Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

Considering the bullet looks to have injured someone in the stands behind him, it seems the bullet was real.

I don’t know what the steel man argument is that Trump entertained the idea of letting someone to shoot at him in order to get ratings. No offense, but without some actual evidence besides the claim the vapor trail of the bullet at a time he was actively moving his head and changing the angle by which the bullet would have been photographed is somehow odd, the fact that there is blood in a manner very consistent with an ear wound, photos consistent with an ear wound, I don’t see how it’s a useful outlet for more energy.

Here is a version of the steelman arguments and no Trump wouldn’t have taken any risk for his life.

This is amazing work. I can feed you all of the tracks I have.

Probably time to put them in some spot everyone can access them and dig away to their heart’s content.


I know you are bouncing around a lot here, so I’m reposting my own treated audio files for you here in case they might be useful to you.

I first have Trumps mic adjusted with volume automation meant to help “undo” the limiter/clipping effect of the original recording; this help better identify the reports buried within the overlapping “snicks”…

Trump’s mic “un-limited”

Given the importance of identifying the timing of the reports on that recording, I have a version here with the “snicks” cleaned out. (software used: Izotope RX 7 Standard)…

Trump’s mic - reports only (snicks removed)

These are the additional files in (as close as I can get to) perfect alignment (as all devices have their own internal clock - this is to correct for that) and a shared start time with their resample ratios indicated in the titles (Trump’s mic is the original sample rate). This eliminates drift and may be useful for attempts to triangulate the origin of shot9…

(EDIT: I am taking the next four files down because I believe them to be inaccurate - see follow-up below)

To make use of these last four, download the files and import them into your audio workstation at the same starting point, then shift each using your own calculations to adjust for the speed of sound.



How did you get the five-shot reports to appear? Those are gated out in my feed…what magic has happened here?


This is really interesting work … can’t wait to dig in.

No magic - honest! :slight_smile: Due to increased bit rates in recent years (16, 24, 32) digital audio has a pretty vast dynamic range. Because of that, full range audio can be recorded at extremely low levels and still remain functionally audible with a reasonable noise floor. The mic/signal path used in Trumps recording didn’t actually gate off the audio; it only reduced it via limiter to extremely low levels. I simply added back the reduced gain to restore what was brought down wherever the limiter was triggered, and applied that gain at a high resolution at the sample level.


Thanks for providing this pic. I had seen the casings vaguely though also noticed randomly bunched near the peak.

Everything about the casing positions are unusual being next to the ribs. 2 casings had to bounce of the ribs to be on the West side of them, while the other 3 are on the relative East side and yes extremely too close to Crooks.

Would like to see, if possible to duplicate.

Plus the String of 3 should be together…relatively and that includes the String of 5. They aren’t grouped that well together and I dont believe he was spraying the bullets on either shot string. Likely tried to keep his barrel steady.

Plus looks like 3 casings on other side of roof spread further apart. Unlikely when directly fire at a singular point.

If I was at my Ranch instead of on the Coast, I would try to duplicate the shot and see how the casings would land. But I will do when I get back.


Chris can’t thank you enough for the amazing job you are doing on our bbehalf.
Yep, looks like .223 or .556 to me.
Regards Stew.


Sorry to leave you hanging on that last message.
To clarify what I meant, the speed of each of these last four files is now corrected on a micro level to correct for the drift that inevitably occurs between independently clocked devices (phones in this case). Now they all share the same starting point and the first 8 shots align equally across the recordings. Shot9, originating from a completely different location, has a significantly different landing in each of the recordings (although those last 2 near the tree are so close to one another they would likely fall in “margin of error” territory)
The speed is adjusted with resampling - not a timestretching algorithm; this ensures the audio data available stays intact and is not altered via any artificial dsp process.

The first image here is of all four files sharing the same starting position with shots 1-8 in alignment.

The second image is a rough approximation/test of how these files might look when shifted in milliseconds to reflect the distance between each point of origin as seen on a map. In this case, file 2 is 192ms earlier to file 1 and files 3 and 4 are 500ms earlier to file 1.

With the correct values, this would reflect the linear occurrence of the recordings and allow one to calculate the difference of the timings between shot8 and shot9 on each of the files to triangulate all possible positions of shot9. The following image is a rough illustration of what might be possible if the difference between shot8 and shot9 on Trump’s mic vs source3 was 120ms…

If the above coordinates of the recordings were correct (and I don’t think they are yet), the yellow line would represent all possible locations of shot9. (this is ONLY an example illustration - better coordinates and measurements are still needed!)


Sorry to say but your nick name has nothing to do with logical mind… Let’s put this way, if you would be on Trump position, Would you put such a huge risk of death at stake? Logically minded person would definitelly say NO :slight_smile:

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Completely agree Chris. What we do see is that Counter snipers noticeably flinch from the first 3 shots. The audio from the videos near the AGR building clearly show that the shots originate there. Plus her narrative means the CS missed at essentially point blank range. No chance, since these guys are actually the good guys.

The reason that Chris knows the assassination attempt wasn’t staged is because he isn’t insane.

And I normally don’t entertain illogical hypothesis, but I might just check for my amusement.

So what you are saying LM by this hypothesis that if Trump had been killed it was his own fault for staging.

Plus your assessment of the mockingbird media is so inaccurate, but I can see them running with your narrative just for those like you, if 7/13 had turned out differently.

That would have been insane.


What if you put the water tower into the equation for the different sounds or echoes, like the resonance of a church bell that makes a different sound depending on where it’s hit.

All we need is two points of contact to define a unique line, no? We know the man with the draped American flag was hit and carried out. We also can see in the video the puff on the railing behind said flag-man. Neither of these observations hinges on any graininess or audience reaction, they involve no human reaction. The line thus defined does point toward canopy of trees/water tower, whatever the height.

Further, the movement seen or imagined in other people along that top rung cannot have anything to do with a human reaction to the bullet, imo, as it is traveling at some 2800 ft/s, faster than the speed of sound - they would have had no advance sound warning of an incoming shot, and any human reaction would have been delayed and after the puff of smoke, imo.

Those are two separate shots, so you can’t draw a line between those points.

Where did I say that Trump would have put his life at risk?

Absolutely not what I’m saying.

Chris, if I might tap you on the shoulder and make a confession:
I think I might be mistaken on this whole “audio drift” thing and the way I’m adjusting the speed of the individual files that aren’t Trumps mic. I come from old school analog and even with digital clocks it was always an issue syncing multiple camera feeds.
But I’m seeing some patterns in the original speed audio that are now beginning to make sense in a way I hadn’t thought of before (the way the timing of the reports drift may be completely accurate) and will be uploading those for you shortly. The triangulation thing still stands, but some other interesting details may be incoming as well.


(EDIT: Gotta put the following on hold atm! Still lots more to unpack so plz stand by)

I am taking the time adjusted files down (that was a mistake on my part) and reuploading the aligned files at their original speed.
What I thought was “audio drift” is in fact the camera holder’s own movements in contrast to the shooter’s origin.
In source4, upon reviewing the video footage during recording, one can clearly see the videographer shuffling away from the source of the shots, adding distance and therefore time to the variance in delay compared to the stationary position of Trump’s mic. On shots 7 and 8, the videographer pauses for a moment, therefore resulting in an unchanged delay value.
There appears to be a vast difference in the delay of shots 1-3 versus 4-8, even when accounting for a few extra feet of distance gained by the videographer’s movements…

Difference between trumps mic and source4 using SOS 1203.6 feet per second:

shot1 _ Trumps mic timestamp = 0:00.000 _ difference from source4 = 0ms (0.0’)
shot2 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:00.853 _ difference from source4 = 3ms (3.6’)
shot3 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:01.527 _ difference from source4 = 7ms (8.4’)
shot4 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:04.309 _ difference from source4 = 27ms (32.5’)
shot5 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:04.565 _ difference from source4 = 28ms (33.7’)
shot6 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:04.749 _ difference from source4 = 29ms (34.9’)
shot7 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:04.923 _ difference from source4 = 31ms (37.3’)
shot8 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:05.084 _ difference from source4 = 31ms (37.3’)
shot9 - Trumps mic timestamp = 0:05.579 _ difference from source4 = 444ms (534.4’)

videographer’s max movement speed between shots 2 and 3 = 4.8’ in 0.674 seconds = 7.1 feet per second

2.782 seconds between shot3 and shot4 at max movement speed = 19.75 feet

Unaccounted delay/distance between shots 1-3 and 4-8 = minimum 12.75 feet

This supports the two shooter theory with shots 1-3 being a minimum of 12.75 feet closer to source4 than shots 4-8.

original speed files:

Trump mic reports isolated.wav

Hes Got A Gun orig.wav

Source 4 orig.wav

Ross Get Over Here orig.wav


It also appears in the video of “Crooks” crawling on the roof that he is wearing long pants and in the pictures of the deceased “Crooks” he appears to be wearing shorts. We can see all of his socks and a wound in one of his knees.