Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

Another thing and sorry for being late to all this and not having watched and read everything about it
Does anyone know how many cases were found on the roof?

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Unless the audio engineer is a complete moron, there will be a hard limiter, mainly to prevent audio faults blowing the amps, but also to squash unpredictably loud sounds. There will probably be a gate to prevent annoying hiss. There will probably be a graphic eq, creating a more flattering sound for the voice and taking out any annoying standing waves. There may be a compressor after the limiter, just to even out the volume a bit. None of this would interfere with Chris’s analysis, unless the limiter squashed some of the shots, but that would be obvious looking at the sound waves in Audacity. If there was a compressor, then this would only make Chris’s analysis of different sounding guns more likely.


Cullen Was interesting. Some glaring issues like he didn’t seem to look at the photos of which way trumps head was facing just referencing that he said he was looking at the jumbotron - the pictures say it could clearly be from the crooks direction. The other is him assuming a simultaneous shot based on when the second last guy in the row’s arm moved but that was clearly just reaction time delay. Lastly it was just the shadow of the water tower access top.


With respect to the trump mic deadening, it was configured for live broadcast and not recording so my guess is that this was some sort of active anti feedback filter.

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It’s still up on Solari. I just checked. Look at ‘Money and Markets’ on July 18th with Catherine Austin Fitts and John Titus. Best…


A few videos ago, @TheRightToKnow shared that there had been a circulating image of Crooks’ dead face with blood, teeth blown out, etc. before it was Photoshopped. If you have that photo, wouldn’t it be easier to conclude where the shot came from?

And what happened to the water tower sniper with 3 eye witnesses? Could that be the 10th shot? I would think, if it had to travel further, it would take longer for the captured audio to pick it up.

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ok, I see the free part of the John Titus interview with Austin Fitts, but they don’t talk about the assassination there (as you say, you need to buy the $30 subscription)

but, still, in my opinion, a person was killed and I doubt Trump would take that risk in terms of it being found that he was in on it,
I’m looking for people that have done frequency analysis, I’ve found some, that helps to find the echo


My understanding is that there were no photos taken and all was cleaned up before any photos could’ve been taken. The ‘closest’ anyone got was the helicopter circling the building that Chris showed in one of his videos, but it was too far away to see anything detailed.

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Agreed! I just posted on that same comment without first reading through this round.

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It appears to me that rifle shot #2 came from the SS counter-sniper atop the near barn, aiming toward Crooks, but strangely aiming high over him as his rifle barrel jerks up.


A lighter grain bullet might be moving at 3200 ft per second. The delta between that and the speed of sound of about 1100 ft/sec. Gives us a delta of 2100 ft per sec. Multiply at .22 = 462 ft and that is a radius of a circle from Trumps mic. For the first shot. The fact that there are different times between the initial bullet and the report and those subsequent shots gives a good indication of two possible three guns. It is reasonable to assume the same ammo and velocity if indeed there are multiple shooters. I always liked geometry.

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The reason Trump’s mic cut out:

Public address systems have dynamic range compression circuits (called a compressor for short). It’s like a robot that is constantly adjusting the volume knob with the goal of keeping a constant volume.

Imagine an evangelist at a church who shouts and screams one moment, then whispers for effect the next moment. The compressor keeps a constant volume so that the shouting doesn’t get too loud yet the whisper can still be heard.

A loud input to the microphone would cause to the compressor to lower the volume. The time it takes to lower the volume is a setting called the attack time. The time that the volume is held low is called the release time. The audio engineer will adjust these settings to his liking.

Dynamic range compressors used to be a speparate audio component in the sound system rack. Nowadays, modern mixing consoles have compressors built into each channel.

For a PA system, microphones probably do not have compression circuits themselves.

Background: I have a degree in computer and electrical engineering and spent 20 years running a sound system for my local church.


No, the Solari report on the “attempted assassination attempt” is still up, behind the paywall. It’s the “Money and Markets” report for July 18.

Catherine Austin Fitts is 100% certain the assassination attempt was theater. Quote:

I sat down this morning and said, what could explain this as a legitimate assassination attempt? I said, gross incompetence on the part of the secret service, to an inexplicable degree. Plus, gross incompetence on the part of the assassin, to an inexplicable degree. Plus, divine intervention protecting Donald Trump. All of which, in combination, wouldn’t even go in the movies."

I was also amused to see that Kevin Barrett at is still beating the drum for the hoax theory. He came up with this clip showing Hulk Hogan pulling his shirt apart while Trump watches, smirking.

Barrett wrote:

Hogan’s message was unmistakeable: “It’s all kayfabe!” Obviously someone who was genuinely angry that their hero had been shot, and who was sincerely expressing that anger, would not look remotely like this. … So when Hogan symbolically “unveils the truth” (that the shooting was kayfabe) by ripping off his shirt, with Trump smirking in the background, the crowd falls into a trance of “believing” while at some deeper unconscious level knowing it’s all fake.

Fitts and Barrett are serious people, folks. Not trolls. It’s time to remember that open-mindedness, curiosity, avoidance of ideological rigidity, respect and empathy are considered virtues at this site.


I think what you might have seen there on the quieting after the cracks is Automatic Gain Control (AGC). On my ham radio I can adjust this to have a time constant of 0.3s, 3s, and 6s. The idea is to keep the sound at a constant level so if it gets too loud, it turns down the gain, and vice versa. I think lots of audio circuits use something like this.


Wow! A truly incredible analysis, a PHD level mental investigation/dot-connection, and all really well communicated so that we can follow along with your logical trail. Thank you! I hope that you are called to testify before congress, and sooner rather than later. These facts now show extensively that this was indeed a full fledged deep state operation to assassinate Trump. Yet with the collaboration of the complicit legacy media, these devils still believe that they can just do anything, even out in board daylight, and still get away with it by just telling ever more lies!


I agree: a wonderful analysis, with great communication, and it’s the sort of analysis Congress should be calling on. Only one point I still think deserves more careful consideration:

OR, that there was a full fledged deep state operation to FAKE an assassination attempt on Trump…

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To add to the previous- i don’t know the time markings on the other recordings. But if a different recording had say .135 seconds between bullet and report for the same shot #1 and we use the same 3200 ft/sec minus 1100 ft/sec- then the radius of that that circle is 256 ft and those two circles will intersect in two places. A third recording should overlap at one of those places. The two margins of error are not knowing the true muzzle velocity and pinpointing to the correct thousandths of the second the time from bullet to report.


There’s something interesting about the body-cam video on the AGR roof . There’s no SHELL CASINGS to be seen . There is four officers standing around talking in the area where they should have been ejected . Did they roll off the slopey slope?


Given these evidence/facts, I’d say that that opinion is close to 98% likely to be an extension of the deep state’s ongoing “counter-information” lies and obfuscation campaign.
Edit: God knows that they’re now here on this site, don’t you think?


I don’t know if I am allowed to post a link…but going to try…info about Trump shooting:

Not trying to promote any other web site…

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