping and it stinks to high heaven.


If you wanted a microphone that could rotate without affecting the sound, then you would need a microphone with a near perfect omnidirectional polar pattern. The second microphone is used for noise canceling when in a call, but yes, for these recordings, it should be used for wide angle pickup. But I doubt that gives them the quality of a perfect omnidirectional polar pattern. I expect this to vary between cell phone models. For some angles, there tends to be a bit of smartphone in the way of both microphones.


Bret had John Cullen on darkhorse. He has 3 shooters.


@cmartenson Just joined up. You need to check out John Cullens work He has found there were two near simultaneous 1st shots, Were missing one from the tree line that nearly hit the left snipers and then went along the back of the bleachers. He also has the skills to determine triangulate direction from audio if he can get enough data. Also saw another analysis that IDs shooter at 800 yards (water tower) and 1400 yards (possibly the sniper that took out the guy in the water tower)


This bloke says a lot of stuff without really explaining it. He does a few diagrams and draws some lines to give things a veneer of scientific analysis. His attitude is sneering and arrogant and he doesn’t engage in the dispassionate or objective way you’d expect of someone whose primary focus is the truth. Frankly, he’s an obvious glowy who is there to obfuscate the truth and denigrate anyone who is trying to get to the truth.


I found Cullen’s analysis unpersuasive. People’s reaction times (even when shot) are in the 100s of ms, unlike the material spray of a bullet.

One thing I’m surprised that @cmartenson hasn’t been asking for:

  1. Many more videos from the rally. More videos means more audio which (with location data) can enable very precise location of sound sources via sound timing. There should at a minimum be a “request for videos” circulated, and perhaps even a reward for submissions.

  2. Any/all communication that’s been made by officials to rally-goers after the event.


As additional background, Garand Thumb gives an excellent short presentation on the accuracy/damage of Crooks’ basic AR vs a commonly used sniper rifle in .300 win mag with optics.