Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters

Technically, the post on X/Twitter isn’t correct about the communications from the FBI (but to me at least it’s strange that there haven’t been daily updates on the investigation):

The latest updates is from 7/15 (and is posted as an update to a 7/14 press release):


Some people are saying he was too low on the roof to shoot over the peak to shoot Trump


Chris makes a good argument that the 5 shot group was done by an expert shooter to get those shots off in such a short time. That being said, what was he shooting at? How could a shooter of that caliber miss his target? What was his target? The assumption everyone is making is that it was Trump. What if it wasn’t? The more evidence for multiple shooters and yet none of them got a kill shot, is there another agenda here at play that as yet goes unnoticed.


I am asking for videos. As many as possible!

If anybody has anything new, or suspect it might be new, please post the link(s)!!!

In particular we need more from these locations:


A 300 WinMag is a helluva round and may have kicked him back a bit…and even after that blood is slippery on a metal roof (so maybe the body slid?), even if the slope was quite minor. Thirdly, It’s always possible the body was dragged back a bit by the first guys on the roof.

Just considering all the angles…


Chris. If you had audio recordings from several widely placed mics you could pretty much pinpoint the shooters locations.


Trump was on the stage floor covered by SS at the time of the 5 shot burst. There was no line of site from anywhere.


@cmartenson trust you have spoken with Bret and been linked into Cullen?

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Are you also from Australia? Welcome

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Here’s the article from TheBeaverCountian (which is behind a paywall):

Exclusive: County Officer Warned Of Seeing Man With Rangefinder Before Trump Was Shot - BeaverCountian

A Beaver County police officer warned a command center of seeing a man with a rangefinder before former president Donald Trump was shot on Saturday. The officer had also warned the man was scoping out the roof of the building he was stationed in as a counter-sniper, and that the man returned with a backpack before ultimately scaling the building.

Despite all of those warnings, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park was able to continue in his plan to become Trump’s would-be assassin. spoke with multiple local law enforcement sources about security provided by agencies from Beaver, Butler, and Washington counties during Saturday’s rally. They claim a lack of manpower and “extremely poor planning” put the former president’s life in grave danger.

While the United State Secret Service provided security within a secure perimeter of the rally, local law enforcement agencies were tasked with securing areas outside of magnetometers that screen rallygoers as they entered the venue.

Contrary to reports in several national news outlets, officers say the building just outside of a security perimeter established by Secret Service was in fact occupied by law enforcement.

“There were three counter-snipers located in the building that the shooter eventually used to take shots at Trump,” one officer told BeaverCountian,

Officers spoke to on condition they not be quoted by name due ongoing investigations by the Pennsylvania State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigations.

A security operations plan had placed each of the three counter-snipers inside of the building looking out of windows toward the rally, with none stationed on its roof. Due to a lack of manpower, the men did not have spotters assigned to them, as would be standard operating procedure.

Among those municipal counter-snipers was Sergeant Gregory Nicol of the Monaca Borough Police Department. Nicol was providing security at the Trump rally in his role as a member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU), the county’s equivalent of a SWAT team.

“Nicol saw the guy (Crooks) looking up at the roof of the building he was stationed in, like scoping it out, and took a picture of him that he sent to command as a be on the lookout,” said the officer.

According to multiple officers, staffing shortages prevented other law enforcement officers from reaching the man before he disappeared.

“Nicol saw (Crooks) return to the building, this time carrying a backpack, more warnings were issued to command. (Crook) sat down, and began looking at his phone. Trump was running about an hour late.”

That’s when Crooks behavior turned from suspicious to threatening.

“Nicol saw (Crooks) take out a rangefinder to gauge distance from the building to where Trump was going to be speaking, he again notified command about what he was seeing.”

Despite Crook’s concerning behavior, the officers remained inside of the building at their assigned positions.

Crooks began scaling the building, behind and out of sight of where counter-snipers were stationed, according to officers.

Two other officers, responding to the warnings issued by Nicol and rally attendees, followed Crooks up the building, but retreated after seeing him with a gun.

Realizing he had been discovered, Crooks then took hurried shots at Trump, one of which struck him in the ear. Secret Service counter-snipers responded with a bullet to Crooks’ head.

As shots fired, troopers with the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) rushed to the building and began clearing it from the inside.

Three spectators were also struck by Crooks’ bullets.

According to the New York Times, the three men hit by gunfire include Corey Comperatore, age 50, who died after being shot in the head while he dove to protect family members who were with him at the rally; David Dutch, age 57, who is currently hospitalized with damage to his liver and broken ribs; and James Copenhaver, age 74, who remains hospitalized in unknown condition.


My first name keeps getting screamed by that lady. It makes listening to that section of the audio so difficult. Trying to ignore it but that level of anxiety and panic!


The thing I want to know is what was the target for shots 5-8? After the first three shots Trump was covered up by two USSS agents. There were no agents hit, Trump wasn’t shot twice.


Welcome aboard my friend

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Nothing to do with the audio files. The guy on Dark Horse yesterday was pretty emphatic about the wind having been just right to move that bullet, which in conjunction with President Trump turning his head a little bit, caused the kill-shot to miss. My curiosity is - does anyone have good footage of that flag during the shots? We know that site can get windy because the pictures on today’s broadcast show that thing parallel to the ground.


This video makes a good point about analyzing the audio. The podium mic may be picking up the shots and sending it out to the PA system with a slight delay and the phone recordings may pick that up. I expect that this will sound different and come with a predictable delay. Sometimes PA systems filter out certain frequencies, so that may also help identify PA shots in the phone recordings.


I’ve spoken with Bret, about Cullen…but I am steering clear of Cullen for now because (a) he has a history of lashing out at people who “steal his work” (when it is not really his because it was already in the public domain and there are other smart people out there) and (b) because when he gets caught on a wrong idea, he seems to have trouble letting go of it.

Case in point, he’s making a lot about what the first shot angle must have been based on flinches and putative movement of a purse (it wasn’t, it was an artifact of the low res video he was relying on, her sleeve moved when she flinched).

That’s deep orangey-yellow “data” in my framework. A person flinching tells you nothing at all except they flinched. Was it a sound? A bullet? A fragment?

Most likely it was a sound and I don’t have the time right now to get in arguments over interpretations. That comes later. Or ego battles.

Right now we need to be laser focussed on hard data (while it still exists).

Casings. Audio. Bullets.

In other news, I am working with several hard-data folks and we’re really making progress. Mike Adams of Natural News is on the audio case now with us all.


On A federal government note, they must be pissed. This thing is getting figured out at warp speed lol. They must be like, “oh damn the little people are putting it all together quickly. They’re supposed to not do that. What the hell!”


“Quick! Take down the internet!”

“Sir, we tried, but that CrowdStrike booby trap wasn’t as powerful as we thought…now what??”


It seems to me that if there were two cops clamming over each other to get up on the roof - and one falls off and lands hard enough to actually hurt himself - someone would have that on video. It would a “Laurel and Hardy” moment - funny as hell - and the video would have gone viral in hours!


Cullen did good work on Vegas, but he is also prone to lashing out at others as you say. I attempted at one point to discuss Covid-related data with him on X and he tore into me like he was the world’s authority. It was very off-putting to say the least. He is a narcissist of the first order.