Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters

If I were that agent, I’d sneak off to a journalist and appear live, ASAP. TimCast would be appropriate. Otherwise… likely he won’t live long enough to be questioned.

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After a tiny bit of research, it appears that an M16 (or a converted AR15) has a rate of fire (rpm - rounds per minute) (on full auto) of somewhere between 600-800rpm, depending on many factors (load, gun condition, etc.).
Which works out to around .1 sec -.075 sec/round. If it was an older gun with a lighter load, .25s is feasible. Trying to keep one on target on full auto is pretty difficult.
If Crooks did fire “the 5”, maybe he heard the first 3, thought that he’d been spotted, and just fired randomly. If the 5 were aimed at Trump, someone else should have been hit.

Muddying the waters a bit - as another poster pointed out - how could viewers get such clear pics of Crooks unless the roof of the building is at or below the height of the viewer? Especially considering he’s apparently on the far side of the roof?
Is this building 5-10’ lower than the fairground? Hard to tell.


About the Guy in Charge…


“Right now we need to be laser focussed on hard data (while it still exists).
Casings. Audio. Bullets.”

In truth, what we need to focus on now are all the obvious things that should be discussed/revealed - that aren’t. Like, why wasn’t the large ladder at the breezeway, and the water tower behind the parking lot, talked about (by anyone) initially? Why is it that the initial responders to the shooting scene all went inside the AGR facility instead of to the roof where the shooter lied? Isn’t it the job of responding officers to protect evidence at a crime scene (the scene was on the roof)? How come there aren’t eight shooting victims from the crowd that’s behind Trump when eight shots were supposedly fired at him? How come a news helicopter is allowed in the airspace over the Trump rally venue? How come there isn’t any video from Home Depot that shows the kid carrying the ladder he supposedly purchased earlier in the day? Answer these questions and you may solve the puzzle.


Wouldn’t that require an assumption of the type of ammo used, and its velocity ?


I don’t want to dismiss the concept of flinching, but what I found curious was that the amount of flinching the the last row was much higher than in all the rows before.

Is that meaningful ? Could it be more than flinching ?
I don’t think flinching explains everything going on there.


A good reason might be to act as a focus of attention for the crowd. So nobody is looking at the real firing position(s).


I think you’re going too far down the wrong rabbit hole. This is my take: We all heard eight shots from an AR15. Then followed by a single muffled shot from a higher caliber rifle (which, I think was fired only for the audio effect on the video of the shooting). I have vast experience with an AR15, and have been around alot of AR15s all being fired at the same time. From my experience, there were two shooters firing AR15s that day. You can tell that by the cadence of the rounds being fired (I don’t need an audio analysis). The first three rounds were slow and inconsistent in the timing of the trigger pull - all were fired by an amateur - and there were three shooting victims in the crowd either in front of, or behind, Trump (they were in the line of fire). The next five shots were fast and consistent in the trigger pull timing. These five shots were made by a trained gunman. They came from a gun where the gunman had full control of the guns’ muzzle (meaning, the muzzle was fully supported and restrained and the gunman was able to keep his sights “on target”). And - there are not five additional shooting victims in the crowd - meaning these shots were not towards Trump. Someone better question how many bullet holes were discovered in the roof of the AGR facility. Holes from bullets that came from the direction of the water tower. Could it be that the reason Congressman Josh Hawley wasn’t allowed on the site by the FBI is because the roofer’s had not yet had time to replace the damaged roofing sheets?


We sure could use body cam footage from the first officers (from whatever agencies) on the roof. I’ve never seen Secret Service wearing body cams, though since I retired maybe the uniformed USSS do. But as far as we know uniformed SS weren’t on the roof or even nearby. Local or state police probably had body cams, but I doubt their SWAT would have. All that being said, I doubt there even exists among the first 4-5 on the roof body cam footage to be seen (and the FIB won’t release it anyway).

I’ve seen plenty of police sloppiness at preserving evidence at crime scenes, but there was no reason possible in my mind (though I wasn’t there) to move or even touch the alleged assassin’s body on the roof until the crime scene investigators were completely done and the body was being removed to the morgue. If someone did touch or move the body, they should’ve reported that to the investigators when interviewed. The sight of someone solidly shot in the head with a rifle round (5.56 mm to .300 winmag) leaves no doubt about whether the person is dead or not. I’m even factoring in the lack of experience the first officers on the roof would probably have had seeing someone shot in the head (with anything). There would’ve been no legitimate need to take the alleged assassin’s pulse to see if was still alive or to move him to make sure he wasn’t laying on a gun he could pop up and shoot you with. He was DRT (dead right there). Besides even if he showed weak signs of life (but would be dead in seconds or one or two minutes) why bother taking heroic measures to make it look like you’re trying to save his life like they did with JFK who also sustained an instantly fatal head wound from a .30 caliber rifle (fired either from the grassy knoll or the water tower :wink::grinning:).

Could a high-powered round push the alleged assassin a short ways back on that slightly sloped metal roof after a shot to the head. Yes but I’d be skeptical of claimed movement more than 6 or so inches. And he certainly didn’t move himself on purpose after that shot to the head. He might’ve twitched involuntarily which might’ve caused at most another 6 inches of slide down the roof.

I’m curious to hear the explanation for the horizontal distance between his body and his rifle seen in overhead photos after he was killed. I wouldn’t criticize an officer for using excessive caution to move his rifle a few feet away from the alleged assassin, but again that act should’ve been reported to the investigators.


Why do you think that ?

Establishing the trajectory of the bullet is crucial to understanding what happened (how many shooters, located where, shooting at who etc…).

How we understand and interpret the video showing the reactions of people in the last row plays a role in the trajectory question.

Could it be a rabbit hole ? Possible, but we won’t know until we get there.
IMO, it’s too early to dismiss this video as irrelevant.

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I’m not sure I understand your hypothesis.

Are you saying the “flinching” in the last row was something intentionally done to draw focus ? I.e., it was a theater performance ?

If so, it was co-ordinated to the second with the guy on the right getting shot.

Color me skeptical.

edit: got my wires crossed, ian2 did not respond to me.


One thing we do know about the first shot it that 2 people were hit in the right side bleacher’s top row. That must be squared up. See HD video below showing both victims fall as the first shot rings out, then it hits the corner of the bleacher causing it to disintegrate or at a minimum kick up a lot of debris from striking the railing as it exited the bleacher.

See the diagram below. Look what happens if the first shot was fired from the open window? It hits Trump, it lines up perfectly to hit the first guy shot in the bleacher (wearing white clothes in the far left of the video frame, video attached below) then the bullet deflects somehow (no second shot is fired yet) and hits the second person standing in the corner of the bleacher then right behind this second person you can see the bullet disintegrate into the railing all BEFORE the second shot is heard. Whatever happened, we have to square this trajectory to the FIRST SHOT because it HAPPENED.


@dreinmund No, I was answering Aus. He asked ‘…what was Crooks doing on the roof?’ (if not to shoot).

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Oh, sorry, never mind.

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From the first shot to the ninth shot (the one that took out Crooks) was under six seconds. I am no shooter, but for a counter sniper to hear shot #1, locate Crooks, get a bead on him and fire his gun, all in under 6 seconds seems a bit hard to believe. All the evidence your Team has collected proves the FBI “narrative” stinks to high heaven.


On each of the 3 or 4 videos, taken at different locations by different phones, the first 3 shots sound dramatically different than the next 5. And they look dramatically different on the audio trace. It’s hard to believe that’s because everyone turned their phone in exactly the same way. I’m totally convinced there are at least 2 guns.


I heard on the Dan Bongino Show that ladder was put up by the police to access the roof. I hope that this helpful information.

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NEW: Video shows Secret Service perch at Trump’s Butler rally had full view of the roof where the shooter carried out assassination attempt


That wild 5 shot burst of fire wasn’t fired at Trump apparently since none of the USSS agents draping themselves over his body were hit. So was that because the dorky suspect was that bad of a shot or was it merely to add to the carnage and the shock value?


Just a thought that I have had concerning the 5 shots. That sounds like what an amateur young shooter would do. Just get the lead out, so I would because of that think that Crooks was the one who shot those… not very seasoned or professional.