LIVE: Trump Assassination Attempt... What happened, What's Next?

Because Crooks was dead. The aim of the second shooter was not to die in a blaze of bullets. His aim was to shoot Trump and get away. Once Crooks was dead, the police would go searching for a second shooter if the bullets continued. Not firing more allowed him to get away.

The goal of having Crooks there was for him to be a distraction for police that would end up dead.


That’s certainly a possibility although their bodies would probably be floating in a river by now as @cmartenson said. Also, the Secret Service seems to have been very confident that there was only one shooter to let Trump harangue the crowd before being directed to the car. Probably more gross negligence that went on.

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Updated analysis at the hypothesis that the assassination attempt was staged: LogicallyMinded: Updated analysis on the Trump assassination being staged: I...

Here’s a short video of Nancy Mace questioning Cheatle. It’s worth a listen.


Good visual references in this video…

Rep. Eli Crane


I’m on the roof of the building in Butler, PA where shots were fired in an attempt to assassinate President Trump. As a former Navy SEAL sniper, it was clear to me that many security measures were dropped making Pres. Trump extremely vulnerable. Many questions still remain.


FBI Director testified that Trump may not have been hit by a bullet but a shrapnel. How is it possible that we wouldn’t know for sure by now? Limited hangout? Maybe he doesn’t want to be prosecuted for lying? Until, we see a thorough rebuttal of the staged assassination hypothesis, we can’t exclude it.

Here is the video:

Two interpretations:

The FBI participated in killing Trump: Wray would be lying in front of the Commission to lessen the image of Trump as a victim.

The FBI participated in staging the assassination: Wray would avoid lying (without revealing the truth) in front of the Commission to prevent him from being prosecuted.

What’s the most likely?

Another reason as to why the FBI doesn’t want to state that Trump’s ear got grazed by a bullet may be because the Doug Mills’ photo seems to show that the trajectory of the bullet wasn’t within Trump’s ear (especially the top part where a bullet allegedly grazed his ear).

The following is likely to be my last update on the hypothesis that the assassination attempt was staged. At this point, I have a high degree of confidence that this event was staged and I have been disappointed by how little attention this hypothesis has received by the research community (I attempted to explain why that is the case). If I’m wrong then I would love for the researchers to do a thorough rebuttal but until then, I will stick with the understanding that the assassination was most likely staged. Also, I’ve spent more time on this that I wish I would have spent on it (I’m sure all of researchers are in the same boat), so here is my final take:

I think the deep state was involved in this operation but the case I’ll be making below is that this assassination attempt was likely staged.

Indeed, many of us in the “truther” community came to the conclusion that Trump, to the same extent as Biden, is a deep state asset. If this is true, it would then be difficult to explain why the deep state would want to assassinate their front-running candidate.

You may find ridiculous the idea that Trump is a deep state asset when the narrative that Trump is fighting the deep state is broadly accepted. However, did you know that Trump has numerous deep state ties including with the Rothschild, Epstein and Soros? Also, how to explain the involvement of Trump in the deep state Qanon psyop (through the Qproofs) if Trump is going after the deep state? In 2016, Trump got elected on the promise that he will drain the swamp but instead of draining it, he appointed the swamp to his administration (Barr, Ross, Acosta who were all associates of Epstein). Some Trump’s supporters often give Trump a pass because he was new to the political game. Others allude to Qanon related narratives such as “Trump plays 4D chess with the deep state” to justify Trump’s poor appointee choices. However, those excuses are now moot and still Trump surrounds himself with people whose actions go against what his MAGA base would like to see. For instance, J.D. Vance new Trump’s VP pick is a protégé of Peter Thiel who is advancing the surveillance state agenda which explicitly targets Trump’s supporters. Despite this glaring contradiction, Trump said to be happy with his choice. Still, if you don’t believe that Trump is likely a deep state asset, I recommend you watched these two mirrored videos from Jake Morphonios (most of his research had been taken off the internet):

Also here is an insightful interview from Whitney Webb on the Trump/Vance/Thiel trio:

Most people who have discounted the hypothesis that this attempt was staged did it on the basis of their bias on Trump. They claim that “Trump couldn’t have staged it” (not considering that the deep state would have done it) or that “of course the deep state would want to kill Trump” hence it’s obvious that this was a real assassination attempt. Others have assumed that for the event to be staged, the shooter would have had to aim at Trump’s ear without injuring/killing Trump which is impossible and/or too dangerous. I agree that this would be too dangerous of a stunt to be pulled off but this is only refutting the strawman. Which evidence do we have to support that a bullet actually grazed Trump’s ear? Could this scene be more akin to a magic show in which the perception that Trump was actually shot at was an illusion?

Below are the three elements that lead many to believe that Trump was shot at:

  1. photographs:

From Doug Mills:
Bullet passing by Trump:

Blood on Trump’s right hand after touching his ear:

  1. ballistic sound analysis:

By Chris Martenson:

  1. ballistic trajectory analysis:

By John Cullen:

Are these elements indisputable proofs that a bullet grazed Trump’s ear or that Trump was shot at? I would say no and here is why.

First regarding the photographs, it’s important to note that these photos were taken by Doug Mills who is a renowned photographer but also part of the “mockingbird media sphere”. Interesting fact, did you know that he’s the photographer who took the photo of Bush in a classroom when being notified of the 9/11 attacks? (source: / During Sarasota visit, President George W. Bush learned of 9/11 attack ). Doug Mills has covered many Presidents so it’s not necessarily improbable that he was with Bush on 9/11, however what are the chances that he would be covering a small Trump’s rally? Has Doug Mills covered other Trump’s rallies? If not, he’s for sure very lucky to have been attending this one.

Also, I’m not an expert in photo forensic but until we have the confirmation from multiple independent experts that these photos haven’t been tampered with, I wouldn’t consider these photographic evidences as indisputable. It’s even possible that these photos could have been edited in way that is undetectable especially as image tampering tech is getting more sophisticated with for instance the use of neural network-based methods. If the deep state has this capability, you can be sure that they would make use of it. What if the bullet and blood would have been added to the originals? I’ve looked at the video of the shooting and while the resolution is not very good, I couldn’t see any trace of blood on Trump’s right hand. This element is certainly worth investigating further.

Screenshots from the video showing no apparent trace of blood:

Also, the bullet that can be seen in the photo is the one from the first shot (before Trump reached for his right ear) which allegedly grazed Trump’s right ear. If you draw the direction of the bullet (red line) and assuming that the bullet passed closed enough to Trump’s right side to grazed part of his face, it doesn’t appear that the bullet would have grazed Trump’s ear. At best, it would have touched the bottom of his ear whereas the photo of his allege injury indicates that the impact would have located in his upper ear. This observation could actually be the smoking gun validating the hypothesis of the staged assassination. Indeed, if the picture of the first bullet couldn’t have grazed Trump’s ear then only two scenarios are possible:

  1. The picture is real but Trump simulated his injury
  2. The picture has been tampered with and we have evidence that a key element of the official narrative was faked which would make highly credible the idea that many other elements could have been faked.

Either scenario would confirm that the assassination attempt was staged.

Could this be the reason (besides getting caught lying under oath) why Christopher Wray, FBI Director, would refuse to recognize that Trump got grazed by a bullet and instead a shrapnel could have caused his injury? (source: Maybe they are aware that this photo hasn’t been perfectly edited or maybe this photo wasn’t perfectly edited on purpose so that the narrative could be shift in the scenario in which the idea that this event was staged would become broadly accepted.

Trump bloodied ear

Second regarding the ballistic sound analysis, the audio provided by Trump’s microphone provides evidence that most of the shots passed near Trump’s microphone as we can hear the supersonic shockwave left by the bullets passing in proximity of the microphone (that precede the sound signature of the reports). However, in the hypothesis in which no bullet were aimed at Trump, could it be possible for the supersonic shockwave to have been faked as if they would have been picked up by Trump’s microphone? Based on a cursory research that I have made, it seems possible to fake the signature of a supersonic shockwave to a microphone either by using electronic components small enough to be dissimulated or by tinkering with a limiter and gate of the microphone. The latter could potentially explain why Trump’s microphone appears to have a limiter and gate signature (source: Maybe there could be other explanations for it and my goal isn’t to provide a definitve technical explanation but my point being that it appears possible that this auditory evidence could have been faked.

Third, regarding the ballistic trajectory, we don’t have any evidence (besides the photo and supersonic shockwaves discussed earlier) of any bullet having passed by Trump. The fact Corey Comperatore and other rallygoers who were shot at were in the line of sight of Crooks aiming at Trump doesn’t prove that any bullet were actually shot in this direction. For this we would need, to know where did the bullets land and which gun there were shot from. Unfortunately, the FBI hasn’t provided any of these details. Or we would need video evidence proving that a bullet has taken this direction, which we don’t have either. The only video evidence showing a clear trajectory was analyzed by John Cullen and it shows that the first shot wasn’t fired from Crooks’ position and wasn’t aimed at Trump. Here again, a “line of casualties” coherent with the hypothesis that Crooks was the one taking the shots at Trump could have been faked by other shooters aiming at targets (i.e. Corey Comperatore) who were in Crooks’ line of sight.

In conclusion, at this time we don’t have any evidence allowing us to indisputably conclude that any shot was aimed at Trump. Ballistic forensics don’t definitively prove that any shot was aimed at Trump. The photo of the bullet showing a trajectory that is inconsistent with the official narrative even seems to indicate that the event was staged

If the scenario of an assassination attempt can’t be confirmed yet, what evidences do we have to support the scenario of a staged assassination? First, we should remind ourselves that the deep state had executed several more complex false flag operations before. So saying “it couldn’t have been done” is ignoring a core expertise of the deep state. Here are some elements that weights towards a staged assassination attempt:

  • The presence of the “mockingbird” photograph Doug Mills needs further investigation. How many Trump’s rallies was Doug Mills present at? Why would he have chosen this one which was a small rally? His photo showing the trajectory of the first bullet is inconsistent with the official narrative as it appears that this bullet couldn’t have passed by Trump’s upper ear. Was the photo tampered with or did Trump fake his injury? In both cases, this would confirm the hypothesis of the a staged assassination, unless the official narrative shift to the shrapnel being the caused of the injury. Injury for which we still don’t have any official medical reports from Trump’s medical team.
  • Why the mockingbird media coverage was higher for this rally than other Trump’s rallies? Many more media were livestreaming this rally. Did they know that something were about to happen? Although this doesn’t necessarily mean that the assassination attempt was staged, if the main goal of the deep state was just to assassinate Trump, then, it may not be necessary for them to reach the largest audience possible. It seems that having as many people as possible seeing what was about to take place that day was an important objective of this psyop.
  • Despite the presence of multiple shooters (some with military equipment) and having only one (maybe two) shooter being neutralized, they failed their alleged assassination mission. All shooters missed their target. At this point, it would seem that the deep state in charge of eliminating Trump would have been even sloppier than the allege sloppiness of the Secret Service. What if the mission of the deep state was to stage an assassination attempt? Could this apparent slopiness hides a flawlessly executed psyop operation?
  • We have evidence that one shooter directly aimed at the crowd. Based on the video analysis from John Cullen, the first shot wasn’t aimed at Trump. It was aimed at the crowd present in the right bleacher. Cullen makes the hypothesis that this shot was aimed at the first SS sniper team (and missed) but I would make the case that this trajectory (if confirmed) was probably to argue plausible deniability (that the shooter’s target wasn’t the crowd but the SS sniper) in the event in which video evidence of this shot trajectory were to be surfaced by the public (which ended up happening). It’s true that the sniper moved at the moment of the shot but here again, maybe this move was coordinated between the SS sniper and the shooter both particpating in the same deep state operation. Also, Cullen hypothesis would fail to explain why would the shooters only target one SS sniper unit when at least two where present (and they are both composed of two snipers). It would have seemed more effective for all shooters to be aiming at Trump.
  • The timing of the shooting is interesting. The shooting happened as Trump was commenting a chart (it would be interesting to know how often Trump has commented a chart before in his rallies). As a magician on stage, Trump could have been using the power of attention and misdirection to successfully divert the attention of the crowd off of him. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that Trump said “take a look” five times (and pointed at the chart) to direct the attention of the public to the chart just before the shots started. Maybe this explains why we still don’t have any footage from crowd that was behind Trump. Maybe all eyes were focused on the chart. That’s too bad because it may have help us settling the question as to whether or not a bullet grazed Trump’s ear.
  • Trump has remained fairly silent regarding the investigation of the shooting. Wouldn’t he want to know who attempted to kill him? Maybe Trump simply believes the scenario of the lone wold attack in which case, he would admit that he doesn’t believe the deep state is after him. In the meantime, the Secret Service and FBI are dodging most important questions and refuse to provide critical details which by then, should have been known to them. The avoidance behavior of both alleged enemy parties (Trump and the deep state) could be perceived as a form of collusion in which none wants the truth to emerge. Could it be because it was a staged assassination?
  • Trump has already participated in a deep state psyop in the past. Trump was an active participant in the Qanon operation. Indeed, initially the Qanon narrative gained a lot of credibility through the Qproofs (source: Q proofs) which were proofs that Trump and Q were coordinating through “cryptic messages”. Although some people still believe the Qanon narrative while other think that it was a joke, many came to the conclusion that Qanon was a deep state psyop aiming to misdirect and discredit the pedogate/pizzagate research which originated from some Wikileaks documents. The operation had been quite successful as most people now believe that the pizzagate narrative originated from Qanon whereas the primary materials actually came from Wikileaks (Podesta and DNC emails). So admitting that Qanon is a deep state psyop and Trump was actively participating in it. How can you make sense of the narrative that Trump hasn’t been working hand and hand with the deep state? So far, no one had been able to resolve this contradiction other than by dismissing Qanon as being “fake” (which is absurd for anyone who has followed this operation). Most likely, Trump is a deep state asset and I would argue that the belief that the deep state is after Trump is the primary mental blocker preventing many people to entertain the possibility that this assassination attempt could have been staged. By the way, did you know that the “Fight, fight, fight” statement made by Trump right after his alleged assassination attempt is a famous Qanon reference? Here is the proof:!%20FIGHT!%20FIGHT!
    Do you believe that Qanon is a legit anti deep state operation or a controlled opposition operation by the deep state? That should give you a clue as to whether this alleged assassination attempt was staged or not. It’s unclear why Trump would be making a reference to Qanon although one hypothesis is that this auditory message would have the effect to mobilize past Qanon followers through a phenomenon called subliminal auditory priming.
  • In the end, this alleged assassination strongly solidify the posture of Trump as a national Hero, the man to be killed, the ultimate enemy of the deep state saved by the grace of God. The sequence of events aligns perfectly to benefit the Trump camp (right before the RNC). Overall, it almost seems too perfect for Trump (and maybe a bit scripted).
  • The recount of the shooting by Trump (during the RNC) is not authentic and seems scripted. He often talks from a perspective which wasn’t his. For instance, he says that while he was still on the ground, the crowd was pointing at the shooter and people could see all the blood. The possibility that Trump is mostly playing a role character according to a script is to put in contrast with the idea that he would be a strong leader in control of the situation (source:
  • There are numerous past evidences that Trump is owned by some elements of the deep state hence, why would they want to kill him unless the deep state is divided in multiple factions of divergent interests.

What would be the motives for a staged assassination attempt? Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Counter the rise of RFK (non-controlled opposition) currently polling at 19%. Trump has recently been mirrorring several of RFK’s talking points including on crypto, health and now unity.
  • Discredit the narrative that Trump is a deep state asset or at least that Trump can’t be trusted. Trump has lost a lot of support among his supporters (especially within the evengelical segment) since his mismanagement of the plandemic and stance on Covid vaccines.
  • Prop up Trump as a national Hero and broadening his support (especially among libetarians and independents) in preparation of a potential involvement in WW3 (or other major crisis that will require the mobilization and support of the whole population)

So far, I’m not aware of any researcher who have refuted even a small fraction of these arguments. A lot of the research community working on this event had been supportive of Trump in the past and I suspect this bias may affect their willingness to even consider that this assassination could have been staged as it would force them to reassess their view on the role played by Trump. I would love to see someone taking a stab at refuting the staged assassination hypothesis, until then, I’m afraid that the research community will continue to be misdirected by analyzing a growing number of materials and seeking to gain a better understanding of an incorrect hypothesis which is that the deep state attempted to assassinate Trump.

Finally, I see a lot of right leaning influencers making fun of the possibility that this assassination could have been staged without seriously considering this hypothesis or by refuting the strawman that no shooter could have been skilled enough to aim at Trump’s ear. This is sad to see and when the mainstream narrative turns in favor of our in-group we tend to forget that social engineering conducted by the deep state is made of several layers of deception. As a rule of thumb, if you only perceive the manipulation aimed at 50% of the population then you’re probably getting it wrong. The goal of social engineering programs is to control the perception of the large majority of the population not just 30%-50%. If you don’t see how the perception of the other 50% may be controlled, think of the use of reverse psychology as another layer of deception.


Just WOW…Seriously

Let’s begin with this steelman argument, which comes across as Sophomoric in regards to Trump faking his own assassination.

Right off the bat, the author pulls the victim card, because he is “so disappointed by how little attention” his “work” has received. Let me help you here, because your hypothesis lacks merit.

Besides, Trump is the real victim here, but those of your ilk are quick to blame Trump.
Newsflash: daily mockingbird media trope.

Next you jump to “my understanding most likely staged.” Again, just wow. Life is often based on one’s decisions and commitment. “Most likely” isn’t it.

So let me help you again, I know 7/13 was a government sanctioned hit.

Next you begin your string of assumptions. There are way too many, so I will address the first ones. You claim your victim card again by saying “you spent more time than you wish” and then roll into your assumption that “I’m sure that ALL researchers are in the same boat.” So let me help you again, because what you call research boils down to a word salad that you have little investment in. Whereas, those like me give a damn about a President, our President, being targeted for assassination.
Next you try to assert credibility: “Indeed, MANY of us”, which it does not. Besides, MANY is a vague, unqualified term.
Next unfounded assumption that Trump is as much deep state as Biden.
Essentially your whole argument lives or dies on this assumption alone as you quickly transition to “if True.”
I could save us both some time by saying it is blatantly FALSE.
BUT my curiosity wants to see where else this goes.
And of course, you don’t disappoint, because you transition to the most form of propaganda. Take a truth to create a plausible foundation and then wrap it in a lie. Well done. But of course, you still hedge to make weaker for your buddies on the Left with Trump is fighting the deep state is broadly accepted. No it is just a fact and again, i could end here because your whole argument is based upon Trump being deep state, which you just admitted is not widely accepted.
But you humor me, so lets see where this goes and of course here comes the first lie. That Trump is connected to Epstein, Sorosi, etc, which is your assertion that Trump is actually deep state. Unfortunately, you lack insight or at worst blatantly dishonest. The Truth is that Trump did invite Epstein at times to his parties, but once he learned that Epstein was involved with underage girls, Trump banned him forever from his social circle. Details matter.
And of course you then mention Qanon, the legendary Bogey man of the Far Left. And an instant Red flag from Conservatives like myself on your indoctrinated bias. Good luck going to a Trump rally and finding Qanon. And if you really want to embarrass yourself, by all means ask around.
Next you move to some of Trump’s appointments like Bill Barr. Typical. After Chris Wray, who he appointed due to Chris Christy, Bill Barr was his biggest disappointment. Trump values loyalty like many of us do and Chris Christy was the first politician in DC that he connected with. All 3 huge disappointments to Trump, but yet again you base your false premise that makes Trump deep state. Sophomoric.
Next you jump to JD Vance, Peter Thiel, Redacted, Whitney Webb and then if you dig deeper you find Elon Musk, America PAC and Palantir.
And I find it funny that you are tired of doing research for your steelman argument, so I will help you out again.
If you actually read the comments under the YouTube link you sent me, all the ones at the Top essentially spelled it out and again disproving your hypothesis by saying that Trump’s assassination attempt was a government hit.
And yet you ramble on that no one is disproving your ill conceived hypothesis.
So I will end with the David Mills photographs and your next series of assumptions.
First, the photograph sequence is disingenuous, because Trump was actually moving his hand upwards, but you sequenced in reverse. Second, the snapshot is disingenuous due to its lack of clarity and the chosen pic essentially whites out Trump’s hand. So dishonest of you to present as “evidence.”
If you really want to research, try and identify the woman in white behind Trump that is shamelessly recording Trump after he is shot. Do you have any idea how much those sick…on the Left that wanted Trump dead would give for a close up recording of Trump covered in blood?
But my point being is that she was in on it. Soon after she was identified as an assistant Director of the FBI. I was like no way the FBI could be this careless. But I started digging and found one of her official photos very interesting. She is wearing a very fine gold chain with a gold heart on it that barely hangs below her neck. I cant tell you how many videos I searched of the assassination attempt to get a high enough resolution of the pendant that the suspicious “FBI” woman was wearing at the rally. Because then I had her due simply what are the odds that she would be wearing the exact heart shape gold pendent on a fine gold chain. I have tons of screenshots that my friends say is a match, but I wish I could find a high definition video of the rally to confirm.
Bottomline after I captured literally hundreds of screenshots from the Butler rally, I noticed a lot gave the effect of whitening out many parts of the image.
But here again comes your assumptions (evidence) that Trump had no blood on his hand or possibly photo shoped.
Then you try to draw a line on not a bullet, but a Vapor Trail to suggest where Trump was hit. Taking a 2 dimensional image and then making 3 dimensional assumptions. Again Sophomoric.
And I will close with you citing Chris Wray, who like Joe Biden and Mayorkas are pathological Liars. You would get better truth and insight from a Chinese fortune cookie.


I’ll respond to the few arguments you actually attempted to refute.

Truth is that Trump did invite Epstein at times to his parties, but once he learned that Epstein was involved with underage girls, Trump banned him forever from his social circle. Details matter.

Yes, details matter such as the lawsuit filed by Katie Johnson against Trump and Epstein for sodomizing her when she was 13 along with another teenager 12 of age (source: Bitchute). There many other elements proving much deeper connections between Trump and Esptein/Maxwell in the videos I shared in my analysis that those reported by Trump himself.

First, the photograph sequence is disingenuous, because Trump was actually moving his hand upwards, but you sequenced in reverse. Second, the snapshot is disingenuous due to its lack of clarity and the chosen pic essentially whites out Trump’s hand. So dishonest of you to present as “evidence.”

I’m not sure I understand the point you’re trying to make here. The first photo from Doug Mills is the one of the first shot as Trump lift his hand to his ear (no trace of blood expected), the second photo from Doug Mills that I shared (which is actually the third photo of a series of three taken by Doug Mills) is after Trump allegedly got grazed by the bullet and after he had reached for his ear. In this photo, you can see some blood on his hand. The two screenshots taken from the video are right after Trump had reached for his right ear. I don’t see any trace of blood but as I said, the quality isn’t very good and this needs further investigation. I’ve never said these snapshots were representing any kind of strong evidences (due to the poor quality). That is the reason I didn’t mention this point in the list of elements supporting the staged assassination.

Then you try to draw a line on not a bullet, but a Vapor Trail

The official story says this is the bullet not a “vapor trail”: Can Doug Mills’ photo of a bullet and President Trump be real? Yes. Here's how... | Digital Camera World

Also you characterize me as being on the left. Full disclosure, I neither consider myself on the left or on the right. I’m a liberty-minded individual and I could either support folks on the right or the left depending on the context. In these past years, I’ve been more supportive of politicians on the right because of most of the left being brainwashed by the covid narrative. I’ve even been supportive of Trump in the past but when faced with the evidence that he’s not the one I thought he was, I just can’t trust him anymore and yes, I would admit that I’ve been fooled by the deep state propaganda in the past (but I think most people had been to some degree, especially those who haven’t realized they had).

Seriously, Bitchute is your reliable source. Never heard of them nor care. Lawsuits mean little and a dime a dozen, besides the statue of limitations wohld be long, since expired. Plus the mockingbird media is not all over this? Where is Reid Hoffman?
Trump has never been implicated with kids. EVER. Think you are confused with Joe Biden. Trump spent most of his life as a Playboy and why he told Oprah, he likely couldn’t run for President, because the media would be incredibly biased like you. You accuse Trump of staging his own assassination, but you have devolved into a pathetic smear about a sexual assault on a minor.

I will finish addressing your response, but we are done. You are not logical or believable.

You think this ridiculous smear about Trump and Epstein makes him deep state, you are beyond NUTS. That is a serious UNFOUNDED CRIME.
And again not like you care or are even listening, I heard from several sources that when Trump learned of Epstein and underaged girls, he was done. Epstein was actually on his premises and he had him removed. Or maybe you are confused with all the times the Clintons and associates were on the Lolita Express.
And I’m not going to waste much more of my time on this, because your arguments are illogical and frankly gibberish. Like tying Doug Mills to the mockingbird media as part of your hypothesis against Trump.
Newsflash: State run media pays better than most and uses lots of photogs.
And I am not going to repeat myself, because you are dead Wrong on almost everything I have read from you. Congressman Ronnie Jackson said that Trump was shot BY A BULLET. Even the LIARS at the FBI have retracted their BS statement and officially announced that Trump was shot by a bullet in the EAR.
Official story my A$$ like Joe Biden getting 81 Million LEGAL VOTES, the Spotters for Snipers often use the vapor trail to put bullets on targets for their snipers. The photograph catches a Vapor Trail and yes I have heard several snipers on Cable and in videos educating those like you that the photo doesn’t capture a bullet. I could explain to you in further detail on vapor trails, how they are formed, and when you would likely see, but at this point I am done…your TDS and bias is blinding.

And I careless how you see yourself. I look closely at someone’s actions and intentions far more than just ones words.

Can’t trust Trump. WOW. He is the Greatest American President in my Lifetime and my parents say the same for him. I cared less about politics most of my Life, because the Middle Working class and Military were largely ignored. I spent a significant part of my Life in the Military though and I quickly noticed every Republican President built up the Military and every Democrat took from it for their pet social projects and special interest donors.

No politician has ever come close to keeping their campaign promises yet Trump did and even more though having to deal with Rhinos, Demonrats and Deep State activists. He even accomplished more than he promised.

So tell me what Promises that President Trump broke? Seriously…

And do YOU ever listen to yourself, seriously? I imagine NOT or tell me the last time a Demonrat has prosecuted ANYONE IN THE FBI? YOU think Chris Wray worries about LYING TO CONGRESS UNDER OATH?

You have quickly devolved into delusional. MY final bye to you, because I am running out of nice things to say.



Plus the mockingbird media is not all over this?

Right, this is strange isn’t it? Why would the mockingbird media which goes hard on Trump 24/7 failed to mention this accusation? Maybe it would shatter the image of Trump as a victim of the deep state.

They didn’t retract under oath. Lying in the media doesn’t get you prosecuted.

Lol, maybe not so much. Director Wray says, could be a bullet, could be shrapnel. Could it be so he doesn’t get caught in a lie? Must be careful when we are under oath. Curiously, he also talks of “cartridges” found on the roof not cases or casing. You would think someone in that position would know the difference.


If you’ve been supportive of Trump it may be hard to realize that it was a staged assassination. It certainly requires to reassess part of your worldview but take this as an opportunity to purge from your news feed journalists and commentators who are going along with the failed Trump assassination narrative. At best they have poor judgement, at worst they are controlled opposition.

Nope. Lying is a prerequisite in this Administration, so that isn’t a concern to Wray, it is just more of a game.
Two things of Note the more that is spread in the public less time is actually devoted/focused on what really matters. Kind of a shotgun approach. Lots of pellets but just very little metal.

Some of the disinformation that is being spread on this case that has no real relevance.

He is a Republican. Poor joke.
He has no social media, of course not scrubbed.
He bought 50 rounds of ammo. Pitiful. He wouldn’t even shoot a mag.
He is a loner and bullied, questionable, but used to fit a mass shooter profile.
He bought a ladder. Receipts in pockets.
He has explosives with remote detonator.
He has a rangefinder. A drone that he may have livestreamed A bike. A car. 3 Mags.
He searched JFK assassination.
He had images of others on his phone (like Las Vegas), so clearly he was an equal opportunity shooter.

And I could go on, but how much air time did those topics/items consume during talks. Almost 100 percent and none have actually much relevance at all in conducting the operation.

No the part about Wray like most these psychopaths have little compassion or empathy, but believe they are the smartest person in the room. Wray knows he has cover, if he lies, but he would rather wordsmith you to death.

Take his comment about recovering 8 cartridges. The actual question was how many shots did Crooks take. His reply like the rest of the above useless information just fills space.

But he knows that he didn’t lie though he also didn’t answer the question. Crooks magazine alone had over 8 cartridges.

So he avoided answering the question directly, which would have required a lie. Instead, his response wasn’t technically a lie, but more useless information.

Again game to Wray.Thats why he tried to ham it up as much as possible especially when he was able to incorporate the phrase that he wanted to be as transparent as possible. All filler with no substance.


I don’t know if this is the right thread to put a new development, but this is new from ZeroHedge, We’re two weeks out now and for some reason TPTB have allowed this to be published.
Hmmm. Curious.

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Have you seen this video? I don’t agree with the narrator, but you can see the snipers shooting:

I’ve seen this video before, and quite honestly I don’t think the narrator has a clue. To my eye, that sniper is reacting to the thought that he is under fire from incoming rounds. If he were the originator of the shots heard in the video, as a professional there should be little to no movement of the rifle after the shot. To be an accurate and effective marksman, you must have precise trigger control and follow through. The amount of muzzle movement apparent in the video supplied Implies to me that the sniper in question either thought he was under fire or was a completely incompetent shooter. If in fact it was he who took the shots heard on the video whatever was on the other end had little to fear.

The spacing of the shots raises a question as well. I’m pretty sure the rifle the the sniper in question is positioned behind is a bolt action. It would be extremely difficult to cycle the bolt, acquire the target, and squeeze the trigger in the time between shots heard, from a stable, stationary platform. IMHO impossible, given the amount of movement shown in the video.

Just observations for a layman who’s had a fair amount of trigger time, but by no means a professional.

Someone should run this supposed Crooks video through a deep fake detector.