Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

Open window on second floor.

https:// :grinning:

Watch the entire video, why were all of those SS Officers inside the building. They apparently were getting busy inside the building doing something? Cleaning up?

Also, the SSsniper on second roof was using a SR25 308 suppressed, you will only here one sound.

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Was there a sniper on the water tower?
Also, does anybody know Trump’s exact coordinates on google maps? (podium)

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Here I highlight the odd location relative to Crooks’ body of the five shell casings - above him despite the roof’s slope - identified by Beaver County ESU/SWAT, in video 2 released by Senator Chuck Grassley. The ESU man points to and counts them as “2,3,4,5” with double fingers formed to indicate the first two adjacent ones. They are highlighted in yellow, with the fifth also in blue; if you follow the downward roof lip from this fifth casing down to where the ESU’s camo appears on the image, you can see Crooks’ hair. This is how far that shell casing is from Crooks!

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you’ve banged that drum enough. How about you bring some data to support your theory? Anything at all…a recording of Trump indicating as much…something. Anything.

Otherwise, it’s not additive at this point. You’ve made your data-free assertion about this angle enough that it’s known. Repeating it with more helpings of zero data doesn’t progress anything for anyone else.


That’s reasonable.

But this window lines up:

And so do these vents. I have no idea if these vents are accessible or in some unworkable small crawl space, but there they are:

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You know, for a guy who has supposedly just had his head intercept a .300 WinMag round, those calves look mighty clean…


Awesome and relevant info. Thank you.


There is a video on this page 3rd video down (awkward to scroll this page on mobile)
There is also this showing the first injured at the same time of Trump’s from the further right of the rally. Maybe someone had put 1 or 2 of these up somewhere here but I hadn’t seen them:

My thinking is - can the height feasibility for Crooks be checked re. Trump and the other 1st injured? NB the ground may be contoured. If this doesn’t correlate, there seems to be windows under this roof from where there could be another shooter. Or could the other level 2 AGR be a distraction and the Homeland Security or whoever were up to something under the roof Crooks was on? … The angle of Trump’s head turn could well be a problem for the level 2 window and the idea of some sort of complicity with the ESU seems to me difficult.

Fascinating. The ‘boom’ from 7 doesn’t land at the same time length as the others…any thoughts? Alos what do you suppose those three things are out to the right? I remain stumped.

This isn’t even remotely how I’ve got the data understood. The booms all come from near the AGR building. An appropriate amount of time alter, the snaps and booms are recorded on multiple devices down Trump’s way.

Also I don’t see anything close to counter snipers guns jumping three times…


I think we may just have uncovered a piece of evidence yesterday in this forum supporting the hypothesis that the assassination attempt was staged. I updated my analysis on why this hypothesis is actually likely but to zoom in on the critical photo evidence, it appears that the bullet that can be seen in Doug Mills’ photo which is the one from the first shot (before Trump reached for his right ear) doesn’t appear to have grazed Trump’s ear. At best, it would have touched the bottom of his ear whereas the photo of his allege injury indicates that the impact would have been located in his upper ear.

I see two possible scenarios:

  1. The picture is real but Trump simulated his injury
  2. The picture has been tampered with and we have evidence that a key element of the official narrative was faked which would make highly credible the idea that many other elements could have been faked.

Either scenario would confirm that the assassination attempt was staged.

I’d like to see a rebuttal as to how the bullet seen in this picture could have grazed Trump’s ear.

It has nothing to do with my assessment of Trump’s deep state status. It’s based on my knowledge of guns and shooting and the fact that if Trump hadn’t turned his head he’d be dead.

That’s not the sort of risk someone takes in July for a quick boost at the polls in November.

Anybody who knows guns at all knows exactly what I’m talking about.


the huge problem with this hypothesis, Trump is hated by the MSM. Trump is hated by the left. Trump is apparently hated by deep state. There is ZERO chance they would let this go if this hypothesis is a possibility.


Mr Cullen seems unable to let this go.

The man supposedly shot wasn’t and the woman didn’t even have a purse. Cullen watched a super grainy video. It’s her shirt sleeve and it jerks when she retract s her arm in surprise or shock at the sound of a round snapping close by.

The ‘audience reaction analysis’ is not science. It’s a subjective method.


If I recall, one issue many who imagined conspiracy about the news being present was an interesting question. I did see some commentators mention that it was supposed that Trump might have announced his VP pick at this event so that was the likely reason they showed.

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She’s screaming “ROSS!” “ROSS GET OVER HERE!!”


Mike watched my video on the Trump mic artifacts, and he agrees fully with the analysis I came away with…

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Fair enough, I shouldn’t have made this assumption about the reason why you rejected the staged attempt hypothesis but I still would love for someone like you to do a thorough rebuttal of the steelman arguments. I’ve only heard people discounting it by referring to the strawman argument (it would have been too dangerous for Trump to have someone shot at his ear).

Hey Chris,
I think what you are seeing is an echo from a previous shot occupying the upper midrange just prior to the “boom” of shot 7; that boom can be seen at the bottom of the frequency range between 150hz to about 2khz (the frequency range is in tiny font off to the right).
The three marks to the far right are the sniper shot (#9) followed by two echoes of that shot from nearby reflecting surfaces.

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Would you expect the mockingbird media to praise the controlled opposition character?